Object DOMException Object ExceptionCode Object DOMImplementation The DOMImplementation object has the following methods: hasFeature(feature, version) This method returns a boolean. The feature parameter is of type DOMString. The version parameter is of type DOMString. Object DocumentFragment DocumentFragment has the all the properties and methods of Node as well as the properties and methods defined below. Object Document Document has the all the properties and methods of Node as well as the properties and methods defined below. The Document object has the following properties: doctype This property is of type DocumentType. implementation This property is of type DOMImplementation. documentElement This property is of type Element. The Document object has the following methods: createElement(tagName) This method returns a Element. The tagName parameter is of type DOMString. createDocumentFragment() This method returns a DocumentFragment. createTextNode(data) This method returns a Text. The data parameter is of type DOMString. createComment(data) This method returns a Comment. The data parameter is of type DOMString. createCDATASection(data) This method returns a CDATASection. The data parameter is of type DOMString. createProcessingInstruction(target, data) This method returns a ProcessingInstruction. The target parameter is of type DOMString. The data parameter is of type DOMString. createAttribute(name) This method returns a Attr. The name parameter is of type DOMString. createEntityReference(name) This method returns a EntityReference. The name parameter is of type DOMString. 135 Appendix E: ECMA Script Language Binding getElementsByTagName(tagname) This method returns a NodeList. The tagname parameter is of type DOMString. Object Node The Node object has the following properties: nodeName This property is of type String. nodeValue This property is of type String. nodeType This property is of type short. parentNode This property is of type Node. childNodes This property is of type NodeList. firstChild This property is of type Node. lastChild This property is of type Node. previousSibling This property is of type Node. nextSibling This property is of type Node. attributes This property is of type NamedNodeMap. ownerDocument This property is of type Document. The Node object has the following methods: insertBefore(newChild, refChild) This method returns a Node. The newChild parameter is of type Node. The refChild parameter is of type Node. replaceChild(newChild, oldChild) This method returns a Node. The newChild parameter is of type Node. The oldChild parameter is of type Node. removeChild(oldChild) This method returns a Node. The oldChild parameter is of type Node. appendChild(newChild) This method returns a Node. The newChild parameter is of type Node. hasChildNodes() This method returns a boolean. cloneNode(deep) This method returns a Node. The deep parameter is of type boolean. Object NodeList The NodeList object has the following properties: length This property is of type int. The NodeList object has the following methods: item(index) This method returns a Node. The index parameter is of type unsigned long. Object NamedNodeMap The NamedNodeMap object has the following properties: length This property is of type int. The NamedNodeMap object has the following methods: getNamedItem(name) This method returns a Node. The name parameter is of type DOMString. setNamedItem(arg) This method returns a Node. The arg parameter is of type Node. removeNamedItem(name) This method returns a Node. The name parameter is of type DOMString. item(index) This method returns a Node. The index parameter is of type unsigned long. Object CharacterData CharacterData has the all the properties and methods of Node as well as the properties and methods defined below. The CharacterData object has the following properties: data This property is of type String. length This property is of type int. The CharacterData object has the following methods: substringData(offset, count) This method returns a DOMString. The offset parameter is of type unsigned long. The count parameter is of type unsigned long. appendData(arg) This method returns a void. The arg parameter is of type DOMString. insertData(offset, arg) This method returns a void. The offset parameter is of type unsigned long. The arg parameter is of type DOMString. deleteData(offset, count) This method returns a void. The offset parameter is of type unsigned long. The count parameter is of type unsigned long. replaceData(offset, count, arg) This method returns a void. The offset parameter is of type unsigned long. The count parameter is of type unsigned long. The arg parameter is of type DOMString. Object Attr Attr has the all the properties and methods of Node as well as the properties and methods defined below. The Attr object has the following properties: name This property is of type String. specified This property is of type boolean. value This property is of type String. Object Element Element has the all the properties and methods of Node as well as the properties and methods defined below. The Element object has the following properties: tagName This property is of type String. The Element object has the following methods: getAttribute(name) This method returns a DOMString. The name parameter is of type DOMString. setAttribute(name, value) This method returns a void. The name parameter is of type DOMString. The value parameter is of type DOMString. removeAttribute(name) This method returns a void. The name parameter is of type DOMString. getAttributeNode(name) This method returns a Attr. The name parameter is of type DOMString. setAttributeNode(newAttr) This method returns a Attr. The newAttr parameter is of type Attr. removeAttributeNode(oldAttr) This method returns a Attr. The oldAttr parameter is of type Attr. getElementsByTagName(name) This method returns a NodeList. The name parameter is of type DOMString. normalize() This method returns a void. Object Text Text has the all the properties and methods of CharacterData as well as the properties and methods defined below. The Text object has the following methods: splitText(offset) This method returns a Text. The offset parameter is of type unsigned long. Object Comment Comment has the all the properties and methods of CharacterData as well as the properties and methods defined below. Object CDATASection CDATASection has the all the properties and methods of Text as well as the properties and methods defined below. Object DocumentType DocumentType has the all the properties and methods of Node as well as the properties and methods defined below. The DocumentType object has the following properties: name This property is of type String. entities This property is of type NamedNodeMap. notations This property is of type NamedNodeMap. Object Notation Notation has the all the properties and methods of Node as well as the properties and methods defined below. The Notation object has the following properties: publicId This property is of type String. systemId This property is of type String. Object Entity Entity has the all the properties and methods of Node as well as the properties and methods defined below. The Entity object has the following properties: publicId This property is of type String. systemId This property is of type String. notationName This property is of type String. Object EntityReference EntityReference has the all the properties and methods of Node as well as the properties and methods defined below. Object ProcessingInstruction ProcessingInstruction has the all the properties and methods of Node as well as the properties and methods defined below. The ProcessingInstruction object has the following properties: target This property is of type String. data This property is of type String.
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Web 开发调试分析工具(推荐)
2009-01-04 13:51 1157原帖:http://www.uusam.com/uu/bl ...
Document Object Model (DOM) Level 2 Core Specification Version 1.0 W3C Recommendation 13 November, 2000
- **DOM (Document Object Model)**: Provides a structured representation of the HTML document, enabling dynamic manipulation of content. #### The Need for New Modeling Techniques Given the unique ...
Apache Crimson是一个开源的Java XML处理器,实现了W3C DOM Level 1 Core和Level 2 Core规范。DOM(Document Object Model)是处理XML文档的标准API,它将XML文档解析为一棵可操作的对象树,每个节点都代表XML文档的...
1. DOMDocument:这是PHP中最常用的XML处理类,它实现了完整的W3C Document Object Model (DOM) Level 1 Core 和 Level 2 Core 规范。使用DOMDocument,你可以创建、修改、查询和遍历XML文档。例如,加载XML文件的...
Xerces-J是一个实现了XML 1.0、XML 1.1、DOM Level 3 Core和Load/Save以及SAX2接口的Java XML解析器。这个版本(2.9.0)提供了最新的特性和改进,以帮助开发者高效地处理XML文档。 在XML解析领域,Xerces-J具有以下...
DOM(Document Object Model)是 W3C 建立的一种标准 API,允许应用程序访问和修改 HTML 和 XML 文档中的数据。 DOM 源于动态 HTML(DHTML),它是浏览器为嵌入页面的脚本语言提供的编程接口。程序员可以使用这个...
3. **DOM实现**:提供DOM Level 1 Core、Level 2 Core和Level 2 Stylesheet接口,使得开发者可以通过对象模型操作XML文档。 4. **SAX解析器**:实现了SAX2接口,允许开发者注册事件处理器来处理XML解析过程中的事件...
DOM(Document Object Model)是W3C组织制定的一种标准,它提供了一种结构化的表示XML或HTML文档的方式,并定义了访问和操作这些文档的标准方法。DOM模型将网页或XML文档解析为一个由节点组成的树形结构,每个节点...
2. **DOM(Document Object Model)支持**:Xerces-C++实现了W3C的DOM Level 1 Core和Level 2 Core规范,允许开发者以树形结构访问和修改XML文档。 3. **SAX(Simple API for XML)支持**:对于内存限制较大的场景,...
Xerces-J 是Xerces项目针对Java平台的实现,它实现了W3C的DOM(Document Object Model)、SAX(Simple API for XML)和JAXP(Java API for XML Processing)规范。这些规范是处理XML文档的核心接口和API,帮助开发者...
1. **XML解析**:通过DOM(Document Object Model)和SAX(Simple API for XML)两种方式解析XML文档。DOM将整个XML文档加载到内存中,方便查找和修改数据;SAX则采用事件驱动模型,逐个处理XML元素,适用于处理大型...
4. **DOM(Document Object Model)**:LIBXML实现了DOM Level 1 Core和DOM Level 2 Core,提供了一种树型结构来表示XML文档,允许开发者通过API进行动态修改和遍历。 5. **错误处理**:LIBXML具有强大的错误检测和...
TXMLDocument是BCB提供的一种用于处理XML文档的类,它实现了DOM Level 1 Core和DOM Level 2 Core规范,允许开发者通过对象的方式访问和操作XML文档。 在实现XML文件的读取时,首先设置TXMLDocument的FileName属性为...
DOM(Document Object Model)是一种跨平台和语言中立的接口,它将XML或HTML文档视为树形结构,并提供了一套方法和属性来访问和修改这些文档中的节点。DOM的核心组成部分包括: 1. **核心模块**:提供了基本的节点...
Xerces是Apache软件基金会开发的一个开源项目,它提供了XML解析器,支持XML 1.0、XML 1.1、XPath、XSLT、SAX(Simple API for XML)和DOM(Document Object Model)等XML相关的标准。 在Web开发中,XML(Extensible...
**DOM(Document Object Model)教程** DOM,全称为“文档对象模型”,是W3C(万维网联盟)制定的一种标准,它为HTML和XML文档提供了一种结构化的表示方式,并定义了程序如何访问和操作这些文档。DOM教程是学习Web...
HTML DOM(Document Object Model)是Web开发中用于访问和操作HTML文档的标准接口。它是一个树状结构,将HTML页面中的每个组成部分(元素、属性、文本等)表示为一个节点,使得JavaScript可以方便地读取、修改和操纵...
- **DOM(Document Object Model)**: Xerces-C++实现了W3C DOM Level 2 Core和Level 3 Core规范,提供了一种树型结构来表示XML文档,使得开发者可以方便地遍历、修改或创建XML文档。 - **SAX(Simple API for XML...
在Java中,XML-apis.jar提供了对XML规范的实现,包括DOM(Document Object Model)、SAX(Simple API for XML)和JAXB(Java Architecture for XML Binding)等解析器。这些API使得开发者可以方便地在程序中读取、...