Determining Memory Usage in Java
by Dr. Heinz M. Kabutz
Welcome to the 29th issue of "The Java(tm) Specialists'
Newsletter". I could start off with a witty comment about how
the newsletter is going to hit the big three
at the next
issue, but I might step on the toes of my old friend (haha) John
Green who is turning 30 today - happy birthday! At least I'm not
old yet :-) By the time you read the next newsletter,
or maybe this newsletter, I will probably be father the second
time round.
This week I am showing you one of my most dear trade secrets.
Please be very careful who you show this newsletter to, only send
it to friends and people on your local JUG. If this gets into the
wrong hands, project troubleshooters like me will be out of a job.
One of the fun parts in Java is guessing how much memory is being
used by your object. We are conditioned to ignore memory
altogether when programming in Java and that can easily land us
in trouble. Java does not have a construct like C/C++ that tells
us how much space an object is taking, at least until this
The results in this newsletter were derived
experimentally rather than looking at the innards or the JVM.
Please try out the experiments if you are running on a non-WinNT
machine and tell me if you get different results.
Sign up for our new Concurrency Specialist Course
Memory Usage in Java
In Java, memory is allocated in various places such as the stack,
heap, etc. In this newsletter I'm only going to look at objects
which are stored on the heap. Please don't take me to task for
not mentioning the others, they might appear in a future
Say I have a class Foo, how much memory will one instance of that
class take? The amount of memory can be determined by looking at
the data members of the class and all the superclasses' data
members. The algorithm I use works as follows:
- The class takes up at least 8 bytes. So, if you say
you will allocate 8 bytes
on the heap.
- Each data member takes up 4 bytes, except for long and double
which take up 8 bytes. Even if the data member is a byte, it will
still take up 4 bytes! In addition, the amount of memory used is
increased in 8 byte blocks. So, if you have a class that contains
one byte it will take up 8 bytes for the class and 8 bytes for the
data, totalling 16 bytes (groan!).
- Arrays are a bit more clever, at least smaller primitives get
packed. I'll deal with these later.
In order to be able to test many different types of objects, I
have written a MemoryTestBench class that takes an ObjectFactory
which is able to create the type of object that you want to test.
The MemoryTestBench can either tell you how many bytes are used
by that object or it can print out a nicely formatted result for
you. You get the most accurate results if you make sure that
supplementary memory is already allocated when you start counting.
I therefore construct the object, call the methods for finding the
memory, and then set the handle to null again. The garbage
collector is then called many times, which should free up all
unused memory. The memory is then counted, the object created,
garbage collected, and the memory counted again. The difference
is the amount of memory used by your object, voila!
public class
MemoryTestBench {
public long
calculateMemoryUsage(ObjectFactory factory) {
Object handle = factory.makeObject();
mem0 = Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory() -
mem1 = Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory() -
handle = null
System.gc(); System.gc(); System.gc(); System.gc();
System.gc(); System.gc(); System.gc(); System.gc();
System.gc(); System.gc(); System.gc(); System.gc();
System.gc(); System.gc(); System.gc(); System.gc();
mem0 = Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory() -
handle = factory.makeObject();
System.gc(); System.gc(); System.gc(); System.gc();
System.gc(); System.gc(); System.gc(); System.gc();
System.gc(); System.gc(); System.gc(); System.gc();
System.gc(); System.gc(); System.gc(); System.gc();
mem1 = Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory() -
mem1 - mem0;
public void
showMemoryUsage(ObjectFactory factory) {
mem = calculateMemoryUsage(factory);
factory.getClass().getName() + " produced "
factory.makeObject().getClass().getName() +
" which took "
+ mem + " bytes"
The ObjectFactory interface looks like this:
public interface
ObjectFactory {
Object makeObject();
Basic Objects
Let's start with the easiest case, a BasicObjectFactory that
simply returns a new instance of Object.
public class
BasicObjectFactory implements
ObjectFactory {
Object makeObject() {
return new
When we run this, we get the following output:
BasicObjectFactory produced java.lang.Object which took 8 bytes
I suggested earlier that bytes are not
packed in Java and
that memory usage is increased in 8 byte blocks. I have written
the ByteFactory and the ThreeByteFactory to demonstrate this:
public class
ByteFactory implements
ObjectFactory {
Object makeObject() {
return new
public class
ThreeByteFactory implements
ObjectFactory {
private static class
ThreeBytes {
b0, b1, b2;
Object makeObject() {
return new
When we run these, we get the following output:
ByteFactory produced java.lang.Byte which took 16 bytes
ThreeByteFactory produced ThreeByteFactory$ThreeBytes which took 24 bytes
This is great (not). When I first started using Java I used to
spend hours deciding whether a variable should be an int or short
or a byte in order to minimize the memory footprint. I was
wasting my time.
As I said earlier, I don't know if this is
only a problem under NT or if it's the same on all platforms.
Knowing Java's dream of being equally inefficient on all
platforms, I suspect that it would be the same.
Let's carry on and look at a smaller unit of information, the
boolean. Now a boolean is simply a bit, true or false, yes or no,
zero or one. If I have a class that contains 64 booleans, guess
how much memory it will take? 8 for the class, and 4 for each of
the boolean data members, i.e. 264 bytes!!! Since a boolean is
essentially the same as a bit, we could have stored the same
information in one long. If you don't believe me, have a look
at the following class:
public class
SixtyFourBooleanFactory implements
ObjectFactory {
private static
SixtyFourBooleans {
a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7;
b0, b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7;
c0, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7;
d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7;
e0, e1, e2, e3, e4, e5, e6, e7;
f0, f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, f6, f7;
g0, g1, g2, g3, g4, g5, g6, g7;
h0, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, h7;
Object makeObject() {
return new
When we run this, we get the following output:
SixtyFourBooleanFactory produced SixtyFourBooleanFactory$SixtyFourBooleans
which took 264 bytes
Admittedly, the example was a little bit contrived, as you would
seldom have that many booleans in one class, but I hope you get
the idea.
Sun must have realised this problem so they made constants in
java.lang.Boolean for TRUE and FALSE that both contain instances
of java.lang.Boolean. I think that the constructor for Boolean
should have been private to stop people from creating 16 byte
objects that are completely unnecessary.
Arrays of Boolean Objects
A Boolean Array takes up 16 bytes plus 4 bytes per position with
a minimum of 8 bytes at a time. In addition to that, we obviously
have to count the actualy space taken by Boolean objects.
public class
BooleanArrayFactory implements
ObjectFactory {
Object makeObject() {
Boolean[] objs = new
; i<objs.length; i++)
objs[i] = new
Try guess how many bytes would be taken up by a Boolean array of
size 1000 with Boolean objects stuck in there. Ok, I'll help you:
16 + 4*1000 (for the pointers) + 16*1000 (for the actual Boolean
objects) = 20016. Run the code and see if I'm right ;-) If we,
instead of making a new Boolean object each time, use the Flyweights
provided in Boolean, we'll get to 16 + 4*1000 = 4016 bytes used.
Primitives get packed in arrays, so if you have an array of bytes
they will each take up one byte (wow!). The memory usage of course
still goes up in 8 byte blocks.
public class
PrimitiveByteArrayFactory implements
ObjectFactory {
Object makeObject() {
return new byte
When we run this, we get the following output:
PrimitiveByteArrayFactory produced [B which took 1016 bytes
Strings actually fare quite well since they can be "internalised"
meaning that only one instance of the same String is kept. If
you, however, construct your String dynamically, it will not be
interned and will take up a bit of memory. Inside String we find:
// ...
private char
private int
private int
private int
hash = 0
// ...
Say we want to find out how much "Hello World!" would take. We
start adding up 8 (for the String class) + 16 (for the char[]) +
12 * 2 (for the characters) + 4 (value) + 4 (offset) + 4 (count) +
4 (hash) = 64 bytes. It's quite difficult to measure this, as we
have to make sure the String is not internalized by the JVM. I
used the StringBuffer to get this right:
public class
StringFactory implements
ObjectFactory {
Object makeObject() {
StringBuffer buf = new
buf.append("Hello "
When we run this, we get, as expected, the following output:
StringFactory produced java.lang.String which took 64 bytes
Now we get to the real challenge: How much does a
java.util.Vector use in memory? It's easy to say, now that we
have a MemoryTestBench, but it's not so easy to explain. We start
by looking inside the java.util.Vector class. Inside we find the
// ...
Object elementData[];
protected int
// ...
Using the knowledge we already have, we decide that the amount of
memory used will be 8 (for the class) + 4 (for the pointer to
elementData) + 4 (for elementCount). The elementData array will
take 16 (for the elementData class and the length) plus
4 * elementData.length. We then follow the hierarchy up and
discover the variable int
in the superclass
, which will take up the minimum
8 bytes. For a Vector of size 10, we will therefore take up:
8 + 4 + 4 + 16 + 4*10 + 8 = 80 bytes, or simply 40 + 4*10 = 80 bytes,
which agrees with our experiment:
public class
VectorFactory implements
ObjectFactory {
Object makeObject() {
return new
When we run this, we get the following output:
VectorFactory produced java.util.Vector which took 80 bytes
So, what happens when we create a JTable with a DefaultTableModel
with 100x100 cells? The DefaultTableModel keeps a Vector of
Vectors so this will take
40 + 4*100 + (40 + 4*100) * 100 = 440 + 44000 = 44440 bytes just
for the empty table. If we put an Integer in each cell, we will
end up with another 100*100*16 = 160'000 bytes used up.
What's better, a java.util.LinkedList or a java.util.ArrayList?
Experienced followers of these newsletters will of course say:
"Neither, the CircularArrayList is better" ;-). Let's see what
happens when we put 10000 objects into an ArrayList (which uses
the same amount of memory as the Vector) vs. a LinkedList.
Remember that each Object takes up 8 bytes, so we will subtract
80000 bytes from each answer to get comparable values:
public class
FullArrayListFactory implements
ObjectFactory {
Object makeObject() {
ArrayList result = new
; i<10000
; i++) {
public class
FullLinkedListFactory implements
ObjectFactory {
Object makeObject() {
LinkedList result = new
; i<10000
; i++) {
When we run this, we get the following output:
FullArrayListFactory produced java.util.ArrayList which took 120040 bytes
FullLinkedListFactory produced java.util.LinkedList which took 320048 bytes
When we subtract 80000 bytes from each, we find that the ArrayList
takes up 40040 bytes (as expected) and the LinkedList uses 240048 bytes.
How many of us consider issues like this when we code?
We have come to the end of yet another newsletter. I am trying to
put newsletters together that will be worthwhile to send out, so
as a result they will not always appear every week, unless I feel
particularly inspired.
Until the next issue...
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