G++ error:
Error: declaration of xxx shadows parameter
[10.3] Can one constructor of a class call another constructor of the same class to initialize the this object?
Let's work an example. Suppose you want your constructor Foo::Foo(char) to call another constructor of the same class, say Foo::Foo(char,int), in order that Foo::Foo(char,int) would help initialize the this object. Unfortunately there's no way to do this in C++.
Some people do it anyway. Unfortunately it doesn't do what they want. For example, the line Foo(x, 0); does not call Foo::Foo(char,int) on the this object. Instead it calls Foo::Foo(char,int) to initialize a temporary, local object (not this), then it immediately destructs that temporary when control flows over the ;.
class Foo {
Foo(char x);
Foo(char x, int y);
Foo::Foo(char x)
Foo(x, 0); // this line does NOT help initialize the this object!!
You can sometimes combine two constructors via a default parameter:
class Foo {
Foo(char x, int y=0); // this line combines the two constructors
If that doesn't work, e.g., if there isn't an appropriate default parameter that combines the two constructors, sometimes you can share their common code in a private init() member function:
class Foo {
Foo(char x);
Foo(char x, int y);
void init(char x, int y);
Foo::Foo(char x)
init(x, int(x) + 7);
Foo::Foo(char x, int y)
init(x, y);
void Foo::init(char x, int y)
BTW do NOT try to achieve this via placement new. Some people think they can say new(this) Foo(x, int(x)+7) within the body of Foo::Foo(char). However that is bad, bad, bad. Please don't write me and tell me that it seems to work on your particular version of your particular compiler; it's bad. Constructors do a bunch of little magical things behind the scenes, but that bad technique steps on those partially constructed bits. Just say no.
应该提供拷贝构造函数,并考虑重载`=赋值运算符`,确保"赋值运算符"遵循"右值不变性"(Right-Hand Side Value Semantics),即赋值后的左值对象和右值对象应能独立操作而不相互影响。 总的来说,理解和正确使用拷贝...
拷贝构造函数在以下情况会被调用: - 对象作为函数参数按值传递时。 - 对象作为函数返回值时。 - 对象用于初始化另一个对象时。 拷贝构造函数主要涉及成员变量的复制,对于复杂类型(如自定义类)的成员,通常需要...
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使用成员初始化列表比在构造函数体内赋值更有效,因为它可以避免多次调用默认构造函数或拷贝构造函数,并且对于`const`成员和引用成员,必须在初始化列表中初始化。 ### 第 3 章:Data 语意学 #### 3.1 Data ...
当一个对象被传递给函数或者作为返回值返回时,或者在一个对象被用作另一个对象的初始化器时,系统会自动调用拷贝构造函数。 ```cpp class Prototype { public: Prototype(const Prototype& other) { /* 拷贝构造...
当一个对象被传递给函数、作为返回值或者赋值给另一个对象时,拷贝构造函数会被调用。理解和正确使用拷贝构造函数对于理解对象生命周期和深拷贝、浅拷贝的概念至关重要,也是防止意外数据共享和资源泄露的关键。 4....
但是题目中并未涉及到拷贝构造函数的具体调用场景。 4. **构造函数的数量和参数**:一个类可以有多个构造函数,每个构造函数可以有任意数量的参数,包括零参数。 ### 友元 1. **友元类和友元函数**:友元关系使得...
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在C++中,`std::list`是一个双向链表容器,当需要复制一个`std::list`对象时,拷贝构造函数会被调用。拷贝构造函数负责创建一个新的对象,并使新对象的内容与原始对象完全相同。 #### 23. 如何实现一个拷贝构造函数...
在这份考试试卷中,我们可以看到两个主要的编程题目,它们涉及到C++语言的面向对象特性,包括构造函数、拷贝构造函数、析构函数以及STL中的链表操作。 首先,第一题考察的是类`Person`的生命周期管理。`Person`类有...
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而`AcceptRef()`通过常量左值引用接收对象,只调用了一次拷贝构造函数。如果使用`std::move()`,则可以进一步优化,实现移动构造,减少不必要的资源拷贝。 总的来说,右值引用和移动语义是C++11中提升程序效率的...
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