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摘自《How to Design Programs》 BY Matthias Felleisen / Robert Bruce Findler / Matthew Flatt / Shriram Krishnamurthi

KEY: 程序设计 工作 方法论 科学方法论 职业 创新 基础教育


It goes against the grain of modern education to teach children to program. What fun is there in making plans, acquiring discipline in organizing thoughts, devoting attention to detail and learning to be self-critical?
-- Alan Perlis, Epigrams in Programming


Many professions require some form of computer programming. Accountants program spreadsheets and word processors; photographers program photo editors; musicians program synthesizers; and professional programmers instruct plain computers. Programming has become a required skill.


Yet programming is more than just a vocational skill. Indeed, good programming is a fun activity, a creative outlet, and a way to express abstract ideas in a tangible(实体的, 有形的) form. And designing programs teaches a variety of skills that are important in all kinds of professions: critical reading, analytical thinking, creative synthesis, and attention to detail. We therefore believe that the study of program design deserves the same central role in general education as mathematics and English. Or, put more succinctly, everyone should learn how to design programs.

程序设计并不仅仅是一种职业技能。事实上,编程是件有趣的活动,是种施展创造性的手段,也是一种表达抽象概念的用有形方式。通过设计程序,可以磨练人各种职业技能,如阅读能力、分析能力、动手能力以及倾听能力(关注细节)等。所以,在基础教育中,程序设计课程的地位应该和数学、语文一样重要。或者用更简洁的话来说,就是每个人都应该学习如何设计程序。 为什么呢?

On one hand, program design teaches the same analytical skills as mathematics. But, unlike mathematics, working with programs is an active approach to learning. Interacting with software provides immediate feedback and thus leads to exploration, experimentation, and self-evaluation. Furthermore, designing programs produces useful and fun things, which vastly increases the sense of accomplishment when compared to drill exercises in mathematics. On the other hand, program design teaches the same analytical reading and writing skills as English. Even the smallest programming tasks are formulated as word problems. Without critical reading skills, a student cannot design programs that match the specification. Conversely, good program design methods force a student to articulate thoughts about programs in proper English.



Our guidelines are formulated as a number of program design recipes.1 A design recipe guides a beginning programmer through the entire problem-solving process. With design recipes, a beginner almost never again stares at a blank piece of paper or a blank computer screen. Instead, the student will check the design recipe and use the question-and-answer guidelines to make some progress.

本书提出一种称为“编程设计处方”(programming design recipe)的编程指导来引入编程方法论概念。编程设计处方可指导程序设计初学者练习问题求解的全过程。有了设计处方,程序设计的初学者就不用再盯着空白的纸张或计算机屏幕发呆了,他们可以自我检查并核对设计处方,使用“问答”方式进行程序设计并取得进步。

We created the design recipes by identifying categories of problems. The identification of a problem category is based on the classes of data that are used to represent the relevant information. Starting from the structure of this class description students derive the programs with a checklist. Figure 1 shows the basic six steps of a design recipe checklist. Each step produces a well-defined intermediate product:

  • 1. the description of the class of problem data;
  • 2. the informal specification of a program's behavior;
  • 3. the illustration of the behavior with examples;
  • 4. the development of a program template or layout;
  • 5. the transformation of the template into a complete definition; and
  • 6. the discovery of errors through testing.

The major difference concerns the relationship of steps 1 and 4.


  • 1. 写下问题数据的型别
  • 2. 写下程序行为的非正式规格(specification)
  • 3. 举例说明程序的行为
  • 4. 开发出程序的模板或整体框架
  • 5. 把以上的程序模板转换成完整的定义
  • 6. 通过测试发现错误


Design recipes help beginners and teachers alike. Teachers can use the recipes to inspect a beginner's problem-solving skills, to diagnose weaknesses, and to suggest specific remedial steps. After all, each stage of the design recipe yields a well-defined, checkable product. If a beginner is stuck, a teacher can inspect the intermediate products and determine what the problem is. Based on this analysis, the teacher can then provide guidance for a specific step in the recipe, raise appropriate questions, and recommend additional practice exercises.



Cooking is at once child's play and adult joy. And cooking done with care is an act of love.
-- Craig Claiborne (1920-2000), Food Editor, New York Times


Learning to design programs is like learning to play soccer. A player must learn to trap a ball, to dribble with a ball, to pass, and to shoot a ball. Once the player knows those basic skills, the next goals are to learn to play a position, to play certain strategies, to choose among feasible strategies, and, on occasion, to create variations of a strategy because none of the existing strategies fits.


A programmer is also very much like an architect, a composer, or a writer. They are creative people who start with ideas in their heads and blank pieces of paper. They conceive构思 of an idea, form a mental outline, and refine it on paper until their writings reflect their mental image as much as possible. As they bring their ideas to paper, they employ basic drawing, writing, and instrumental skills to express certain style elements of a building, to describe a person's character, or to formulate portions of a melody. They can practice their trade because they have honed用磨刀石磨 their basic skills for a long time and can use them on an instinctive本能的, 直觉的 level.


Programmers also form outlines, translate them into first designs, and iteratively refine them until they truly match the initial idea. Indeed, the best programmers edit and rewrite their programs many times until they meet certain aesthetic美学的 standards. And just like soccer players, architects, composers, or writers, programmers must practice the basic skills of their trade for a long time before they can be truly creative.


Design recipes are the equivalent of soccer ball handling techniques, writing techniques, techniques of arrangements, and drawing skills. A single design recipe represents a point of the program design space. We have studied this space and have identified many important categories. This book selects the most fundamental and the most practical recipes and presents them in increasing order of difficulty.2


About half the design recipes focus on the connection between input data and programs. More specifically, they show how the template of a program is derived from the description of the input data. We call this data-driven program design, and it is the most frequently used form of design. Data-driven designs are easy to create, easy to understand, and easy to extend and modify. Other design recipes introduce the notion of generative recursion, accumulation, and history sensitivity.

(KEMIN:本段落非我译)本书大约有一半的设计诀窍涉及输入数据和程序之间的关系。更准确地说,它们描述了如何从输入数据的描述得出整个程序的模板,这种基于数据驱动的程序设计方式最常见,易于创建。理解。扩展和修改。其他设计诀窍有生成递归(generative recursion)。累积(accumulation)和历史敏感性(history sensitivity)。

The first one produces recursive programs that generate new instances of problems as they recur; accumulator-style programs collect data as they process inputs; and history-sensitive programs remember information between successive applications. Last, but not least, we also introduce a design recipe for abstracting over programs. Abstracting is the act of generalizing two (or more) similar designs into one and of deriving the original instances from it.

(KEMIN:本段落非我译)其中,递归型程序可以被重复调用以处理新的问题,带累积器的程序在处理输入的过程中收集数据,历史敏感性程序可以记住程序被多次调用的信息。最后,但不是最不重要的,是抽象程序的设计诀窍。抽象是把两个 (或更多)相似的设计概括为一个并由它衍生最初示例。

On many occasions, a problem naturally suggests one design recipe. On others, a programmer must choose from among several possibilities; each choice may produce programs with vastly different organizations. Making choices is natural for a creative programmer. But, unless a programmer is thoroughly familiar with the bag of design recipes to choose from and completely understands the consequences of choosing one over the other, the process is necessarily ad hoc and leads to whimsical, bad designs. We hope that by mapping out a collection of design recipes, we can help programmers understand what to choose from and how to choose.


Now that we have explained what we mean by ``programming'' and ``program design,'' the reader can see why and how teaching program design instills thinking skills that are important in a variety of professions. To design a program properly, a student must:

  • 1. analyze a problem statement, typically stated as a word problem;
  • 2. express its essence, abstractly and with examples;
  • 3. formulate statements and comments in a precise language;
  • 4. evaluate and revise these activities in light of checks and tests; and
  • 5. pay attention to details.

All of these are activities that are useful for a businessman, a lawyer, a journalist, a scientist, an engineer, and many others.


  • 1. 分析一个问题的陈述(一般是以文字表达);
  • 2. 撑握问题的实质,能抽象地和具体地表述它;
  • 3. 形式化问题的陈述,用精确的语言对模糊的地方进行注释;
  • 4. 通过检查和测试对上述活动进行评估和修订;和
  • 5. 关注细节。


While traditional programming requires these skills, too, beginners often don't understand this connection. The problem is that traditional programming languages and traditional forms of programming force students to perform a large amount of book-keeping work and to memorize a large number of language-specific facts. In short, menial work drowns the teaching of essential skills. To avoid this problem, teachers must use a programming environment that imposes as little overhead as possible and that accommodates beginners. Because such tools didn't exist when we started, we developed them.





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