A control is a user interface element that the user can interact with. Controls are used in PC applications, in web pages and in mobile device applications. In web pages controls are often known as "form controls". Common controls include textfields, textareas, buttons, checkboxes, radio buttons, scrollbars, labels and progress bars, among others. Not all controls are interactive, e.g. labels simply display a value. Controls are contained within some kind of user interface container such as a view or window.
In the WRTKit, controls are JavaScript objects that contain the state and implement the behavior of the control. Controls take care of drawing themselves, including changing their appearence as a result of various state changes.
A container for user interface elements such as controls. On a mobile device user interface views typically fill the entire screen and thus only one view can be shown at a time. Views in a mobile device tend to lay out the elements it contains in a vertical list that can be scrolled up and down if there is more content in the view than what fits on the screen at a time.
In the WRTKit, views are responsible for laying out controls. Custom views can be created to support advanced layouts but in the vast majority of cases the default ListView is sufficient. WRTKit views are JavaScript objects.
An event is a notification of some occurrence in a user interface element, such as a view or control. Events are typically propagated to application code as messages or function calls or a combination of the two.
The WRTKit uses a model known as the "observer pattern" to deliver event messages, which are JavaScript objects, to event listeners, which are JavaScript callback functions. WRTKit events have a type name that can be used to distinguish between different types of events. E.g. a button press produces an "ActionPerformed" event.
The control that is currently selected to receive input is said to be focused. Controls can be focused in both the tab and pointer navigation modes. In the tab mode the focus is moved between controls using the 4-way controller. In the pointer mode the focus is moved between controls by moving the pointer to "hover" above a control and then pressing a selection button to select that control. Focused controls are displayed in a distinct way from other controls to indicate that they are ready to be interacted with.
In pointer navigation mode, the pointer is said to be "hovering" above a control if the pointer is located inside the control's area on the screen. Hovering is similar to focus, but differs because hovering in itself does not select a control for interaction. Rather a selection key must be pressed in order to focus the control that the pointer is currently hovering over. Hover is indicated by displaying a control in a distinct way from other controls.
Navigation mode
A navigation mode refers to a method of selecting what user interface element to interact with. The S60 Web Runtime supports two navigation modes: "tab" and "pointer". In the tab mode, focus is moved between controls using the 4-way controller. In pointer mode there is a pointer arrow on the screen that can be moved freely using the 4-way controller. A control is focused by moving the pointer arrow so that it hovers above a control, and then pressing a selection key to select that control. In tab mode a control can be either in normal or focused state, whereas in the pointer mode a control can be in normal, hover or focused state.
4. **独立Widget开发工具**: 有一些专门用于创建桌面Widget的工具,如Yahoo! Widget Engine或Windows Sidebar Gadget SDK,它们允许开发者在Windows或Mac上创建自定义的桌面小工具。 **开发过程** 1. **设计阶段**...
Android App Widget是Android系统提供的一种轻量级的UI组件,允许开发者在用户的主屏幕上放置一些交互式的快捷方式或小部件,提供类似于桌面小工具的功能。这些小部件可以显示实时信息,如天气、日历事件、音乐播放...
在iOS和macOS开发中,Brew Widget是一种用于构建用户界面的小型自定义视图组件。这个源代码包“Brew Widget开发源代码”显然包含了用于创建和开发这些小部件的相关资源,为开发者提供了一个实践和学习Brew Widget...
在开发过程中,开发者需要注意的一些关键点包括: - **兼容性**:确保Widget能在不同的诺基亚设备上正常工作,因为不同设备可能支持的API版本和硬件特性存在差异。 - **资源管理**:由于移动设备资源有限,应优化...
### Widget搭建开发环境 在移动应用开发领域,Widget作为轻量级的应用程序,在用户体验和功能实现上具有独特的优势。本文将详细介绍如何基于OPhone平台进行Mobile Widget的开发环境搭建及简单示例,帮助开发者快速...
在Android Widget开发中,主要涉及以下几个关键组件: 1. **AppWidgetProvider**: 这是Widget的主要类,继承自BroadcastReceiver,负责处理来自系统的广播事件,如安装、更新、删除Widget等。 2. **XML布局文件**:...
### BlackBerry Widget 开发入门知识点详解 #### 背景知识:Widget 技术与 BlackBerry 平台 **Widget 技术概述**: - **定义**:Widget 是一种轻量级的应用程序,通常用于桌面或移动设备上显示实时信息或执行简单...
- **案例分析**: 分享实际开发过程中的经验教训,以及成功的Widget案例。 - **性能优化技巧**: 教授如何提高Widget的运行效率和用户体验。 - **最佳实践**: 汇总了一系列开发过程中的注意事项和建议。 #### 三、...
本教程旨在帮助初学者掌握如何设计和实现手机Widget,以下是关于这个主题的一些关键知识点: 1. **Android Widget概述**:Android Widget是Android操作系统为用户提供的一种交互式UI组件,用户可以直接在主屏幕上...
Widget开发是构建用户界面(UI)和增强用户体验的重要部分,尤其在移动设备和桌面环境中应用广泛。本资料包主要涵盖了Widget开发的相关资源,包括开发工具和必备知识。 **Widget开发工具** "Widget工具制作教程....
**WAC Widget开发指南** **概述** WAC (Wireless Application Capabilities) Widget是一种轻量级的应用程序,它允许开发者创建跨平台的移动互联网服务。本开发指南旨在为开发者提供全面的指导,从基础到高级,帮助...
本压缩包"Android高级应用源码-android Widget小组件开发"提供了关于如何创建和优化Android Widget的详细示例。以下是对这个主题的深入探讨: 一、Android Widget概述 Widget是Android系统中的一种轻量级组件,它们...
在Android应用开发中,Widget是桌面小部件,它允许用户在主屏幕上与应用程序进行交互,无需实际打开应用程序。本教程将深入探讨如何使用Android Widget,通过提供的源码实例,涵盖了一系列基本到高级的组件,包括...
基于Qt widget开发的圆形进度条组件+源码+开发文档解析,适合期末大作业、课程设计、项目开发。项目源码已经过严格测试,可以放心参考并在此基础上延申使用~ 基于Qt widget开发的圆形进度条组件+源码+开发文档解析...