This template provides a host template and associated graphs for graphing the output of the memcached stats command on individual memcached installations.
Graphs are provided for Bytes Used with total capacity, Cache Hits and Misses per second, Current Connections, Items Cached, Inbound and Outbound Network Traffic (bits per second), and Requests per Second for both the get and set commands.
A working installation of Cacti. Preferably the latest available version.
One or more working memcached installations to graph.
A current version of Python installed on the same system as Cacti.
A current version of the Python memcached Client API installed on the same system as Cacti.
Bytes Used
Cache Hits and Misses
Current Connections
Items Cached
Network Traffic
Requests per Second
Version 1.0
download tar.gz (7KB)
download zip (7KB)
Installation and Use
Before you begin, you should ensure that you have a working cacti installation already polling and graphing devices and at least one working installation of memcached. The installation of cacti and memcached is outside the scope of this document.
Python Client API Installation
Download and copy the latest version of the Python client API to a writable directory on the same server that cacti is installed on.
Extract the archive:
tar xzf python-memcached-<ver>.tar.gz.
Change to the newly extracted directory and run the installation script:
python install
Template Installation
Download the latest version of this template and extract to a writable directory:
tar xzf cacti-memcached-<ver>.tar.gz
Copy (or upload) the script to the <cacti path>/scripts/ directory on the server that cacti is installed on.
[optional] – Verify that the script properly works by opening a console or ssh connection to the server and typing:
python <cacti path>/scripts/ <hostname>
Open and login to your cacti installation's console in your web browser and choose Import Templates from the menu on the left.
In the Import Templates section, click the Browse button to Import Template from Local File. Navigate to the directory where you extracted this template and choose the cacti_memcached_host_template.xml file to be imported.
Click the Save button to import the template.
At this point, your template should have been imported successfully. Cacti will list the successfully imported or updated templates as [new] or [update] or report any XML parsing errors it found.
If your template was not successfully imported or you've run into trouble by this point, see the Where to Find Help With Cacti section for help on finding help.
Template Configuration and Use
For a new device, select the Memcached Server host template when creating the device and all memcached graphs will be available to you in the Graph Template section when creating new graphs.
For an existing devices, memcached graphs will also be located in the Graph Template section, but in the menu list at the bottom.
If your memcached installation uses a different port than 11211
If you are using a different port for your memcached installations than the default 11211, you will need to make a small modification to the Memcached - Statistics data input method.
Open and login to your cacti installation's console in your web browser and choose Data Input Methods from the menu on the left.
Locate the Memcached - Statistics data input method and click the title to edit.
Under the Data Input Methods section, in the Input String textbox, add -p PORT before <hostname> where PORT is the port your memcached installation is using.
e.g. python <path_cacti>/scripts/ -p 2345 <hostname>
Where to Find Help With Cacti (or This Template)
Help, custom templates and HOWTOs can be found in the Cacti forums, or if you prefer IRC, join us in the Cacti channel at
If you would like to report any errors, make suggestions or have any specific questions about the template itself, please leave a comment in the related Cacti forum post.
4. **关联主机模板**:将创建的数据源与`cacti_memcached_host_template.xml`中定义的模板关联,这样Cacti就能开始监控memcached服务的各项指标。 **三、监控指标** 1. **命中率**:这是衡量memcached性能的关键...
Cacti是通过 snmpget来获取数据,使用 RRDtool绘画图形,而且你完全可以不需要了解RRDtool复杂的参数。它提供了非常强大的数据和用户管理功能,可以指定每一个用户能查看树状结构、host以及任何一张图,还可以与LDAP...
标题"memcached 64位 window"指的是在Windows操作系统上运行的64位版本的Memcached缓存系统。Memcached是一种分布式内存对象缓存系统,广泛用于减轻数据库负载,提高Web应用的性能。由于是64位版本,这意味着它可以...
在终端(也即cmd命令界面)下输入 ‘c:\memcached\memcached.exe -d install’ 安装 3. 再输入: ‘c:\memcached\memcached.exe -d start’ 启动。NOTE: 以后memcached将作为windows的一个服务每次开机时自动启动...
**Memcached 安装与使用详解** Memcached 是一款高性能的分布式内存缓存系统,用于在Web应用中减轻数据库负载。它将数据存储在内存中,以键值对的形式提供快速访问,尤其适用于高并发场景。Memcached 使用简单,可...
标题“memcached服务器端memcached.exe 下载”指的是获取memcached服务端的可执行文件,`memcached.exe`是Windows环境下运行memcached服务的程序。这个绿色版的memcached意味着它无需安装,下载解压后即可直接运行,...
同时,也有第三方监控工具(如Munin、Cacti)用于监控其性能指标,帮助定位问题。 10. **适用场景**:memcached适用于高并发、读取密集型的应用,例如动态网站、API服务、实时数据分析等。 通过以上内容,我们了解...
标题中的“Windows下memcached+memcached.dll 5.3.8”指的是在Windows操作系统上安装和使用Memcached服务的场景,其中`memcached.dll 5.3.8`是Memcached服务器的一个特定版本的动态链接库文件。Memcached是一款高...
Memcached 是一个高性能的分布式内存对象缓存系统,常用于减轻数据库负载,提高Web应用的响应速度。在本文中,我们将详细介绍如何安装和配置Memcached,以及如何查询其运行状态。 1. **安装Memcached** - 首先,你...
Memcached是一种分布式内存对象缓存系统,广泛应用于Web应用程序,以提高数据读取速度,减轻数据库负载。在PHP环境中,使用Memcached扩展可以方便地存储和检索数据,尤其适用于处理高并发场景。 `...
**Memcached:高性能分布式内存缓存系统** Memcached是一款开源、高性能、分布式内存对象缓存系统,用于在动态系统中减少数据库负载,提升应用程序性能。它通过存储数据和对象到内存中,使得频繁访问的数据可以更快...
**memcached** 是一款高性能、分布式内存对象缓存系统,广泛应用于Web应用中,用于减轻数据库负载,提高数据访问速度。它将数据存储在内存中,以键值对的形式提供快速的数据检索服务。memcached的设计目标是简洁和...
**memcached-1.5.4源码分析与编译指南** `memcached`是一款高性能、分布式的内存对象缓存系统,广泛应用于Web应用中,用于减轻数据库负载,提高数据访问速度。它通过将数据存储在内存中,实现快速读取,避免了频繁...
**hibernate-memcached包** 是一个专为Hibernate框架设计的扩展,目的是将流行的分布式内存缓存系统Memcached整合到Hibernate中,作为其二级缓存解决方案。在大型分布式应用中,缓存技术是提高性能的关键,特别是...
1. **下载Memcached**:首先,你需要从官方网站获取最新版的Memcached源码,或者在Windows环境下,可以直接下载编译好的`memcached.exe`。将`memcached.exe`放在一个方便的位置,例如`C:\Program Files`,并确保该...
《深入理解Memcached:基于1.5.11版本的剖析》 Memcached,一个高性能、分布式的内存对象缓存系统,广泛应用于Web应用中,用于减轻数据库的负载,提高数据访问速度。本文将深入探讨Memcached的1.5.11版本,解析其...