
SharePoint 2009的一些特征


在我的这篇文章中:关于Sharepoint 2009的一些消息有一些关于Sharepoint 2009的消息。今天又在网上看到一篇关于Sharepoint 2009的文章。http://edinkapic.blogspot.com/2008/10/sharepoint-v14-2009-feature-list.html

下表为关于Sharepoint 2009的一些预测和一些已经确定的消息:

Feature Summary Probability Source(s)
64-bit only The SharePoint v14 / 2009 will be shipped only as x64 installation CONFIRMED TechNet
Silverlight Silverlight 2.0 webparts or UI will be present. MOST PROBABLY Speculation
Super-Lists SQL tables-like behaviour for SharePoint lists PROBABLY Bill Gates
Groove Integration If the user has Groove client installed, more options will be displayed for data synchronization, in more seamless way. PROBABLY Ray Ozzie
Master Data Management Master data source for keeping only one version of the truth. This data can be surfaced as SQL Server views or SharePoint data. In essence, a rebranded and somewhat expanded version of Stratature product +EDM, now known as Codename “Bulldog”. MOST PROBABLY

Microsoft MDM

XHTML-compliant output SharePoint UI will produce clean XHTML-compliant output. PROBABLY Speculation
FAST search integration FAST-based enterprise search as a Search replacement. Webparts that show FAST search results. MAYBE CMS Watch
ODF and PDF support Custom filters won’t be necessary to index and extract metadata from ODF and PDF files. PROBABLY Microsoft
CMIS support Content Management Interoperability Services will allow SharePoint to communicate with other ECMs via web services. MOST PROBABLY Microsoft
Claims-based Authentication mechanism Decouples the authentication mechanism from its implementation. It will enable SharePoint to use any interoperable authentication mechanism to authenticate the users. MAYBE Network World

从这两文章可以看出仅支持64位和Silverlight应该是可以确定的了,SQL tables的list应该可能性也比较大,但是这篇文章没有说到对ajax的支持部分。不知道这部分会怎么样。关心的朋友可以参考下。




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