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- 《Pro Oracle SQL》Chapter 9 The Model Clause (11)
- 《Pro Oracle SQL》Chapter 10 Subquery Factoring (7)
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《Pro Oracle SQL》--Chapter 6--6.1 Explain Plans--之三
《Pro Oracle SQL》Chapter 2--2.4 Identical Statements
2.4 Identical Statements 同样的语句 (page56)
In order for Oracle to determine if a statement has been previously executed, it will check the library
cache for the identical statement. You can see what statements are currently stored in the library cache
by querying the v$sql view.
This view lists statistics on the shared SQL area and contains one row for
each child of the original SQL text entered. Listing 2-1 shows three different executions of a query
against the employees table followed by a query against v$sql showing information about the three
queries that have been stored in the library cache.
Listing 2-1. Queries Against Employees and v$sql Contents
SQL> select * from employees where department_id = 60;
--------------- -------------------- ------------------------- ----------- ...
103 Alexander Hunold AHUNOLD ...
104 Bruce Ernst BERNST ...
105 David Austin DAUSTIN ...
106 Valli Pataballa VPATABAL ...
107 Diana Lorentz DLORENTZ ...
--------------- -------------------- ------------------------- ----------- ...
103 Alexander Hunold AHUNOLD ...
104 Bruce Ernst BERNST ...
105 David Austin DAUSTIN ...
106 Valli Pataballa VPATABAL ...
107 Diana Lorentz DLORENTZ ...
SQL> select /* a_comment */ * from employees where department_id = 60;
--------------- -------------------- --------------------- ----------- ...
103 Alexander Hunold AHUNOLD ...
104 Bruce Ernst BERNST ...
105 David Austin DAUSTIN ...
106 Valli Pataballa VPATABAL ...
107 Diana Lorentz DLORENTZ ...
SQL> select sql_text, sql_id, child_number, hash_value, address, executions
2 from v$sql where upper(sql_text) like '%EMPLOYEES%';
--------------------------- ------------- ------------
---------- -------- ----------
select *
from employees 0svc967bxf4yu 0 3621196762
67197BC4 1
where department_id = 60
SELECT * FROM EMPLOYEES cq7t1xq95bpm8 0 2455098984 671A3034 1
/* a_comment */ * 2dkt13j0cyjzq
0 1087326198
671A2E18 1
from employees
where department_id = 60
Although all three statements return the exact same result, Oracle considers them to be different.
This is because when a statement is executed, Oracle first converts the string to a hash value.
That hash value is used as the key for that statement when it is stored in the library cache. As other statements are executed, their hash values are compared to the existing hash values to find a match.
So, why would these three statements produce different hash values, even though they return the
same result? It’s because the statements are not exactly identical. Lower case text is different from
upper case text. Adding a comment into the statement makes it different from the statements that don’t
have a comment. Any differences will cause a different hash value for the statement and cause Oracle to
hard parse the statement.
This is why using bind variables instead literals in your SQL statements is so important. When you
use a bind variable, Oracle will be able to share the statement even as you change the values of the bind
, as shown in Listing 2-2.
Listing 2-2. The Effect of Using Bind Variables on Parsing 使用绑定变量在解析上的效果
SQL> variable v_dept number
SQL> exec :v_dept := 10
SQL> select * from employees where department_id = :v_dept;
--------------- -------------------- ------------------------- ----------- ...
200 Jennifer Whalen JWHALEN ...
1 row selected.
SQL> exec :v_dept := 20
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
SQL> select * from employees where department_id = :v_dept;
--------------- -------------------- ------------------------- ----------- ...
201 Michael Hartstein MHARTSTE ...
202 Pat Fay PFAY ...
2 rows selected.
SQL> exec :v_dept := 30
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
SQL> select * from employees where department_id = :v_dept;
--------------- -------------------- ------------------------- ----------- ...
114 Den Raphaely DRAPHEAL ...
115 Alexander Khoo AKHOO ...
116 Shelli Baida SBAIDA ...
117 Sigal Tobias STOBIAS ...
118 Guy Himuro GHIMURO ...
119 Karen Colmenares KCOLMENA ...
6 rows selected.
SQL> select sql_text, sql_id, child_number, hash_value, address, executions
2 from v$sql where sql_text like '%v_dept';
------------------------------- ------------- ------------
----------- -------- ----------
select * from employees 72k66s55jqk1j 0 1260079153 6726254C 3
where department_id = :v_dept
1 row selected.
Notice how there is only one statement stored in the library cache with three executions. If I had
executed the queries using the literal values (10, 20, 30), there would have been three different
statements. Always keep this in mind and try to write SQL that takes advantage of bind variables and
uses exactly the same SQL. The less hard parsing that is required will mean your applications will
perform better and be more scalable.
One last mechanism that is important to understand is something called a latch. A latch is a type of
lock that Oracle must acquire in order to read information stored in the library cache as well as other
memory structures. Latches protect the library cache from becoming corrupted by concurrent
modifications by two sessions or by one session trying to read information that is being modified by
another one. Prior to reading any information from the library cache, Oracle will acquire a latch that will
then cause all other sessions to have to wait until that latch is released before they can acquire the latch
and do the work they need to complete.
Latches, unlike typical locks, are not queued.
In other words, if Oracle attempts to acquire a latch
on the library cache in order to check to see if the statement you are executing already exists, it will
check to see if the latch is available. If the latch is available, it will acquire the latch, do the work it needs to, then release the latch. However, if the latch is already in use, Oracle will do something called
spinning. Think of spinning like a kid in the backseat of a car that asks “Are we there yet?” over and over
and over. Oracle will basically iterate in a loop and continue to check to see if the latch is available.
During this time, Oracle is actively using CPU to do these checks, but your query is actually “on hold”
and not really doing anything until the latch can be acquired.
If the latch is not acquired after spinning for a while (Oracle will spin up to the number of times
indicated by the _spin_count hidden parameter, which is set to 2000 by default), then the request will be
halted temporarily and your session will have to get in line behind other sessions that need to use the
CPU. It must wait its turn to use the CPU again in order to check to see if the latch is available. This
iterative process will continue until the latch can be acquired. You don’t just get in line and wait on the
latch to become available, so it’s entirely possible that another session can acquire the latch while your
session is waiting in line to get back on the CPU to check the latch again. As you can imagine, this could
be quite time-consuming if many sessions all need to acquire the latch concurrently.
The main thing to remember is that latches are serialization devices. The more frequently Oracle
needs to acquire a latch, the more likely it is that contention will occur, and the longer you’ll have to
wait. The effects on performance and scalability can be dramatic. So, writing your code in such a way as to require fewer latches (i.e. less hard parsing) is critical.
《Pro Oracle SQL》Chapter2--2.13 SQL Execution – Putting It All Together
2012-02-10 05:26 1172SQL Execution – Putting It All ... -
《Pro Oracle SQL》CHAPTER2--2.12Executing the Plan and Fetching Rows
2012-02-09 09:41 1194Executing the Plan and Fetching ... -
《Pro Oracle SQL》CHAPTER2--2.11 Determining the Execution Plan
2012-02-04 20:09 1075Determining the Execution Plan ... -
《Pro Oracle SQL》CHAPTER2--2.10 Query Rewrite with Materialized Views
2012-01-27 13:27 1013Query Rewrite with Materialized ... -
《Pro Oracle SQL》CHAPTER2--2.9 Predicate Pushing
2012-01-25 20:51 1346Predicate Pushing 谓词推进 ... -
《Pro Oracle SQL》CHAPTER2--2.8 Subquery Unnesting
2012-01-23 20:51 1480Subquery Unnesting 子查询 ... -
《Pro Oracle SQL》CHAPTER2--2.7 View Merging
2012-01-22 06:36 1258View Merging 视图合并 (Page 6 ... -
《Pro Oracle SQL》CHAPTER2--2.6Query Transformation
2012-01-18 15:17 762Query Transformation 查询变换 ... -
《Pro Oracle SQL》Charpter2 --2.5 SGA – The Buffer Cache
2012-01-15 16:10 1074SGA – The Buffer Cache SGA-缓 ... -
《Pro Oracle SQL》CHAPTER2--2.3 The Library Cache
2012-01-10 22:00 803The Library Cache 库缓存 ... -
《Pro Oracle SQL》Chapter2-2.2 SGA – The Shared Pool
2012-01-08 16:16 9292.2 SGA – The Shared Pool ... -
《Pro Oracle SQL》 Chapter2--2.1 Oracle Architecture Basics
2012-01-03 11:13 1303Chapter 2 SQL Execution ...
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