- 浏览: 15670 次
- 性别:
- 来自: 上海
public class Encoding {
// Supported Encoding Types
public static int GB2312 = 0;
public static int GBK = 1;
public static int HZ = 2;
public static int BIG5 = 3;
public static int CNS11643 = 4;
public static int UTF8 = 5;
public static int UNICODE = 6;
public static int UNICODET = 7;
public static int UNICODES = 8;
public static int ISO2022CN = 9;
public static int ISO2022CN_CNS = 10;
public static int ISO2022CN_GB = 11;
public static int ASCII = 12;
public static int OTHER = 13;
public static int TOTALTYPES = 14;
// Names of the encodings as understood by Java
public static String[] javaname;
// Names of the encodings for human viewing
public static String[] nicename;
// Names of charsets as used in charset parameter of HTML Meta tag
public static String[] htmlname;
static {
javaname = new String[TOTALTYPES];
nicename = new String[TOTALTYPES];
htmlname = new String[TOTALTYPES];
// Assign encoding names
javaname[GB2312] = "GB2312";
javaname[HZ] = "ASCII"; // What to put here? Sun doesn't support HZ
javaname[GBK] = "GBK";
javaname[ISO2022CN_GB] = "ISO2022CN_GB";
javaname[BIG5] = "BIG5";
javaname[CNS11643] = "EUC-TW";
javaname[ISO2022CN_CNS] = "ISO2022CN_CNS";
javaname[ISO2022CN] = "ISO2022CN";
javaname[UTF8] = "UTF8";
javaname[UNICODE] = "Unicode";
javaname[UNICODET] = "Unicode";
javaname[UNICODES] = "Unicode";
javaname[ASCII] = "ASCII";
javaname[OTHER] = "ISO8859_1";
// Assign encoding names
htmlname[GB2312] = "GB2312";
htmlname[HZ] = "HZ-GB-2312";
htmlname[GBK] = "GB2312";
htmlname[ISO2022CN_GB] = "ISO-2022-CN-EXT";
htmlname[BIG5] = "BIG5";
htmlname[CNS11643] = "EUC-TW";
htmlname[ISO2022CN_CNS] = "ISO-2022-CN-EXT";
htmlname[ISO2022CN] = "ISO-2022-CN";
htmlname[UTF8] = "UTF-8";
htmlname[UNICODE] = "UTF-16";
htmlname[UNICODET] = "UTF-16";
htmlname[UNICODES] = "UTF-16";
htmlname[ASCII] = "ASCII";
htmlname[OTHER] = "ISO8859-1";
// Assign Human readable names
nicename[GB2312] = "GB-2312";
nicename[HZ] = "HZ";
nicename[GBK] = "GBK";
nicename[ISO2022CN_GB] = "ISO2022CN-GB";
nicename[BIG5] = "Big5";
nicename[CNS11643] = "CNS11643";
nicename[ISO2022CN_CNS] = "ISO2022CN-CNS";
nicename[ISO2022CN] = "ISO2022 CN";
nicename[UTF8] = "UTF-8";
nicename[UNICODE] = "Unicode";
nicename[UNICODET] = "Unicode (Trad)";
nicename[UNICODES] = "Unicode (Simp)";
nicename[ASCII] = "ASCII";
nicename[OTHER] = "OTHER";
public class EncodingTranslate extends Encoding {
// Simplfied/Traditional character equivalence hashes
static protected Hashtable<String, String> s2thash, t2shash;
static {
String dataline;
// Initialize and load in the simplified/traditional character hashses
s2thash = new Hashtable<String, String>();
t2shash = new Hashtable<String, String>();
try {
InputStream pydata = EncodingTranslate.class
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(
pydata, "UTF8"));
while ((dataline = in.readLine()) != null) {
// Skip empty and commented lines
if (dataline.length() == 0 || dataline.charAt(0) == '#') {
// Simplified to Traditional, (one to many, but pick only one)
s2thash.put(dataline.substring(0, 1).intern(), dataline
.substring(1, 2));
// Traditional to Simplified, (many to one)
for (int i = 1; i < dataline.length(); i++) {
t2shash.put(dataline.substring(i, i + 1).intern(), dataline
.substring(0, 1));
} catch (Exception e) {
public static String convertString(String dataline, int source_encoding,
int target_encoding) {
StringBuffer outline = new StringBuffer();
int lineindex;
if (source_encoding == HZ) {
dataline = hz2gb(dataline);
for (lineindex = 0; lineindex < dataline.length(); lineindex++) {
if ((source_encoding == GB2312 || source_encoding == GBK
|| source_encoding == ISO2022CN_GB || source_encoding == HZ
|| source_encoding == UNICODE
|| source_encoding == UNICODES || source_encoding == UTF8)
&& (target_encoding == BIG5 || target_encoding == CNS11643
|| target_encoding == UNICODET || target_encoding == ISO2022CN_CNS)) {
if (s2thash.containsKey(dataline.substring(lineindex,
lineindex + 1)) == true) {
lineindex + 1).intern()));
} else {
.substring(lineindex, lineindex + 1));
} else if ((source_encoding == BIG5 || source_encoding == CNS11643
|| source_encoding == UNICODET || source_encoding == UTF8
|| source_encoding == ISO2022CN_CNS
|| source_encoding == GBK || source_encoding == UNICODE)
&& (target_encoding == GB2312
|| target_encoding == UNICODES
|| target_encoding == ISO2022CN_GB || target_encoding == HZ)) {
if (t2shash.containsKey(dataline.substring(lineindex,
lineindex + 1)) == true) {
lineindex + 1).intern()));
} else {
.substring(lineindex, lineindex + 1));
} else {
outline.append(dataline.substring(lineindex, lineindex + 1));
if (target_encoding == HZ) {
// Convert to look like HZ
return gb2hz(outline.toString());
return outline.toString();
public static String hz2gb(String hzstring) {
byte[] hzbytes = new byte[2];
byte[] gbchar = new byte[2];
int byteindex = 0;
StringBuffer gbstring = new StringBuffer("");
try {
hzbytes = hzstring.getBytes("8859_1");
} catch (Exception usee) {
System.err.println("Exception " + usee.toString());
return hzstring;
// Convert to look like equivalent Unicode of GB
for (byteindex = 0; byteindex < hzbytes.length; byteindex++) {
if (hzbytes[byteindex] == 0x7e) {
if (hzbytes[byteindex + 1] == 0x7b) {
byteindex += 2;
while (byteindex < hzbytes.length) {
if (hzbytes[byteindex] == 0x7e
&& hzbytes[byteindex + 1] == 0x7d) {
} else if (hzbytes[byteindex] == 0x0a
|| hzbytes[byteindex] == 0x0d) {
gbstring.append((char) hzbytes[byteindex]);
gbchar[0] = (byte) (hzbytes[byteindex] + 0x80);
gbchar[1] = (byte) (hzbytes[byteindex + 1] + 0x80);
try {
gbstring.append(new String(gbchar, "GB2312"));
} catch (Exception usee) {
System.err.println("Exception " + usee.toString());
byteindex += 2;
} else if (hzbytes[byteindex + 1] == 0x7e) { // ~~ becomes ~
} else { // false alarm
gbstring.append((char) hzbytes[byteindex]);
} else {
gbstring.append((char) hzbytes[byteindex]);
return gbstring.toString();
public static String gb2hz(String gbstring) {
StringBuffer hzbuffer;
byte[] gbbytes = new byte[2];
int i;
boolean terminated = false;
hzbuffer = new StringBuffer("");
try {
gbbytes = gbstring.getBytes("GB2312");
} catch (Exception usee) {
return gbstring;
for (i = 0; i < gbbytes.length; i++) {
if (gbbytes[i] < 0) {
terminated = false;
while (i < gbbytes.length) {
if (gbbytes[i] == 0x0a || gbbytes[i] == 0x0d) {
hzbuffer.append("~}" + (char) gbbytes[i]);
terminated = true;
} else if (gbbytes[i] >= 0) {
hzbuffer.append("~}" + (char) gbbytes[i]);
terminated = true;
hzbuffer.append((char) (gbbytes[i] + 256 - 0x80));
hzbuffer.append((char) (gbbytes[i + 1] + 256 - 0x80));
i += 2;
if (terminated == false) {
} else {
if (gbbytes[i] == 0x7e) {
} else {
hzbuffer.append((char) gbbytes[i]);
return new String(hzbuffer);
public static void convertFile(String sourcefile, String outfile,
int source_encoding, int target_encoding) {
BufferedReader srcbuffer;
BufferedWriter outbuffer;
String dataline;
try {
srcbuffer = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(
new FileInputStream(sourcefile), javaname[source_encoding]));
outbuffer = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(
new FileOutputStream(outfile), javaname[target_encoding]));
while ((dataline = srcbuffer.readLine()) != null) {
outbuffer.write(convertString(dataline, source_encoding,
} catch (Exception ex) {
public static void main(String argc[]) {
int codetypes[];
char codetype;
// Determine source and target encodings, store in codetypes
codetypes = new int[2];
argc[0] = argc[0].toLowerCase();
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
codetype = argc[0].charAt(i + 1);
// Print Help
if (codetype == 'h') {
if (codetype == 'g') {
codetypes[i] = GB2312;
} else if (codetype == 'h') {
codetypes[i] = HZ;
} else if (codetype == 'b') {
codetypes[i] = BIG5;
} else if (codetype == 'c') {
codetypes[i] = CNS11643;
} else if (codetype == '8') {
codetypes[i] = UTF8;
} else if (codetype == 'u') {
codetypes[i] = UNICODE;
} else if (codetype == 't') {
codetypes[i] = UNICODET;
} else if (codetype == 's') {
codetypes[i] = UNICODES;
} else if (codetype == 'i') {
codetypes[i] = ISO2022CN;
} else if (codetype == '2') {
codetypes[i] = ISO2022CN_GB;
} else if (codetype == 'n') {
codetypes[i] = ISO2022CN_CNS;
} else if (codetype == 'k') {
codetypes[i] = GBK;
// Call the file convert function with appropriate arguments
EncodingTranslate.convertFile(argc[1], argc[2], codetypes[0], codetypes[1]);
//测试方法 注意附件的文件请放在同一目录下
public static void main(String[] args) {
system.out.println(EncodingTranslate.convertString("测试数据安定发生地发生法撒旦法",Encoding.GBK,Encoding.BIG5)); //转化成繁体中文
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这个压缩包文件“中文繁体简体转换依赖文件”提供了必要的资源和工具,使得开发者能够方便地在繁体中文和简体中文之间进行文本转换。以下是对这个主题的详细讲解: 首先,我们需要理解繁体中文和简体中文的区别。...
这个标题“javascript汉字简体繁体转换”表明我们讨论的主题是利用JavaScript实现中文字符的互换。描述中提到“测试通过”,意味着已经有一个可行的解决方案,而且经过了验证。 在JavaScript中进行简繁体转换,主要...
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