其有三种创建方式: Locale(String language)
Locale(String language, String country)
Locale(String language, String country, String variant)
com.name=cainwise zhong wen
com.name=cainwise english
这三个都放在src目录下, 好了接下来我们来写段测试代码:
package com.I18n;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.ResourceBundle;
public class TestI18n {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Locale lo = new Locale(Locale.ENGLISH.getLanguage(), Locale.US
Locale lou = new Locale(Locale.CHINESE.getLanguage(), Locale.CHINA
ResourceBundle rs = ResourceBundle.getBundle("message", lou);
Describes format, typical use, and possible drawbacks of all important Lisp constructs. Provides practical advice for the construction of Common Lisp programs. Shows examples of how Common Lisp is ...
本书是为专业程序员而写的。 它采用动手方法引入了ANSI Common Lisp标准。
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《深入理解代码阅读工具——Understand》 在软件开发领域,理解和分析代码是日常工作中不可或缺的部分,无论是维护现有的项目,还是学习新的代码库,都离不开有效的代码阅读工具。本文将聚焦于一款名为“Understand...
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Understand and use the intentions and smart code completion features Create web services using the IntelliJ tools Install and use third party plugins Approach A practical, fast-paced guide with clear...
《深入探索:Scitools Understand 5.1.1029 在 Linux 平台的应用》 Scitools Understand 是一款强大的源代码分析工具,它为开发者提供了对代码的全面理解,帮助他们进行代码审查、复杂性分析、依赖关系可视化等任务...
OPM3 is designed to be easy to understand and use, as well as to be scalable, flexible, and customizable, in order to accommodate the wide range of individual needs and objectives of organizations of...
That said, in many situations where SharePoint is introduced, people struggle to understand and use the platform. In other situations people have difficulty expanding their use of SharePoint from a ...