1.1 第一个存储过程
- create or replace procedure proc1(
- p_para1 varchar2,
- p_para2 out varchar2,
- p_para3 in out varchar2
- )as
- v_name varchar2(20);
- begin
- v_name := '张三丰';
- p_para3 := v_name;
- dbms_output.put_line('p_para3:'||p_para3);
- end;
create or replace procedure proc1( p_para1 varchar2, p_para2 out varchar2, p_para3 in out varchar2 )as v_name varchar2(20); begin v_name := '张三丰'; p_para3 := v_name; dbms_output.put_line('p_para3:'||p_para3); end;
创建语句:create or replace procedure 存储过程名
如果没有or replace语句,则仅仅是新建一个存储过程。如果系统存在该存储过程,则会报错。Create or replace procedure 如果系统中没有此存储过程就新建一个,如果系统中有此存储过程则把原来删除掉,重新创建一个存储过程。
存储过程名定义:包括存储过程名和参数列表。参数名和参数类型。参数名不能重复, 参数传递方式:IN, OUT, IN OUT
IN 表示输入参数,按值传递方式。
OUT 表示输出参数,可以理解为按引用传递方式。可以作为存储过程的输出结果,供外部调用者使用。
IN OUT 即可作输入参数,也可作输出参数。
变量声明块:紧跟着的as (is )关键字,可以理解为pl/sql的declare关键字,用于声明变量。
过程语句块:从begin 关键字开始为过程的语句块。存储过程的具体逻辑在这里来实现。
异常处理块:关键字为exception ,为处理语句产生的异常。该部分为可选
1.2 存储过程的参数传递方式
存储过程的参数传递有三种方式:IN,OUT,IN OUT .
IN 按值传递,并且它不允许在存储过程中被重新赋值。如果存储过程的参数没有指定存参数传递类型,默认为IN
- create or replace procedure proc1(
- p_para1 varchar2,
- p_para2 out varchar2,
- p_para3 in out varchar2
- )as
- v_name varchar2(20);
- begin
- p_para1 :='aaa';
- p_para2 :='bbb';
- v_name := '张三丰';
- p_para3 := v_name;
- dbms_output.put_line('p_para3:'||p_para3);
- null;
- end;
- Warning: Procedure created with compilation errors
- SQL> show error;
- -------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 8/3 PLS-00363: expression 'P_PARA1' cannot be used as an assignment target
- 8/3 PL/SQL: Statement ignored
create or replace procedure proc1( p_para1 varchar2, p_para2 out varchar2, p_para3 in out varchar2 )as v_name varchar2(20); begin p_para1 :='aaa'; p_para2 :='bbb'; v_name := '张三丰'; p_para3 := v_name; dbms_output.put_line('p_para3:'||p_para3); null; end; Warning: Procedure created with compilation errors SQL> show error; Errors for PROCEDURE LIFEMAN.PROC1: LINE/COL ERROR -------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 8/3 PLS-00363: expression 'P_PARA1' cannot be used as an assignment target 8/3 PL/SQL: Statement ignored
OUT 参数:作为输出参数,需要注意,当一个参数被指定为OUT类型时,就算在调用存储过程之前对该参数进行了赋值,在存储过程中该参数的值仍然是null.
- create or replace procedure proc1(
- p_para1 varchar2,
- p_para2 out varchar2,
- p_para3 in out varchar2
- )as
- v_name varchar2(20);
- begin
- v_name := '张三丰';
- p_para3 := v_name;
- dbms_output.put_line('p_para1:'||p_para1);
- dbms_output.put_line('p_para2:'||p_para2);
- dbms_output.put_line('p_para3:'||p_para3);
- end;
- SQL> var p1 varchar2(10);
- SQL> var p2 varchar2(10);
- SQL> var p3 varchar2(10);
- SQL> exec :p1 :='aaaa';
- SQL> exec :p2 :='bbbb';
- SQL> exec :p3 :='cccc';
- SQL> exec proc1(:p1,:p2,:p3);
- p_para1:aaaa
- p_para2:
- p_para3:张三丰
- SQL> exec dbms_output.put_line(:p2);
- PL/SQL procedure successfully completed
- p2
- ---------
create or replace procedure proc1( p_para1 varchar2, p_para2 out varchar2, p_para3 in out varchar2 )as v_name varchar2(20); begin v_name := '张三丰'; p_para3 := v_name; dbms_output.put_line('p_para1:'||p_para1); dbms_output.put_line('p_para2:'||p_para2); dbms_output.put_line('p_para3:'||p_para3); end; SQL> var p1 varchar2(10); SQL> var p2 varchar2(10); SQL> var p3 varchar2(10); SQL> exec :p1 :='aaaa'; SQL> exec :p2 :='bbbb'; SQL> exec :p3 :='cccc'; SQL> exec proc1(:p1,:p2,:p3); p_para1:aaaa p_para2: p_para3:张三丰 SQL> exec dbms_output.put_line(:p2); PL/SQL procedure successfully completed p2 ---------
INOUT 是真正的按引用传递参数。即可作为传入参数也可以作为传出参数。
- 1.3 存储过程参数宽度
- create or replace procedure proc1(
- p_para1 varchar2,
- p_para2 out varchar2,
- p_para3 in out varchar2
- )as
- v_name varchar2(2);
- begin
- v_name := p_para1;
- end;
- SQL> var p1 varchar2(10);
- SQL> var p2 varchar2(20);
- SQL> var p3 varchar2(30);
- SQL> exec :p1 :='aaaaaa';
- SQL> exec proc1(:p1,:p2,:p3);
- ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small
- ORA-06512: at "LIFEMAN.PROC1", line 8
- ORA-06512: at line 1
1.3 存储过程参数宽度 create or replace procedure proc1( p_para1 varchar2, p_para2 out varchar2, p_para3 in out varchar2 )as v_name varchar2(2); begin v_name := p_para1; end; SQL> var p1 varchar2(10); SQL> var p2 varchar2(20); SQL> var p3 varchar2(30); SQL> exec :p1 :='aaaaaa'; SQL> exec proc1(:p1,:p2,:p3); ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small ORA-06512: at "LIFEMAN.PROC1", line 8 ORA-06512: at line 1
- create or replace procedure proc1(
- p_para1 varchar2,
- p_para2 out varchar2,
- p_para3 in out varchar2
- )as
- v_name varchar2(2);
- begin
- p_para2 :='aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa';
- end;
- SQL> var p1 varchar2(1);
- SQL> var p2 varchar2(1);
- SQL> var p3 varchar2(1);
- SQL> exec :p2 :='a';
- SQL> exec proc1(:p1,:p2,:p3);
create or replace procedure proc1( p_para1 varchar2, p_para2 out varchar2, p_para3 in out varchar2 )as v_name varchar2(2); begin p_para2 :='aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa'; end; SQL> var p1 varchar2(1); SQL> var p2 varchar2(1); SQL> var p3 varchar2(1); SQL> exec :p2 :='a'; SQL> exec proc1(:p1,:p2,:p3);
- SQL> select dump(:p2) from dual;
- DUMP(:P2)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Typ=1 Len=20: 97,97,97,97,97,97,97,97,97,97,97,97,97,97,97,97,97,97,97,97
- p2
- ---------
- aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
- 再来看看IN OUT参数的宽度
- create or replace procedure proc1(
- p_para1 varchar2,
- p_para2 out varchar2,
- p_para3 in out varchar2
- )as
- v_name varchar2(2);
- begin
- p_para3 :='aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa';
- end;
- SQL> var p1 varchar2(1);
- SQL> var p2 varchar2(1);
- SQL> var p3 varchar2(1);
- SQL> exec proc1(:p1,:p2,:p3);
SQL> select dump(:p2) from dual; DUMP(:P2) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Typ=1 Len=20: 97,97,97,97,97,97,97,97,97,97,97,97,97,97,97,97,97,97,97,97 p2 --------- aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 再来看看IN OUT参数的宽度 create or replace procedure proc1( p_para1 varchar2, p_para2 out varchar2, p_para3 in out varchar2 )as v_name varchar2(2); begin p_para3 :='aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa'; end; SQL> var p1 varchar2(1); SQL> var p2 varchar2(1); SQL> var p3 varchar2(1); SQL> exec proc1(:p1,:p2,:p3);
对于OUT 和IN OUT 参数,其宽度是由存储过程内部决定。
1.3 参数的默认值
- create or replace procedure procdefault(p1 varchar2,
- p2 varchar2 default 'mark')
- as
- begin
- dbms_output.put_line(p2);
- end;
- SQL> set serveroutput on;
- SQL> exec procdefault('a');
create or replace procedure procdefault(p1 varchar2, p2 varchar2 default 'mark') as begin dbms_output.put_line(p2); end; SQL> set serveroutput on; SQL> exec procdefault('a');
可以通过default 关键字为存储过程的参数指定默认值。在对存储过程调用时,就可以省略默认值。
需要注意的是:默认值仅仅支持IN传输类型的参数。OUT 和 IN OUT不能指定默认值
- create or replace procedure procdefault2(p1 varchar2 default 'remark',
- p2 varchar2 )
- as
- begin
- dbms_output.put_line(p1);
- end;
create or replace procedure procdefault2(p1 varchar2 default 'remark', p2 varchar2 ) as begin dbms_output.put_line(p1); end;
exec procdefault2('aa');
- SQL> exec procdefault2(p2 =>'aa');
SQL> exec procdefault2(p2 =>'aa');
2. 存储过程内部块
2.1 内部块
- Declare … begin … exception … end;
- create or replace procedure innerBlock(p1 varchar2)
- as
- o1 varchar2(10) := 'out1';
- begin
- dbms_output.put_line(o1);
- declare
- inner1 varchar2(20);
- begin
- inner1 :='inner1';
- dbms_output.put_line(inner1);
- declare
- inner2 varchar2(20);
- begin
- inner2 := 'inner2';
- dbms_output.put_line(inner2);
- end;
- exception
- when others then
- null;
- end;
- end;
Declare … begin … exception … end; create or replace procedure innerBlock(p1 varchar2) as o1 varchar2(10) := 'out1'; begin dbms_output.put_line(o1); declare inner1 varchar2(20); begin inner1 :='inner1'; dbms_output.put_line(inner1); declare inner2 varchar2(20); begin inner2 := 'inner2'; dbms_output.put_line(inner2); end; exception when others then null; end; end;
3.1 哪种集合?
- type t_table is table of varchar2(20) index by binary_integer;
- v_student t_table;
type t_table is table of varchar2(20) index by binary_integer; v_student t_table;
嵌套表,索引表没有 index by子句就是嵌套表,它可以存放于数据中,元素个数无限,下标从1开始,并且需要初始化
- type t_nestTable is table of varchar2(20);
- v_class t_nestTable ;
type t_nestTable is table of varchar2(20); v_class t_nestTable ;
- v_class :=t_nestTable('a','b','c');
v_class :=t_nestTable('a','b','c');
- type t_array is varray (20) of varchar2(20);
type t_array is varray (20) of varchar2(20);
类型 可存储于数据库 元素个数 是否需初始化 初始下标值
索引表 否 无限 不需
嵌套表 可 无限 需 1
可变数组 可 有限(自定义) 需 1
3.2 选用何种游标?
- create or replace procedure proccursor(p varchar2)
- as
- v_rownum number(10) := 1;
- cursor c_postype is select pos_type from pos_type_tbl where rownum =1;
- cursor c_postype1 is select pos_type from pos_type_tbl where rownum = v_rownum;
- cursor c_postype2(p_rownum number) is select pos_type from pos_type_tbl where rownum = p_rownum;
- type t_postype is ref cursor ;
- c_postype3 t_postype;
- v_postype varchar2(20);
- begin
- open c_postype;
- fetch c_postype into v_postype;
- dbms_output.put_line(v_postype);
- close c_postype;
- open c_postype1;
- fetch c_postype1 into v_postype;
- dbms_output.put_line(v_postype);
- close c_postype1;
- open c_postype2(1);
- fetch c_postype2 into v_postype;
- dbms_output.put_line(v_postype);
- close c_postype2;
- open c_postype3 for select pos_type from pos_type_tbl where rownum =1;
- fetch c_postype3 into v_postype;
- dbms_output.put_line(v_postype);
- close c_postype3;
- end;
create or replace procedure proccursor(p varchar2) as v_rownum number(10) := 1; cursor c_postype is select pos_type from pos_type_tbl where rownum =1; cursor c_postype1 is select pos_type from pos_type_tbl where rownum = v_rownum; cursor c_postype2(p_rownum number) is select pos_type from pos_type_tbl where rownum = p_rownum; type t_postype is ref cursor ; c_postype3 t_postype; v_postype varchar2(20); begin open c_postype; fetch c_postype into v_postype; dbms_output.put_line(v_postype); close c_postype; open c_postype1; fetch c_postype1 into v_postype; dbms_output.put_line(v_postype); close c_postype1; open c_postype2(1); fetch c_postype2 into v_postype; dbms_output.put_line(v_postype); close c_postype2; open c_postype3 for select pos_type from pos_type_tbl where rownum =1; fetch c_postype3 into v_postype; dbms_output.put_line(v_postype); close c_postype3; end;
cursor c_postype is select pos_type from pos_type_tbl where rownum =1
cursor c_postype1 is select pos_type from pos_type_tbl where rownum = v_rownum;
cursor c_postype2(p_rownum number) is select pos_type from pos_type_tbl where rownum = p_rownum;
type t_postype is ref cursor ;
c_postype3 t_postype;
open c_postype3 for select pos_type from pos_type_tbl where rownum =1;
然后再用open for 来打开一个查询。需要注意的是它可以多次使用,用来打开不同的查询。
3.3 游标循环最佳策略
- create or replace procedure proccycle(p varchar2)
- as
- cursor c_postype is select pos_type, description from pos_type_tbl where rownum < 6;
- v_postype varchar2(20);
- v_description varchar2(50);
- begin
- open c_postype;
- if c_postype%found then
- dbms_output.put_line('found true');
- elsif c_postype%found = false then
- dbms_output.put_line('found false');
- else
- dbms_output.put_line('found null');
- end if;
- loop
- fetch c_postype into v_postype,v_description ;
- exit when c_postype%notfound;
- dbms_output.put_line('postype:'||v_postype||',description:'||v_description);
- end loop;
- close c_postype;
- dbms_output.put_line('---loop end---');
- open c_postype;
- fetch c_postype into v_postype,v_description;
- while c_postype%found loop
- dbms_output.put_line('postype:'||v_postype||',description:'||v_description);
- fetch c_postype into v_postype,v_description ;
- end loop;
- close c_postype;
- dbms_output.put_line('---while end---');
- for v_pos in c_postype loop
- v_postype := v_pos.pos_type;
- v_description := v_pos.description;
- dbms_output.put_line('postype:'||v_postype||',description:'||v_description);
- end loop;
- dbms_output.put_line('---for end---');
- end;
create or replace procedure proccycle(p varchar2) as cursor c_postype is select pos_type, description from pos_type_tbl where rownum < 6; v_postype varchar2(20); v_description varchar2(50); begin open c_postype; if c_postype%found then dbms_output.put_line('found true'); elsif c_postype%found = false then dbms_output.put_line('found false'); else dbms_output.put_line('found null'); end if; loop fetch c_postype into v_postype,v_description ; exit when c_postype%notfound; dbms_output.put_line('postype:'||v_postype||',description:'||v_description); end loop; close c_postype; dbms_output.put_line('---loop end---'); open c_postype; fetch c_postype into v_postype,v_description; while c_postype%found loop dbms_output.put_line('postype:'||v_postype||',description:'||v_description); fetch c_postype into v_postype,v_description ; end loop; close c_postype; dbms_output.put_line('---while end---'); for v_pos in c_postype loop v_postype := v_pos.pos_type; v_description := v_pos.description; dbms_output.put_line('postype:'||v_postype||',description:'||v_description); end loop; dbms_output.put_line('---for end---'); end;
使用游标之前需要开打游标,open cursor,循环完后再关闭游标close cursor.
- open c_postype;
- if c_postype%found then
- dbms_output.put_line('found true');
- elsif c_postype%found = false then
- dbms_output.put_line('found false');
- else
- dbms_output.put_line('found null');
- end if;
open c_postype; if c_postype%found then dbms_output.put_line('found true'); elsif c_postype%found = false then dbms_output.put_line('found false'); else dbms_output.put_line('found null'); end if;
第一种使用loop 循环
- loop
- fetch c_postype into v_postype,v_description ;
- exit when c_postype%notfound;
- ……
- end loop
loop fetch c_postype into v_postype,v_description ; exit when c_postype%notfound; …… end loop
这里需要注意,exit when语句一定要紧跟在fetch之后。必避免多余的数据处理。
处理逻辑需要跟在exit when之后。这一点需要多加小心。
- fetch c_postype into v_postype,v_description;
- while c_postype%found loop
- ……
- fetch c_postype into v_postype,v_description ;
- end loop;
fetch c_postype into v_postype,v_description; while c_postype%found loop …… fetch c_postype into v_postype,v_description ; end loop;
我们知道了一个游标打开后,必须执行一次fetch语句,游标的属性才会起作用。所以使用while 循环时,就需要在循环之前进行一次fetch动作。
第三种 for循环
- for v_pos in c_postype loop
- v_postype := v_pos.pos_type;
- v_description := v_pos.description;
- …
- end loop;
for v_pos in c_postype loop v_postype := v_pos.pos_type; v_description := v_pos.description; … end loop;
我们需要注意v_pos 这个变量无需要在循环外进行声明,无需要为其指定数据类型。
3.4 select into不可乎视的问题
我们知道在pl/sql中要想从数据表中向变量赋值,需要使用select into 子句。
- create or replace procedure procexception(p varchar2)
- as
- v_postype varchar2(20);
- begin
- select pos_type into v_postype from pos_type_tbl where 1=0;
- dbms_output.put_line(v_postype);
- end;
create or replace procedure procexception(p varchar2) as v_postype varchar2(20); begin select pos_type into v_postype from pos_type_tbl where 1=0; dbms_output.put_line(v_postype); end;
- SQL> exec procexception('a');
- 报错
- ORA-01403: no data found
- ORA-06512: at "LIFEMAN.PROCEXCEPTION", line 6
- ORA-06512: at line 1
SQL> exec procexception('a'); 报错 ORA-01403: no data found ORA-06512: at "LIFEMAN.PROCEXCEPTION", line 6 ORA-06512: at line 1
1. 直接加上异常处理。
- create or replace procedure procexception(p varchar2)
- as
- v_postype varchar2(20);
- begin
- select pos_type into v_postype from pos_type_tbl where 1=0;
- dbms_output.put_line(v_postype);
- exception
- when no_data_found then
- dbms_output.put_line('没找到数据');
- end;
create or replace procedure procexception(p varchar2) as v_postype varchar2(20); begin select pos_type into v_postype from pos_type_tbl where 1=0; dbms_output.put_line(v_postype); exception when no_data_found then dbms_output.put_line('没找到数据'); end;
2. select into做为一个独立的块,在这个块中进行异常处理
- create or replace procedure procexception(p varchar2)
- as
- v_postype varchar2(20);
- begin
- begin
- select pos_type into v_postype from pos_type_tbl where 1=0;
- dbms_output.put_line(v_postype);
- exception
- when no_data_found then
- v_postype := '';
- end;
- dbms_output.put_line(v_postype);
- end;
create or replace procedure procexception(p varchar2) as v_postype varchar2(20); begin begin select pos_type into v_postype from pos_type_tbl where 1=0; dbms_output.put_line(v_postype); exception when no_data_found then v_postype := ''; end; dbms_output.put_line(v_postype); end;
- create or replace procedure procexception(p varchar2)
- as
- v_postype varchar2(20);
- cursor c_postype is select pos_type from pos_type_tbl where 1=0;
- begin
- open c_postype;
- fetch c_postype into v_postype;
- close c_postype;
- dbms_output.put_line(v_postype);
- end;
create or replace procedure procexception(p varchar2) as v_postype varchar2(20); cursor c_postype is select pos_type from pos_type_tbl where 1=0; begin open c_postype; fetch c_postype into v_postype; close c_postype; dbms_output.put_line(v_postype); end;
第二种情况是too_many_rows 异常的问题。
Too_many_rows 这个问题比起no_data_found要复杂一些。
1. 多条数据是可以接受的,也就是说从结果集中随便取一个值就行。这种情况应该很极端了吧,如果出现这种情况,也说明了程序的严谨性存在问题。
2. 多条数据是不可以被接受的,在这种情况肯定是程序的逻辑出了问题,也说是说原来根本就不会想到它会产生多条记录。
- create or replace procedure procexception2(p varchar2)
- as
- v_postype varchar2(20);
- begin
- begin
- select pos_type into v_postype from pos_type_tbl where rownum < 5;
- exception
- when no_data_found then
- v_postype :=null;
- when too_many_rows then
- raise_application_error(-20000,'对v_postype赋值时,找到多条数据');
- end;
- dbms_output.put_line(v_postype);
- end;
create or replace procedure procexception2(p varchar2) as v_postype varchar2(20); begin begin select pos_type into v_postype from pos_type_tbl where rownum < 5; exception when no_data_found then v_postype :=null; when too_many_rows then raise_application_error(-20000,'对v_postype赋值时,找到多条数据'); end; dbms_output.put_line(v_postype); end;
总之对于select into的语句需要注意这两种情况了。需要妥当处理啊。
3.5 在存储过程中返回结果集
- create or replace package procpkg is
- type refcursor is ref cursor;
- procedure procrefcursor(p varchar2, p_ref_postypeList out refcursor);
- end procpkg;
- create or replace package body procpkg is
- procedure procrefcursor(p varchar2, p_ref_postypeList out refcursor)
- is
- v_posTypeList PosTypeTable;
- begin
- v_posTypeList :=PosTypeTable();--初始化嵌套表
- v_posTypeList.extend;
- v_posTypeList(1) := PosType('A001','客户资料变更');
- v_posTypeList.extend;
- v_posTypeList(2) := PosType('A002','团体资料变更');
- v_posTypeList.extend;
- v_posTypeList(3) := PosType('A003','受益人变更');
- v_posTypeList.extend;
- v_posTypeList(4) := PosType('A004','续期交费方式变更');
- open p_ref_postypeList for select * from table(cast (v_posTypeList as PosTypeTable));
- end;
- end procpkg;
create or replace package procpkg is type refcursor is ref cursor; procedure procrefcursor(p varchar2, p_ref_postypeList out refcursor); end procpkg; create or replace package body procpkg is procedure procrefcursor(p varchar2, p_ref_postypeList out refcursor) is v_posTypeList PosTypeTable; begin v_posTypeList :=PosTypeTable();--初始化嵌套表 v_posTypeList.extend; v_posTypeList(1) := PosType('A001','客户资料变更'); v_posTypeList.extend; v_posTypeList(2) := PosType('A002','团体资料变更'); v_posTypeList.extend; v_posTypeList(3) := PosType('A003','受益人变更'); v_posTypeList.extend; v_posTypeList(4) := PosType('A004','续期交费方式变更'); open p_ref_postypeList for select * from table(cast (v_posTypeList as PosTypeTable)); end; end procpkg;
- create or replace type PosType as Object (
- posType varchar2(20),
- description varchar2(50)
- );
create or replace type PosType as Object ( posType varchar2(20), description varchar2(50) );
create or replace type PosTypeTable is table of PosType;
- set serveroutput on;
- declare
- type refcursor is ref cursor;
- v_ref_postype refcursor;
- v_postype varchar2(20);
- v_desc varchar2(50);
- begin
- procpkg.procrefcursor('a',v_ref_postype);
- loop
- fetch v_ref_postype into v_postype,v_desc;
- exit when v_ref_postype%notfound;
- dbms_output.put_line('posType:'|| v_postype || ';description:' || v_desc);
- end loop;
- end;
set serveroutput on; declare type refcursor is ref cursor; v_ref_postype refcursor; v_postype varchar2(20); v_desc varchar2(50); begin procpkg.procrefcursor('a',v_ref_postype); loop fetch v_ref_postype into v_postype,v_desc; exit when v_ref_postype%notfound; dbms_output.put_line('posType:'|| v_postype || ';description:' || v_desc); end loop; end;
注意:对于游标变量,不能使用for循环来处理。因为for循环会隐式的执行open动作。而通过open for来打开的游标%isopen是为true的。也就是默认打开的。Open一个已经open的游标是错误的。所以不能使用for循环来处理游标变量。
- conn = this.getDataSource().getConnection();
- CallableStatement call = conn.prepareCall("{call procpkg.procrefcursor(?,?)}");
- call.setString(1, null);
- call.registerOutParameter(2, OracleTypes.CURSOR);
- call.execute();
- ResultSet rsResult = (ResultSet) call.getObject(2);
- while (rsResult.next()) {
- String posType = rsResult.getString("posType");
- String description = rsResult.getString("description");
- ......
- }
conn = this.getDataSource().getConnection(); CallableStatement call = conn.prepareCall("{call procpkg.procrefcursor(?,?)}"); call.setString(1, null); call.registerOutParameter(2, OracleTypes.CURSOR); call.execute(); ResultSet rsResult = (ResultSet) call.getObject(2); while (rsResult.next()) { String posType = rsResult.getString("posType"); String description = rsResult.getString("description"); ...... }
- <parameterMap id="PosTypeMAP" class="java.util.Map">
- <parameter property="p" jdbcType="VARCHAR" javaType="java.lang.String" />
- <parameter property="p_ref_postypeList" jdbcType="ORACLECURSOR" javaType="java.sql.ResultSet" mode="OUT" typeHandler="com.palic.elis.pos.dayprocset.integration.dao.impl.CursorHandlerCallBack" />
- </parameterMap>
- 2.调用过程
- <procedure id ="procrefcursor" parameterMap ="PosTypeMAP">
- {call procpkg.procrefcursor(?,?)}
- </procedure>
- 3.定义自己的处理器
- public class CursorHandlerCallBack implements TypeHandler{
- public Object getResult(CallableStatement cs, int index) throws SQLException {
- ResultSet rs = (ResultSet)cs.getObject(index);
- List result = new ArrayList();
- while(rs.next()) {
- String postype =rs.getString(1);
- String description = rs.getString(2);
- CodeTableItemDTO posTypeItem = new CodeTableItemDTO();
- posTypeItem.setCode(postype);
- posTypeItem.setDescription(description);
- result.add(posTypeItem);
- }
- return result;
- }
- 4. dao方法
- public List procPostype() {
- String p = "";
- Map para = new HashMap();
- para.put("p",p);
- para.put("p_ref_postypeList",null);
- this.getSqlMapClientTemplate().queryForList("pos_dayprocset.procrefcursor", para);
- return (List)para.get("p_ref_postypeList");
- }
<parameterMap id="PosTypeMAP" class="java.util.Map"> <parameter property="p" jdbcType="VARCHAR" javaType="java.lang.String" /> <parameter property="p_ref_postypeList" jdbcType="ORACLECURSOR" javaType="java.sql.ResultSet" mode="OUT" typeHandler="com.palic.elis.pos.dayprocset.integration.dao.impl.CursorHandlerCallBack" /> </parameterMap> 2.调用过程 <procedure id ="procrefcursor" parameterMap ="PosTypeMAP"> {call procpkg.procrefcursor(?,?)} </procedure> 3.定义自己的处理器 public class CursorHandlerCallBack implements TypeHandler{ public Object getResult(CallableStatement cs, int index) throws SQLException { ResultSet rs = (ResultSet)cs.getObject(index); List result = new ArrayList(); while(rs.next()) { String postype =rs.getString(1); String description = rs.getString(2); CodeTableItemDTO posTypeItem = new CodeTableItemDTO(); posTypeItem.setCode(postype); posTypeItem.setDescription(description); result.add(posTypeItem); } return result; } 4. dao方法 public List procPostype() { String p = ""; Map para = new HashMap(); para.put("p",p); para.put("p_ref_postypeList",null); this.getSqlMapClientTemplate().queryForList("pos_dayprocset.procrefcursor", para); return (List)para.get("p_ref_postypeList"); }
- create or replace package procpkg is
- type refcursor is ref cursor;
- procedure procrefcursor(p varchar2, p_ref_postypeList out refcursor);
- function procpostype(p varchar2) return PosTypeTable;
- end procpkg;
- create or replace package body procpkg is
- procedure procrefcursor(p varchar2, p_ref_postypeList out refcursor)
- is
- v_posTypeList PosTypeTable;
- begin
- v_posTypeList :=PosTypeTable();--初始化嵌套表
- v_posTypeList.extend;
- v_posTypeList(1) := PosType('A001','客户资料变更');
- v_posTypeList.extend;
- v_posTypeList(2) := PosType('A002','团体资料变更');
- v_posTypeList.extend;
- v_posTypeList(3) := PosType('A003','受益人变更');
- v_posTypeList.extend;
- v_posTypeList(4) := PosType('A004','续期交费方式变更');
- open p_ref_postypeList for select * from table(cast (v_posTypeList as PosTypeTable));
- end;
- function procpostype(p varchar2) return PosTypeTable
- as
- v_posTypeList PosTypeTable;
- begin
- v_posTypeList :=PosTypeTable();--初始化嵌套表
- v_posTypeList.extend;
- v_posTypeList(1) := PosType('A001','客户资料变更');
- v_posTypeList.extend;
- v_posTypeList(2) := PosType('A002','团体资料变更');
- v_posTypeList.extend;
- v_posTypeList(3) := PosType('A003','受益人变更');
- v_posTypeList.extend;
- v_posTypeList(4) := PosType('A004','续期交费方式变更');
- return v_posTypeList;
- end;
- end procpkg;
create or replace package procpkg is type refcursor is ref cursor; procedure procrefcursor(p varchar2, p_ref_postypeList out refcursor); function procpostype(p varchar2) return PosTypeTable; end procpkg; create or replace package body procpkg is procedure procrefcursor(p varchar2, p_ref_postypeList out refcursor) is v_posTypeList PosTypeTable; begin v_posTypeList :=PosTypeTable();--初始化嵌套表 v_posTypeList.extend; v_posTypeList(1) := PosType('A001','客户资料变更'); v_posTypeList.extend; v_posTypeList(2) := PosType('A002','团体资料变更'); v_posTypeList.extend; v_posTypeList(3) := PosType('A003','受益人变更'); v_posTypeList.extend; v_posTypeList(4) := PosType('A004','续期交费方式变更'); open p_ref_postypeList for select * from table(cast (v_posTypeList as PosTypeTable)); end; function procpostype(p varchar2) return PosTypeTable as v_posTypeList PosTypeTable; begin v_posTypeList :=PosTypeTable();--初始化嵌套表 v_posTypeList.extend; v_posTypeList(1) := PosType('A001','客户资料变更'); v_posTypeList.extend; v_posTypeList(2) := PosType('A002','团体资料变更'); v_posTypeList.extend; v_posTypeList(3) := PosType('A003','受益人变更'); v_posTypeList.extend; v_posTypeList(4) := PosType('A004','续期交费方式变更'); return v_posTypeList; end; end procpkg;
- <resultMap id="posTypeResultMap" class="com.palic.elis.pos.common.dto.CodeTableItemDTO">
- <result property="code" column="posType"/>
- <result property="description" column="description"/>
- </resultMap>
- <select id="procPostype" resultMap="posTypeResultMap">
- select * from table(cast (procpkg.procpostype(#value#) as PosTypeTable))
- </select>
<resultMap id="posTypeResultMap" class="com.palic.elis.pos.common.dto.CodeTableItemDTO"> <result property="code" column="posType"/> <result property="description" column="description"/> </resultMap> <select id="procPostype" resultMap="posTypeResultMap"> select * from table(cast (procpkg.procpostype(#value#) as PosTypeTable)) </select>
- public List queryPostype() {
- return this.getSqlMapClientTemplate().queryForList("pos_dayprocset.procPostype", null);
- }
public List queryPostype() { return this.getSqlMapClientTemplate().queryForList("pos_dayprocset.procPostype", null); }
Oracle存储过程常用技巧 Oracle存储过程是一种强大的数据库对象,它可以帮助开发者简化复杂的业务逻辑,并提高数据库的安全性和性能。在 Oracle 中,存储过程是一种特殊的 PL/SQL 程序,它可以接受输入参数,执行...
本文将从 Oracle 存储过程的基础知识开始,逐步深入到 Oracle 存储过程的高级应用,包括 Hibernate 调用 Oracle 存储过程和 Java 调用 Oracle 存储过程的方法。 Oracle 存储过程基础知识 Oracle 存储过程是 Oracle...
以下是对“oracle存储过程解锁”这一主题的深入解析。 ### 标题:“oracle存储过程解锁” #### 解析: 在Oracle数据库中,存储过程是一种预先编译并存储在数据库中的SQL代码块,用于执行复杂的业务逻辑或数据处理...
oracle 存储过程导出excel oracle 存储过程导出excel oracle 存储过程导出excel oracle 存储过程导出excel oracle 存储过程导出excel
在Oracle存储过程中,`IN`参数用于传递数据到过程,`OUT`参数则允许过程向调用者返回数据。而`SYS_REFCURSOR`是Oracle提供的一种特殊类型,它允许存储过程动态地打开一个游标(即结果集)并将其作为`OUT`参数返回。 ...
本文实例讲述了Python使用cx_Oracle调用Oracle存储过程的方法。分享给大家供大家参考,具体如下: 这里主要测试在Python中通过cx_Oracle调用PL/SQL。 首先,在数据库端创建简单的存储过程。 create or replace ...
可以将SQL Server存储过程转为oracle存储过程的工具
### Oracle存储过程、函数与DBLink详解 #### 一、Oracle存储过程简介 在Oracle数据库中,存储过程是一种预编译好的SQL代码集合,它可以接受输入参数、返回单个值或多个值,并能够执行复杂的数据库操作。存储过程...
oracle存储过程加密破解 0
以下是一个简单的示例,展示了如何调用一个不带参数的Oracle存储过程: ```java Session session = sessionFactory.openSession(); Transaction transaction = session.beginTransaction(); session....
以下是一些关于"ORACLE存储过程性能优化技巧"的关键知识点: 1. **绑定变量**:使用绑定变量可以减少解析次数,提高执行效率。当存储过程中的参数作为SQL查询的一部分时,应避免直接拼接字符串,而是使用?作为占位...
### Oracle存储过程批量提交知识点详解 在Oracle数据库中,存储过程是一种重要的数据库对象,它可以包含一系列SQL语句和控制流语句,用于实现复杂的业务逻辑处理。存储过程不仅可以提高应用程序性能,还可以确保...
本文将详细讲解如何在C#中使用自定义列表(List)作为参数调用Oracle存储过程,以及实现这一功能的关键技术和注意事项。 首先,我们需要了解Oracle数据库中的PL/SQL类型,例如VARCAR2、NUMBER等,它们对应于C#中的...
本文将深入探讨如何在Spring Boot项目中整合MyBatis,实现调用Oracle存储过程并处理游标返回的数据。 首先,我们需要在Spring Boot项目中引入相关的依赖。在`pom.xml`文件中添加Oracle JDBC驱动(ojdbc66-oracle...