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#114 Endless Page

Ever wondered how some sites seem to have endless scrolling page with no pagination? Find out how easy it is to do this in Rails in this episode.
# products_controller.rb
def index
  @products = Product.paginate(:page => params[:page], :per_page => 15)

# index.js.rjs
page.insert_html :bottom, :products, :partial => @products
if @products.total_pages > @products.current_page
  page.call 'checkScroll'

# application_helper.rb
def javascript(*args)
  content_for(:head) { javascript_include_tag(*args) }

<!-- index.html.erb -->
<% title "Products" %>
<% javascript :defaults, 'endless_page' %>

<div id="products">
  <%= render :partial => @products %>
<p id="loading">Loading more page results...</p>

// endless_page.js
var currentPage = 1;

function checkScroll() {
  if (nearBottomOfPage()) {
    new Ajax.Request('/products.js?page=' + currentPage, {asynchronous:true, evalScripts:true, method:'get'});
  } else {
    setTimeout("checkScroll()", 250);

function nearBottomOfPage() {
  return scrollDistanceFromBottom() < 150;

function scrollDistanceFromBottom(argument) {
  return pageHeight() - (window.pageYOffset + self.innerHeight);

function pageHeight() {
  return Math.max(document.body.scrollHeight, document.body.offsetHeight);

document.observe('dom:loaded', checkScroll);



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    语言:English 此扩展程序使您可以启动和停止无休止地向下滚动网站页面。 此扩展程序使您可以启动和停止无休止地向下滚动网站页面。 只需单击扩展图标和“开始”按钮即可开始滚动,单击“停止”按钮即可完成滚动。

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