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Shallow heap & Retained heap -
非常感谢 , 太棒了。
Spring注解方式,异常 'sessionFactory' or 'hibernateTemplate' is required的解决方法 -
Apache Mina Server 2.0 中文参考手册(带 ...
Apache Mina – 简单的客户端/服务端应用示例 -
Shallow heap & Retained heap -
The WSDL2java command generates JAX-WS compliant Java code for the services that are defined in the WSDL document.
This is known as the Top-Down approach (contract first, based on an existing WSDL file).
1) open a DOS window and go to the CXF directory, under the bin sub-directory :
2) run the following command :
This command will create the folder D:\softs\CXF\apache-cxf-2.3.1\bin\com\company\auth\service
The -client option will generate a client
The -p option is used to specify the name of the package used for the generated classes
The generated classes are :
IBMICalculator_IBMICalculatorImplPort_Client.java (the client)
These classes are fully annotated. For instance if we open IBMICalculator.java, we can see 8 annotations !
3) copy the classes in the src folder of your project and modify the client according to your needs
Another way to generate the java code (stubs) is by using soapUI, a tool to test Web Services. It integrates different tools that use different Web Services frameworks.
In the case of Apache CXF framework, you must first set its path in the preferences :
Then in the Tools Menu, choose “Apache CXF Stubs”. This is where you specify the arguments for the WSDL2JAVA command. Check the box “All code” to generate all starting point code, choose an output directory :
The command is then executed and the options are displayed :
Link : https://cwiki.apache.org/CXF20DOC/wsdl-to-java.html
The WSDL2java command generates JAX-WS compliant Java code for the services that are defined in the WSDL document.
This is known as the Top-Down approach (contract first, based on an existing WSDL file).
1) open a DOS window and go to the CXF directory, under the bin sub-directory :
2) run the following command :
D:\softs\CXF\apache-cxf-2.3.1\bin>wsdl2java.bat -client -p com.company.auth.service http://localhost:8085/BMI/services/cxfBmi?wsdl

This command will create the folder D:\softs\CXF\apache-cxf-2.3.1\bin\com\company\auth\service
The -client option will generate a client
The -p option is used to specify the name of the package used for the generated classes
The generated classes are :
IBMICalculator_IBMICalculatorImplPort_Client.java (the client)
These classes are fully annotated. For instance if we open IBMICalculator.java, we can see 8 annotations !
package com.company.auth.service; import javax.jws.WebMethod; import javax.jws.WebParam; import javax.jws.WebResult; import javax.jws.WebService; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlSeeAlso; import javax.xml.ws.RequestWrapper; import javax.xml.ws.ResponseWrapper; /** * This class was generated by Apache CXF 2.3.1 * Generated source version: 2.3.1 * */ @WebService(targetNamespace = "http://services.bmi.company.com/", name = "IBMICalculator") @XmlSeeAlso({ObjectFactory.class}) public interface IBMICalculator { @WebResult(name = "return", targetNamespace = "") @RequestWrapper(localName = "computeBMI", targetNamespace = "http://services.bmi.company.com/", className = "com.company.auth.service.ComputeBMI") @WebMethod @ResponseWrapper(localName = "computeBMIResponse", targetNamespace = "http://services.bmi.company.com/", className = "com.company.auth.service.ComputeBMIResponse") public double computeBMI( @WebParam(name = "weight", targetNamespace = "") double weight, @WebParam(name = "height", targetNamespace = "") double height ); }
3) copy the classes in the src folder of your project and modify the client according to your needs
Another way to generate the java code (stubs) is by using soapUI, a tool to test Web Services. It integrates different tools that use different Web Services frameworks.
In the case of Apache CXF framework, you must first set its path in the preferences :

Then in the Tools Menu, choose “Apache CXF Stubs”. This is where you specify the arguments for the WSDL2JAVA command. Check the box “All code” to generate all starting point code, choose an output directory :

The command is then executed and the options are displayed :

Link : https://cwiki.apache.org/CXF20DOC/wsdl-to-java.html
2 楼
有些wsdl文件需要用代理才能访问,虽然在proxy setting里面设置了代理服务器和端口,并且能够生成testcase。 但是成cxf 客户端的代码的时候,会报连接超时异常。
1 楼
有些wsdl文件需要用代理才能访问,虽然在proxy setting里面设置了代理服务器和端口,并且能够生成testcase。 但是成cxf 客户端的代码的时候,会报连接超时异常。
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Apache Mina – 简单的客户端/服务端应用示例
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Class.forName()、Class.forName().newInstance() 、New 三者区别!
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Apache MINA 快速入门指南
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apache mina (异步连接框架)实例
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使用Eclipse(MyEclipse)+ abator自动生成iBatis代码
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使用JAX-WS standard Endpoint APIs开发WebService完整的例子
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A hands-on guide to the Java programming language, The Java™ Tutorial, Fourth Edition is perfect for any developer looking for a proven path to proficiency with Java SE. This popular tutorial "from ...
The book starts with an explanation of what reactive programming is, why it is so appealing, and how we can integrate it in to Java. It continues by introducing the new Java 8 syntax features, such as...
本文介绍了 Web 服务的基本概念和技术,包括 Web 服务的历史背景、多层架构的优势、SOAP 协议的工作原理、WSDL 的结构和用途、示例 Web 服务的开发流程,以及如何使用 Apache CXF 和不同类型的服务器部署 Web 服务。...
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