What is it ?
ColorSplash lets you quickly and easily give photos a dramatic look by converting them to black and white, while keeping your chosen details in color.
This effect - known as a "cutout" or "selective desaturation" - draws the viewers' attention to the colored areas.
Use your finger as a brush to remove or bring back the original color from regions of your image.
Quickly zoom in and out using the two finger pinching gesture.
ColorSplash is built on the same solid foundation as our popular Juxtaposer app and features the same intuitive and responsive multi-touch user interface.
- Undo any number of accidental brush strokes.
- Save multiple sessions.
- Share your edited image on Facebook, Flickr or Twitter.
- In-program help.
- An alternative view mode shows regions that will remain in color tinted in red to make it easier to see and adjust the boundaries between color and black & white regions.
- Choose from 4 different brushes (hard or soft edged, opaque or transparent)
- Work in landscape or portrait orientation.
- Hide the toolbars in full screen mode.
Tips and Clarifications:
- When in other apps you would change the brush size, in ColorSplash you zoom in and out using two fingers. You can do this in any mode! Paint with one finger, zoom with two. Try it, it works great!
- ColorSplash does not add new colors to your image. It only removes or restores the original colors. The 'red mode' only visualizes the current mask, it does not actually tint the image.
Who create it ?
Located in Vancouver, BC, Canada, Hendrik Kueck is a computer science PhD candidate doing research in machine learning as well as an independent iPhone developer. Before starting to develop iPhone applications, he contributed to the development of Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 2.0. In his role as an iPhone developer he is dedicated to creating high quality applications that are intuitive and fun to use. His current lineup of iPhone applications consists of Juxtaposer, Juxtaposer Lite and ColorSplash.
Why good ?
第一点,简单,好用。 我自己下载了100+ applications ,不少程序,根本就没有耐心去使用。 感觉程序是写出来了,是发布了,可是重点没有放到用户感受体验上。最后,放弃。
第二点,感觉老外喜欢这些东西。文化因素吧? 其实这些创意应该早就有了。作者一直从事Photoshop 方面开发,我想他能体会到用户的喜好吧。
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Color-Splash-Effect-Pro 专业色彩大师 1.6.2 大小 :16.9MB
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- 在项目中添加一个新的窗体,将其命名为"SplashScreen1",这将成为我们的启动画面。 - 为了在启动画面中添加图像或动画,我们需要在项目的`Resources`文件夹中添加相应的图片资源。 2. **设计启动画面** - 在`...
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