OpenJaw的Airline solution首先强调的是ancillaries和dynamic
The xDistributor Platform Flight Shopping capabilities
- Fast and accurate “flexible dates” search with branded (Fare
Family) calendar and other displays
- Fares pricing – full Fares and Rules implementation
- Worldwide, multi-carrier availability
- Taxes (IATA) and surcharge calculation, schedule updates
- Branded Fare Family offering without a need to update millions
of fares
- Flight Up Sell (Fare Family and Cabin)
- Multiple flight display options
integrated internet booking engine for airlines
The OpenJaw xDistributor Platform offers a complete end-to-end
Flight Booking Engine solution that includes -
- Shopping
- Cross sell and Upsell of Ground Ancillaries (Hotels, Cars and
- Booking
- Payment
- Fulfilment
- Post Booking Servicing
- Flight Shopping
With the xDistributor Platform all aspects of flight shopping
are fully supported without making expensive calls to a Global
Distribution System (GDS). This advanced IBE provides airlines with
full control, major cost reductions, improved yield and effective
brand promotion.
The xDistributor Platform Flight Shopping capabilities
Fast and accurate “flexible dates” search with branded (Fare
Family) calendar and other displays
Fares pricing – full Fares and Rules implementation
Worldwide, multi-carrier availability
Taxes (IATA) and surcharge calculation, schedule updates
Branded Fare Family offering without a need to update millions
of fares
Flight Up Sell (Fare Family and Cabin)
Multiple flight display options
Supports any airline reservation system with our set of ready
to use, plug-in connectors.
Additional reservation hosts can be easily added. OpenJaw’s
independent IBE reduces the risk of reservation system migration,
future proofing your sales platform.
Key Benefits:
Quick Time to Market for introducing new/distinctive shopping
features. No dependency on old legacy systems
Major cost savings on GDS charges for search and pricing
Fast and responsive flight calendar displays
Improved load factors (fill more seats) and better overall
Introduce Fare Families without the need to re-file millions
of fares or modify the Res/PSS, fare filing or ticketing
Create and manage Fare Families through the Booking
Additional up sell revenue from Fare Families and Cabin up
sell features
Improved customer confidence and satisfaction by displaying
key fare terms and conditions upfront and in a user friendly
Compliance with regulations concerning total price and
operating carrier disclosure upfront
Readily adapts to meet different payment model requirements
(from standard PSP integration for credit cards to direct bank
transfers, offline pay-later, pay-local options).
Manage and aggregate inventory from multiple Air, Car, Hotel
and other travel sources using the industry’s most advanced XML
standards based technology. Simultaneous or sequential search
against supplier systems to gather inventory for package building.
Gather Inventory from systems including:
Global Distribution Systems
Local Inventory Systems
Supplier Direct Connects
Intermediaries (Hotel Switches etc.)
xDistributor provides a single OpenTravel™ Alliance XML
interface for each travel vertical. In addition, xDistributor
allows package rules to be built to support multiple dynamic and
pre-built package models
These rules control operations including:
Package Type – decide which component types the package should
contain. For example, certain packages may not require a rental
car. Fly-drive packages may not include accommodation. Pre-built
packages may check availability of specified individual components
to determine if the complete package can be offered.
Build Order – decide whether the package should be built Air
first, Accommodation first, or search for all components in
parallel. Further ordering rules may be implemented for each
vertical e.g. search for charter flights first, if none available
then check scheduled flights.
Combination Rules - Validate which components should be
grouped together.
Price Adjustment – apply markups or discounts to individual
components or to the whole package. Fixed amounts or percentages
can be used. Convert fixed prices to supplements based on a base
package price.
Currency Conversion – convert components in different
currencies to a single currency.
Filtering – remove package options that may not meet margin
requirement rules, or other quality assurance rules.
Sorting – sort package options to prioritize certain packages,
based on margin or other criteria.
xRez delivers the future technology platform for building
highly effective travel websites. The combination of XML based
architecture, advanced customer-centric features and unrivalled
flexibility provides a platform to grow your business and adapt
quickly to changing market requirements.
Display Formats – xRez supports multiple display formats to
support different types of website and different types of packages.
These display formats can include:
Fixed Price -display a complete package at a fixed price.
Allow the customer to replace components with alternate options,
which may involve an additional charge.
Combination Price - display individual component prices. Allow
the customer to choose one component from each category to produce
their package.
Cross-Sell -If a customer purchases a flight on the website,
offer them hotel and/or car options at their destination for their
travel dates.
In addition, discounts can be highlighted by showing the full
price plus the discounted price for each component or the full
Ancillary Revenues: Hotel, Car & Insurance
This allows you to go beyond simple affiliate links (“click
here for hotels”) and offer real time availability and prices
matching the air itinerary by date and location, a technique shown
to dramatically improve cross sell rates.
Branded to your site’s look and feel, xRez enables you to
cross sell car, hotel, insurance, transfers, events and destination
activities either during or after the main air sales flow. At
simplest level, cross links to packages and cross sell are used.
Support is also available to integrate deep linking, embedded
frames and web services.
Manage and aggregate inventory from multiple Hotel inventory
sources using the industry’s most advanced XML standards based
technology. Simultaneous search against systems including:
Hotel Switches
Global Distribution Systems
Hotel CRS’s
Hotel websites
xDistributor provides a single OpenTravel™ Alliance XML
interface to any combination of these systems. OpenJaw’s advanced
business rules engine controls which suppliers receive particular
requests, how the responses are aggregated and other business logic
functions including sorting, filtering, removing duplicates,
applying markups or discounts.
xDistributor provides the capability to ‘burst’ multiple
requests in parallel against each supplier system, with business
rules determining the options in each request. This allows large
amounts of data to be gathered to support availability checking for
multiple properties, or to drive additional search requests when
too few hotels are found for the users exact search criteria.
In many cases, a local database containing hotel location and
descriptive information is desirable for advanced search and
content management purposes. Most hotel switches and many other
providers allow downloading of descriptive content for their
supported hotels. This allows the website owner to manage and
update hotel information to ensure consistent display of content
from multiple sources, translate data where required and allow
searching and filtering of hotels based on any content in the
An OTA XML interface for searching and retrieving descriptive
content from the database is provided.
OTA这块,OpenJaw提出了两个比较有意思的概念,double PNR,Supper
Combined one-way (double PNR) flight searching – including
combined GDS and Low Cost Airline itineraries
OpenJaw’s Dynamic Packaging enables the sourcing, packaging
and pricing of multiple supplier inventory components in real time
based on business rules. Dynamic Packaging allows you to bundle
multiple products into packages with a single opaque price. Dynamic
availability and pricing through direct connects with dynamic rules
based bundling provides strong revenue opportunities and positive
cash flow potential by providing access to very competitive pre-pay
and packaging rates from airlines and ground product
Destination products such as Transfers, Car Rental, Activities
and Event Tickets can be added to a package to further increase
revenue and margin.
Other standard features of OpenJaw’s Online Travel Agency
solutions include:
Full multi-lingual support including double byte character
Customer profile support
Shopping cart with single payment checkout
Super PNR database to link all itinerary components
Support for multiple payment systems and payment types
including 3D Secure;
MATLAB数字滤波器设计及其在语音信号去噪中的应用:源码详解与报告分享,MATLAB 数字滤波器设计 及其语音信号去噪应用。 (供学习交流)带源码,带注释。 有代码和报告。 ,核心关键词:MATLAB; 数字滤波器设计; 语音信号去噪应用; 源码; 注释; 代码与报告。,"MATLAB数字滤波器设计及其在语音信号去噪中的应用:带源码注释与报告"
COMSOL软件模拟三维电化学腐蚀过程的研究分析,comsol三维电化学腐蚀。 ,核心关键词:Comsol;三维电化学;腐蚀;模型模拟;电化学腐蚀过程。,"Comsol模拟:三维电化学腐蚀过程解析"
基于COMSOL的降雨入渗模型:边坡与渗流边界下的强度折减塑性形变研究,comsol降雨入渗模型,边坡降雨边界与渗流边界 强度折减塑性形变 ,comsol降雨入渗模型; 降雨边界; 渗流边界; 强度折减; 塑性形变,"COMSOL降雨入渗模型:边坡渗流与强度折减塑性形变分析"
1.内容概要 通过KNN实现鸢尾花分类,即将新的数据点分配给已知类别中的某一类。该算法的核心思想是通过比较距离来确定最近邻的数据点,然后利用这些邻居的类别信息来决定待分类数据点的类别。 2.KNN算法的伪代码 对未知类别属性的数据集中的每个点依次执行以下操作: (1)计算已知类别数据集中的点与当前点之间的距离; (2)按照距离递增次序排序; (3)选取与当前点距离最小的k个点; (4)确定前k个点所在类别的出现频率; (5)返回前k个点出现频率最高的类别作为当前点的预测分类。 3.数据集说明 代码使用`pandas`库加载了一个名为`iris.arff.csv`的数据集 4.学习到的知识 通过鸢尾花分类学习了KNN算法,选择样本数据集中前k个最相似的数据,就是KNN算法中k的出处。k值过大,会出现分类结果模糊的情况;k值较小,那么预测的标签比较容易受到样本的影响。在实验过程中,不同的k值也会导致分类器的错误率不同。KNN算法精度高、无数据输入的假定,可以免去训练过程。但是对于数据量较多的训练样本,KNN必须保存全部数据集,可能会存在计算的时间复杂度、空间复杂度高的情况,存在维数灾难问
感应电机控制与矢量控制仿真:磁链闭环、转速闭环与电流闭环的综合应用研究,感应电机控制仿真,矢量控制,异步电机仿真,磁链闭环,转速闭环,电流闭环 ,核心关键词:感应电机控制仿真; 矢量控制; 异步电机仿真; 磁链闭环; 转速闭环; 电流闭环,"感应电机矢量控制仿真:磁链、转速、电流三闭环异步电机模拟"
威纶通TK6071IP触摸屏锁屏宏指令程序详解:注释清晰,便于理解与学习,威纶通触摸屏锁屏宏指令程序 ~ 威纶通触摸屏锁屏宏指令程序,TK6071IP触摸屏 利用宏指令程序来控制,宏指令注释清晰,方便理解程序。 具有很好的学习意义和借鉴价值。 ,关键词:威纶通触摸屏;锁屏宏指令程序;TK6071IP触摸屏;宏指令控制;注释清晰;学习借鉴。,威纶通触摸屏宏指令程序:清晰注释,学习借鉴之利器
高品质车载充电器技术解决方案:含原理图、PCB图、C源代码及DSP控制器资料,附赠CDCDC模块资料,车载充电器 3Kw OBC 车载充电器 含原理图、PCB图、C源代码、变压器参数等生产资料。 附赠15kwdcdc模块资料 1、这款产品的方案采用的是dsp2803x系列。 2、原理图和Pcb采用AD绘制。 此方案仅供学习 ,车载充电器; 3Kw OBC; 原理图; PCB图; C源代码; 变压器参数; 生产资料; dsp2803x系列; AD绘制; 15kwdcdc模块资料,3Kw车载充电器方案:DSP2803x系列原理图、PCB图及C源学习包
内容概要:本文介绍了一种用于视频处理的新型卷积神经网络(CNN)加速器。主要创新点在于引入了混合精度计算、跨帧数据重用控制器及引擎,以及混合位宽差帧数据编码解码器。这些特性有效解决了视频帧间的时空相关性和稀疏性带来的挑战,提高了处理速度并降低了功耗和带宽需求。具体来说,通过对连续帧的数据相似度利用,可以在保持高精度的同时减少计算量和内存访问次数;通过多类型稀疏卷积聚类数组实现了对现代稀疏神经网络的支持;并通过混合位宽度编码减少了离芯片外的数据传输量,最高达到68%。 适用人群:从事深度学习硬件加速设计的研究人员和技术爱好者;关注AI边缘计算领域的从业者。 使用场景及目标:适用于自动驾驶汽车摄像头、监控系统等实时视频流应用场景。旨在为开发者提供高效的低能耗解决方案,在有限的时间和资源下完成大量的图像信号处理任务,如跟踪、分类等。 其他说明:文中还详细描述了芯片的设计细节,测试平台构建,以及不同模型(如MobileNet)在网络上的实际性能表现。
COMSOL电化学喷射腐蚀模拟与解析:技术原理及应用实践,comsol电化学喷射腐蚀 ,核心关键词:comsol; 电化学; 喷射腐蚀; 电化学腐蚀。,"电化学喷射腐蚀研究:comsol模拟与解析"
项目已获导师指导并通过的高分毕业设计项目,可作为课程设计和期末大作业,下载即用无需修改,项目完整确保可以运行。 包含:项目源码、数据库脚本、软件工具等,该项目可以作为毕设、课程设计使用,前后端代码都在里面。 该系统功能完善、界面美观、操作简单、功能齐全、管理便捷,具有很高的实际应用价值。 项目都经过严格调试,确保可以运行!可以放心下载 技术组成 语言:java 开发环境:idea 数据库:MySql8.0 部署环境:Tomcat(建议用 7.x 或者 8.x 版本),maven 数据库工具:navicat
直流无刷电机调速控制模型:速度环与电流环联合调控,PWM调制精确控制转速,该模型为直流无刷电机的调速控制,外环为速度环,速度输出为电流,内环为电流环,电流环输出为pwm占空比,占空比最终输入至逆变器进行PWM调制。 最后控制电机的转速 ,核心关键词:直流无刷电机; 调速控制; 外环速度环; 速度输出电流; 内环电流环; pwm占空比; 逆变器PWM调制; 控制电机转速。,直流无刷电机调速控制模型:内外环联动,PWM占空比驱动逆变器调速
基于MATLAB的含风光柴储微网多目标优化调度策略与模型实现,含风光柴储微网多目标优化调度 MATLAB代码 关键词:微网调度 风光柴储 粒子群算法 多目标优化 参考文档:《基于多目标粒子群算法的微电网优化调度》 仿真平台:MATLAB 平台采用粒子群实现求解 优势:代码注释详实,适合参考学习,非目前烂大街的版本,程序非常精品,请仔细辨识 主要内容:代码构建了含风机、光伏、柴油发电机以及储能电站在内的微网优化运行模型,并且考虑与上级电网的购电交易,综合考虑了多方经济成本以及风光新能源消纳等多方面的因素,从而实现微网系统的经济运行,求解采用的是MOPSO算法(多目标粒子群算法),求解效果极佳,具体可以看图 ,关键词:微网优化调度; 风光柴储; 粒子群算法; 多目标优化; MATLAB代码; MOPSO算法。,基于MATLAB的微网风光柴储多目标优化调度与MOPSO算法的实践研究