Learn how to unleash the full potential of subdomains with the subdomain-fu Rails plugin in this episode.
Domain Name Solutions
As mentioned in the episode, you’ll need to add each subdomain to /etc/hosts. This can be a problem if subdomains can be generated dynamically. It would be nice if we could add a catch-all domain. Here are a couple solutions.
One is to make a PAC file and set it up as the proxy in your web browser preferences. It might look something like this.
# proxy.pac
function FindProxyForURL(url, host) {
if (shExpMatch(url,"*.local/*")) {
return "PROXY localhost";
return "DIRECT";
Another solution is to set up your own domain name server on your localhost and create an A entry to catch all subdomains. Sorry I can’t provide detailed instructions for this. Use Google.
Source Code from Episode
script/plugin install git://github.com/mbleigh/subdomain-fu.git
sudo apachectl graceful
dscacheutil -flushcache
# /etc/hosts personal.blog.local company.blog.local
# apache config
ServerAlias *.blog.local# routes.rb
map.blog_root '', :controller => 'blogs', :action => 'show', :conditions => { :subdomain => /.+/ }
map.root :blogs
# initializers/subdomain_config.rb
SubdomainFu.tld_sizes = {:development => 1,
:test => 0,
:production => 1}
# controllers/application.rb
def load_blog
@current_blog = Blog.find_by_subdomain(current_subdomain)
if @current_blog.nil?
flash[:error] = "Blog invalid"
redirect_to root_url
# articles_controller.rb
before_filter :load_blog
def index
@articles = @current_blog.articles.find(:all)
def show
@article = @current_blog.articles.find(params[:id])
@comment = Comment.new(:article => @article)
def new
@article = @current_blog.articles.build
<!-- blogs/index.html.erb -->
<%= link_to h(blog.name), blog_root_url(:subdomain => blog.subdomain) %>
资源分类:Python库 所属语言:Python 资源全名:django-subdomains-2.0.0.tar.gz 资源来源:官方 安装方法:https://lanzao.blog.csdn.net/article/details/101784059
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cd github-subdomains go install 用法 github-subdomains -h Usage of github-subdomains: -d string domain you are looking for (required) -e extended mode, also look for <dummy>example.com -k exit ...
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includeSubDomains; report-uri=\"/hpkp-report\"" ``` ##### 4.2 NGINX服务器配置 - **添加响应头**:编辑NGINX配置文件(如nginx.conf),添加以下代码以启用HPKP。 - **示例代码**: ```nginx server { ...
local subdomains = discover_subdomains(shortname) for _, subdomain in ipairs(subdomains) do print("Discovered subdomain: " .. subdomain) end ``` ### 四、实战测试与脚本流程 编写好脚本后,可以运行`...
hamuzadesu.dev的子域 我只是制作一个小型的临时网站来展示我的Web项目。 这也是我第一次在github页面c上使用Jekyll:
预留子域多租户应用程序中应保留的名称列表。安装$ npm install reserved-subdomainsAPI参考特性names 字符串数组。...nameMap 键为名称的对象。...patterns 正则表达式字符串数组。 例如: ['ww[a-z0-9-]+', 'ftp[0-9]+',...
django子域 Django框架的子域助手,包括基于子域的URL路由和反向。 完整的文档可以在这里找到: : 建置状态 已在Python 2.6、2.7、3.4和3.5上从1.4到1.9的受支持Django版本上进行了测试。
【FRP(Fast Reverse Proxy)】是一种内网穿透工具,常用于解决因NAT或防火墙限制导致的内网服务无法直接从公网访问的问题。本文档主要介绍如何使用FRP来实现通过公网访问家用电脑上的Web服务,以充分利用家用电脑的...
subdomains: ['a', 'b', 'c'] }); myMap.layers.insert(tileLayer); ``` #### 六、使用事件 **Bing Maps AJAX Control** 提供了大量的事件处理机制,可以用来响应用户的交互行为,例如点击、拖拽等。 - **...
subdomains = set() try: answers = dns.resolver.query(domain, 'NS') for rdata in answers: ns = str(rdata) answers = dns.resolver.query(ns, 'A') for rdata in answers: ip = str(rdata) resolver = ...
includeSubDomains; preload" /> ``` 启用HSTS可以确保所有连接都通过HTTPS完成,并且指定最长缓存时间(例如一年)。 ##### 9. 防止Cookie被窃取 **用途**:通过安全属性设置,防止Cookie被第三方窃取。 **...
阿努比斯数据库 姐妹项目 关于 该项目之所以成立,是因为缺少用于子域... subdomains :提交的子subdomains数组 AJAX POST请求示例如下所示: $ . ajax ( { method : 'POST' , url : "https://jonlu.ca/anubis/subdo