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今日测试微信服务器,搭建tomcat8.0.9时,发布的ser ...
Tomcat 主机部署 -
追加网通ip段:在网上没有公布出来222.128.0.0 25 ...
Network Address Range: Class A
The designers of the IP address scheme said that the first bit of the first byte in a Class A network address must always be off, or 0. This means a Class A address must be between 0 and 127 in the first byte, inclusive.
Consider the following network address:
If we turn the other 7 bits all off and then turn them all on, we’ll find the Class A range of network addresses:
00000000 = 0
01111111 = 127
So, a Class A network is defined in the first octet between 0 and 127, and it can’t be less or more. (Yes, I know 0 and 127 are not valid in a Class A network. I’ll talk about reserved addresses in a minute.)
Network Address Range: Class B
In a Class B network, the RFCs state that the first bit of the first byte must always be turned on but the second bit must always be turned off. If you turn the other 6 bits all off and then
all on, you will find the range for a Class B network:
10000000 = 128
10111111 = 191
As you can see, a Class B network is defined when the first byte is configured from 128 to 191.
Network Address Range: Class C
For Class C networks, the RFCs define the first 2 bits of the first octet as always turned on, but the third bit can never be on. Following the same process as the previous classes, convert from binary to decimal to find the range. Here’s the range for a Class C network:
11000000 = 192
11011111 = 223
So, if you see an IP address that starts at 192 and goes to 223, you’ll know it is a Class C IP address.
Network Address Ranges: Classes D and E
The addresses between 224 to 255 are reserved for Class D and E networks. Class D (224–239) is used for multicast addresses and Class E (240–255) for scientific purposes, but I’m not going into these types of addresses in this book (and you don’t need to know them).
Remember the Class A range. The IP range for a Class A network is 1–126. This provides 8 bits of network addressing and 24 bits of host addressing by default.
Remember the Class B range. The IP range for a Class B network is 128–191. Class B
addressing provides 16 bits of network addressing and 16 bits of host addressing by default.
Remember the Class C range. The IP range for a Class C network is 192–223. Class C
addressing provides 24 bits of network addressing and 8 bits of host addressing by default.
Remember the Private IP ranges.
Class A private address range is through
Class B private address range is through
Class C private address range is through
The designers of the IP address scheme said that the first bit of the first byte in a Class A network address must always be off, or 0. This means a Class A address must be between 0 and 127 in the first byte, inclusive.
Consider the following network address:
If we turn the other 7 bits all off and then turn them all on, we’ll find the Class A range of network addresses:
00000000 = 0
01111111 = 127
So, a Class A network is defined in the first octet between 0 and 127, and it can’t be less or more. (Yes, I know 0 and 127 are not valid in a Class A network. I’ll talk about reserved addresses in a minute.)
Network Address Range: Class B
In a Class B network, the RFCs state that the first bit of the first byte must always be turned on but the second bit must always be turned off. If you turn the other 6 bits all off and then
all on, you will find the range for a Class B network:
10000000 = 128
10111111 = 191
As you can see, a Class B network is defined when the first byte is configured from 128 to 191.
Network Address Range: Class C
For Class C networks, the RFCs define the first 2 bits of the first octet as always turned on, but the third bit can never be on. Following the same process as the previous classes, convert from binary to decimal to find the range. Here’s the range for a Class C network:
11000000 = 192
11011111 = 223
So, if you see an IP address that starts at 192 and goes to 223, you’ll know it is a Class C IP address.
Network Address Ranges: Classes D and E
The addresses between 224 to 255 are reserved for Class D and E networks. Class D (224–239) is used for multicast addresses and Class E (240–255) for scientific purposes, but I’m not going into these types of addresses in this book (and you don’t need to know them).
Remember the Class A range. The IP range for a Class A network is 1–126. This provides 8 bits of network addressing and 24 bits of host addressing by default.
Remember the Class B range. The IP range for a Class B network is 128–191. Class B
addressing provides 16 bits of network addressing and 16 bits of host addressing by default.
Remember the Class C range. The IP range for a Class C network is 192–223. Class C
addressing provides 24 bits of network addressing and 8 bits of host addressing by default.
Remember the Private IP ranges.
Class A private address range is through
Class B private address range is through
Class C private address range is through
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IP 地址分类详解 IP 地址分类是计算机网络中的一种基本概念,它是指将 IP 地址分配给不同的网络和主机的过程。根据 IP 地址的结构和用途,IP 地址可以分为五大类:A 类、B 类、C 类、D 类和 E 类。 A 类 IP 地址 ...
本文将深入探讨IP地址段分类、IP转换整形、IP对应的地区以及IP分类的相关知识点。 首先,让我们了解IP地址的基本概念。IP(Internet Protocol)地址是一个32位二进制数,通常被分为四个八位段,每个段用十进制表示...
### IP地址分类巧记 在计算机网络领域,IP地址(Internet Protocol Address)是分配给连接...通过上述方法,我们可以更轻松地掌握和记忆IP地址的不同分类及其特点,这对于网络工程师或学习网络技术的人来说非常重要。
IP 地址分类是计算机网络中的一项重要概念,为了便于网络管理员更好地管理和分配 IP 地址,IP 地址被分为五类,每类地址都有其特定的网络地址和主机地址组成。下面是对每类地址的详细解释: 1. A 类地址 A 类地址...
**IP地址规划与分类** 在计算机网络中,IP地址(Internet Protocol Address)是标识网络上设备身份的关键元素。IP地址的规划与分类对于网络的管理、优化和扩展至关重要。本篇将深入探讨IP地址的基本概念、分类以及...
**IP地址的分类** 在计算机网络中,IP地址(Internet Protocol Address)是互联网上设备的唯一标识,它如同我们现实世界的门牌号一样至关重要。IP地址由32位二进制组成,通常采用点分十进制表示法,即分成四段,每...
IP地址的分类主要基于网络规模,分为A、B、C三类,以及D、E两类特殊用途的地址。默认的网络掩码根据IP地址的第一个字段来划分类别。 1. A类地址:A类地址的范围是1.0.0.1到126.255.255.255,其默认网络掩码是255.0....
"西门子200Smart获取IP地址和设置IP地址的相关知识点" 获取IP地址和设置IP地址的重要性 在工业自动化领域,获取IP地址和设置IP地址是非常重要的步骤,它们可以确保PLC(Programmable Logic Controller)能够正确地...
本篇文章将深入探讨如何查询IP地址,包括使用TM(可能是指TeamViewer或其他相关工具)及其插件,以及利用纯真IP地址数据库进行查询。 首先,我们需要理解IP地址的基本概念。IP地址(Internet Protocol Address)是...
标题中的“全球IP地址 IP IP地址 IP地址大全”暗示了我们关注的核心是互联网协议(IP)地址,这是一个用于标识网络上设备的唯一数字标签。IP地址在互联网通信中扮演着至关重要的角色,使得数据能够在全球范围内准确...
"IP地址分类及子网掩码详解" IP地址是Internet Protocol的缩写,用于标识Internet上的计算机或设备。IP地址是一个32位的二进制数字,由网络号和主机号两部分组成。IP地址的分类是根据网络号和主机号的位数来划分的...
IP 地址分类(IPV4、IPV6) IP 地址是 TCP/IP 网络中用来唯一标识每台主机或设备的地址,IP 地址由 32 位(共四个八位组) 的二进制组成,IP 地址分为两部分,左边网络编号部分用来标识主机所在的网络;右边部分...
IP地址(Internet Protocol Address),英文全称为IP address,是一种用于标识网络上设备的32位地址。每个连接至互联网的主机都拥有一个唯一的IP地址,该地址用于在网络上传递信息,是互联网运行的基础。 ### IP...
首先,我们需要了解 IP 地址的基本概念,例如 IP 地址的组成,IP 地址的分类,IP 地址的应用等。然后,我们将学习如何设置 IP 地址,如何划分子网,如何设置子网掩码。 在实验中,我们将使用 10 台计算机,组成一个...