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CREATE OR REPLACE package report as type cursorType is ref cursor; type CommInfo is record( id_ varchar2(60), name_ varchar2(200), comm_category_name_ varchar2(60), city_company_name_ varchar2(200), district_name_ varchar2(100), county_company_name_ varchar2(200), contact_ varchar2(60), mobile_phone_ varchar2(60), person_id_ varchar2(60), bank_num_ varchar2(60) ); type CardType is record( id_ varchar2(60), type_ varchar2(60), card_brand_ varchar2(60), card_brand_name_ varchar2(60) ); type QuantityBean is record( commId number, pkl number := 0, jhl number := 0, jfl number := 0, zsl number := 0 ); function genPiKaDataSet(p_fgs varchar2, p_fwt varchar2, p_comm varchar2, p_date1 varchar2, p_date2 varchar2, p_status varchar2) return varchar2; end;
CREATE OR REPLACE package reportFunc as function getCommSQL(p_fgs varchar2, p_fwt varchar2, p_comm varchar2) return varchar2; function getCardTypeSQL return varchar2; function getQuantityBean(p_comm varchar2, p_type varchar2, p_date1 varchar2, p_date2 varchar2, p_status varchar2) return report.QuantityBean; end;
CREATE OR REPLACE package body report as --生成数据集 function genPiKaDataSet(p_fgs varchar2, p_fwt varchar2, p_comm varchar2, p_date1 varchar2, p_date2 varchar2, p_status varchar2) return varchar2 is c1 cursorType; c2 cursorType; v_CommInfo CommInfo; v_CardType CardType; pkl_ number := 0; -- 值 jhl_ number := 0; jfl_ number := 0; zsl_ number := 0; jhRate number := 0; jfRate number := 0; v_pk_total_ number := 0; -- 值合计 v_jh_total_ number := 0; v_jf_total_ number := 0; v_zs_total_ number := 0; v_jhl_total_ number := 0; v_jfl_total_ number := 0; pk_sum number := 0; -- 值合计的合计 jh_sum number := 0; jf_sum number := 0; zs_sum number := 0; jhl_sum number := 0; jfl_sum number := 0; bean QuantityBean; result varchar2(200); lsh number := 0; createDate date := sysdate; begin delete from R_PIKA_STAT_ where create_date_<createDate-1; commit; select SEQ_LSH.nextval into lsh from dual; --代办点 open c1 for reportFunc.getCommSQL(p_fgs, p_fwt, p_comm); loop v_pk_total_ := 0; v_jh_total_ := 0; v_jf_total_ := 0; v_zs_total_ := 0; v_jhl_total_ := 0; v_jfl_total_ := 0; fetch c1 into v_CommInfo; exit when c1%notfound; --卡类型 open c2 for reportFunc.getCardTypeSQL; loop fetch c2 into v_CardType; exit when c2%notfound; bean := reportFunc.getQuantityBean(v_CommInfo.id_, v_CardType.id_, p_date1, p_date2, p_status); --批卡量 pkl_ := bean.pkl; v_pk_total_ := v_pk_total_ + pkl_; insert into R_PIKA_STAT_(id_,lsh_,comm_id_,comm_name_,category_name_,city_company_name_,district_name_, county_company_name_,contact_,mobile_phone_,person_id_,bank_num_,card_type_id_,type_, card_brand_,card_brand_name_,data_type_,amount_,create_date_) values(SEQ_PIKA_STAT.nextval,lsh,v_CommInfo.id_,v_CommInfo.name_,v_CommInfo.comm_category_name_, v_CommInfo.city_company_name_,v_CommInfo.district_name_,v_CommInfo.county_company_name_,v_CommInfo.contact_, v_CommInfo.mobile_phone_,v_CommInfo.person_id_,v_CommInfo.bank_num_,v_CardType.id_,replace(v_CardType.type_,v_CardType.card_brand_name_,''), v_CardType.card_brand_,v_CardType.card_brand_name_,'1.批卡量(套数)', pkl_, createDate); --激活量 jhl_ := bean.jhl; v_jh_total_ := v_jh_total_ + jhl_; insert into R_PIKA_STAT_(id_,lsh_,comm_id_,comm_name_,category_name_,city_company_name_,district_name_, county_company_name_,contact_,mobile_phone_,person_id_,bank_num_,card_type_id_,type_, card_brand_,card_brand_name_,data_type_,amount_,create_date_) values(SEQ_PIKA_STAT.nextval,lsh,v_CommInfo.id_,v_CommInfo.name_,v_CommInfo.comm_category_name_, v_CommInfo.city_company_name_,v_CommInfo.district_name_,v_CommInfo.county_company_name_,v_CommInfo.contact_, v_CommInfo.mobile_phone_,v_CommInfo.person_id_,v_CommInfo.bank_num_,v_CardType.id_,replace(v_CardType.type_,v_CardType.card_brand_name_,''), v_CardType.card_brand_,v_CardType.card_brand_name_,'2.激活量(套数)', jhl_, createDate); --成功积分登记量 jfl_ := bean.jfl; v_jf_total_ := v_jf_total_ + jfl_; insert into R_PIKA_STAT_(id_,lsh_,comm_id_,comm_name_,category_name_,city_company_name_,district_name_, county_company_name_,contact_,mobile_phone_,person_id_,bank_num_,card_type_id_,type_, card_brand_,card_brand_name_,data_type_,amount_,create_date_) values(SEQ_PIKA_STAT.nextval,lsh,v_CommInfo.id_,v_CommInfo.name_,v_CommInfo.comm_category_name_, v_CommInfo.city_company_name_,v_CommInfo.district_name_,v_CommInfo.county_company_name_,v_CommInfo.contact_, v_CommInfo.mobile_phone_,v_CommInfo.person_id_,v_CommInfo.bank_num_,v_CardType.id_,replace(v_CardType.type_,v_CardType.card_brand_name_,''), v_CardType.card_brand_,v_CardType.card_brand_name_,'3.成功积分登记量(套数)', jfl_, createDate); --激活率 jhRate := 0; if pkl_ > 0 then jhRate := (1.0 * jhl_) / pkl_; else if jhl_ > 0 then jhRate := 1.0; end if; end if; insert into R_PIKA_STAT_(id_,lsh_,comm_id_,comm_name_,category_name_,city_company_name_,district_name_, county_company_name_,contact_,mobile_phone_,person_id_,bank_num_,card_type_id_,type_, card_brand_,card_brand_name_,data_type_,amount_,create_date_) values(SEQ_PIKA_STAT.nextval,lsh,v_CommInfo.id_,v_CommInfo.name_,v_CommInfo.comm_category_name_, v_CommInfo.city_company_name_,v_CommInfo.district_name_,v_CommInfo.county_company_name_,v_CommInfo.contact_, v_CommInfo.mobile_phone_,v_CommInfo.person_id_,v_CommInfo.bank_num_,v_CardType.id_,replace(v_CardType.type_,v_CardType.card_brand_name_,''), v_CardType.card_brand_,v_CardType.card_brand_name_,'4.激活率(%)', jhRate, createDate); --积分率 = 已积分数量 / (已激活数量-赠送号激活量) zsl_ := bean.zsl; v_zs_total_ := v_zs_total_ + zsl_; jfRate := 0; if (jhl_ - zsl_) > 0 then jfRate := (1.0 * jfl_) / (jhl_ - zsl_); else if jfl_ > 0 then jfRate := 1.0; end if; end if; insert into R_PIKA_STAT_(id_,lsh_,comm_id_,comm_name_,category_name_,city_company_name_,district_name_, county_company_name_,contact_,mobile_phone_,person_id_,bank_num_,card_type_id_,type_, card_brand_,card_brand_name_,data_type_,amount_,create_date_) values(SEQ_PIKA_STAT.nextval,lsh,v_CommInfo.id_,v_CommInfo.name_,v_CommInfo.comm_category_name_, v_CommInfo.city_company_name_,v_CommInfo.district_name_,v_CommInfo.county_company_name_,v_CommInfo.contact_, v_CommInfo.mobile_phone_,v_CommInfo.person_id_,v_CommInfo.bank_num_,v_CardType.id_,replace(v_CardType.type_,v_CardType.card_brand_name_,''), v_CardType.card_brand_,v_CardType.card_brand_name_,'5.积分率(%)', jfRate, createDate); end loop; close c2; --去掉值为0的代办点 if v_pk_total_<=0 and v_jh_total_<=0 and v_jf_total_<=0 then delete from R_PIKA_STAT_ where comm_id_=v_CommInfo.id_; else --批卡合计 update R_PIKA_STAT_ set pk_total_=v_pk_total_ where comm_id_=v_CommInfo.id_; pk_sum := pk_sum + v_pk_total_; --激活合计 update R_PIKA_STAT_ set jh_total_=v_jh_total_ where comm_id_=v_CommInfo.id_; jh_sum := jh_sum + v_jh_total_; --积分量合计 update R_PIKA_STAT_ set jf_total_=v_jf_total_ where comm_id_=v_CommInfo.id_; jf_sum := jf_sum + v_jf_total_; --激活率合计 v_jhl_total_ := 0; if v_pk_total_ > 0 then v_jhl_total_ := (1.0 * v_jh_total_) / v_pk_total_; else if v_jh_total_ > 0 then v_jhl_total_ := 1.0; end if; end if; update R_PIKA_STAT_ set jhl_total_=v_jhl_total_ where comm_id_=v_CommInfo.id_; --积分率合计 v_jfl_total_ := 0; if (v_jh_total_ - v_zs_total_) > 0 then v_jfl_total_ := (1.0 * v_jf_total_) / (v_jh_total_ - v_zs_total_); else if v_jf_total_ > 0 then v_jfl_total_ := 1.0; end if; end if; update R_PIKA_STAT_ set jfl_toal_=v_jfl_total_ where comm_id_=v_CommInfo.id_; zs_sum := zs_sum + v_zs_total_; end if; end loop; close c1; --合计的合计 if pk_sum > 0 then jhl_sum := (1.0 * jh_sum) / pk_sum; else if jh_sum > 0 then jhl_sum := 1.0; end if; end if; if (jh_sum - zs_sum) > 0 then jfl_sum := (1.0 * jf_sum) / (jh_sum - zs_sum); else if jf_sum > 0 then jfl_sum := 1.0; end if; end if; result := lsh || ',' || pk_sum || ',' || jh_sum || ',' || jf_sum || ',' || jhl_sum || ',' || jfl_sum; commit; return result; end; end;
CREATE OR REPLACE package body reportFunc as --返回获取代办点信息的SQL function getCommSQL(p_fgs varchar2, p_fwt varchar2, p_comm varchar2) return varchar2 is sql_1 varchar2(2000); begin sql_1 := 'select a.id_,a.name_,e.name_ comm_category_name_,b.name_ city_company_name_,d.name_ district_name_,c.name_ county_company_name_,'; sql_1 := sql_1 || 'case when (select name_ from commission_user_ where rownum=1 and commission_id_=a.id_ and user_type_=1 and user_status_=''COMMISSIONUSER_STATUS_01'') is null then a.contact_ else (select name_ from commission_user_ where rownum=1 and commission_id_=a.id_ and user_type_=1 and user_status_=''COMMISSIONUSER_STATUS_01'') end contact_,'; sql_1 := sql_1 || 'case when (select tel_ from commission_user_ where rownum=1 and commission_id_=a.id_ and user_type_=1 and user_status_=''COMMISSIONUSER_STATUS_01'') is null then a.mobile_phone_ else (select tel_ from commission_user_ where rownum=1 and commission_id_=a.id_ and user_type_=1 and user_status_=''COMMISSIONUSER_STATUS_01'') end mobile_phone_,'; sql_1 := sql_1 || 'case when (select person_id_ from commission_user_ where rownum=1 and commission_id_=a.id_ and user_type_=1 and user_status_=''COMMISSIONUSER_STATUS_01'') is null then a.person_id_ else (select person_id_ from commission_user_ where rownum=1 and commission_id_=a.id_ and user_type_=1 and user_status_=''COMMISSIONUSER_STATUS_01'') end person_id_,'; sql_1 := sql_1 || 'case when (select bank_num_ from commission_user_ where rownum=1 and commission_id_=a.id_ and user_type_=1 and user_status_=''COMMISSIONUSER_STATUS_01'') is null then a.bank_num_ else (select bank_num_ from commission_user_ where rownum=1 and commission_id_=a.id_ and user_type_=1 and user_status_=''COMMISSIONUSER_STATUS_01'') end bank_num_'; sql_1 := sql_1 || ' from commission_info_ a'; sql_1 := sql_1 || ' left join organization_ b on a.city_company_id_=b.party_id_'; sql_1 := sql_1 || ' left join organization_ c on a.county_company_id_=c.party_id_'; sql_1 := sql_1 || ' left join district_ d on a.district_=d.id_'; sql_1 := sql_1 || ' left join commission_category_ e on a.comm_cagegory_=e.id_'; sql_1 := sql_1 || ' where a.id_ is not null'; if p_fgs is not null then sql_1 := sql_1 || ' and a.city_company_id_=''' || p_fgs || ''''; end if; if p_fwt is not null then sql_1 := sql_1 || ' and a.county_company_id_=''' || p_fwt || ''''; end if; if p_comm is not null then sql_1 := sql_1 || ' and a.id_ in(' || p_comm || ')'; end if; sql_1 := sql_1 || ' order by a.id_ asc'; return sql_1; end; --返回获取卡类型信息的SQL function getCardTypeSQL return varchar2 is sql_2 varchar2(1000); begin sql_2 := 'select a.id_,a.type_,a.card_brand_,b.description_ card_brand_name_'; sql_2 := sql_2 || ' from sim_card_type_ a inner join enumeration_ b'; sql_2 := sql_2 || ' on a.card_brand_=b.enum_id_ order by a.id_ asc'; return sql_2; end; -- 数量Bean function getQuantityBean(p_comm varchar2, p_type varchar2, p_date1 varchar2, p_date2 varchar2, p_status varchar2) return report.QuantityBean is s varchar2(2000); bean report.QuantityBean; c1 report.cursorType; begin s := 'select a.id_,'; s := s || '(select count(id_) from sim_card_detail_ where commission_id_=a.id_ and status_ in(' || p_status || ') and card_type_id_=' || p_type; if p_date1 is not null then s := s || ' and status_date_>=' || p_date1; end if; if p_date2 is not null then s := s || ' and status_date_<' || p_date2; end if; s := s || ') pkl,'; s := s || '(select count(id_) from sim_card_detail_ where commission_id_=a.id_ and card_type_id_=' || p_type; if p_date1 is not null then s := s || ' and active_date_>=' || p_date1; end if; if p_date2 is not null then s := s || ' and active_date_<' || p_date2; end if; s := s || ') jhl,'; s := s || '(select count(id_) from sim_card_detail_ where is_integral_=1 and commission_id_=a.id_ and card_type_id_=' || p_type; if p_date1 is not null then s := s || ' and active_date_>=' || p_date1; end if; if p_date2 is not null then s := s || ' and active_date_<' || p_date2; end if; s := s || ') jfl,'; s := s || '(select count(id_) from sim_card_detail_ where status_=''RESOURCE_STATUS_13'' and commission_id_=a.id_ and card_type_id_=' || p_type; if p_date1 is not null then s := s || ' and active_date_>=' || p_date1; end if; if p_date2 is not null then s := s || ' and active_date_<' || p_date2; end if; s := s || ') zsl'; s := s || ' from commission_info_ a where a.id_=' || p_comm; open c1 for s; loop fetch c1 into bean; exit when c1%notfound; end loop; close c1; return bean; end; end;
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在本文中,我们将详细探讨Oracle中的打包方法,以及如何创建和管理自己的数据库包。 一、Oracle数据库包的基本概念 Oracle数据库包是一种高级的PL/SQL编程结构,它允许将相关的变量、过程和函数封装在一起,形成一...
Java连接Oracle数据库主要依赖于JDBC(Java Database Connectivity)...正确引入Oracle JDBC驱动JAR包,并理解其使用方法,是开发Java数据库应用的基础。在实际开发中,还需要注意错误处理、性能优化和安全性等问题。
依赖包是指在安装Oracle 12c时,系统可能需要的一系列支持软件或库文件,这些包确保数据库能够正常运行并满足其功能需求。"oracle12C依赖包.zip"提供的内容显然涵盖了这些必要的组件,适用于Oracle 12c以及11g等其他...
Oracle 19C驱动包是针对Oracle数据库19c版本的Java数据库连接器(JDBC)驱动程序。这个驱动包包含两个重要的文件:ojdbc10.jar和ojdbc8.jar,它们是Java开发者用来在Java应用程序中与Oracle 19c数据库进行交互的关键...
标题中的“dbeaver oracle离线驱动包”指的是DBeaver这款数据库管理工具针对Oracle数据库的离线驱动程序集合。DBeaver是一款免费且开源的通用SQL客户端,它支持多种数据库管理系统,包括Oracle。离线驱动包意味着...
Oracle数据库是全球广泛使用的大型关系型数据库管理系统,其在企业级应用中占据着重要的地位。本文将详细讨论Oracle驱动包的各个版本及其下载相关知识。 首先,Oracle驱动包主要用于Java应用程序与Oracle数据库之间...
Oracle 11g驱动包是用于Java应用程序与Oracle数据库之间通信的重要组件,...总的来说,Oracle 11g驱动包是Java开发者与Oracle数据库交互的核心组件,理解其工作原理和使用方法对于进行Oracle数据库相关的开发至关重要。
在使用Oracle JDBC Jar包时,开发者需要确保引入了正确的驱动版本,以匹配运行的Oracle数据库版本。同时,需要了解如何配置数据源,创建`DataSource`对象,以及如何使用`Connection`、`Statement`和`ResultSet`等...
这个驱动程序包含在Oracle的客户端软件中,或者可以直接从Oracle官方网站下载单独的JDBC驱动包。 2. **JAR文件的种类**: - ojdbc6.jar:适用于Java 6环境。 - ojdbc7.jar:适用于Java 7环境。 - ojdbc8.jar:...
Oracle19c驱动jar包是Oracle数据库连接Java应用程序的关键组件,尤其对于那些使用JDK8和JDK10的开发者而言。这个压缩包包含了两个重要的jar文件:ojdbc10.jar和ojdbc8.jar,它们分别对应不同的Java版本兼容性。 1. ...
使用这些jar包,开发者可以在Java环境中搭建SSH框架,实现业务逻辑,同时通过Hibernate与Oracle数据库进行交互,执行CRUD(创建、读取、更新、删除)操作。在开发过程中,通常会利用IDE(如Eclipse或IntelliJ IDEA)...
本压缩包"oracle12c的所有驱动包"包含了多种Oracle 12c的JDBC驱动,供开发者根据需求选择使用。 1. **ojdbc8.jar**: 这是Oracle 12c的主要JDBC驱动,符合Java 8的Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) API规范。它...
总的来说,Oracle 12C驱动包是Java开发者与Oracle 12C数据库交互的基础工具,正确理解和使用它可以确保Java应用与数据库的稳定连接。在使用过程中,注意版本兼容性、安全性和性能优化,以及适时更新以获取最新的功能...
Oracle 12C JDBC驱动包是Oracle数据库与Java应用程序之间的桥梁,它允许Java开发者通过编写Java代码来访问和操作Oracle数据库。JDBC(Java Database Connectivity)是Java平台的标准API,用于连接各种数据库,包括...
本环境包提供了Oracle离线安装所需的所有组件,以`.rpm`(Red Hat Package Manager)格式封装,适用于基于RPM的Linux发行版,如CentOS、RHEL等。 首先,让我们深入理解离线安装Oracle数据库的过程: 1. **下载离线...