Executing the Plan and Fetching Rows 执行计划和取出行
(page 78)
After the optimizer determines the plan and stores it in the library cache for later reuse, the next step is to actually execute the plan and fetch the rows of data that satisfy your query. I’m going to cover much more on plan operations and how to read and understand execution plan output in the chapters ahead, but for now, let’s talk about what happens after the plan is chosen.
An execution plan is just a set of instructions that tell Oracle which access method to use for each
table object and which order and join method to use to join multiple table objects together. Each step in
the plan produces a row source that is then joined with another row source until all objects have been
accessed and joined. As rows are retrieved that satisfy the query, they must be returned from the
database to the application. For result sets of any size, the rows that need to be returned will very likely
not all be passed to the application in a single roundtrip. Packets of data will be transmitted from the
database and across the network until all rows ultimately arrive back to the user/requestor.
When you execute a query, what appears to you to be a single response consisting of the rows that
satisfy your query is really a series of calls executed independently. Your query will complete PARSE ,
BIND, EXEC and FETCH steps in order to complete. One or more FETCH calls will occur for a query that each return a portion of the rows that satisfy the query. Figure 2-3 shows the steps that actually occur “under the covers” when a SELECT statement is executed.
The network roundtrip between the client and the database for each call will contribute to the overall response time of the statement. There will be only one of each type of database call except for FETCH .
As previously mentioned, Oracle will need to execute as many FETCH calls as necessary to retrieve and return all the rows required to satisfy your query.
A single FETCH call will access one or more blocks of data from the buffer cache. Each time a block is accessed, Oracle will take rows from the block and return them to the client in one roundtrip.
The number of rows that are returned is a configurable setting called arraysize. The arraysize is the number
of rows that will be transmitted in a single network roundtrip, if possible.
If the size of the rows is too
large to fit in a single packet, Oracle will break up the rows into multiple packets, but even then, only a
single FETCH call will be needed to provide the specified number of rows.

The arraysize setting is set programmatically; how it is accomplished will depend on which calling
application environment you use. In SQL*Plus, where the default arraysize is 15, you change the arraysize setting using the command SET ARRAYSIZE n. The JDBC default is 10 and may be changed using ((OracleConnection)conn).setDefaultRowPrefetch (n).
Make sure to discover your application’s arraysize setting and increase it as necessary. The benefit to having a larger arraysize is two-fold: reduction of FETCH calls and reduction of network roundtrips.
It may not seem like much, but the impact can be quite stunning
. Listing 2-12 demonstrates how logical reads for the same query are reduced by simply changing the arraysize. Note that logical reads are labeled as consistent gets in the autotrace output.
。列表 2-12示例如何通过简单的改变arraysize,相同的查询逻辑读
减少了。注意逻辑读在auotrace输出中标示成consistent gets。
Listing 2-12. How Arraysize Setting Affects Logical Reads
SQL> set arraysize 15
SQL> set autotrace traceonly statistics
SQL> select * from order_items ;
0 recursive calls
0 db block gets
consistent gets
0 physical reads
0 redo size
18815 bytes sent via SQL*Net to client
865 bytes received via SQL*Net from client
SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client
0 sorts (memory)
0 sorts (disk)
664 rows processed
SQL> set arraysize 45
SQL> /
0 recursive calls
0 db block gets
consistent gets
0 physical reads
0 redo size
15026 bytes sent via SQL*Net to client
535 bytes received via SQL*Net from client
SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client
0 sorts (memory)
0 sorts (disk)
664 rows processed
Even for this small result set of 664 rows, the difference that increasing the arraysize setting produces is clearly visible. I increased the setting from 15 to 45 and reduced the logical reads from 52 to
22 and reduced the number of network roundtrips from 46 to 16! This change had nothing to do with
the SQL statement and everything to do with how Oracle was able to access and return the rows to you. This is just one more example of how understanding how things work can help you help Oracle use less resources and time to do what you ask of it.

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