
ORA-01013 user requested cancel of current operation




The Oracle docs note this on the ora-01013 error*:

ORA-01013 user requested cancel of current operation
Cause: The user interrupted an Oracle operation by entering CTRL-C, Control-C, or another canceling operation. This forces the current operation to end. This is an informational message only.
Action: Continue with the next operation.

ORA-01013 is known as an "information" error.  It is letting you know that the operation has been cancelled by either:

  • caused by the user (pressing CTRL-C or a different method like front-end application),
  • caused by a response to congruent errors OR
  • the result of timeouts.

Resolving ORA-01013 is dependant upon the reason for the  operation to terminated.  If ORA-01013 signifies that the operation has been explicitly shut down by the user, the error in simply informational and there is nothing that can be done, other than proceeding to the next operation.

ORA-01013 may also be caused by other errors, in which proceeding errors should be resolved.

The most common cause of ORA-01013 is timeouts.  Timeouts can be a little more tricky to identify because they may not be specifically reported in connection with ORA-01013. .  If a timeout is causing your ORA-01013 error in a SQL pass-through query, the properties in the timeout parameter should be altered to a higher value.



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