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Languages And Machines - Notes for Math237

Author : Dr. Christopher D. H. Cooper, Division of Information and Communication Sciences, Macquarie University Publication Date : July 2005
Book Excerpts:

The unifying theme in this book is the concept of a language as a system of strings of characters strings obeying certain rules. Strings are fundamental to computing science. Although we tend to think of computers as devices for manipulating numbers, words and pictures, it is more accurate to think of them as machines for manipulating strings of symbols which in turn represent numbers, words or pictures.

This book begins by discussing a special-purpose language - the language of logic. Then it develops a language for talking about languages in general. Since languages are just sets of strings, this book will talk about sets and the associated concepts of relations and functions, using yet another special-purpose language.



At this stage this book will also discuss proofs. It investigates the nature of proof from the syntactic point of view, that is, thinking of proofs as sequences of strings of symbols related to each other in a mechanical way. As well as helping readers to write sound mathematical proofs this book will give them some insight into automated proofs of program correctness.


This book will also teach the connection between languages and machines that manipulate them. Finite-state machines and Turing Machines are important mathematical models of the computing process and they are used to answer a number of important theoretical questions. such as:

  • How does one give a finite description of a language if it contains infinitely many possible strings?
  • Are there any calculations which are theoretically impossible for a computer to perform?


  • 如何给一个语言一个有限的描述,如果该语言包含了无限多可能的字串?
  • 是否存在一种计算,它在理论上是(计算机)不可计算的?

Finally this book will looks briefly at encryption and coding. Both of these involve transforming strings of symbols and are important applications to the computing and communications industries. At the same time, both make real use of interesting parts of mathematics - the mathematics of numbers and of polynomials.


2.1The languages of mathematics数学的语言(数学作为一种语言)

Somebody once said that mathematics is a language. This is very true at many levels. Just as a language is a vehicle媒介工具 for expressing facts rather than being a body of facts in itself, so is mathematics. Moreover many linguists believe that without human language, thought would have remained at a very primitive level. Language is not just a means of expressing thoughts. It is a tool for creating and developing thought. And so it is with mathematics.


In one sense the language of mathematics can be thought of as an extension of our everyday language. The fact that mathematicians have found the need to use specialised symbols often conceals this fact. If you were to pick up a research paper in many fields of advanced mathematics you might find many more words than symbols. Mathematicians use words, symbols or diagrams - whatever works best.


Having said that mathematics is a language, or is an extension of natural language, let us take a different tack补丁. Mathematics contains many miniature小规模 languages for specific purposes. Elementary algebra consists of sentences of the form “expression = expression”, “expression < expression”, etc. The variables and numbers in the expressions are the nouns, and the symbols such as “=” and “<” represent verbs. Another very important language is the language of symbolic logic.

我们说数学是一种语言,一种对自然语言的扩充,但是数学也它特殊的一面。数学包括一小部分特殊用途的语言。初等代数有一些语句,像“expression = expression”, “expression < expression”,表达式中的变量或数字是名词,而等号、小于号是动词。另一种重要的语言就是符号逻辑语言。


Trained computing scientists are familiar with at least one computer language. These are specialised systems for expressing commands, instead of facts. Since compilers must be able to convert such commands reliably and precisely into machine code, these languages need to be defined in a very tight way.


It is therefore considered to be an important part of the training of any computing scientist to study the theory of languages - how they can be defined and how they are built up. Many of the great names in this area of computing science, names such as Chomsky and Kleene, were actually experts in linguistics who recognised the relevance of their work to computing science and transferred their research into that environment.



Normally we think of languages as special systems where certain strings are given meaning. There are the natural languages with which we communicate with one other in our daily lives such as English, French or Swahili. Then there are the specialised programming languages with which we communicate with computers such as BASIC, PASCAL and C++.


But there are many other specialised systems that we don’t usually think of as languages. Morse Code is a language that is built on top of a natural language. Chess enthusiasts and knitters have developed specialised languages in which they describe their activities.


There are two aspects to any language - syntax and semantics. Syntax is concerned with determining whether a given string has a valid form while semantics is concerned with the meanings that are given to acceptable strings. Semantics can only be discussed in the context of a particular language but syntax is more formal and can be discussed abstractly.


The sentence “The silver prejudice accelerated within the complicated sausage.” is a syntactically correct English sentence. The verbs, nouns and adjectives are all in correct positions relative to one another. But semantically it is nonsense. It lacks meaning. On the other hand the syntax of the sentence “Is near post-office where?” is incorrectly structured for English, but if a foreign tourist stopped you in the street with this question you might be able to guess that he wanted to be directed to the nearest post-office. So correct syntax is not always necessary for communication. But it certainly makes communication much easier!


Decimal notation for real numbers is a mini-language that uses the ten digits, the minus sign and the decimal point. The semantics of this language involves concepts such as powers of 10 and limits of sequences, but the syntax can be expressed by a few simple rules:

(1) If a minus sign is included it must be at the front.
(2) At most one decimal point may be included and if included it must have a digit on either side.
(3) The first digit cannot be 0 unless it is the only symbol or a decimal point follows.

In order to make our discussion as general as possible we use the term language to refer to any (finite or infinite) set of strings.


1.1 The Role of Logic in Mathematics ............................................................… 7
1.2 The Role of Logic in Computing Science .................................................… 7
1.3 Propositions and Truth Functions .............................................................… 8
1.4 Compound Propositions ................................................................................ 9
1.5 Tautologies ..............................................................................................….. 11
1.6 Translating From English .........................................................................…. 12
1.7 Laws of Logic 12
1.8 Quantifiers ...............................................................................................….. 14
1.9 The Order of Quantifiers ..........................................................................…. 15
1.10 Quantifiers in Mathematics .....................................................................… 15
1.11 Negation Rules .......................................................................................…. 16
1.12 Writing Proofs ……………………………………………………………. 17
1.13 Patterns of Proof ………………………………………………………….. 17
1.14 The Importance of Definitions …………………………………………… 20
Exercises for Chapter 1 ..................................................................................…. 23
Solutions for Chapter 1 ………………………………………………………... 26

2.1 The Languages of Mathematics ................................................................… 35
2.2 Languages and Computing Science ..........................................................… 36
2.3 Strings .....................................................................................................….. 36
2.4 Languages 37
2.5 String Substitution ...................................................................................….. 40
2.6 Formal Grammars ....................................................................................…. 40
2.7 Regular Expressions .................................................................................…. 42
Exercises for Chapter 2 ..................................................................................…. 44
Solutions for Chapter 2 ……………………………………………………… 45

3.1 Sets in Mathematics and Computing Science ............................................... 49
3.2 Defining a Set ....................................................................................……… 49
3.3 Basic Set Functions ..................................................................................…. 51
3.4 Venn Diagrams ........................................................................................….. 51
3.5 Extended Set Functions ............................................................................…. 52
3.6 Relations ................................................................................................…… 53
3.7 The Sum and Product of Relations ……………………………………… 53
3.8 Equivalence Relations ............................................................................…... 54
3.9 Equivalence Classes ...............................................................................…... 55
3.10 Functions .................................................................................................… 56
3.11 One-to-one and Onto Functions .................................................................. 57
3.12 Counting Finite Sets .................................................................................... 58
3.13 Counting Infinite Sets ……………………………………………………. 60
Exercises for Chapter 3 ..................................................................................…. 63

4.1 Cyclops, The Simplest Possible Computer ................................................... 69
4.2 Finite State Machines ...............................................................................…. 71
4.3 Mealy Machines .....................................................................................…... 72
4.4 Moore Machines ......................................................................................….. 73
4.5 Finite State Acceptors ..............................................................................…. 74
4.6 State Diagrams .........................................................................................…. 75
4.7 Black Holes .............................................................................................….. 76
Exercises for Chapter 4 ..................................................................................…. 77
Solutions for Chapter 4 ………………………………………………………... 81

5.1 Equivalent Machines ................................................................................…. 89
5.2 The Reduction Process — Removing Inaccessible States............................. 90
5.3 Equivalent States......................................................................................….. 92
5.4 k-equivalence of States..............................................................................… 94
5.5 The Reduction Algorithm — Locating Equivalent States............................. 95
5.6 The Reduction Process — Identifying States.............................................… 97
5.7 Standard Form .........................................................................................….. 98
5.8 Reduction of Mealey and Moore Machines .................................................. 99
Exercises for Chapter 5 ..................................................................................…. 101
Solutions for Chapter 5 ………………………………………………………... 104

6.1 Multiple Transitions ......................................……………………………… 115
6.2 Null Transitions ............................................………………………………. 116
6.3 Multiple Initial States ....................................……………………………… 117
6.4 Completing the Nulls ……………………………………………………… 117
6.5 Removing the Nulls ....................................................................... ………... 119
6.6 Combining Multiple Transitions ................................................................... 121
6.7 A Worked Example ..................................................................................…. 124
Exercises for Chapter 6 ..................................................................................…. 126
Solutions for Chapter 6 ………………………………………………………... 128

7.1 Regular Languages ........................................................................................ 133
7.2 The Languages 0, 1, λ and ? ...................................................................…. 133
7.3 The Product of Two Languages ...............................................................…. 134
7.4 The Sum of Two Languages ....................................................................…. 135
7.5 The Kleene Star of a Language ................................................................…. 136
7.6 Additional Examples ................................................................................…. 136
7.7 Example of a Non-Regular Language .......................................................… 137
7.8 Set Operations and Regular Languages 138
Exercises for Chapter 7 ..................................................................................…. 143
Solutions for Chapter 7 ………………………………………………………... 145

8.1 The Limits of Computing .........................................................................…. 149
8.2 The Halting Problem ................................................................................…. 149
8.3 Definition of a Turing Machine .................................................................... 150
8.4 Example of a Turing Machine ................................................................... 152
8.5 Unary Representation of Numbers ............................................................… 152
8.6 Adding Turing Machines ..........................................................................… 153
8.7 Sample Turing Machines ..........................................................................… 154
Exercises for Chapter 8 ..................................................................................…. 157
Solutions for Chapter 8 ………………………………………………………... 160

9.1 The Basic Turing Machine and Its Extensions ............................................. 167
9.2 Multiple Tracks ...............................................................................……….. 168
9.3 Multiple Heads ..............................................................................………… 171
9.4 Multiple Characters ……………………………………..…………………. 172
9.5 A Universal Turing Machine ………………………………………………. 174
Exercises for Chapter 9 ................................................................................…... 178
Solutions for Chapter 9 ………………………………………………………... 179

10.1 The Problem ...........................................................................…................. 183
10.2 Why it is Unsolvable ..................................................................…............. 185
10.3 The Halting Problem ..............................................................................…. 187
10.4 Deciding Whether a Given Turing machine Will Halt …………………... 189
10.5 The Flying Dutchman Problem …………………………………………... 192
Exercises for Chapter 10 ................................................................................…. 193
Solutions for Chapter 10 ………………………………………………………. 197

11.1 Days of the Week ...................................................................................…. 203
11.2 The System Z7 .......................................................................................….. 204
11.3 The System Zm ......................................................................................….. 206
11.4 Inverses in Zm …………………………………………………………….. 208
11.5 Powers in Zm .........................................................................................….. 210
11.6 Euler's ?-Function........................................................................................ 211
11.7 The RSA Code: How it Works ...............................................................…. 213
11.8 The RSA Code: Why it Works ...............................................................…. 215
11.9 Why it is Secure .....................................................................................…. 215
11.10 Cracking the RSA Code ………………………………………………… 216
11.11 Signature Verification …………………………………………………... 217
Exercises for Chapter 11 ................................................................................…. 218
Solutions for Chapter 12 ………………………………………………………. 220

12.1 Error Detection and Error Correction ......................................................... 225
12.2 Polynomials ..................................................................................………... 225
12.3 Complete Polynomials ................................................................................ 228
12.4 Polynomial Codes: How they Work 228
12.5 Polynomial Codes: Why they Work 230
12.6 Analysis of Probabilities ............................................................................. 231
Exercises for Chapter 12 ................................................................................…. 231
Solutions for Chapter 12 ………………………………………………………. 233

!'$...............................……………. 237 !#'....................................…………… 241



Introduction and Table of Contents (updated 15th July 2005)


Chapter 1: Logic (updated 15th July 2005)


Chapter 2: Languages (updated 8th July 2005)


Chapter 3: Sets, Functions and Relations (updated 8th July 2005)


Chapter 4: Introduction to Finite-State Machines (updated 15th July 2005)


Chapter 5: Equivalence and Reduction of Finite-State Machines (updated 8th July 2005)


Chapter 6: Non-Deterministic Finite-State Machines (updated 8th July 2005)


Chapter 7: Finite State Acceptors and Regular Languages (updated 8th July 2005)


Chapter 8: Turing Machines (updated 15th July 2005)


Chapter 9: Extended Turing Machines (updated 15th July 2005)


Chapter 10: The Busy Beaver Problem (updated 15th July 2005)


Chapter 11: Integers mod m and Public Key Cryptography (updated 15th July 2005)


Chapter 12: Polynomial Codes (updated 15th July 2005)


Appendices (updated 8th July 2005)




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