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Enabling Accelerated 3-D

By default, Direct3D technology is disabled. You must prepare the host first, the virtual
machine second, and the guest operating system last.

CAUTION Features with experimental support are not intended for production

To enable a host for accelerated 3-D

  1. With regards to hardware, use a host video card with support for accelerated
    OpenGL, such as NVIDIA TNT, GeForce and Quadro cards, or ATI FireGL and
    Radeon 8500 (or higher) video cards.
    If you are unsure, check with your hardware manufacturer.
  2. With regards to software, upgrade the host's video drivers to the latest version
  3. If you are using a Windows 2000 or Windows XP host, make sure hardware
    acceleration is turned up in the display properties:
    • Right-click the desktop and choose
    • Move the Hardware Acceleration slider all the way to the Full position.
  4. If you are using Linux, test your Linux host for compatibility:
    • To verify that direct rendering is enabled, run:
      glxinfo | grep direct
    • To ensure that 3-D applications work on your host, run:

After your host is configured, configure a virtual machine for accelerated 3-D.

To enable a virtual machine for accelerated 3-D

  1. Choose a virtual machine with Windows 2000 or XP guest operating system.
    Do not enable Direct3D on a virtual machine that is powered on or suspended.
  2. If the virtual machine is set to use more than one monitor, use the virtual machine
    settings editor to set it back to using only one monitor.
    Make sure the virtual machine is powered off, and then select it, choose
    VM>Settings>Hardware>Display, and specify one monitor.
  3. Add the following to the configuration (.vmx) file for the virtual machine:
    mks.enable3d = "TRUE"
    This line enables accelerated 3-D on the host. It is required to support accelerated
    3-D in the guest and also enables the host to accelerate 2-D portions of the guest
  4. Also add one or both of the following optional lines:
    svga.vramSize = "67108864"
    This line increases the amount of VRAM on the virtual display card to 64MB.
    Adding more VRAM helps to reduce thrashing in the guest. The maximum value
    is 128MB.
    vmmouse.present = "FALSE"
    This line disables the absolute pointing device in the guest. Applications that
    require DirectInput relative mode require that you turn off the absolute pointing
    device in the guest. In practice, this is only required for a certain class of full screen
    3-D applications (for example, real-time games like first-person shooters).
  5. If you set the vmmouse.present option, also turn off the preference for motion
    ungrabbing in the Workstation preferences, as follows:
    • From the Workstation menu bar, choose Edit>Preferences.
    • Click the Input tab.
    • Deselect Ungrab when cursor leaves window.

To enable the guest operating system for accelerated 3-D

  1. Power on the virtual machine.
  2. Install VMware Tools.
    For instructions, see "Installing and Upgrading VMware Tools" on page 113.
  3. Install DirectX 9.0c End User Runtime.
    This download is available from Microsoft at:
  4. Install and run your 3-D applications.
    Workstation User's Manual

Known Issues

Common problems for Direct3-D experimental support include the following:

  • Switching tabs in the VMware Workstation console does not work while 3-D
    applications are running.
  • Switching between full screen and windowed mode does not work while 3-D
    applications are running.
  • Running multiple 3-D applications simultaneously might crash the Workstation
  • When a 3-D application is running, you cannot suspend or resume the virtual
    machine, and you cannot take snapshots.
  • Graphical corruption occurs, such as:
    • Screen shot or movie capture displays graphical corruption for the 3-D area of
      the screen.
    • The guest cursor occasionally has a halo of corruption (usually white) when
      mousing over 3-D regions in the guest operating system.




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