public Object batchExecute(final CallBack callBack) {
Object result = getSqlMapClientTemplate().execute(new SqlMapClientCallback<Object>() {
public Object doInSqlMapClient(SqlMapExecutor executor) throws SQLException {
Object obj = callBack.execute(new IbatisSqlExecutor(executor));
return obj;
return result;
public interface SqlExecutor {
Object insert(String id, Object parameterObject) throws SQLException;
Object insert(String id) throws SQLException;
int update(String id, Object parameterObject) throws SQLException;
int update(String id) throws SQLException;
int delete(String id, Object parameterObject) throws SQLException;
int delete(String id) throws SQLException;
Object queryForObject(String id, Object parameterObject) throws SQLException;
Object queryForObject(String id) throws SQLException;
Object queryForObject(String id, Object parameterObject, Object resultObject) throws SQLException;
class IbatisSqlExecutor implements SqlExecutor {
private SqlMapExecutor executor;
IbatisSqlExecutor(SqlMapExecutor executor) {
this.executor = executor;
public Object insert(String id, Object parameterObject) throws SQLException {
return executor.insert(id, parameterObject);
// 剩下的就省略了,和insert都类似
public interface CallBack {
Object execute(SqlExecutor executor);
getDao().batchExecute(new CallBack() {
public Object execute(SqlExecutor executor) {
for (int i = 0; i < 10000; ++i) {
// 注意每个sql_id的sql语句都是不相同的
executor.insert("id1", obj1);
executor.insert("id2", obj2);
// ...
executor.insert("idn", objn);
return null;
// 以下代码来自com.ibatis.sqlmap.engine.execution.SqlExecutor$Batch
public void addBatch(StatementScope statementScope, Connection conn, String sql, Object[] parameters) throws SQLException {
PreparedStatement ps = null;
// 就是它:currentSql
if (currentSql != null && currentSql.equals(sql)) {
int last = statementList.size() - 1;
ps = (PreparedStatement) statementList.get(last);
} else {
ps = prepareStatement(statementScope.getSession(), conn, sql);
setStatementTimeout(statementScope.getStatement(), ps);
// 就是它:currentSql
currentSql = sql;
batchResultList.add(new BatchResult(statementScope.getStatement().getId(), sql));
statementScope.getParameterMap().setParameters(statementScope, ps, parameters);
getDao().batchExecute(new CallBack() {
public Object execute(SqlExecutor executor) {
for (int i = 0; i < 10000; ++i) {
executor.insert("id1", obj1);
for (int i = 0; i < 10000; ++i) {
executor.insert("id2", obj2);
// ...你就反复写for循环吧
return null;
注意要保持包名,其实是类的全限定名称要一样哇,这样根据ClassLoader的类加载机制会先加载你工程中的SqlExecutor而不加载iBatis jar包中的对应SqlExecutor
2.改之,只改static class Batch这个内部类即可,策略是去掉currentSql,将PreparedStatement放入HashMap
public void addBatch(StatementScope statementScope, Connection conn, String sql, Object[] parameters) throws SQLException {
PreparedStatement ps = statementMap.get(sql);
if (ps == null) {
ps = prepareStatement(statementScope.getSession(), conn, sql);
setStatementTimeout(statementScope.getStatement(), ps);
statementMap.put(sql, ps);
batchResultMap.put(sql, new BatchResult(statementScope.getStatement().getId(), sql));
statementScope.getParameterMap().setParameters(statementScope, ps, parameters);
private static class Batch {
private Map<String, PreparedStatement> statementMap = new HashMap<String, PreparedStatement>();
private Map<String, BatchResult> batchResultMap = new HashMap<String, BatchResult>();
private int size;
* Create a new batch
public Batch() {
size = 0;
* Getter for the batch size
* @return - the batch size
public int getSize() {
return size;
* Add a prepared statement to the batch
* @param statementScope - the request scope
* @param conn - the database connection
* @param sql - the SQL to add
* @param parameters - the parameters for the SQL
* @throws SQLException - if the prepare for the SQL fails
public void addBatch(StatementScope statementScope, Connection conn, String sql, Object[] parameters) throws SQLException {
PreparedStatement ps = statementMap.get(sql);
if (ps == null) {
ps = prepareStatement(statementScope.getSession(), conn, sql);
setStatementTimeout(statementScope.getStatement(), ps);
statementMap.put(sql, ps);
batchResultMap.put(sql, new BatchResult(statementScope.getStatement().getId(), sql));
statementScope.getParameterMap().setParameters(statementScope, ps, parameters);
* TODO (Jeff Butler) - maybe this method should be deprecated in some release,
* and then removed in some even later release. executeBatchDetailed gives
* much more complete information.
* <p/>
* Execute the current session's batch
* @return - the number of rows updated
* @throws SQLException - if the batch fails
public int executeBatch() throws SQLException {
int totalRowCount = 0;
for (Map.Entry<String, PreparedStatement> iter : statementMap.entrySet()) {
PreparedStatement ps = iter.getValue();
int[] rowCounts = ps.executeBatch();
for (int j = 0; j < rowCounts.length; j++) {
if (rowCounts[j] == Statement.SUCCESS_NO_INFO) {
// do nothing
} else if (rowCounts[j] == Statement.EXECUTE_FAILED) {
throw new SQLException("The batched statement at index " + j + " failed to execute.");
} else {
totalRowCount += rowCounts[j];
return totalRowCount;
* Batch execution method that returns all the information
* the driver has to offer.
* @return a List of BatchResult objects
* @throws BatchException (an SQLException sub class) if any nested
* batch fails
* @throws SQLException if a database access error occurs, or the drive
* does not support batch statements
* @throws BatchException if the driver throws BatchUpdateException
@SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
public List executeBatchDetailed() throws SQLException, BatchException {
List answer = new ArrayList();
int i = 0;
for (String sql : statementMap.keySet()) {
BatchResult br = batchResultMap.get(sql);
PreparedStatement ps = statementMap.get(sql);
try {
} catch (BatchUpdateException e) {
StringBuffer message = new StringBuffer();
message.append("Sub batch number ");
message.append(i + 1);
message.append(" failed.");
if (i > 0) {
message.append(" ");
message.append(" prior sub batch(s) completed successfully, but will be rolled back.");
throw new BatchException(message.toString(), e, answer, br.getStatementId(), br.getSql());
return answer;
* Close all the statements in the batch and clear all the statements
* @param sessionScope
public void cleanupBatch(SessionScope sessionScope) {
for (Map.Entry<String, PreparedStatement> iter : statementMap.entrySet()) {
PreparedStatement ps = iter.getValue();
closeStatement(sessionScope, ps);
size = 0;
- 大小: 21.3 KB
为了解决这个问题,ibatis(现已更名为MyBatis)提供了一种支持批量更新的机制,能够显著提高数据处理的速度。 #### 批量Update背景与问题 在实际应用中,经常会遇到需要批量更新数据库中的数据的情况,例如:商品...
- 在Ibatis的配置文件`SqlMapConfig.xml`中,可以设置`<settings>`标签内的`defaultExecutorType`属性为`BATCH`或`SIMPLE`,以确保每次执行的SQL都是独立的,避免因缓存导致的编码问题。 - 同时,确保你的项目编码...
10. **Batch Operations**: iBATIS 支持批量操作,如插入、更新和删除,可以提高数据处理效率。 从描述 "ibatis-2.3.ibatis-2.3.ibatis-2.3" 看,似乎是在强调这个版本,但并没有提供额外的信息。标签 "ibat" 显然...
- `defaultExecutorType`: 默认执行器类型,如SIMPLE、REUSE或BATCH。 - `cacheEnabled`: 是否开启全局缓存,默认为true。 2. **SqlMapConfig.xml** 这是Ibatis的核心配置文件,它定义了数据源、事务管理器、...
4. **Executor**: 执行器,负责处理SQL的执行,有Simple、Reused和Batch三种模式。 5. **ParameterHandler**: 处理参数对象,将Java对象转换为SQL语句中的参数。 6. **ResultSetHandler**: 将查询结果处理成Java...
以及Spring Batch框架中经典的三步走策略:数据读、数据处理和数据写,详尽地介绍了如何对CVS格式文件、JSON格式文件、XML文件、数据库和JMS消息队列中的数据进行读操作、处理和写操作,对于数据库的操作详细介绍了...
Ibatis 是一款轻量级的Java持久层框架,它与Hibernate和JPA等ORM框架不同,Ibatis 更注重SQL的自由度,允许开发者直接编写SQL语句,将SQL与Java代码解耦,提供了更高的灵活性。在本文中,我们将深入探讨如何使用...
11. **Batch Operations**:iBATIS提供了批处理功能,可以一次性提交多个插入、更新或删除操作,提升批量数据处理的效率。 12. **Error Handling**:当SQL执行出错时,iBATIS会抛出异常,提供错误信息帮助定位问题...
- iBatis 提供了两种执行器(Executor)模式:Simple Executor 和 Batch Executor,分别用于单个语句的执行和批处理。 7. **插件支持** - iBatis 允许自定义插件,可以拦截 SQL 执行过程中的各个步骤,进行额外的...
尽管Axis 2提供了一些改进和新特性,但在实际项目部署过程中发现,Axis 2在处理发布的服务aar包中的iBatis `sqlmapconfig.xml`配置文件时存在问题,导致配置文件无法被正确识别和加载。因此,在这种情况下,建议选择...
ExecutorType.BATCH则适合批量操作,能有效减少数据库交互次数,提升多线程环境下的性能。 7. **同步锁机制**:在特定场景下,如全局唯一ID生成,可以使用synchronized关键字或者Lock接口(如ReentrantLock)来实现...
Ibatis,作为一个轻量级的Java持久层框架,它提供了灵活的方式来处理这些操作,使得开发者可以避免过于繁琐的手动SQL编写工作。本篇文章将深入探讨Ibatis如何实现批量增删改查,以及相关的最佳实践。 首先,批量...
### iBatis批量操作 #### 一、简介 在企业级应用开发中,数据库操作是不可或缺的一部分。为了提高效率和减少资源消耗,批量处理成为了一种常用的技术手段。本文将介绍如何利用iBatis框架进行批量添加、修改、删除...
**IBatis 框架详解** ...总的来说,IBatis 是一种灵活且高效的持久层解决方案,适合那些需要精细控制 SQL 的项目。通过熟练掌握 IBatis,开发者可以有效地管理数据库操作,提高代码可读性和维护性。