How-to recover from checksum mismatch errors in SVN
1.check out the directory in other place, we'll call it the tmp_directory
2.delete the files in the following directory:
before that , you can make a copy in case any thing bad happen
3.copy the files in tmp_director/.svn/text-base to working_directory
4.everything is back to normal now
the reason for something like that happen is the files in working_director/.svn/text-base/ is different from the one stored in the server.And it perfectly explains the problem.
就是从entries里面找到当前文件夹的路径,在别的地方check out一份,在将text-base
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** 该项目已移至新位置: ** Relax-and-Recover (Rear) 是领先的开源灾难恢复解决方案,也是 mkcdrec 的继承者。 它包含一个模块化框架和适用于许多常见情况的现成工作流,用于生成可...
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You must purchase a license for each computer that has access to the Software from Licensor or from a registration service as described in Section 3.3 (a) above. Each workstation must have its own ...
最后放到Android_Keystore_Password_Recover相同目录下。 2.在终端打入以下命令 Java -jar Android_Keystore_Password_Recover_1.05.jar -m 3 -k "my.keystore" -d "passlib.txt" ,接下来回车,就ok了。 3:如果...
15:33:05: begin to recover table SYS.TRUNTAB1 15:33:19: [restore_table] Trying to restore data to SYS.TRUNTAB1$$2 15:33:20: [restore_table] Expected Records in this round: 411 15:33:20: [restore_...
**该项目已移至新位置: ** Relax-and-Recover(后部)是领先的开源灾难恢复解决方案,是mkcdrec的后继产品。 它包含一个模块化框架和可用于许多常见情况的即用型工作流,以生成可...
- Enhanced the mechanism to report memory hardware errors in the Memory torture test. Release 5.3 build 1033 WIN32 release 1 October 2008 - Changes to correct a BurnInTest crash problem on some ...
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