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《Pro Oracle SQL》CHAPTER 9 The Model Clause -- 9.3 Positional and Symbolic Refere
Positional and Symbolic References 位置和符号引用
(page 277)
As discussed previously, the CV function provides the ability to refer to a single cell. It is also possible
to refer to an individual cell or group of cells using positional or symbolic notations. In addition, you
can write FOR loops as a way to create or modify many cells in an array-like fashion.
Positional Notation
Positional notation provides the ability to insert a new cell or update an existing cell in the result set.
If the referenced cell exists in the result set, then the cell value is updated; if the cell doesn’t exist, then
a new cell will be added. This concept of “update if exists, insert if not” is termed as an UPSERT feature,
a fused version of the Update and Insert facilities. Positional notation provides UPSERT capability.
Suppose that you need to add new cells to initialize the column values for the year equal to 2002
and week equal to 1. You could achieve that with a rule defined using a positional notation. In the
Listing 9-6, line 13 and line 14 are adding new cells for the Year equal to 2002 and Week equal to 1
using the positional notation with the clause sale[2002,1]=0. Within the square brackets, the position
of the value refers to the column order declared in the dimension clause. In this case, column order is
(year, week, hence the clause sale[2002,1] refers to the Sale column value for the row satisfying the
predicate year=2002 and week=1. There are no rows with a column value of year equal to 2002 and
week equal to 1, and a new row was inserted with a zero value for the Sale column for the year =2002
and week=1. The last row in the output was inserted by this rule.
句sale[2002,1]=0添加了新的单元格到Year=2002,Week=1(的位置上)。在方括号中,位置值引用在维度子句中声明的列顺序。在本例中,列顺序是(year,week,因此子句sale[2002,1]引用Sale列值,满足谓词year=2002 and
Listing 9-6. Positional Reference to Initialize for Year 2002 - UPSERT 位置引用初始化Year2002
1 select product, country, year, week, inventory, sale, receipts
2 from sales_fact
3 where country in ('Australia') and product ='Xtend Memory'
4 model return updated rows
5 partition by (product, country)
6 dimension by (year, week)
7 measures ( 0 inventory , sale, receipts)
8 rules automatic order
9 inventory [year, week ] =
10 nvl(inventory [cv(year), cv(week)-1 ] ,0)
11 - sale[cv(year), cv(week) ] +
12 + receipts [cv(year), cv(week) ],
13 sale [2002, 1] = 0,
14 receipts [2002,1] =0
15 )
16* order by product, country,year, week
------------ ---------- ----- ---- ---------- ---------- ----------
Xtend Memory Australia 2001 49 2.519 45.26 47.33
Xtend Memory Australia 2001 50 11.775 23.14 32.40
Xtend Memory Australia 2001 51 -20.617 114.82 82.43
Xtend Memory Australia 2001 52 -22.931 23.14 20.83
Xtend Memory Australia 2002 1 0 .00 .00
Symbolic Notation 符号标记
Symbolic notation provides the ability to specify a range of values in the left hand side of a rule.
say that you want to update the sales column values to 110% of their actual value for the weeks 1, 52,
and 53 for the years 2000 and 2001. The SQL in the Listing 9-7 does that. The clause year in
(2000,2001) in line 9 uses an IN operator to specify a list of values for the Year column. Similarly, the
clause week in (1,52,53) specifies a list of values for the week column.
in(2000,2001)使用IN操作符指定Year列的一列值。类似的,子句week in (1,52,53) 指定week列的一列值。
Note that the output in the Listing 9-7 is not a partial output and that there are no rows for the
week equal to 53. Even though you specified 53 in the list of values for the week column in line 9, there
are no rows returned for that week. The reason is that symbolic notation can only update the existing
cells ; it does not allow new cells to be added.
NOTE I will discuss a method to insert an array of cells in the upcoming section “For Loops.”
注意 我将在接下来的“For Loops”节中讨论插入一组单元格的方法。
There is no data with a Week column value equal to 53 and no new row was added or updated in
the result set for the week=53. The ability to generate rows is a key difference between symbolic and
positional notations. Symbolic notation provides UPDATE-only facility and positional notation
provides UPSERT facility.
Listing 9-7. Symbolic Reference – UPDATE
1 select product, country, year, week, sale
2 from sales_fact
3 where country in ('Australia') and product ='Xtend Memory'
4 model return updated rows
5 partition by (product, country)
6 dimension by (year, week)
7 measures ( sale)
8 rules(
9 sale [ year in (2000,2001), week in (1,52,53) ] order by year, week
10 = sale [cv(year), cv(week)] * 1.10
11 )
12* order by product, country,year, week
------------ ---------- ----- ---- ----------
Xtend Memory Australia 2000 1 51.37
Xtend Memory Australia 2000 52 74.20
Xtend Memory Australia 2001 1 101.49
Xtend Memory Australia 2001 52 25.45
There are a few subtle differences between the SQL statement in Listing 9-7 and prior SQL
statements. For example, the statement in Listing 9-7 is missing automatic order in line 8. I’ll discuss
the implication of that in the “Rule Evaluation Order” section later in this chapter.
在列表9-7中SQL语句与之前的SQL语句有微妙的差别。例如,列表9-7中的语句缺少第八行的“automatic order”。我将在本章后面的“Rule Evaluation Order”一节中讨论它的含义。
FOR Loops For循环
FOR loops allow you to specify list of values in the left hand side of a rule. FOR loops can be defined in
the left hand side of the rule only to add new cells to the output; they can’t be used in the right hand
side of the rule.
Syntax for the FOR loop is:
FOR dimension FROM <value1> TO <value2>
For example, say you want to add cells for the weeks ranging from 1 to 53 for the year 2002 and
initialize those cells with a value of 0. Line 13 in Listing 9-8 inserts new rows for the year 2002 and
weeks ranging from 1 to 53 using a FOR loop. Clause Increment 1 increments the week column values
to generate weeks from 1 to 53. Similarly, the receipts column is initialized using the clause receipts
[2002, for week from 1 to 53 increment 1] =0.
2002且week范围从1到53的新单元格。类似的,receipts列用子句receipts[2002, for week from 1 to
53 increment 1] =0初始化了。
Listing 9-8. Positional Reference, Model and FOR Loops
1 select product, country, year, week, inventory, sale, receipts
2 from sales_fact
3 where country in ('Australia') and product ='Xtend Memory'
4 model return updated rows
5 partition by (product, country)
6 dimension by (year, week)
7 measures ( 0 inventory , sale, receipts)
8 rules automatic order(
9 inventory [year, week ] =
10 nvl(inventory [cv(year), cv(week)-1 ] ,0
11 - sale[cv(year), cv(week) ] +
12 + receipts [cv(year), cv(week) ],
13 sale [2002, for week from 1 to 53 increment 1] = 0,
14 receipts [ 2002,for week from 1 to 53 increment 1 ] =0
15 )
16* order by product, country,year, week
------------ ---------- ----- ---- ---------- ---------- ----------
Xtend Memory Australia 2001 52 -22.931 23.14 20.83
Xtend Memory Australia 2002
1 0 .00 .00
Xtend Memory Australia 2002 52 0 .00 .00
Xtend Memory Australia 2002 53 0 .00 .00
- 9-6_9-7_9-9运行结果.rar (5.9 KB)
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