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关于Azul 并发垃圾回收器






Automatic garbage collection frees the programmer from much of the worry about releasing objects that are no longer neededIt also prevents some kinds of common bugs occurring, including certain kinds of memory leaks, dangling pointer bugs (which occur when a piece of memory is freed while there are still pointers to it and one of those pointers is then used) and double free bugs (which occur when the program tries to free a region of memory that has already been freed and perhaps already been allocated again).

垃圾回收机制让程序员不用关心内存释放以及常见的内存错误,比如memory leak,dangling pointer,double free。

it does also have some problems. The most significant is that thus far, practical implementations of garbage collection in commercial Java runtimes have generally involved an unpredictable "pause" during collection.



As Java programs have expanded in size and complexity, so the garbage collection pause has become an increasingly significant problem for Java software architects.



A widely used technique in enterprise Java to work around this is to distribute programs. This can both keep the heap size smaller, making the pauses shorter, and also allow some requests to continue whilst others are paused. Increasingly though, this means that Garbage Collector (GC) managed workloads are unable to take full advantage of the capabilities of the hardware on which they run.





Collector Mechanisms

Common Tasks



  • Identifying the live objects in the memory heap 标记live内存
  • Reclaiming the resources used by those objects that are not live (aka “dead” objects) 回收内存
  • Periodically relocating live objects to create some amount of contiguous free space in order to accommodate the allocation of new objects of varying sizes – this process is referred to as either relocation or compaction


Parallelism and Concurrency

Garbage collectors can be either single-threaded or parallel:


  • A single threaded collector uses at most one CPU core to perform garbage collection.
  • A parallel collector uses multiple threads that can perform collection work at the same time, and can therefore make simultaneous use of more than one CPU core

They are also either Stop-the-world or Concurrent:


  • A Stop the world collector performs garbage collection work with the application code stopped.
  • A concurrent collector performs garbage collection work concurrently with program execution, allowing program execution to proceed while collection is done (potentially using separate CPU cores)这种并发的GC可以于业务代码同时运行,GC的回收不会打扰你程序的运行。

Responsiveness and Sensitivity




The Azul Garbage Collector

Azul's GPGC collector (which stands for Generational Pauseless Garbage Collector), included in its HotSpot-based JVM, is both parallel and concurrent. GPGC has been widely used in a number of production systems for several years now, and has been successful at removing or significantly reducing sensitivity to the factors that typically cause other concurrent collectors to pause.






The Loaded Value Barrier

“Self Healing”

How the Azul Algorithm Works




Comparison with existing Garbage Collectors

HotSpot’s Concurrent Mark Sweep (CMS) is a mostly concurrent collector. It performs some garbage collection operations concurrently with program execution, but leaves some operations to long stop-the-world pauses. Tene described it as follows:

Hotspot’s CMS collector uses a full, stop-the-world parallel new generation collector which compacts the new generation on every pass. Since young generation collection is very efficient, this stop-the-world pass typically completes very quickly - in the order of 100s of milliseconds or less.

CMS uses a mostly-concurrent collector for OldGen. It has a mostly concurrent, multipass marker that marks the heap while the mutator is running, and tracks mutations as they happen. It then revisits these mutations and repeats the marking. CMS does a final stop-the-world “catch up” marking of mutations, and also processes all weak and soft refs in a stop-the-world pause.

CMS does not compact concurrently. Instead, it does concurrent sweeping, maintains a free-list, and attempts to satisfy old generation allocations from this free list. However, because the free list is not compacted, free space will inevitably be fragmented, and CMS falls back to a full stop-the-world to compact the heap.



Oracle’s experimental Garbage First (G1) collector, which is expected to ship as part of Java 7, is an incrementally compacting collector that uses a snapshot-at-the-beginning (henceforth SATB) concurrent marking algorithm and stop-the-world compaction pauses to compact only parts of the heap in each pause. G1 allows the user to set pause time goals, and uses these goal inputs along with topology information collected during its mark phase in order to compact a limited amount of heap space in each pause, in an attempt to contain the amount of the heap references that need to be scanned during each pause.

Tene explains that, given its experimental state, it is still early to tell how G1 will fare with real applications. According to Tene, while G1 is intended to incrementally improve upon CMS’s handling of fragmentation, its compactions are still performed in complete stop-the-world conditions, and its ability to limit the length of incremental compaction pauses strongly depends on an application’s specific heap topology and object relationships. Applications with popular objects or popular heap portions will still experience long stop-the-world pauses when the entire heap needs to be scanned for references that need remapping, and those long pauses, while less frequent, will be no shorter than those experienced by the current CMS collector. As Tene puts it:

If a collector includes code that performs a full heap scan in stop-the-world conditions, that code is intended to run at some point, and application should expect to eventually experience such pauses.

Whilst G1 attempts to improve determinism, it cannot guarantee it. Tene explained:

It does let the user set pause time goals, but will only “try” to follow those goals. Even if OS scheduling was perfect, G1 would not guarantee determinism as its ability to contain individual compaction pauses is inherently sensitive to heap shape. Popular objects and (more importantly) popular heap regions (regions referred to from many other regions, but do not necessarily need to have popular individual objects) will cause G1 to eventually perform a full heap compaction in a single pause if they were to be compacted… Real application patterns (such as slowly churning LRU caches that get lots of hits) will exhibit such heap relationships in the vast majority of the heap, forcing G1 to perform what is effectively full compaction remap scans in a single pause…

A previous InfoQ article provides more of the technical details.


With the introduction of Zing, Azul has made pauseless garbage collection available in a pure software product on commodity hardware, making it more consumable and much easier to adopt. Pauseless garbage collection can:

  1. Allow Java instances to make effective use of the abundant, cheap, commodity hardware capacities that are already available, and grow with future improvements to hardware.
  2. Allow Architects and developers to make aggressive use of memory capacity in their designs, applying techniques such large in-memory, in-process caching, as well as complete in-memory representations to new problem sets.
  3. Allow developers to avoid the fine tuning and re-tuning of current sensitive GC systems.






    本文档是一份详细探讨Java垃圾回收机制及其影响的白皮书,标题为《Understanding Java Garbage Collection v4.pdf》,旨在帮助Java开发者和架构师理解垃圾回收器的应用行为、特性和机制,并在Java平台上选择和调整...


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    随着JVM的发展,出现了更为高效的垃圾回收器,如Oracle的G1(Garbage First)和Azul Systems的Zing JVM。 编译优化是另一个提高JVM性能的重要手段。JVM包含即时编译器(Just-In-Time, JIT),它能够在运行时将频繁...


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