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Ruby on Rails 命令参考

  • ROR

1.1 创建一个Rails应用程序
$ rails app_name
-d, database=xxx 指定安装一个数据库(mysql oracle postgresql sqlite2 sqlite3 ), 默认情况下是数据库
-r, ruby-path= 指定Ruby的安装路径,如果没有指定,scripts使用env去找Ruby
-f, freeze (冻结)freezes Rails在vendor/rails目录

1.2 API Documentation
$ gem_server
启动一个WEBrick服务器。这时候你可以通过Http://localhost:8808/ 打开浏览器去查看rails API文档

1.3 Rake
rake db:fixtures:load
# 载入fixtures到当前环境的数据库
# 载入指定的fixtures使用FIXTURES=x,y
rake db:migrate
# 迁移数据库通过在db/migrate目录下的脚本.可以指定版本号通过VERSION=x
rake db:schema:dump
# 创建一个db/schema.rb文件,通过AR能过够支持任何数据库去使用
rake db:schema:load
# 再入一个schema.rb文件进数据库
rake db:sessions:clear
# 清空sessions表
rake db:sessions:create
# 用CGI::Session::ActiveRecordStore创建一个sessions表为用户
rake db:structure:dump
# 导出数据库结构为一个SQL文件
rake db:test:clone
# 重新创建一个测试数据库从当前环境数据库中
rake db:test:clone_structure
# 重新创建测试数据库从开发模式数据库
rake db:test:prepare
# 准备测试数据库并在入schema
rake db:test:purge
# 清空测试数据库
rake doc:app
# 创建HTML文件的API Documentation
rake doc:clobber_app
# 删除Documentation
rake doc:clobber_plugins
# 删除 plugin Documentation
rake doc:clobber_rails
# 删除Documentation
rake doc:plugins
# 产生Documation为所有安装的plugins
rake doc:rails
# 创建HTML文件的API Documentation
rake doc:reapp
# 强制重新创建HTML文件的API Documentation
rake doc:rerails
# 强制重新创建HTML文件的API Documentation
rake log:clear
# 清空目录log/下的所有日志文件
rake rails:freeze:edge
# Lock this application to latest Edge Rails. Lock a specific revision with REVISION=X
rake rails:freeze:gems
# Lock this application to the current gems (by unpacking them into vendor/rails)
rake rails:unfreeze
# Unlock this application from freeze of gems or edge and return to a fluid use of system gems
rake rails:update
# Update both scripts and public/javascripts from Rails
rake rails:update:javascripts
# Update your javascripts from your current rails install
rake rails:update:scripts
# Add new scripts to the application script/ directory
rake stats
# Report code statistics (KLOCs, etc) from the application
rake test
# Test all units and functionals
rake test:functionals
# Run tests for functionalsdb:test:prepare
rake test:integration
# Run tests for integrationdb:test:prepare
rake test:plugins
# Run tests for pluginsenvironment
rake test:recent
# Run tests for recentdb:test:prepare
rake test:uncommitted
# Run tests for uncommitteddb:test:prepare
rake test:units
# Run tests for unitsdb:test:prepare
rake tmp:cache:clear
# 清空tmp/cache目录下的所有文件
rake tmp:clear
# 清空session, cache, 和socket文件从tmp/目录
rake tmp:create
# 为sessions, cache, and sockets创建tmp/目录
rake tmp:sessions:clear
# 清空所有在tmp/sessions目录下的文件
rake tmp:sockets:clear
# 清空所有在tmp/sessions 目录下的ruby_sess.* 文件

1.4 Scripts
# 输出当前环境信息
# 启动断点server
# 启动交换式的Rails控制台
# 删除通过generators创建的文件
# -> generators
# -> Plugins
# 执行一个任务在rails上下文中
# 启动开发模式服务器http://localhost:3000

1.5 Generators
ruby script/generate model ModelName
ruby script/generate controller ListController show edit
ruby script/generate scaffold ModelName ControllerName
ruby script/generate migration AddNewTable
ruby script/generate plugin PluginName
ruby script/generate mailer Notification lost_password signup
ruby script/generate web_service ServiceName api_one api_two
ruby script/generate integration_test TestName
ruby script/generate session_migration
-p, –pretend Run but do not make any changes.
-f, –force Overwrite files that already exist.
-s, –skip Skip files that already exist.
-q, –quiet Suppress normal output.
-t, –backtrace Debugging: show backtrace on errors.
-h, –help Show this help message.
-c, –svn Modify files with subversion. (Note: svn must be in path)

1.6 Plugins
script/plugin discover
# discover plugin repositories
script/plugin list
# list all available plugins
script/plugin install where
# install the a€wherea€? plugin
script/plugin install -x where
# install where plugin as SVN external
script/plugin install http://invisible.ch/projects/plugins/where
script/plugin update
# update installed plugins
script/plugin source
# add a source repository
script/plugin unsource
# removes a source repository
script/plugin sources
# lists source repositories



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    6. **学习资源**:为了更好地理解和使用Ruby和Rails,可以参考提供的文档: - `ruby1_8_6 rails 安装.doc`:这可能是详细的安装教程,特别关注Ruby 1.8.6和Rails的早期版本。尽管Ruby 1.8.6已过时,但它可以帮助你...


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