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《Pro Oracle SQL》CHAPTER 9 -- 9.2 Inter-Row Referencing via the Model clause
nter-Row Referencing via the Model clause 用Model子句行间引用
(page 274)
In a conventional SQL statement, emulating the spreadsheet described in Listing 9-1 is achieved by a
multitude of self-joins. With the advent of the Model clause, you can implement the spreadsheet
without self-joins because the Model clause provides inter- row referencing ability.
Example Data 例子数据
To begin your investigation of the Model clause, you will create a de-normalized fact table using the
script in Listing 9-2. All the tables referred in this chapter refer to the objects in SH Schema supplied by
the Oracle Corporation Example scripts.
为了开始研究Model子句,你要用代码片段9-2的脚本创建一非规范化的事实表。本章引用的所有表指Oracle公司样例脚本提供的SH Schema中的对象。
To install the Example schema, you can download software from Oracle Corporation at http://
download.oracle.com/otn/solaris/oracle11g/R2/solaris.sparc64_11gR2_examples.zip for the 11gR2
Solaris platform. Refer to the Readme document in the unzipped software directories for installation instructions. Zip files for other platforms and versions are available in this Oracle site.
■ 注意,要安装例子模式,对11gR2 Solaris 平台而言可以从http://download.oracle.com/otn/solaris/oracle11g/R2 /solaris.sparc64_11gR2_examples.zip下载。参考解压缩目录中的Readme安装指导文档。在这个Oracle web站点还提供其他平台和版本的Zip文件。
Listing 9-2. Denormalized sales_fact Table
drop table sales_fact; CREATE table sales_fact AS SELECT country_name country,country_subRegion region, prod_name product, calendar_year year, calendar_week_number week, SUM(amount_sold) sale, sum(amount_sold* ( case when mod(rownum, 10)=0 then 1.4 when mod(rownum, 5)=0 then 0.6 when mod(rownum, 2)=0 then 0.9 when mod(rownum,2)=1 then 1.2 else 1 end )) receipts FROM sales, times, customers, countries, products WHERE sales.time_id = times.time_id AND sales.prod_id = products.prod_id AND sales.cust_id = customers.cust_id AND customers.country_id = countries.country_id GROUP BY country_name,country_subRegion, prod_name, calendar_year, calendar_week_number;
Anatomy of a Model Clause 解剖Model子句
Listing 9-3 shows a SQL statement using the Model clause and emulating the functionality of the
spreadsheet discussed earlier. Let’s explore this SQL statement in detail. I’ll look at the columns
declared in the Model clause and then I’ll discuss rules.
In the Listing 9-3, line 3 declares that this statement is using the Model clause with the keywords
Model return updated rows . In a SQL statement using the Model clause, there are three groups of
columns: partitioning columns, dimension columns, and measures columns. Partitioning columns are
analogous to a sheet in the spreadsheet. Dimension columns are analogous to row tags (A,B,C..) and
column tags (1,2,3..). The measures columns are analogous to cells with formulas.
Line 5 identifies the columns Product and Country as partitioning columns with the clause
partition by (product, country. Line 6 identifies columns Year and Week as dimension columns
with the clause dimension by (year, week. Line 7 identifies columns Inventory, Sales, and, Receipts as
measures columns with the clause measures (0 inventory, sale, receipts). A rule is similar to a
formula, and one such rule is defined in lines 8 through 13.
第5行用子句partition by (product, country) 标示列Product
和Country为分区列。行6用子句dimension by (year, week标示列Year和Week为维度列。行7用子句measures
(0 inventory, sale, receipts)标示列Inventory, Sales,
Listing 9-3. Inventory Formula Calculation using Model Clause 用Model子句计算存货公式
col product format A30
col country format A10
col region format A10
col year format 9999
col week format 99
col sale format 999999
set lines 120 pages 100
1 select product, country, year, week, inventory, sale, receipts
2 from sales_fact
3 where country in ('Australia') and product ='Xtend Memory' -- 注:原书中3,4行位置颠倒
4 model
return updated rows
5 partition by
(product, country)
6 dimension by
(year, week)
7 measures
( 0 inventory , sale, receipts)
8 rules
automatic order (
9 inventory [year, week ] =
10 nvl(inventory [cv(year), cv(week)-1 ] ,0)
11 - sale[cv(year), cv(week) ] +
12 + receipts [cv(year), cv(week) ]
13 )
14* order by product, country,year, week
------------ ---------- ----- ---- ---------- ---------- ----------
Xtend Memory Australia 2001 1 4.634 92.26 96.89
Xtend Memory Australia 2001 2 35.424 118.38 149.17
Xtend Memory Australia 2001 3 37.786 47.24 49.60
Xtend Memory Australia 2001 9 77.372 92.67 108.64
Xtend Memory Australia 2001 10 56.895 69.05 48.57
In a mathematical sense, the Model clause is implementing partitioned arrays.
columns are indices into array elements. Each array element, also termed as a cell, is a measures
All rows with the same value for the partitioning column(s) are considered to be in a partition.
this example, all rows with the same value for product and country are in a partition. Within a
partition, the dimension columns uniquely identify a row. Rules implement formulas to derive the
measures columns and they operate within a partition boundary, so partitions are not mentioned
explicitly in a rule.
It is important to differentiate between partitioning columns in the Model clause and the object
partitioning feature. While you can use the keyword partition in the Model clause also, it’s different from the object partitioning scheme used to partition large tables.
Let’s revisit the rules section from Listing 9-3. You can see both the rule and the corresponding
formula together in Listing 9-4. The formula is accessing the prior week’s inventory to calculate
current week’s inventory, so it requires an inter-row reference. You can see that there is a great
similarity between the formula and the rule.
The SQL statement in Listing 9-4 introduces a useful function named CV. CV stands for Current
Value and can be used to refer to a column value in the right hand side of the rule from the left hand
side of the rule.
For example, cv(year) refers to the value of the Year column from the left hand side of
the rule. If you think of a formula when it is being applied to a specific cell in a spreadsheet, the CV
function allows you to reference the index values for that cell.
Listing 9-4. Rule and Formula
Formula for inventory:
Inventory for (year, week) = Inventory (year, prior week)
- Quantity sold in this week
+ Quantity received in this week
Rule from the SQL:
8 inventory [year, week ] =
9 nvl(inventory [cv(year), cv(week)-1 ] ,0)
10 - sale[cv(year), cv(week) ] +
11 + receipts [cv(year), cv(week) ]
Let’s discuss rules with substituted values, as in Listing 9-5. Let’s say that a row with (year, week)
column values of (2001, 3) is being processed. The left hand side of the rule will have the values of
(2001, 3) for the year and column. The cv(year) clause in the right hand side of the rule refers to the
value of the Year column from the left hand side of the rule, that is 2001. Similarly, the clause cv(week)
refers to the value of the Week column from the left hand side of the rule, that is 3. So, the clause
inventory [cv(year), cv(week)-1] will return the value of the inventory measures for the year equal
to 2001 and the prior week, i.e. week equal 2.
inventory [cv(year), cv(week)-1]将返回year等于2001且上一周,week等于2的库存值。
Similarly, clauses sale[cv(year), cv(week) ] and receipts[cv(year), cv(week)] are referring to
the Sale and Receipts column values for the Year equal to 2001 and Week equal to 3 using CV function.
类似的,子句sale[cv(year), cv(week) ] 和receipts[cv(year), cv(week)]用CV函数引用Year等于2001和Week等于3的Sale和Receipts列值。
Notice that the partitioning columns Product and Country are not specified in these rules. Rules
implicitly refer to the column values for the Product and Country column in the current partition.
注意分区列Product 和Country 在这些规则中没有指定。规则隐含的引用当前分区内的Product 和Country列的列值。
Listing 9-5. Rule Example
Rule example:
1 rules (
2 inventory [2001 , 3] = nvl(inventory [cv(year), cv(week)-1 ] ,0)
3 - sale [cv(year), cv(week) ] +
4 + receipts [cv(year), cv(week) ]
5 )
rules (
inventory [2001 , 3] = nvl(inventory [2001, 3-1 ] ,0)
- sale [2001, 3 ] +
+ receipts [2001, 3 ]
= 35.42 – 47.24 + 49.60
= 37.78
- 9-3运行结果.rar (2.9 KB)
- 下载次数: 2
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