  • 浏览: 139617 次
  • 性别: Icon_minigender_1
  • 来自: 杭州




## 1.  安装Python 2.6 Windows (x86)(必须,32位系统和64位系统均安装该版本):

##从ActiveState官方网站下载ActivePython 2.6 Windows (x86)

##您也可从华军软件园下载ActivePython 2.6 Windows (x86)

## 2. 安装 Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable Package (x86)(必须,32位系统和64位系统均安装该版本):

##从微软官方网站下载Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable Package (x86)

## 3. 安装 Coreseek-3.2.13(必须):

##从Coreseek官方网站下载 http://www.coreseek.cn/uploads/csft/3.2/coreseek-3.2.13-win32.zip



#cd coreseek-3.2.13-win32
#bin\indexer -c etc\csft.conf
    Coreseek Fulltext 3.2 [ Sphinx 0.9.9-release (r2117)]
    Copyright (c) 2007-2010,
    Beijing Choice Software Technologies Inc (http://www.coreseek.com)

     using config file 'etc\csft.conf'...
    total 0 reads, 0.000 sec, 0.0 kb/call avg, 0.0 msec/call avg
    total 0 writes, 0.000 sec, 0.0 kb/call avg, 0.0 msec/call avg

#bin\indexer -c etc\csft.conf --all
    Coreseek Fulltext 3.2 [ Sphinx 0.9.9-release (r2117)]
    Copyright (c) 2007-2010,
    Beijing Choice Software Technologies Inc (http://www.coreseek.com)

     using config file 'etc\csft.conf'...
    indexing index 'xml'...
    collected 3 docs, 0.0 MB
    sorted 0.0 Mhits, 100.0% done
    total 3 docs, 7585 bytes
    total 0.075 sec, 101043 bytes/sec, 39.96 docs/sec
    total 2 reads, 0.000 sec, 5.6 kb/call avg, 0.0 msec/call avg
    total 7 writes, 0.000 sec, 3.9 kb/call avg, 0.0 msec/call avg

#bin\indexer -c etc\csft.conf xml
    Coreseek Fulltext 3.2 [ Sphinx 0.9.9-release (r2117)]
    Copyright (c) 2007-2010,
    Beijing Choice Software Technologies Inc (http://www.coreseek.com)

     using config file 'etc\csft.conf'...
    indexing index 'xml'...
    collected 3 docs, 0.0 MB
    sorted 0.0 Mhits, 100.0% done
    total 3 docs, 7585 bytes
    total 0.069 sec, 109614 bytes/sec, 43.35 docs/sec
    total 2 reads, 0.000 sec, 5.6 kb/call avg, 0.0 msec/call avg
    total 7 writes, 0.000 sec, 3.9 kb/call avg, 0.0 msec/call avg

# bin\search -c etc\csft.conf
    Coreseek Fulltext 3.2 [ Sphinx 0.9.9-release (r2117)]
    Copyright (c) 2007-2010,
    Beijing Choice Software Technologies Inc (http://www.coreseek.com)

     using config file 'etc\csft.conf'...
    index 'xml': query '': returned 3 matches of 3 total in 0.093 sec

    displaying matches:
    1. document=1, weight=1, published=Thu Apr  1 22:20:07 2010, author_id=1
    2. document=2, weight=1, published=Thu Apr  1 23:25:48 2010, author_id=1
    3. document=3, weight=1, published=Thu Apr  1 12:01:00 2010, author_id=2


# bin\search -c etc\csft.conf -a Twittter和Opera都提供了搜索服务
##故请使用bin\search -c etc\csft.conf -a Twittter Opera
    Coreseek Fulltext 3.2 [ Sphinx 0.9.9-release (r2117)]
    Copyright (c) 2007-2010,
    Beijing Choice Software Technologies Inc (http://www.coreseek.com)

     using config file 'etc\csft.conf'...
    index 'xml': query 'Twittter和Opera都提供了搜索服务 ': returned 3 matches of 3 total in 0.038 sec

    displaying matches:
    1. document=3, weight=24, published=Thu Apr  1 12:01:00 2010, author_id=2
    2. document=1, weight=4, published=Thu Apr  1 22:20:07 2010, author_id=1
    3. document=2, weight=3, published=Thu Apr  1 23:25:48 2010, author_id=1

    1. 'twittter': 1 documents, 3 hits
    2. '和': 3 documents, 15 hits
    3. 'opera': 1 documents, 25 hits
    4. '都': 2 documents, 4 hits
    5. '提供': 0 documents, 0 hits
    6. '了': 3 documents, 18 hits
    7. '搜索': 2 documents, 5 hits
    8. '服务': 1 documents, 1 hits

# bin\searchd -c etc\csft.conf
    Coreseek Fulltext 3.2 [ Sphinx 0.9.9-release (r2117)]
    Copyright (c) 2007-2010,
    Beijing Choice Software Technologies Inc (http://www.coreseek.com)

    using config file 'etc\csft.conf'...
    listening on all interfaces, port=9312

##然后,请参考csft-3.2.13-win32下api目录中的相关文件,使用PHP、Python、Ruby、Java来测试搜索服务;也可以前往< ahref="/products-install/step_by_step/">搜索服务建立三步曲,查看第三步使用PHP测试。





晒一下我的csft.conf 文件内容,以及相关的一些说明,

source src1
	type					= mysql			#数据源类型
	sql_host				=	#主机
	sql_user				= t_develop		#用户
	sql_pass				= t_develop		#密码
	sql_db					= twioo_develop		#数据库
	sql_port				= 3306			#数据库端口
	sql_query_pre				= SET NAMES UTF8	#检索编码
	sql_query				= SELECT content_id,user_id, user_type as user_type , post_time as  posttime ,content_body FROM twioo_content 
	sql_attr_uint				=posttime		#无符号整数属性
	sql_attr_uint				=user_type		#无符号整数属性
	#sql_attr_timestamp			= created ############ UNIX时间戳属性
	sql_ranged_throttle			= 0

index content
	source			= src1				#声明索引源
	path			= D:\sphinx/data/content	#索引存储路径及文件名
	docinfo			= extern			#存储方式
	mlock			= 0				#
	morphology		= none				#形态学(对中文无效)
	min_word_len		= 1				#索引的最小长度
	html_strip		= 0				#
	#charset_dictpath = /usr/local/coreseek/
	charset_type  = utf-8					#数据编码	

	ngram_len = 1						# 对于非字母型数据的长度切割
	min_prefix_len  = 0					#最小前缀					
	min_infix_len  = 1					#最小中缀

	#stopwords   =D:\sphinx/stopwords.txt

	ngram_chars =	U+4E00..U+9FBB, U+3400..U+4DB5, U+20000..U+2A6D6, U+FA0E, U+FA0F, \
			U+FA11, U+FA13, U+FA14, U+FA1F, U+FA21, U+FA23, U+FA24, U+FA27, U+FA28, U+FA29, \
			U+3105..U+312C, U+31A0..U+31B7, U+3041, U+3043, U+3045, U+3047, U+3049, U+304B, \
			U+304D, U+304F, U+3051, U+3053, U+3055, U+3057, U+3059, U+305B, U+305D, U+305F, \
			U+3061, U+3063, U+3066, U+3068, U+306A..U+306F, U+3072, U+3075, U+3078, U+307B, \
			U+307E..U+3083, U+3085, U+3087, U+3089..U+308E, U+3090..U+3093, U+30A1, U+30A3, \
			U+30A5, U+30A7, U+30A9, U+30AD, U+30AF, U+30B3, U+30B5, U+30BB, U+30BD, U+30BF, \
			U+30C1, U+30C3, U+30C4, U+30C6, U+30CA, U+30CB, U+30CD, U+30CE, U+30DE, U+30DF, \
			U+30E1, U+30E2, U+30E3, U+30E5, U+30E7, U+30EE, U+30F0..U+30F3, U+30F5, U+30F6, \
			U+31F0, U+31F1, U+31F2, U+31F3, U+31F4, U+31F5, U+31F6, U+31F7, U+31F8, U+31F9, \
			U+31FA, U+31FB, U+31FC, U+31FD, U+31FE, U+31FF, U+AC00..U+D7A3, U+1100..U+1159, \
			U+1161..U+11A2, U+11A8..U+11F9, U+A000..U+A48C, U+A492..U+A4C6

	charset_table = U+FF10..U+FF19->0..9, 0..9, U+FF41..U+FF5A->a..z, U+FF21..U+FF3A->a..z,\
						A..Z->a..z, a..z, U+0149, U+017F, U+0138, U+00DF, U+00FF, U+00C0..U+00D6->U+00E0..U+00F6,\
						U+00E0..U+00F6, U+00D8..U+00DE->U+00F8..U+00FE, U+00F8..U+00FE, U+0100->U+0101, U+0101,\
						U+0102->U+0103, U+0103, U+0104->U+0105, U+0105, U+0106->U+0107, U+0107, U+0108->U+0109,\
						U+0109, U+010A->U+010B, U+010B, U+010C->U+010D, U+010D, U+010E->U+010F, U+010F,\
						U+0110->U+0111, U+0111, U+0112->U+0113, U+0113, U+0114->U+0115, U+0115, \
						U+0116->U+0117,U+0117, U+0118->U+0119, U+0119, U+011A->U+011B, U+011B, U+011C->U+011D,\
						U+011D,U+011E->U+011F, U+011F, U+0130->U+0131, U+0131, U+0132->U+0133, U+0133, \
						U+0134->U+0135,U+0135, U+0136->U+0137, U+0137, U+0139->U+013A, U+013A, U+013B->U+013C, \
						U+013C,U+013D->U+013E, U+013E, U+013F->U+0140, U+0140, U+0141->U+0142, U+0142, \
						U+0143->U+0144,U+0144, U+0145->U+0146, U+0146, U+0147->U+0148, U+0148, U+014A->U+014B, \
						U+014B,U+014C->U+014D, U+014D, U+014E->U+014F, U+014F, U+0150->U+0151, U+0151, \
						U+0152->U+0153,U+0153, U+0154->U+0155, U+0155, U+0156->U+0157, U+0157, U+0158->U+0159,\
						U+0159,U+015A->U+015B, U+015B, U+015C->U+015D, U+015D, U+015E->U+015F, U+015F, \
						U+0160->U+0161,U+0161, U+0162->U+0163, U+0163, U+0164->U+0165, U+0165, U+0166->U+0167, \
						U+0167,U+0168->U+0169, U+0169, U+016A->U+016B, U+016B, U+016C->U+016D, U+016D, \
						U+016E->U+016F,U+016F, U+0170->U+0171, U+0171, U+0172->U+0173, U+0173, U+0174->U+0175,\
						U+0175,U+0176->U+0177, U+0177, U+0178->U+00FF, U+00FF, U+0179->U+017A, U+017A, \
						U+017B->U+017C,U+017C, U+017D->U+017E, U+017E, U+0410..U+042F->U+0430..U+044F, \
						U+0430..U+044F,U+05D0..U+05EA, U+0531..U+0556->U+0561..U+0586, U+0561..U+0587, \
						U+0621..U+063A, U+01B9,U+01BF, U+0640..U+064A, U+0660..U+0669, U+066E, U+066F, \
						U+0671..U+06D3, U+06F0..U+06FF,U+0904..U+0939, U+0958..U+095F, U+0960..U+0963, \
						U+0966..U+096F, U+097B..U+097F,U+0985..U+09B9, U+09CE, U+09DC..U+09E3, U+09E6..U+09EF, \
						U+0A05..U+0A39, U+0A59..U+0A5E,U+0A66..U+0A6F, U+0A85..U+0AB9, U+0AE0..U+0AE3, \
						U+0AE6..U+0AEF, U+0B05..U+0B39,U+0B5C..U+0B61, U+0B66..U+0B6F, U+0B71, U+0B85..U+0BB9, \
						U+0BE6..U+0BF2, U+0C05..U+0C39,U+0C66..U+0C6F, U+0C85..U+0CB9, U+0CDE..U+0CE3, \
						U+0CE6..U+0CEF, U+0D05..U+0D39, U+0D60,U+0D61, U+0D66..U+0D6F, U+0D85..U+0DC6, \
						U+1900..U+1938, U+1946..U+194F, U+A800..U+A805,U+A807..U+A822, U+0386->U+03B1, \
						U+03AC->U+03B1, U+0388->U+03B5, U+03AD->U+03B5,U+0389->U+03B7, U+03AE->U+03B7, \
						U+038A->U+03B9, U+0390->U+03B9, U+03AA->U+03B9,U+03AF->U+03B9, U+03CA->U+03B9, \
						U+038C->U+03BF, U+03CC->U+03BF, U+038E->U+03C5,U+03AB->U+03C5, U+03B0->U+03C5, \
						U+03CB->U+03C5, U+03CD->U+03C5, U+038F->U+03C9,U+03CE->U+03C9, U+03C2->U+03C3, \
						U+0391..U+03A1->U+03B1..U+03C1,U+03A3..U+03A9->U+03C3..U+03C9, U+03B1..U+03C1, \
						U+03C3..U+03C9, U+0E01..U+0E2E,U+0E30..U+0E3A, U+0E40..U+0E45, U+0E47, U+0E50..U+0E59, \
						U+A000..U+A48F, U+4E00..U+9FBF,U+3400..U+4DBF, U+20000..U+2A6DF, U+F900..U+FAFF, \
						U+2F800..U+2FA1F, U+2E80..U+2EFF,U+2F00..U+2FDF, U+3100..U+312F, U+31A0..U+31BF, \
						U+3040..U+309F, U+30A0..U+30FF,U+31F0..U+31FF, U+AC00..U+D7AF, U+1100..U+11FF, \
						U+3130..U+318F, U+A000..U+A48F,U+A490..U+A4CF 

######### 索引器配置 ##### 
	mem_limit			= 128M			####### 内存限制

	listen				=	### 监听端口
	read_timeout			= 5			#请求超时时间
	max_children			= 30			#同时可执行的最大searchd 进程数
	max_matches			= 100000		### 查询结果的最大返回数	
	seamless_rotate			= 0			### 是否支持无缝切换,做增量索引时通常需要		
	preopen_indexes			= 0	
	unlink_old			= 1
	pid_file			= D:\sphinx\log/searchd.pid	#######进程ID文件 
	log				=D:\sphinx\log/searchd.log	#### 服务进程日志 ,一旦sphinx出现异常,基本上可以从这里查询有效信息
	query_log			=D:\sphinx\log/query.log	### 客户端查询日志


  说明一下,D:\sphinx\log这样的文件夹要先建立,否则会报错的,sql_attr_uint 是一些属性,为了能进行排序,分组,过滤用的




        bin\indexer -c etc\csft.conf --all


E:\doc\Sphinx\tool\coreseek-3.2.13-win32>bin\indexer -c etc\csft.conf --all
Coreseek Fulltext 3.2 [ Sphinx 0.9.9-release (r2117)]
Copyright (c) 2007-2010,
Beijing Choice Software Technologies Inc (http://www.coreseek.com)

 using config file 'etc\csft.conf'...
indexing index 'content'...
collected 184330 docs, 15.1 MB
sorted 30.5 Mhits, 97.9% done
total 184330 docs, 15080875 bytes
total 39.237 sec, 384347 bytes/sec, 4697.78 docs/sec
total 7 reads, 6.279 sec, 26307.1 kb/call avg, 897.0 msec/call avg


        bin\search.exe -c etc\csft.conf -a ss

E:\doc\Sphinx\tool\coreseek-3.2.13-win32> bin\search.exe -c etc\csft.conf -a ss
Coreseek Fulltext 3.2 [ Sphinx 0.9.9-release (r2117)]
Copyright (c) 2007-2010,
Beijing Choice Software Technologies Inc (http://www.coreseek.com)

 using config file 'etc\csft.conf'...
index 'content': query 'ss ': returned 606 matches of 606 total in 0.039 sec

displaying matches:
1. document=987847, weight=1, user_type=0, posttime=1269336727
2. document=987854, weight=1, user_type=0, posttime=1269395853
3. document=987855, weight=1, user_type=0, posttime=1269395859
4. document=987859, weight=1, user_type=0, posttime=1269395944
5. document=987860, weight=1, user_type=0, posttime=1269395953
6. document=987871, weight=1, user_type=0, posttime=1269409377
7. document=987971, weight=1, user_type=3, posttime=10
8. document=987991, weight=1, user_type=0, posttime=1269411526
9. document=988302, weight=1, user_type=3, posttime=1261593198
10. document=988467, weight=1, user_type=3, posttime=10
11. document=988484, weight=1, user_type=3, posttime=1261596869
12. document=988509, weight=1, user_type=3, posttime=1261597677
13. document=988516, weight=1, user_type=3, posttime=10
14. document=988539, weight=1, user_type=3, posttime=1261598582
15. document=988566, weight=1, user_type=3, posttime=1261599229
16. document=988826, weight=1, user_type=3, posttime=1261608630
17. document=988923, weight=1, user_type=3, posttime=1261611892
18. document=988992, weight=1, user_type=3, posttime=1261613865
19. document=989033, weight=1, user_type=3, posttime=1261614681
20. document=989213, weight=1, user_type=3, posttime=1261618195

1. 'ss': 606 documents, 611 hits




        bin\searchd.exe -c etc\csft.conf


E:\doc\Sphinx\tool\coreseek-3.2.13-win32>bin\searchd.exe -c etc\csft.conf
Coreseek Fulltext 3.2 [ Sphinx 0.9.9-release (r2117)]
Copyright (c) 2007-2010,
Beijing Choice Software Technologies Inc (http://www.coreseek.com)

 WARNING: forcing --console mode on Windows
using config file 'etc\csft.conf'...
listening on
accepting connections
[Fri Aug 20 15:36:01.748 2010] 0.183 sec [ext/0/attr- 27 (0,50)] [*] 恒生电子


补充一下,正常情况下,在命令行中是不到UTF-8文字,要想在CMD命令行中看到得结果,在命令行中称输入CHCP 65001 设置一下CMD窗口属性,字体--选择lucida console 然后保存这样就可以看到搜索结果的文字了,不然是乱码

如果想变会中文,重新设置 chcp 936





1 楼 cjc19762338 2010-10-19  
<div class="quote_title">catastiger 写道</div>
<div class="quote_div">
<p>官方在线文档:<a href="http://www.coreseek.cn/products-install/install_on_windows/">http://www.coreseek.cn/products-install/install_on_windows/</a> </p>
## 1. <strong style="color: red;"> 安装Python 2.6 Windows (x86)(必须,32位系统和64位系统均安装该版本):</strong>

##从ActiveState官方网站下载<a href="http://www.activestate.com/activepython/downloads" target="_blank">ActivePython 2.6 Windows (x86)</a>
##您也可从华军软件园下载<a href="http://search.newhua.com/search_list.php?searchname=Activepython+x86" target="_blank">ActivePython 2.6 Windows (x86)</a>
## 2. <strong style="color: red;">安装 Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable Package (x86)(必须,32位系统和64位系统均安装该版本):</strong>

##从微软官方网站下载<a href="http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=32bc1bee-a3f9-4c13-9c99-220b62a191ee&amp;displaylang=zh-cn" target="_blank">Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable Package (x86)</a>
## 3. <strong style="color: red;">安装 Coreseek-3.2.13(必须):</strong>

##从Coreseek官方网站下载 <a href="http://www.coreseek.cn/news/7/101/">http://www.coreseek.cn/uploads/csft/3.2/coreseek-3.2.13-win32.zip</a>



#cd coreseek-3.2.13-win32
#bin\indexer -c etc\csft.conf
    Coreseek Fulltext 3.2 [ Sphinx 0.9.9-release (r2117)]
    Copyright (c) 2007-2010,
    Beijing Choice Software Technologies Inc (http://www.coreseek.com)

     using config file 'etc\csft.conf'...
    total 0 reads, 0.000 sec, 0.0 kb/call avg, 0.0 msec/call avg
    total 0 writes, 0.000 sec, 0.0 kb/call avg, 0.0 msec/call avg

#bin\indexer -c etc\csft.conf --all
    Coreseek Fulltext 3.2 [ Sphinx 0.9.9-release (r2117)]
    Copyright (c) 2007-2010,
    Beijing Choice Software Technologies Inc (http://www.coreseek.com)

     using config file 'etc\csft.conf'...
    indexing index 'xml'...
    collected 3 docs, 0.0 MB
    sorted 0.0 Mhits, 100.0% done
    total 3 docs, 7585 bytes
    total 0.075 sec, 101043 bytes/sec, 39.96 docs/sec
    total 2 reads, 0.000 sec, 5.6 kb/call avg, 0.0 msec/call avg
    total 7 writes, 0.000 sec, 3.9 kb/call avg, 0.0 msec/call avg

#bin\indexer -c etc\csft.conf xml
    Coreseek Fulltext 3.2 [ Sphinx 0.9.9-release (r2117)]
    Copyright (c) 2007-2010,
    Beijing Choice Software Technologies Inc (http://www.coreseek.com)

     using config file 'etc\csft.conf'...
    indexing index 'xml'...
    collected 3 docs, 0.0 MB
    sorted 0.0 Mhits, 100.0% done
    total 3 docs, 7585 bytes
    total 0.069 sec, 109614 bytes/sec, 43.35 docs/sec
    total 2 reads, 0.000 sec, 5.6 kb/call avg, 0.0 msec/call avg
    total 7 writes, 0.000 sec, 3.9 kb/call avg, 0.0 msec/call avg

# bin\search -c etc\csft.conf
    Coreseek Fulltext 3.2 [ Sphinx 0.9.9-release (r2117)]
    Copyright (c) 2007-2010,
    Beijing Choice Software Technologies Inc (http://www.coreseek.com)

     using config file 'etc\csft.conf'...
    index 'xml': query '': returned 3 matches of 3 total in 0.093 sec

    displaying matches:
    1. document=1, weight=1, published=Thu Apr  1 22:20:07 2010, author_id=1
    2. document=2, weight=1, published=Thu Apr  1 23:25:48 2010, author_id=1
    3. document=3, weight=1, published=Thu Apr  1 12:01:00 2010, author_id=2


# bin\search -c etc\csft.conf -a Twittter和Opera都提供了搜索服务
##故请使用bin\search -c etc\csft.conf -a Twittter Opera
    Coreseek Fulltext 3.2 [ Sphinx 0.9.9-release (r2117)]
    Copyright (c) 2007-2010,
    Beijing Choice Software Technologies Inc (http://www.coreseek.com)

     using config file 'etc\csft.conf'...
    index 'xml': query 'Twittter和Opera都提供了搜索服务 ': returned 3 matches of 3 total in 0.038 sec

    displaying matches:
    1. document=3, weight=24, published=Thu Apr  1 12:01:00 2010, author_id=2
    2. document=1, weight=4, published=Thu Apr  1 22:20:07 2010, author_id=1
    3. document=2, weight=3, published=Thu Apr  1 23:25:48 2010, author_id=1

    1. 'twittter': 1 documents, 3 hits
    2. '和': 3 documents, 15 hits
    3. 'opera': 1 documents, 25 hits
    4. '都': 2 documents, 4 hits
    5. '提供': 0 documents, 0 hits
    6. '了': 3 documents, 18 hits
    7. '搜索': 2 documents, 5 hits
    8. '服务': 1 documents, 1 hits

# bin\searchd -c etc\csft.conf
    Coreseek Fulltext 3.2 [ Sphinx 0.9.9-release (r2117)]
    Copyright (c) 2007-2010,
    Beijing Choice Software Technologies Inc (http://www.coreseek.com)

    using config file 'etc\csft.conf'...
    listening on all interfaces, port=9312

##然后,请参考csft-3.2.13-win32下api目录中的相关文件,使用PHP、Python、Ruby、Java来测试搜索服务;也可以前往&lt; ahref="/products-install/step_by_step/"&gt;搜索服务建立三步曲,查看第三步使用PHP测试。


<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p>晒一下我的csft.conf 文件内容,以及相关的一些说明,</p>
<pre name="code" class="conf">#源定义
source src1
type = mysql #数据源类型
sql_host = #主机
sql_user = t_develop #用户
sql_pass = t_develop #密码
sql_db = twioo_develop #数据库
sql_port = 3306 #数据库端口
sql_query_pre = SET NAMES UTF8 #检索编码

sql_query = SELECT content_id,user_id, user_type as user_type , post_time as  posttime ,content_body FROM twioo_content

sql_attr_uint =posttime #无符号整数属性
sql_attr_uint =user_type #无符号整数属性
#sql_attr_timestamp = created ############ UNIX时间戳属性
sql_ranged_throttle = 0

index content
source = src1 #声明索引源
path = D:\sphinx/data/content #索引存储路径及文件名
docinfo = extern #存储方式
mlock = 0 #
morphology = none #形态学(对中文无效)
min_word_len = 1 #索引的最小长度
html_strip = 0 #
#charset_dictpath = /usr/local/coreseek/
charset_type  = utf-8 #数据编码

ngram_len = 1 # 对于非字母型数据的长度切割
min_prefix_len  = 0 #最小前缀
min_infix_len  = 1 #最小中缀

#stopwords   =D:\sphinx/stopwords.txt

ngram_chars = U+4E00..U+9FBB, U+3400..U+4DB5, U+20000..U+2A6D6, U+FA0E, U+FA0F, \
U+FA11, U+FA13, U+FA14, U+FA1F, U+FA21, U+FA23, U+FA24, U+FA27, U+FA28, U+FA29, \
U+3105..U+312C, U+31A0..U+31B7, U+3041, U+3043, U+3045, U+3047, U+3049, U+304B, \
U+304D, U+304F, U+3051, U+3053, U+3055, U+3057, U+3059, U+305B, U+305D, U+305F, \
U+3061, U+3063, U+3066, U+3068, U+306A..U+306F, U+3072, U+3075, U+3078, U+307B, \
U+307E..U+3083, U+3085, U+3087, U+3089..U+308E, U+3090..U+3093, U+30A1, U+30A3, \
U+30A5, U+30A7, U+30A9, U+30AD, U+30AF, U+30B3, U+30B5, U+30BB, U+30BD, U+30BF, \
U+30C1, U+30C3, U+30C4, U+30C6, U+30CA, U+30CB, U+30CD, U+30CE, U+30DE, U+30DF, \
U+30E1, U+30E2, U+30E3, U+30E5, U+30E7, U+30EE, U+30F0..U+30F3, U+30F5, U+30F6, \
U+31F0, U+31F1, U+31F2, U+31F3, U+31F4, U+31F5, U+31F6, U+31F7, U+31F8, U+31F9, \
U+31FA, U+31FB, U+31FC, U+31FD, U+31FE, U+31FF, U+AC00..U+D7A3, U+1100..U+1159, \
U+1161..U+11A2, U+11A8..U+11F9, U+A000..U+A48C, U+A492..U+A4C6

charset_table = U+FF10..U+FF19-&gt;0..9, 0..9, U+FF41..U+FF5A-&gt;a..z, U+FF21..U+FF3A-&gt;a..z,\
A..Z-&gt;a..z, a..z, U+0149, U+017F, U+0138, U+00DF, U+00FF, U+00C0..U+00D6-&gt;U+00E0..U+00F6,\
U+00E0..U+00F6, U+00D8..U+00DE-&gt;U+00F8..U+00FE, U+00F8..U+00FE, U+0100-&gt;U+0101, U+0101,\
U+0102-&gt;U+0103, U+0103, U+0104-&gt;U+0105, U+0105, U+0106-&gt;U+0107, U+0107, U+0108-&gt;U+0109,\
U+0109, U+010A-&gt;U+010B, U+010B, U+010C-&gt;U+010D, U+010D, U+010E-&gt;U+010F, U+010F,\
U+0110-&gt;U+0111, U+0111, U+0112-&gt;U+0113, U+0113, U+0114-&gt;U+0115, U+0115, \
U+0116-&gt;U+0117,U+0117, U+0118-&gt;U+0119, U+0119, U+011A-&gt;U+011B, U+011B, U+011C-&gt;U+011D,\
U+011D,U+011E-&gt;U+011F, U+011F, U+0130-&gt;U+0131, U+0131, U+0132-&gt;U+0133, U+0133, \
U+0134-&gt;U+0135,U+0135, U+0136-&gt;U+0137, U+0137, U+0139-&gt;U+013A, U+013A, U+013B-&gt;U+013C, \
U+013C,U+013D-&gt;U+013E, U+013E, U+013F-&gt;U+0140, U+0140, U+0141-&gt;U+0142, U+0142, \
U+0143-&gt;U+0144,U+0144, U+0145-&gt;U+0146, U+0146, U+0147-&gt;U+0148, U+0148, U+014A-&gt;U+014B, \
U+014B,U+014C-&gt;U+014D, U+014D, U+014E-&gt;U+014F, U+014F, U+0150-&gt;U+0151, U+0151, \
U+0152-&gt;U+0153,U+0153, U+0154-&gt;U+0155, U+0155, U+0156-&gt;U+0157, U+0157, U+0158-&gt;U+0159,\
U+0159,U+015A-&gt;U+015B, U+015B, U+015C-&gt;U+015D, U+015D, U+015E-&gt;U+015F, U+015F, \
U+0160-&gt;U+0161,U+0161, U+0162-&gt;U+0163, U+0163, U+0164-&gt;U+0165, U+0165, U+0166-&gt;U+0167, \
U+0167,U+0168-&gt;U+0169, U+0169, U+016A-&gt;U+016B, U+016B, U+016C-&gt;U+016D, U+016D, \
U+016E-&gt;U+016F,U+016F, U+0170-&gt;U+0171, U+0171, U+0172-&gt;U+0173, U+0173, U+0174-&gt;U+0175,\
U+0175,U+0176-&gt;U+0177, U+0177, U+0178-&gt;U+00FF, U+00FF, U+0179-&gt;U+017A, U+017A, \
U+017B-&gt;U+017C,U+017C, U+017D-&gt;U+017E, U+017E, U+0410..U+042F-&gt;U+0430..U+044F, \
U+0430..U+044F,U+05D0..U+05EA, U+0531..U+0556-&gt;U+0561..U+0586, U+0561..U+0587, \
U+0621..U+063A, U+01B9,U+01BF, U+0640..U+064A, U+0660..U+0669, U+066E, U+066F, \
U+0671..U+06D3, U+06F0..U+06FF,U+0904..U+0939, U+0958..U+095F, U+0960..U+0963, \
U+0966..U+096F, U+097B..U+097F,U+0985..U+09B9, U+09CE, U+09DC..U+09E3, U+09E6..U+09EF, \
U+0A05..U+0A39, U+0A59..U+0A5E,U+0A66..U+0A6F, U+0A85..U+0AB9, U+0AE0..U+0AE3, \
U+0AE6..U+0AEF, U+0B05..U+0B39,U+0B5C..U+0B61, U+0B66..U+0B6F, U+0B71, U+0B85..U+0BB9, \
U+0BE6..U+0BF2, U+0C05..U+0C39,U+0C66..U+0C6F, U+0C85..U+0CB9, U+0CDE..U+0CE3, \
U+0CE6..U+0CEF, U+0D05..U+0D39, U+0D60,U+0D61, U+0D66..U+0D6F, U+0D85..U+0DC6, \
U+1900..U+1938, U+1946..U+194F, U+A800..U+A805,U+A807..U+A822, U+0386-&gt;U+03B1, \
U+03AC-&gt;U+03B1, U+0388-&gt;U+03B5, U+03AD-&gt;U+03B5,U+0389-&gt;U+03B7, U+03AE-&gt;U+03B7, \
U+038A-&gt;U+03B9, U+0390-&gt;U+03B9, U+03AA-&gt;U+03B9,U+03AF-&gt;U+03B9, U+03CA-&gt;U+03B9, \
U+038C-&gt;U+03BF, U+03CC-&gt;U+03BF, U+038E-&gt;U+03C5,U+03AB-&gt;U+03C5, U+03B0-&gt;U+03C5, \
U+03CB-&gt;U+03C5, U+03CD-&gt;U+03C5, U+038F-&gt;U+03C9,U+03CE-&gt;U+03C9, U+03C2-&gt;U+03C3, \
U+0391..U+03A1-&gt;U+03B1..U+03C1,U+03A3..U+03A9-&gt;U+03C3..U+03C9, U+03B1..U+03C1, \
U+03C3..U+03C9, U+0E01..U+0E2E,U+0E30..U+0E3A, U+0E40..U+0E45, U+0E47, U+0E50..U+0E59, \
U+A000..U+A48F, U+4E00..U+9FBF,U+3400..U+4DBF, U+20000..U+2A6DF, U+F900..U+FAFF, \
U+2F800..U+2FA1F, U+2E80..U+2EFF,U+2F00..U+2FDF, U+3100..U+312F, U+31A0..U+31BF, \
U+3040..U+309F, U+30A0..U+30FF,U+31F0..U+31FF, U+AC00..U+D7AF, U+1100..U+11FF, \
U+3130..U+318F, U+A000..U+A48F,U+A490..U+A4CF

######### 索引器配置 #####
mem_limit = 128M ####### 内存限制

listen = ### 监听端口
read_timeout = 5 #请求超时时间
max_children = 30 #同时可执行的最大searchd 进程数
max_matches = 100000 ### 查询结果的最大返回数
seamless_rotate = 0 ### 是否支持无缝切换,做增量索引时通常需要
preopen_indexes = 0
unlink_old = 1
pid_file = D:\sphinx\log/searchd.pid #######进程ID文件
log =D:\sphinx\log/searchd.log #### 服务进程日志 ,一旦sphinx出现异常,基本上可以从这里查询有效信息
query_log =D:\sphinx\log/query.log ### 客户端查询日志
<p> </p>
<p>  说明一下,D:\sphinx\log这样的文件夹要先建立,否则会报错的,sql_attr_uint 是一些属性,为了能进行排序,分组,过滤用的</p>
<p> </p>
<p>        bin\indexer -c etc\csft.conf --all</p>
<p> </p>
<pre name="code" class="txt">E:\doc\Sphinx\tool\coreseek-3.2.13-win32&gt;bin\indexer -c etc\csft.conf --all
Coreseek Fulltext 3.2 [ Sphinx 0.9.9-release (r2117)]
Copyright (c) 2007-2010,
Beijing Choice Software Technologies Inc (http://www.coreseek.com)

using config file 'etc\csft.conf'...
indexing index 'content'...
collected 184330 docs, 15.1 MB
sorted 30.5 Mhits, 97.9% done
total 184330 docs, 15080875 bytes
total 39.237 sec, 384347 bytes/sec, 4697.78 docs/sec
total 7 reads, 6.279 sec, 26307.1 kb/call avg, 897.0 msec/call avg</pre>
<p> </p>
<p>2.检索<br>        bin\search.exe -c etc\csft.conf -a ss</p>
<pre name="code" class="txt">E:\doc\Sphinx\tool\coreseek-3.2.13-win32&gt; bin\search.exe -c etc\csft.conf -a ss
Coreseek Fulltext 3.2 [ Sphinx 0.9.9-release (r2117)]
Copyright (c) 2007-2010,
Beijing Choice Software Technologies Inc (http://www.coreseek.com)

using config file 'etc\csft.conf'...
index 'content': query 'ss ': returned 606 matches of 606 total in 0.039 sec

displaying matches:
1. document=987847, weight=1, user_type=0, posttime=1269336727
2. document=987854, weight=1, user_type=0, posttime=1269395853
3. document=987855, weight=1, user_type=0, posttime=1269395859
4. document=987859, weight=1, user_type=0, posttime=1269395944
5. document=987860, weight=1, user_type=0, posttime=1269395953
6. document=987871, weight=1, user_type=0, posttime=1269409377
7. document=987971, weight=1, user_type=3, posttime=10
8. document=987991, weight=1, user_type=0, posttime=1269411526
9. document=988302, weight=1, user_type=3, posttime=1261593198
10. document=988467, weight=1, user_type=3, posttime=10
11. document=988484, weight=1, user_type=3, posttime=1261596869
12. document=988509, weight=1, user_type=3, posttime=1261597677
13. document=988516, weight=1, user_type=3, posttime=10
14. document=988539, weight=1, user_type=3, posttime=1261598582
15. document=988566, weight=1, user_type=3, posttime=1261599229
16. document=988826, weight=1, user_type=3, posttime=1261608630
17. document=988923, weight=1, user_type=3, posttime=1261611892
18. document=988992, weight=1, user_type=3, posttime=1261613865
19. document=989033, weight=1, user_type=3, posttime=1261614681
20. document=989213, weight=1, user_type=3, posttime=1261618195

1. 'ss': 606 documents, 611 hits
<p> </p>
<p>        bin\searchd.exe -c etc\csft.conf </p>
<pre name="code" class="txt">E:\doc\Sphinx\tool\coreseek-3.2.13-win32&gt;bin\searchd.exe -c etc\csft.conf
Coreseek Fulltext 3.2 [ Sphinx 0.9.9-release (r2117)]
Copyright (c) 2007-2010,
Beijing Choice Software Technologies Inc (http://www.coreseek.com)

WARNING: forcing --console mode on Windows
using config file 'etc\csft.conf'...
listening on
accepting connections
[Fri Aug 20 15:36:01.748 2010] 0.183 sec [ext/0/attr- 27 (0,50)]
  • 恒生电子</pre>
  • <p> </p>
    <p>补充一下,正常情况下,在命令行中是不到UTF-8文字,要想在CMD命令行中看到得结果,在命令行中称输入CHCP 65001 设置一下CMD窗口属性,字体--选择lucida console 然后保存这样就可以看到搜索结果的文字了,不然是乱码</p>
    <p>如果想变会中文,重新设置 chcp 936</p>
    <p> </p>
    <p> </p>
    <p> </p>
    <p> </p>
    <p> </p>


      语音识别 sphinx4 JAVA 教程

      在Java环境下使用Sphinx-4,首先需要下载并解压Sphinx-4的源代码包,然后通过构建工具如Maven或Gradle进行编译。确保你的开发环境中已安装Java JDK,并配置好环境变量。Sphinx-4的配置文件(通常是config.xml)需要...

      数据库 搜索引擎 sphinx

      10. **Windows版本**: "sphinx-0.9.9-rc2-win32"表明这是一个适用于Windows操作系统的Sphinx版本,这意味着即使在非Linux环境下,开发人员也能利用Sphinx构建强大的搜索引擎。 总之,Sphinx作为一款强大的数据库...


      Sphinx4提供了易于使用的Java API,允许开发者快速集成语音识别功能到Java应用程序中。开发者可以通过调用API设置参数、加载模型、捕获音频并进行识别。 7. **社区支持与资源**: 由于是开源项目,Sphinx4拥有...


      3. **跨平台**:支持多种操作系统,包括Windows、Linux、Mac OS X以及Android等,适应各种开发环境。 4. **自定义词典**:开发者可以根据需求创建自己的词汇表,支持对特定领域或特定语境的识别优化。 5. **声学...


      3. **多平台支持**:由于Sphinx4是用Java编写的,所以它可以在任何支持Java的平台上运行,包括Windows、Linux、Mac OS等。 4. **丰富的资源**:Sphinx4提供了一系列的示例程序和教程,帮助开发者快速上手,并且有一...


      10. **跨平台性**:由于是开源项目,PocketSphinx支持多种操作系统,包括Windows、Linux、macOS以及Android和iOS,具有广泛的适用性。 总的来说,"PocketSphinxDemo"提供了一个实践性的起点,帮助开发者了解并掌握...

      archive_ Sphinx全文检索引擎 for Windows v3.3.1 [江西新余电信].zip.zip

      在Windows平台上,Sphinx提供了便捷的安装和使用方式,使得开发者无需深入理解复杂的搜索引擎技术,就能实现快速、精准的全文搜索功能。 Sphinx v3.3.1是该软件的一个版本,它可能包含了一系列的性能优化、bug修复...


      #### 二、Windows 平台上安装和使用 Sphinx/Coreseek ##### 2.1 获取文件 - **Coreseek**:从官方网站 [www.coreseek.cn](http://www.coreseek.cn/) 获取最新版本的Coreseek,截至撰写本文时,版本为coreseek-4.1...


      - Windows环境下,一般提供预编译的二进制包,用户可以直接运行安装程序。 - 安装过程中可能遇到的问题,如依赖库不完整、权限不足等,手册中提供了相应的解决方案。 - 快速入门教程引导用户完成基础设置,包括...

      javacv jar 包window64,linux64 javacv-macosx-x86_64.jar

      这个标题提到的是JavaCV的jar包,适用于三种不同的操作系统:Windows 64位、Linux 64位以及Mac OS X 64位。这些jar包使得开发者能够在这些平台上方便地集成计算机视觉功能到他们的Java应用程序中。 1. **JavaCV介绍...




      github-java-api 是 Github 网站 API 的 Java 语言版本。 java缓存工具 SimpleCache SimpleCache 是一个简单易用的java缓存工具,用来简化缓存代码的编写,让你摆脱单调乏味的重复工作!1. 完全透明的缓存支持,对...

      javacv jar 包

      JavaCV(Java Computer Vision)是一个Java接口,它提供了与多个计算机视觉库的绑定,包括OpenCV、FFmpeg、Pocketsphinx等。这个jar包包含了针对不同平台(Windows、Linux、Android)的适配,使得开发者可以跨平台地...


      github-java-api 是 Github 网站 API 的 Java 语言版本。 java缓存工具 SimpleCache SimpleCache 是一个简单易用的java缓存工具,用来简化缓存代码的编写,让你摆脱单调乏味的重复工作!1. 完全透明的缓存支持,对...


      github-java-api 是 Github 网站 API 的 Java 语言版本。 java缓存工具 SimpleCache SimpleCache 是一个简单易用的java缓存工具,用来简化缓存代码的编写,让你摆脱单调乏味的重复工作!1. 完全透明的缓存支持,对...


      github-java-api 是 Github 网站 API 的 Java 语言版本。 java缓存工具 SimpleCache SimpleCache 是一个简单易用的java缓存工具,用来简化缓存代码的编写,让你摆脱单调乏味的重复工作!1. 完全透明的缓存支持,对...


      github-java-api 是 Github 网站 API 的 Java 语言版本。 java缓存工具 SimpleCache SimpleCache 是一个简单易用的java缓存工具,用来简化缓存代码的编写,让你摆脱单调乏味的重复工作!1. 完全透明的缓存支持,对...


      github-java-api 是 Github 网站 API 的 Java 语言版本。 java缓存工具 SimpleCache SimpleCache 是一个简单易用的java缓存工具,用来简化缓存代码的编写,让你摆脱单调乏味的重复工作!1. 完全透明的缓存支持,对...


      github-java-api 是 Github 网站 API 的 Java 语言版本。 java缓存工具 SimpleCache SimpleCache 是一个简单易用的java缓存工具,用来简化缓存代码的编写,让你摆脱单调乏味的重复工作!1. 完全透明的缓存支持,对...


      github-java-api 是 Github 网站 API 的 Java 语言版本。 java缓存工具 SimpleCache SimpleCache 是一个简单易用的java缓存工具,用来简化缓存代码的编写,让你摆脱单调乏味的重复工作!1. 完全透明的缓存支持,对...

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