《Wrox Professional ADO.NET 3.5 with LINQ and the Entity Framework》是针对.NET Framework 3.5中数据访问技术的重要参考资料。该书详细介绍了ADO.NET 3.5、LINQ(Language Integrated Query)以及Entity ...
《Wrox Professional ADO.NET 3.5 with LINQ and the Entity Framework》是针对.NET Framework 3.5中数据访问技术的重要参考资料。本书深入探讨了ADO.NET 3.5、LINQ(Language Integrated Query,语言集成查询)以及...
Starting with the basics, you will then dive into the advanced concepts and features of LINQ to Entities, including Entity Framework, deferred execution, querying a view, and mapping a procedure....
Entity Developer is a powerful ORM designer for ADO.NET Entity Framework, NHibernate, LinqConnect, and LINQ to SQL. You can use Model-First and Database-First approaches to design your ORM model and ...
A comprehensive guide to the Entity Framework with insight into its latest features and optimizations for responsive data access in your projects About This Book Create Entity data models from your ...
The book will then explain how to work with transactions and stored procedures along with improving Entity Framework using query libraries. Moving on, you will learn to improve complex query ...
`org.apache.http.entity.mime`是Apache HttpClient库中的一个模块,主要负责处理MIME(Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions)格式的数据,特别是在HTTP请求中用于上传文件或复杂数据时。这个模块是Apache ...
在提供的信息中,我们关注的是两个特定的模块:"org.apache.http.entity.mime" 和 "org.apache.http.legacy"。 首先,`org.apache.http.entity.mime` 是 Apache HttpClient 库的一个子模块,专门用于处理MIME(多...
《Wrox.Professional.ADO.NET.3.5.with.LINQ.and.the.Entity.Framework》这本书是针对.NET Framework 3.5版本中ADO.NET的重大更新,特别是引入了LINQ(Language Integrated Query,语言集成查询)和Entity Framework...
MySQL.Data.Entity.6.10.9 和 MySQL.Data.6.10.9 是两个针对MySQL数据库操作的重要组件,主要用于.NET Framework环境中的Entity Framework(EF)集成。在本篇文章中,我们将深入探讨这两个库以及它们如何协同工作,...
《Wrox Professional ADO.NET 3.5 with LINQ and the Entity Framework》是针对.NET Framework 3.5中数据访问技术的重要参考资料。该书详细介绍了ADO.NET 3.5、LINQ(Language Integrated Query)以及Entity ...
《Wrox Professional ADO.NET 3.5 with LINQ and the Entity Framework》是针对.NET Framework 3.5中数据访问技术的重要参考资料。本书深入探讨了ADO.NET 3.5、LINQ(Language Integrated Query,语言集成查询)以及...
Starting with the basics, you will then dive into the advanced concepts and features of LINQ to Entities, including Entity Framework, deferred execution, querying a view, and mapping a procedure....
... ...它主要关注MIME(Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions)规范,用于定义邮件和其他互联网协议中的数据格式。... - 在4.1.2版本中,这个库已经相当成熟,解决了许多早期版本的已知问题,增强了稳定性和兼容性。...
《Professional ADO.NET 3.5 with LINQ and the Entity Framework》是一本深入探讨.NET Framework 3.5中数据访问技术的专业书籍,尤其关注了Language Integrated Query (LINQ) 和 Entity Framework (EF) 这两个核心...
Entity Developer is a powerful ORM designer for ADO.NET Entity Framework, NHibernate, LinqConnect, and LINQ to SQL. You can use Model-First and Database-First approaches to design your ORM model and ...
A comprehensive guide to the Entity Framework with insight into its latest features and optimizations for responsive data access in your projects About This Book Create Entity data models from your ...
《深入理解Z.EntityFramework.Extensions.EFCore6.13.1:多版本支持与BulkInsert功能》 Z.EntityFramework.Extensions是一款针对Entity Framework Core(简称EF Core)的扩展库,它提供了丰富的功能,增强了数据库...
The book will then explain how to work with transactions and stored procedures along with improving Entity Framework using query libraries. Moving on, you will learn to improve complex query ...
替换C:\Users\xxxxx\.nuget\packages\z.entityframework.extensions.efcore\2.1.49\lib\netstandard2.0下的Z.EntityFramework.Extensions.EFCore.dll。适用于.net core的ef,解除了1个月使用的限制。
Z.EntityFramework.Extensions.dll 破解版,我们在用EF开发时 会有版权报错 要求license,这个dll是我用工具破解的