secret 秘密 机密
chain锁链 束缚
easing放松 放开
hassle麻烦 I have decided what to do, please do not give me any hassle about it.
compliance听从 服从He was terrified into compliance
distributed分布的 分布式
permissive开放的 a society that is sexually permissive
redistributed 重分配的 redistributed cost 再分配成本
publicly公开地 公然地
reciprocal 相互给予的 相互的 倒数
reuse重新使用 再用
audit审计 查账
transferred 转移 移动 转让
vendor小贩 摊贩 卖方 自动售货机
profiles 剖面图 情景模式 个人档案 档案资料
Linux Foundation Releases Specification to Ease Licensing Headaches
Network World (08/18/11) Julie Bort
The Linux Foundation and FOSSBazaar recently released the
Software Package Data Exchange (SPDX), a data exchange specification
that tracks license information in a standardized way, allowing it to
travel across the software supply
hassle of
license compliance
for open source software. Currently, each license
carries within it the developer's definition of how the software can be
used and
Permissive licenses
allow software to be
redistributed and developers can modify code without being required to
make those changes
have restrictions on
reuse and redistribution
. Many companies have
tools or services to
the code and find its license to make sure
the organization is in compliance. But even with such an audit, there
is no standard way to document the data so it could be transferred to
other users. SPDX uses a specific format to collect data about each
project, including version number and license.
, tools will
be developed that allow SPDX files to be
from other file
formats. Now that version 1.0 of the specification is available, the
SPDX working group hopes that commercial software
will support
the SPDX specification in the future.
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