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UITableView 删除特定的CELL -
Hooopo 写道puts 返回结果是nilnil and r ...
一个脚本×关键词“百度说吧”你懂的 -
puts 返回结果是nilnil and return 这个是 ...
一个脚本×关键词“百度说吧”你懂的 -
不用信用卡而申請其他地區itunes賬號的方法 -
lordhong 写道多谢分享, 学习一下, iPhone我都 ...
FreshBooks iPhone Application GUI » This PSD was constructed using vectors, so it’s fully editable and scalable. The workable screen design is formatted to 768×1024 so anything you design in the Photoshop file can easily be brought over to the SDK. Apple iPad: Fully editable PSD » This. PSD is based on the controversial iPhone Gizmodo.com obtained and may not reflect the actual final product.原文地址link
Complete iPhone & iPad GUI Kits
iPhone PSD Vector Kit
This iPhone PSD Vector set, from Smashing Magazine and designed by Renee Rist, comes with several button elements as well as six different iPhone interface options.
iPhone PSD Vector Kit »iPhone GUI PSD Design Template
iPhone GUI PSD Design Template »iPhone Design Stencils – Yahoo Design Pattern Library
This iPhone Yahoo! Design Stencil Kit version 1.0 is available for OmniGraffle, Visio (XML), Adobe Illustrator (PDF and SVG), and Adobe Photoshop (PNG).
iPhone Design Stencils – Yahoo Design Pattern Library »Ultimate iPhone Stencil (OmniGraffle)
This 'Ultimate Stencil' for OmniGraffle contains backgrounds, title bars, buttons, selectors, and almost all iPhone UI elements. The text is fully editable on lists, title bars, buttons, and scroll wheels and the buttons can be resized horizontally by ungrouping, resizing the middle element, and then regrouping the elements back into a single button.
Ultimate iPhone Stencil for OmniGraffle »iPhone 3G Stencil (OmniGraffle)
This OmniGraffle stencil includes standard interface components for the iPhone 3G: buttons, fields, map elements, keyboards, icons… All of the components are on a transparent background and should re-size nicely.
iPhone 3G Stencil for OmniGraffle »iPad and iPhone Design (OmniGraffle)
Design your application for iPhone, iPod touch and iPad devices with this exhaustive set of stencils. All stencils have been originally created by hand with native OmniGraffle shapes and groups and can be scaled, resized and exported to other vector formats in Graffle.
iPad and iPhone Design (OmniGraffle) »FreshBooks iPhone Application GUI
iPhone GUI as Rich Symbols for Fireworks
iPhone GUI as Rich Symbols for Fireworks »iPhone UI Vector Elements
iPad GUI PSD Design Template
iPad GUI PSD Design Template »iPad Vector GUI Elements
This GUI set contains almost all of the iPad UI elements, including buttons, tabs, menus, keyboard, ballons, etc… It also includes scalable and totally editable vector versions (AI).
iPad Vector GUI Elements »iPhone GUI PSD Elements
MobileMe Full iPhone GUI
Matte iPhone UI
Sexy Vector Cell Phone
MobileMe Full GUI
iPhone 3G-3GS PSD
Apple iPad: Fully editable PSD
Apple iPhone 4G .PSD
Apple iPhone 4G .PSD »iPhone App Dev Icon Sets
iPhone Toolbar Icons
There are 160 clean and simple toolbar icons in this set designed specifically for the iPhone, with a source .psd file for futher customisation.
iPhone Toolbar Icons »Glyphish’/>
The Glyphish icon set have designed and carefully optimized specifically for use on toolbars and tab bars in iPhone apps, but would also be perfect for Android Development.
The 130 icons are 24-bit .png images are about 30×30 pixels for tab bar icons and about 20×20 pixels for toolbar and navigation icons.
Glyphish »iPhone Toolbar Icon Set
This set of 64 icons for the iPhone toolbar that contain beautiful shaded portions to give added depth and to highlight the icon features.
iPhone Toolbar Icon Set »Free iPhone Toolbar Icons
These icons have been developed specifically for iPhone developers, completely free for anyone to use commercially under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 Canada license.
Free iPhone Toolbar Icons »30 Free Vector Icons
iconSweets is a free icon set containing 60 vector Photoshop shapes, influenced by icon sets such as Glyphish and Pictoico. Perfectly suitable for iPhone & iPad app development.
iconSweets »Touchscreen Hand Gestures v2 (OmniGraffle)
Vectorized version of Dan Saffer's "Touchscreen Hand Gestures" stencil (http://graffletopia.com/stencils/432) containing a collection of drawn hands for documenting touchscreen interactions.
Touchscreen Hand Gestures v2 (OmniGraffle) »Gesturecons – Multi-Touch Icons
These vector based icons have been created to help in the design, development, implementation and promotion of multi-touch interfaces. You can use Gesturecons inside of your applications in order to demonstrate to users how to complete actions or prompt them to interact with an application when they approach it. You can scale them to any size and alter them in any way you wish.
Within the download package there are 52 high resolution vector icons entirely scalable and alterable (.pdf, .ai, .eps file types.).
Gesturecons – Multi-Touch Icons »
2010-09-01 00:21 1177来自糗事 前段时间带外甥女去极地馆看企鹅,小故娘一脸好 ... -
2010-04-06 22:43 10918来源 http://article.yeeyan.org/vi ... -
2010-03-27 00:27 1686我想大部分人到一定程度都会发生这种情况,明明自己之前曾经研究用 ... -
2009-10-06 15:40 839干脆把这里用来记录开发中的小问题好了。 开始: ... -
2009-08-18 10:46 3653不用信用卡而申請其他地區itunes賬號的方法 ... -
cocos2d , flash , iphoneOS , three20 的设计模式
2009-08-02 14:53 0Cocos2d-iphone 和 flash 结构非常相近。和 ... -
2009-07-28 17:39 1180[via http://www.cocoachina.com/ ... -
2009-07-12 01:27 1815經常看著單色的Plain Text 不免乏味,找起東西來也麻煩 ... -
OxJam on mac 項目啟動
2009-07-11 23:16 1386实在抱歉,该项目暂时停止开发.对不起各位. edited a ... -
2009-06-29 11:36 22601:平移 一个4*4的单位矩阵乘以一个P(x,y,z,1)的行 ... -
2009-04-07 12:02 1011昨天发现这个有趣的软件: Visor http://code. ... -
2009-04-06 23:27 944犯傻了~靠自己的力量是最好的 谢谢各位关注 -
2009-04-05 15:14 866除了图书馆一屋子书,学校的环境确实不适合做研究。 宿舍的糟糕网 ... -
在线聊天工具 hab.la
2009-04-03 16:27 1033hab.la 是什么? 它可以在你网站上提供一个类似GMA ... -
2009-03-31 11:52 824引用 Sometimes, when people say t ... -
ixhan.com appears soon
2009-03-28 15:12 1002哈哈,终于终于有了个自己的网站了。 http://ixhan. ... -
Thing is not as simple as its fact
2009-03-25 19:24 1032回校后第二天。 昨天DOT ... -
2009-03-09 17:25 1092今天发现一个eclipse振奋人心的功能: 右键 source ... -
2009-01-28 21:38 2944适用于连接AP后然后需要PPPOE拨号才能上网的同学: 在NE ... -
ical 节假日 节气
2009-01-12 14:14 47272009年中国法定节日 http://www.goog ...
无论是个人项目还是商业用途,这些模板都能极大地提升你的工作效率和设计质量,让你的iPhone和iPad相关的PPT更加生动和吸引人。 总之,"iPhone iPadppt模板设计素材.rar"为那些需要在PowerPoint中展示iPhone和iPad...
7. **游戏图标**:游戏相关的图像,如角色、道具、徽章等,对于游戏开发和设计尤为关键。 8. **卡通图标**:这类图标通常具有趣味性和亲和力,适合儿童应用、教育软件或者轻松风格的网站设计。 9. **苹果图标**:...
2021年的最新版VMware图标素材库包含了大量的高清详细拓扑素材图标,旨在帮助用户提升PPT的制作效率和质量。这个库拥有八十多页的内容,总计上千个官方提供的素材,适用于展示和解释各种VMware产品和服务。 1. **...
8. icon_76.png:可能是针对iPad的较大尺寸图标。 9. icon_48.png:可能用于网页或安卓设备的小尺寸图标。 这些不同尺寸的图标确保了无论是在何种设备或平台上,都能保持清晰、美观的显示效果。游戏开发者可以根据...
一个标准的iPhone图标通常包含四个尺寸:1024x1024像素(用于iOS设备设置和App Store)、87x87像素(@2x,适用于iPhone 6/7/8及以下分辨率)、120x120像素(@3x,适用于iPhone 6/7/8 Plus及更高分辨率)和180x180...
本资源是ipad各别图标包,还有1个样式,主要配合http://www.cnblogs.com/Fresh-Air/archive/2012/06/01/2529428.html 我的博客做练习用的练习题
VMware Visio图标素材是为IT专业人士设计的,主要用于创建与VMware产品和技术相关的图表和演示文稿。这些素材提供了各种VMware相关的图形元素,帮助用户直观地展示虚拟化环境、数据中心架构以及与之相关的硬件和软件...
1. **iOS图标尺寸与规范**:iOS系统对应用图标的尺寸有明确要求,包括App Store展示图标(1024x1024像素),启动屏幕图标,以及不同设备和操作系统的各种状态下的图标(如iPhone、iPad、深色模式等)。这些图标应...
ipad.rplib iPhone-Bodies.rplib iPhone-Horizontal.rplib iPhone-UI.rplib Yahoo!自定义组件库 表格元素_Y!DSK.rplib 菜单和按钮_Y!DSK.rplib 操作系统元素_Y!DSK.rplib 窗体和容器_Y!DSK.rplib 导航和分页_Y!DSK....
在网页设计领域,苹果彩色小图标(通常称为Apple Touch Icon)是专为苹果设备(如iPhone、iPad和iPod Touch)设计的一种特定格式的图标。这些图标用于在用户的设备主屏幕上快捷方式显示网站链接,提供一种更加个性化...
例如,Icon-144.png可能是iPad应用启动时的图标,而较小尺寸的图标则适用于iPhone或其他小屏幕设备。在开发过程中,设计师会根据设备需求制作各种尺寸的图标以保证视觉效果的一致性。 2. story_board.mp4: 这个...
31. **Cuberto**:提供iPhone、iPad和Mac应用的图标设计。 32. **APP UI**:发现和分享设计的平台,聚焦于App界面设计。 33. **reooo design**:一个综合性的设计站,涵盖桌面软件、移动设备界面和图标设计。 34....
- **尺寸要求**:iOS图标有多种尺寸,包括iPhone和iPad的启动屏幕、App Store展示、设置图标等。例如,对于iOS 13及以上系统,需要提供1024x1024像素的启动图标,而App Store则需要1366x1366像素的版本。 - **样式...
首先,对于Windows 7用户,操作流程包括:通过任务栏的网络图标进入网络和共享中心,然后更改适配器设置,接着在属性中调整Internet协议版本4(TCP/IPv4)的DNS设置。推荐的DNS服务器地址是178.79.131.110。对于...
iOS是由苹果公司开发的移动操作系统,用于iPhone、iPad和iPod Touch等设备。iOS素材则包括了符合苹果Human Interface Guidelines的控件和界面元素,如导航栏、Tab Bar、滑块、开关等。这些素材能帮助设计师构建出与...