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- 本博客是hbase使用filter快速高效查询的方法,我会慢慢补齐
1、Comparision Filters
1.1 RowFilter
1.2 FamilyFilter
1.3 QualifierFilter
1.4 ValueFilter
1.5 DependentColumnFilter
2、Dedicated Filters
2.1 SingleColumnValueFilter
2.2 SingleColumnValueExcludeFilter
2.3 PrefixFilter
2.4 PageFilter
2.5 KeyOnlyFilter
2.6 FirstKeyOnlyFilter
2.7 TimestampsFilter
2.8 RandomRowFilter
3、Decorating Filters
3.1 SkipFilter
3.2 WhileMatchFilters
一个简单的示例 SingleColumnValueFilter
- public static void selectByFilter(String tablename,List<String> arr) throws IOException{
- HTable table=new HTable(hbaseConfig,tablename);
- FilterList filterList = new FilterList();
- Scan s1 = new Scan();
- for (String v:arr){ // 各个条件之间是“与”的关系
- String [] s=v.split("," );
- filterList.addFilter(new SingleColumnValueFilter(Bytes.toBytes(s[ 0 ]),
- Bytes.toBytes(s[1 ]),
- CompareOp.EQUAL,Bytes.toBytes(s[2 ])
- )
- );
- // 添加下面这一行后,则只返回指定的cell,同一行中的其他cell不返回
- // s1.addColumn(Bytes.toBytes(s[0]), Bytes.toBytes(s[1]));
- }
- s1.setFilter(filterList);
- ResultScanner ResultScannerFilterList = table.getScanner(s1);
- for (Result rr=ResultScannerFilterList.next();rr!= null ;rr=ResultScannerFilterList.next()){
- for (KeyValue kv:rr.list()){
- System.out.println("row : " + new String(kv.getRow()));
- System.out.println("column : " + new String(kv.getColumn()));
- System.out.println("value : " + new String(kv.getValue()));
- }
- }
- }
- This filter is used for selecting only those keys with columns that matches a particular prefix. For example, if prefix is 'an', it will pass keys will columns like 'and', 'anti' but not keys with columns like 'ball', 'act'.
- public MultipleColumnPrefixFilter(byte[][] prefixes)
- public MultipleColumnPrefixFilter(final byte [][] prefixes) {
- if (prefixes != null) {
- for (int i = 0 ; i < prefixes.length ; i++) {
- if (!sortedPrefixes.add(prefixes[i]))
- throw new IllegalArgumentException ("prefixes must be distinct");
- }
- }
- }
- +public class TestMultipleColumnPrefixFilter {
- +
- + private final static HBaseTestingUtility TEST_UTIL = new
- + HBaseTestingUtility();
- +
- + @Test
- + public void testMultipleColumnPrefixFilter() throws IOException {
- + String family = "Family" ;
- + HTableDescriptor htd = new HTableDescriptor("TestMultipleColumnPrefixFilter");
- + htd.addFamily(new HColumnDescriptor(family));
- + // HRegionInfo info = new HRegionInfo(htd, null, null, false);
- + HRegionInfo info = new HRegionInfo(htd.getName(), null, null, false);
- + HRegion region = HRegion .createHRegion(info, HBaseTestingUtility.
- + getTestDir(), TEST_UTIL.getConfiguration(), htd);
- +
- + List< String > rows = generateRandomWords (100, "row");
- + List< String > columns = generateRandomWords (10000, "column");
- + long maxTimestamp = 2 ;
- +
- + List< KeyValue > kvList = new ArrayList < KeyValue > ();
- +
- + Map< String , List < KeyValue > > prefixMap = new HashMap < String ,
- + List< KeyValue > > ();
- +
- + prefixMap.put("p", new ArrayList< KeyValue > ());
- + prefixMap.put("q", new ArrayList< KeyValue > ());
- + prefixMap.put("s", new ArrayList< KeyValue > ());
- +
- + String valueString = "ValueString" ;
- +
- + for (String row: rows) {
- + Put p = new Put(Bytes.toBytes(row));
- + for (String column: columns) {
- + for (long timestamp = 1 ; timestamp < = maxTimestamp; timestamp++) {
- + KeyValue kv = KeyValueTestUtil .create(row, family, column, timestamp,
- + valueString);
- + p.add(kv);
- + kvList.add(kv);
- + for (String s: prefixMap.keySet()) {
- + if (column.startsWith(s)) {
- + prefixMap.get(s).add(kv);
- + }
- + }
- + }
- + }
- + region.put(p);
- + }
- +
- + MultipleColumnPrefixFilter filter;
- + Scan scan = new Scan();
- + scan.setMaxVersions();
- + byte [][] filter_prefix = new byte [2][];
- + filter_prefix[0] = new byte [] {'p'};
- + filter_prefix[1] = new byte [] {'q'};
- +
- + filter = new MultipleColumnPrefixFilter(filter_prefix);
- + scan.setFilter(filter);
- + List< KeyValue > results = new ArrayList < KeyValue > ();
- + InternalScanner scanner = region .getScanner(scan);
- + while(scanner.next(results));
- + assertEquals(prefixMap.get("p").size() + prefixMap.get("q").size(), results.size());
- + }
- +
- + @Test
- + public void testMultipleColumnPrefixFilterWithManyFamilies() throws IOException {
- + String family1 = "Family1" ;
- + String family2 = "Family2" ;
- + HTableDescriptor htd = new HTableDescriptor("TestMultipleColumnPrefixFilter");
- + htd.addFamily(new HColumnDescriptor(family1));
- + htd.addFamily(new HColumnDescriptor(family2));
- + HRegionInfo info = new HRegionInfo(htd.getName(), null, null, false);
- + HRegion region = HRegion .createHRegion(info, HBaseTestingUtility.
- + getTestDir(), TEST_UTIL.getConfiguration(), htd);
- +
- + List< String > rows = generateRandomWords (100, "row");
- + List< String > columns = generateRandomWords (10000, "column");
- + long maxTimestamp = 3 ;
- +
- + List< KeyValue > kvList = new ArrayList < KeyValue > ();
- +
- + Map< String , List < KeyValue > > prefixMap = new HashMap < String ,
- + List< KeyValue > > ();
- +
- + prefixMap.put("p", new ArrayList< KeyValue > ());
- + prefixMap.put("q", new ArrayList< KeyValue > ());
- + prefixMap.put("s", new ArrayList< KeyValue > ());
- +
- + String valueString = "ValueString" ;
- +
- + for (String row: rows) {
- + Put p = new Put(Bytes.toBytes(row));
- + for (String column: columns) {
- + for (long timestamp = 1 ; timestamp < = maxTimestamp; timestamp++) {
- + double rand = Math .random();
- + KeyValue kv;
- + if (rand < 0.5 )
- + kv = KeyValueTestUtil .create(row, family1, column, timestamp,
- + valueString);
- + else
- + kv = KeyValueTestUtil .create(row, family2, column, timestamp,
- + valueString);
- + p.add(kv);
- + kvList.add(kv);
- + for (String s: prefixMap.keySet()) {
- + if (column.startsWith(s)) {
- + prefixMap.get(s).add(kv);
- + }
- + }
- + }
- + }
- + region.put(p);
- + }
- +
- + MultipleColumnPrefixFilter filter;
- + Scan scan = new Scan();
- + scan.setMaxVersions();
- + byte [][] filter_prefix = new byte [2][];
- + filter_prefix[0] = new byte [] {'p'};
- + filter_prefix[1] = new byte [] {'q'};
- +
- + filter = new MultipleColumnPrefixFilter(filter_prefix);
- + scan.setFilter(filter);
- + List< KeyValue > results = new ArrayList < KeyValue > ();
- + InternalScanner scanner = region .getScanner(scan);
- + while(scanner.next(results));
- + assertEquals(prefixMap.get("p").size() + prefixMap.get("q").size(), results.size());
- + }
- +
- + @Test
- + public void testMultipleColumnPrefixFilterWithColumnPrefixFilter() throws IOException {
- + String family = "Family" ;
- + HTableDescriptor htd = new HTableDescriptor("TestMultipleColumnPrefixFilter");
- + htd.addFamily(new HColumnDescriptor(family));
- + HRegionInfo info = new HRegionInfo(htd.getName(), null, null, false);
- + HRegion region = HRegion .createHRegion(info, HBaseTestingUtility.
- + getTestDir(), TEST_UTIL.getConfiguration(),htd);
- +
- + List< String > rows = generateRandomWords (100, "row");
- + List< String > columns = generateRandomWords (10000, "column");
- + long maxTimestamp = 2 ;
- +
- + String valueString = "ValueString" ;
- +
- + for (String row: rows) {
- + Put p = new Put(Bytes.toBytes(row));
- + for (String column: columns) {
- + for (long timestamp = 1 ; timestamp < = maxTimestamp; timestamp++) {
- + KeyValue kv = KeyValueTestUtil .create(row, family, column, timestamp,
- + valueString);
- + p.add(kv);
- + }
- + }
- + region.put(p);
- + }
- +
- + MultipleColumnPrefixFilter multiplePrefixFilter;
- + Scan scan1 = new Scan();
- + scan1.setMaxVersions();
- + byte [][] filter_prefix = new byte [1][];
- + filter_prefix[0] = new byte [] {'p'};
- +
- + multiplePrefixFilter = new MultipleColumnPrefixFilter(filter_prefix);
- + scan1.setFilter(multiplePrefixFilter);
- + List< KeyValue > results1 = new ArrayList < KeyValue > ();
- + InternalScanner scanner1 = region .getScanner(scan1);
- + while(scanner1.next(results1));
- +
- + ColumnPrefixFilter singlePrefixFilter;
- + Scan scan2 = new Scan();
- + scan2.setMaxVersions();
- + singlePrefixFilter = new ColumnPrefixFilter(Bytes.toBytes("p"));
- +
- + scan2.setFilter(singlePrefixFilter);
- + List< KeyValue > results2 = new ArrayList < KeyValue > ();
- + InternalScanner scanner2 = region .getScanner(scan1);
- + while(scanner2.next(results2));
- +
- + assertEquals(results1.size(), results2.size());
- + }
- +
- + List< String > generateRandomWords(int numberOfWords, String suffix) {
- + Set< String > wordSet = new HashSet < String > ();
- + for (int i = 0 ; i < numberOfWords ; i++) {
- + int lengthOfWords = (int) (Math.random()*2) + 1;
- + char[] wordChar = new char[lengthOfWords];
- + for (int j = 0 ; j < wordChar.length ; j++) {
- + wordChar[j] = (char) (Math.random() * 26 + 97);
- + }
- + String word;
- + if (suffix == null) {
- + word = new String(wordChar);
- + } else {
- + word = new String(wordChar) + suffix;
- + }
- + wordSet.add(word);
- + }
- + List< String > wordList = new ArrayList < String > (wordSet);
- + return wordList;
- + }
- +}
- +
- .
- public class ColumnPrefixFilterextends FilterBaseThis filter is used for selecting only those keys with columns that matches a particular prefix. For example, if prefix is 'an', it will pass keys will columns like 'and', 'anti' but not keys with columns like 'ball', 'act'.
只有一个有参构造 ColumnPrefixFilter
(byte[] prefix)
类说明 :
Pass results that have same row prefix.
- public static String getKeywordTableRowkeyUseFilter(String filterString1,String filterString2) {
- FilterList filterList = new FilterList();
- String rowkeyValue = "" ;
- Scan s1 = new Scan();
- String [] sf1=filterString1.split("," );
- filterList.addFilter(new SingleColumnValueFilter(Bytes.toBytes(sf1[ 0 ]),
- Bytes.toBytes(sf1[1 ]),
- CompareOp.EQUAL,Bytes.toBytes(sf1[2 ])
- ));
- String [] sf2=filterString2.split("," );
- filterList.addFilter(new SingleColumnValueFilter(Bytes.toBytes(sf2[ 0 ]),
- Bytes.toBytes(sf2[1 ]),
- CompareOp.EQUAL,Bytes.toBytes(sf2[2 ])
- ));
- filterList.addFilter(new ColumnPrefixFilter(Bytes.toBytes( "3274980668:" ))) ;
- filterList.addFilter(new PrefixFilter(Bytes.toBytes( "3274980668:" ))) ;
- s1.setFilter(filterList);
- ResultScanner ResultScannerFilterList;
- try {
- ResultScannerFilterList = tableKeyword.getScanner(s1);
- for (Result rr=ResultScannerFilterList.next();rr!= null ;rr=ResultScannerFilterList.next()){
- String rowkeyValueTmp = new String(rr.getRow()) ;
- rowkeyValue = rowkeyValue + "##" + rowkeyValueTmp ;
- }
- } catch (IOException e) {
- // TODO Auto-generated catch block
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- log.warn("rowkeyValue" + rowkeyValue) ;
- return rowkeyValue ;
- }
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HBase通过Filter来支持复杂的查询操作。例如,使用`scan '表名', {FILTER => '过滤器'} `可以对表数据进行过滤。过滤器可以是多个,用以组合不同条件。 #### 10. 时间戳和数据版本操作 HBase存储数据时会自动为每条...
1. 快速查询:通过高效的Row Key设计,实现基于地理位置的范围查询和点查询。 2. 空间JOIN操作:通过预计算或者MapReduce任务,模拟实现传统数据库中的JOIN操作。 3. 并行处理:利用HBase的分布式特性,进行大规模...
- 大数据存储:对于PB级别的数据,HBase能够提供高效的存储和检索。 - 图像和视频元数据存储:存储大量的元数据信息,便于快速查找和过滤。 6. **学习资源** - HBase官方文档:提供详细的技术参考和最佳实践。 ...
- 方案四:选择HBase作为数据存储,广告请求信息写入HBase,曝光和点击时查询HBase,实现日志关联,此方案可充分利用缓存,减少I/O操作。 3. **技术方案** - 整体框架:每个广告请求分配唯一ID,创建关联表存储...
5. **索引和过滤**:虽然HBase不支持像关系数据库那样的复杂查询,但通过行键、列族和时间戳的组合,可以实现高效的数据检索。此外,还可以使用Filter机制对数据进行筛选。 6. **MapReduce集成**:HBase与Hadoop的...
8. **Secondary Index**:虽然HBase不直接支持二级索引,但可以通过实现自定义的Filter或者使用 Coprocessors 来实现类似的功能。 9. **Coprocessors**:这是一种可以在Region Server上运行的用户定义代码,用于...
- 两者可以通过Hive-on-HBase的方式结合使用,即利用Hive的SQL接口来查询HBase中的数据,增强了HBase的查询灵活性。 #### 2. HBase数据结构 **知识点解析:** HBase的数据模型主要由行键(Row Key)、列族(Column...
7. **强大的索引和查询机制**:通过RowKey进行快速定位,可以结合Secondary Index和Filter实现复杂查询。 ### HBase 2.3.2的改进与新特性 - **性能优化**:包括读写性能提升、查询效率增强以及更有效的内存管理和...
- **Bloom Filter**:介绍如何使用Bloom Filter来提高查询效率。 #### 三、HBase升级指南 - **从0.20.x或0.89.x升级到0.90.x**:列出具体的步骤与注意事项。 - **从0.90.x到0.92.x**:提供升级路径与建议。 ####...
通过介绍HBase SQL所支持的数据类型,如布尔型、各种整数类型、浮点型等,文章提供了HBase SQL的强大能力,以及其在处理交互式查询时的高效性和性能优势。通过这篇文章,我们可以得知HBase SQL不仅能够支持快速的...
- **0.90.x版本**:2011年1月发布的0.90.0版本成为HBase应用的一个重要里程碑,该版本加入了众多新特性,如Bloom Filter等,显著提升了性能。 - **ZooKeeper集成**:0.20.0版本引入了ZooKeeper来管理BackupMaster...
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同时,HBase提供了强大的实时查询能力,通过索引和过滤机制,用户可以快速定位到所需数据,满足实时业务需求。 CDH5.14.2中的HBase 1.2.0还支持 Coprocessors 和 Filter,这是两个强大的扩展机制。Coprocessors允许...
HBase的表由行、列族、列和时间戳组成,这种结构使得数据可以根据不同的维度进行快速查询。 3. **Pig**: Apache Pig是一个用于大数据分析的平台,其主要特点是Pig Latin,一种高级脚本语言,简化了大规模数据集的...