
Performance Test Tools

  • Test


1. Wily Introscope – monitor predefined Java class method, like average response time, response per interval
2. Dimstat – monitor servers’ CPU / disk usage
3. AWR – Oracle statistics report (top 10 sql, oracle top events)
4. VPA – Pinpoint excessive CPU cycles of each class
5. MAT – Memory Analyzer for heap dump (troubleshoot potential memory leak)
6. JCA - Analyzer for thread dump (troubleshoot potential dead lock)
7. GA – Garbage collection analyzer
8. TPROF – monitor memory used for Java Object


    Eclipse Test and Performance Tools Platform 简介

    ### Eclipse Test and Performance Tools Platform (TPTP) 知识点详述 #### 一、TPTP概览 **Eclipse Test and Performance Tools Platform**(简称TPTP)是Eclipse基金会旗下的顶级项目之一,它提供了一套全面且可...

    Profiling and Testing with Test and Performance Tools Platform.pdf

    《Profiling and Testing with Test and Performance Tools Platform》是一份由IBM Canada的Eugene Chan和Jonathan West共同撰写的文档,主要介绍了TPTP(Test and Performance Tools Platform)平台的配置步骤及其...


    腾讯在开源领域的实践体现在其首期开源的六大项目中,这些项目包括libco协程组件、ctaxis云排序、TDW腾讯分布式数据仓库、追风移动加速SDK、APT Android Performance Test Tools、Koala等。腾讯开源项目不仅包括了...


    Use common performance tools such as Keynote and Gomez Explore web performance challenges outside of the US Dives into mobile web performance Understand how to set service-level agreements, both ...


    标题中的"APC_TestTools"很可能是指Advanced Performance Controller (APC) 的测试工具集,这通常与服务器电源管理、不间断电源(UPS)设备或者相关的硬件监控相关。在IT领域,APC是一个知名的电源管理解决方案提供商...

    Nginx High Performance(PACKT,2014)

    NGINX is one of the most common free, open ... You'll also discover various free open source tools to test and benchmark web server performance, allowing you to verify NGINX performance at every step.



    spark-tpc-ds-performance-test:使用TPC-DS基准测试Spark SQL性能

    本项目“spark-tpc-ds-performance-test”旨在提供一个完整的测试环境,使用Jupyter Notebook来运行TPC-DS的查询,并记录性能指标。Jupyter Notebook作为交互式计算环境,为数据分析和代码调试提供了便利,使得我们...


    Finally, by the end of the book, you'll be able to pinpoint JavaScript performance problems using appropriate tools, provide optimization techniques, and provide tools to develop fast applications ...

    Test-Driven Java Development(PACKT,2015)

    The value of performing TDD with Java, one of the most established programming languages, is to improve the productivity of programmers, the maintainability and performance of code, and develop a ...

    Test-Driven Java Development

    You'll be guided through setting up tools, frameworks, and the environment you need, and will dive right in to hands-on exercises with the goal of mastering one practice, tool, or framework at a time....


    This book is intended for software quality assurance/testing professionals, software project managers, or software developers with prior experience in using Selenium and Java to test web-based ...

    Mastering JavaScript High Performance(PACKT,2015)

    Finally, by the end of the book, you'll be able to pinpoint JavaScript performance problems using appropriate tools, provide optimization techniques, and provide tools to develop fast applications ...

    Using Rational Performance Tester Version 7.pdf

    - **工具框架**:基于TPTP(Test and Performance Tools Platform),提供标准化的接口和数据模型。 - **完整的工具链**:集成了从录制到回放、监控再到分析的完整测试流程。 - **分布式录制与回放**:能够在多台...

    Test-Driven Java Development - Second Edition.pdf

    one of the longest established programming languages, is to improve the productivity of programmers and the maintainability and performance of code, and develop a deeper understanding of the language...

    Performance Testing with Jmeter

    quickly moves into engaging topics, including recording test scripts, monitoring system resources, an extensive look at several JMeter components, leveraging the cloud for testing, extending Apache ...

    BC490 ABAP Performance Tuning.pdf

    通过使用ABAP Development Tools(ADT)中的性能分析器,我们可以识别出代码中的瓶颈,比如过多的数据库调用、不必要的循环或计算。理解并应用Best Practices,例如减少选择屏幕的输入字段,避免使用SELECT *,以及...

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