Subquery Factoring 子查询分解
(page 305)
Jared Still
You may not be familiar with the term subquery factoring . Prior to the release of Oracle 11gR2, the
official Oracle documentation barely mentions it, providing just a brief synopsis
of its use, a couple of
restrictions, and a single example. If I instead refer to the WITH clause of the SELECT statement, you will probably know immediately what I mean as this term is more recognizable. Both terms will be used in
this chapter.
With the release of Oracle 11gR2 (version 11.2), the WITH clause was enhanced with the ability to
recurse; that is, the factored subquery is allowed to call itself within some limitation. The value of this
may not be readily apparent. If you have used the CONNECT BY clause to create hierarchical queries, you will appreciate that recursive subqueries allow the same functionality to be implemented in an ANSI
standard format.
随着Oracle11gR2的发布(版本11.2),WITH子句增强了递归的能力,就是,分解的子查询允许在某些限定内调用自身。这点的价值可能不是那么明显。如果你使用CONNECT BY子句创建等级查询,你就会赞赏递归子查询,允许用ANSI标准格式执行相同的功能。
If the term subquery factoring is not known to you, perhaps you have heard of the ANSI Standard
term common table expression
(commonly called CTE). Common table expressions were first specified
in the 1999 ANSI SQL Standard. For some reason, Oracle has chosen to obfuscate
this name. Other
database vendors refer to common table expressions, so perhaps Oracle chose subquery factoring just to
be different.
(一般称之为CTE)。公有表表达式首次在1999 ANSI
注: Factoring 在数学上的意思是“因式分解” ,
Standard Usage 标准用法
One of the most useful features of the WITH clause when it was first introduced was to cleanup complex SQL queries. When a large number of tables and columns are involved in a query, it can become difficult to follow the flow of data through the query. Via the use of subquery factoring, a query can be made more understandable by moving some of the complexity away from the main body of the query.
The query in Listing 10-1 generates a crosstab report using the PIVOT operator. The formatting helps
make the SQL somewhat readable, but there is quite a bit going on here. The innermost query is creating
a set of aggregates on key sales columns, while the next most outer query simply provides column names
that are presented to the PIVOT operator, where the final values of sales by channel and quarter for each product are generated.
Listing 10-1. Crosstab without Subquery Factoring 没有子查询分解的交叉表
select *
from (
select /*+ gather_plan_statistics */
, channel
, quarter
, country
, quantity_sold
prod_name product
, country_name country
, channel_id channel
, substr(calendar_quarter_desc, 6,2) quarter
, sum(amount_sold) amount_sold
, sum(quantity_sold) quantity_sold
join sh.times on times.time_id = sales.time_id
join sh.customers on customers.cust_id = sales.cust_id
join sh.countries on countries.country_id = customers.country_id
join sh.products on products.prod_id = sales.prod_id
group by
, country_name
, channel_id
, substr(calendar_quarter_desc, 6, 2)
FOR (channel, quarter) IN
(5, '02') AS CATALOG_Q2,
(4, '01') AS INTERNET_Q1,
(4, '04') AS INTERNET_Q4,
(2, '02') AS PARTNERS_Q2,
(9, '03') AS TELE_Q3
order by product, country;
Now let’s use the WITH clause to break the query in byte-sized chunks that are easier to comprehend. The SQL has been rewritten in Listing 10-2 using the WITH clause to create three subfactored queries, named sales_countries , top_sales , and sales_rpt . Notice that both the top_sales and sales_rpt subqueries are referring to other subqueries by name, as if they were a table or a view. By choosing names that make the of each subquery easy to follow, the readability of the SQL is improved. For instance, the subquery name sales_countries refers to the countries in which the sales took place, top_sales collects the sales data, and the sales_rpt subquery aggregates the data. The results of the sales_rpt subquery are used in the main query which answers the question, “What is the breakdown of sales by product and country per quarter?”
If you were not told the intent of the SQL in Listing 10-1, it would take some time to discern its purpose; on the other hand, the structure of the SQL in Listing 10-2 with subfactored queries makes it easier to understand the intent of the code.
sales_countries , top_sales , 和sales_rpt。注意子查询top_sales 和sales_rpt
In addition, the statements directly associated with the PIVOT operator are in the same section of the SQL statement at the bottom, further enhancing readability.
Listing 10-2. Crosstab with Subquery Factoring 带子查询因子的交叉表
with sales_countries as
select /*+ gather_plan_statistics */
, co.country_name
from sh.countries co, sh.customers cu
where cu.country_id = co.country_id
top_sales as
, sc.country_name
, s.channel_id
, t.calendar_quarter_desc
, s.amount_sold
, s.quantity_sold
sh.sales s
join sh.times t on t.time_id = s.time_id
join sh.customers c on c.cust_id = s.cust_id
join sales_countries sc on sc.cust_id = c.cust_id
join sh.products p on p.prod_id = s.prod_id
sales_rpt as
prod_name product
, country_name country
, channel_id channel
, substr(calendar_quarter_desc, 6,2) quarter
, sum(amount_sold) amount_sold
, sum(quantity_sold) quantity_sold
from top_sales
group by
, country_name
, channel_id
, substr(calendar_quarter_desc, 6, 2)
select * from
select product, channel, quarter, country, quantity_sold
from sales_rpt
) pivot
for (channel, quarter) in
(5, '02') as catalog_q2,
(4, '01') as internet_q1,
(4, '04') as internet_q4,
(2, '02') as partners_q2,
(9, '03') as tele_q3
order by product, country;
While this is not an extremely complex SQL example, it does serve to illustrate the point of how the
WITH clause can be used to make a statement more readable and easier to maintain. Large complex
queries can be made more understandable by using this technique.
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拿来就用的张定友标定法实验报告,特别详细和完整 一、实验目的 3 二、实验器材 3 三、 张正友标定法原理 3 四、实验步骤 4 4.1 整体流程 4 4.2图像采集 4 4.3特征点提取 5 4.4相机标定 5 4.5畸变校正 6 五、 实验结果 6 5.1 内参矩阵K 6 5.2 畸变系数D 7 5.3 外参矩阵 和 7 5.4 标定误差的计算 8 六、实验结论 9 6.1标定结果的准确性与图像数量密切相关 9 6.2标定图像的分布与角度多样性对标定结果的影响 9 6.3重投影误差的评估 9 6.4畸变系数的准确性 9 6.5OpenCV 工具的使用简便性: 9 七、参考文献 10 八、附件 11
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内容概要:本文档是一份详尽的轨道交通信号与控制专业的综合实验指导手册,涵盖了五个主要实验项目,旨在帮助学生深入理解和实践轨道交通领域的关键技术。具体内容包括ZPW-Z000轨道电路信号的FSK调制与解调、机车信号噪声干扰、应答器报文编制与CRC校验。每个实验详细介绍了目的、原理、任务及实验步骤,同时提供了实验报告要求。通过这些实验,学生们能够全面了解和掌握轨道交通信号系统的工作机制和核心技术。 适用人群:高等院校电气与控制工程学院的本科生、研究生,以及从事轨道交通信号与控制系统研究的技术人员。 使用场景及目标:适用于课堂教学、实验课程和研究项目,帮助学生和研究人员掌握轨道电路信号的FSK调制与解调技术,理解噪声对机车信号的影响及应对措施,熟悉应答器报文的设计与CRC校验机制。目标是提高学生的动手能力、实验技能和理论素养,培养他们解决实际问题的能力。 其他说明:该实验手册不仅为学生提供了详细的实验指南,还为教师和实验技术人员提供了一套科学的教学和实验工具,有助于提升教学质量。同时,这些实验也为未来的研究和发展打下了坚实的基础。
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