Applying Subquery Factoring to PL/SQL 在PL/SQL中运用子查询分解
Even PL/SQL can present golden opportunities for optimization using subquery factoring. Something
that most of us have done at one time or another is to write a PL/SQL routine when we cannot figure out
how to do what we want in a single SQL query. Sometimes it can be very difficult to capture everything
in a single statement. It’s often just easier to think procedurally rather than in sets of data, and just write
some code to do what we need. As you gain experience, you will rely less and less on thinking in terms of
“How would I code this in PL/SQL?” and more along the lines of “How do I capture this problem in a
single SQL statement?”
The more advanced features that Oracle has packed into SQL can help as well.
Here’s an example. You’ve been asked to create a report with the following criteria:
• Only include customers that have purchased products in at least three different years.
• Compute total aggregate sales per customer, broken down by product category.
At first, this doesn’t seem too difficult. But you may struggle for a bit trying to capture this in one
SQL statement, so you decide to use a PL/SQL routine to get the needed data. The results may be similar
to those in Listing 10-10. The logic is simple. Find all customers that fit the criteria and store their IDs in
a temporary table. Then loop through the newly saved customer IDs and find all their sales, sum them
up, and add them to another temporary table. The results are then joined to the CUSTOMERS and
PRODUCTS tables to generate the report.
Listing 10-10. PL/SQL to Generate Customer Report
SQL> create global temporary table cust3year ( cust_id number );
Table created.
SQL> create global temporary table sales3year(
2 cust_id number ,
3 prod_category varchar2(50),
4 total_sale number
5 )
6 /
Table created.
SQL> begin
2 execute immediate 'truncate table cust3year';
3 execute immediate 'truncate table sales3year';
5 insert into cust3year
6 select cust_id --, count(cust_years) year_count
7 from (
8 select distinct cust_id, trunc(time_id,'YEAR') cust_years
9 from sh.sales
10 )
11 group by cust_id
12 having count(cust_years) >= 3;
14 for crec in ( select cust_id from cust3year)
15 loop
16 insert into sales3year
17 select s.cust_id,p.prod_category, sum(co.unit_price * s.quantity_sold)
18 from sh.sales s
19 join sh.products p on p.prod_id = s.prod_id
20 join sh.costs co on co.prod_id = s.prod_id
21 and co.time_id = s.time_id
22 join sh.customers cu on cu.cust_id = s.cust_id
23 where s.cust_id = crec.cust_id
24 group by s.cust_id, p.prod_category;
25 end loop;
26 end;
27 /
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
Elapsed: 00:01:17.48
SQL> break on report
SQL> compute sum of total_sale on report
SQL> select c3.cust_id, c.cust_last_name, c.cust_first_name, s.prod_category, s.total_sale
2 from cust3year c3
3 join sales3year s on s.cust_id = c3.cust_id
4 join sh.customers c on c.cust_id = c3.cust_id
5 order by 1,4;
--------- --------------- --------------- ------------------------------ ---------------
6 Charles Harriett Electronics 2,838.57
6 Charles Harriett Hardware 19,535.38
50833 Gravel Grover Photo 15,469.64
50833 Gravel Grover Software/Other 9,028.87
sum 167,085,605.71
16018 rows selected.
The code in Listing 10-10 is fairly succinct, and it only takes 1:17 minutes to run. That’s not too bad,
is it? While this is a nice little chunk of PL/SQL, take another look at it and think in terms of subfactored
subqueries. The section that determines the correct customer IDs can be captured in a WITHclause fairly
easily. Once the customers are identified, it is a fairly easy job to then use the results of the subquery to
lookup the needed sales, product, and customer information to create the report.
Listing 10-11 has a single SQL statement that captures what is done with the PL/SQL routine from
Listing 10-10—without the need to manually create temporary tables or use PL/SQL loops. Should the
use of temporary tables make for a more efficient query, Oracle will do so automatically, or you can
choose how Oracle preserves the subquery results via the INLINE and MATERIALIZE hints. It is somewhat
more efficient, too, with an elapsed time of 6.13 seconds.
它更有效率,只耗时6.13s 。
The WITH clause in Listing 10-11 actually uses two subqueries. These could be combined into a
single query, but I thought it easier to read broken out into two queries. Notice the use of the EXTRACT()
function—it simplifies comparing years by extracting the year from a date and converting it to an
Listing 10-11. Use WITH Clause to Generate Customer Report
1 with custyear as (
2 select cust_id, extract(year from time_id) sales_year
3 from sh.sales
4 where extract(year from time_id) between 1998 and 2002
5 group by cust_id, extract(year from time_id)
6 ),
7 custselect as (
8 select distinct cust_id
9 from (
10 select cust_id, count(*) over ( partition by cust_id) year_count
11 from custyear
12 )
13 where year_count >= 3 -- 3 or more years as a customer during period
14 )
15 select cu.cust_id, cu.cust_last_name, cu.cust_first_name, p.prod_category,
sum(co.unit_price * s.quantity_sold) total_sale
16 from custselect cs
17 join sh.sales s on s.cust_id = cs.cust_id
18 join sh.products p on p.prod_id = s.prod_id
19 join sh.costs co on co.prod_id = s.prod_id
20 and co.time_id = s.time_id
21 join sh.customers cu on cu.cust_id = cs.cust_id
22 group by cu.cust_id, cu.cust_last_name, cu.cust_first_name, p.prod_category
23 order by cu.cust_id;
--------- --------------- --------------- ------------------------------ ---------------
6 Charles Harriett Electronics 2,838.57
6 Charles Harriett Hardware 19,535.38
50833 Gravel Grover Photo 15,469.64
50833 Gravel Grover Software/Other 9,028.87
sum 167,085,605.71
16018 rows selected.
Elapsed: 00:00:06.13
The SQL examples in this section of the chapter are not meant to be tuning exercises, but merely
demonstrations showing how subquery factoring may be used. When refactoring legacy SQL to take
advantage of the WITH clause, be sure to test the results. Subquery factoring can be used to better
organize some queries, and in some cases can even be used as an optimization tool. Learning to use it
adds another tool to your Oracle toolbox.
Included in this chapter are two scripts in the Exercises folder that you may want to experiment with.
These scripts both run against the SH demo schema.
Run these scripts with both the MATERIALIZE and INLINE hints to compare performance. In the tsales
subquery, a WHERE clause limits the data returned to a single year. Comment out the WHERE clause and
run the queries again. How does the efficiency of the two hints compare now? Would you feel
comfortable using these hints when the size of the data set is set at runtime by user input?
• Exercises/l_10_exercise_1.sql
• Exercises/l_10_exercise_2.sql
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