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1. count

   * Return the number of elements in the RDD.
  def count(): Long = sc.runJob(this, Utils.getIteratorSize _).sum


先在每个 partition 上执行 count,然后执行结果被发送到 driver,最后在 driver 端进行 sum。


2. groupByKey


package spark.examples

import java.util.Random

import org.apache.spark.{SparkConf, SparkContext}
import org.apache.spark.SparkContext._

 * Usage: GroupByTest [numMappers] [numKVPairs] [valSize] [numReducers]
object SparkGroupByTest {
  def main(args: Array[String]) {
    val sparkConf = new SparkConf().setAppName("GroupBy Test").setMaster("local ")
    val numMappers = 1//100
    val numKVPairs = 100//00
    val valSize = 10//00
    val numReducers = 36

    val sc = new SparkContext(sparkConf)

    val pairs1 = sc.parallelize(0 until numMappers, numMappers).flatMap { p =>

      val ranGen = new Random

      val arr1 = new Array[(Int, Array[Byte])](numKVPairs)

      for (i <- 0 until numKVPairs) {

        val byteArr = new Array[Byte](valSize)
        arr1(i) = (ranGen.nextInt(Int.MaxValue), byteArr)
    // Enforce that everything has been calculated and in cache

    FlatMappedRDD[1] at flatMap at SparkGroupbyTest.scala:26 [Memory Deserialized 1x Replicated]
    ParallelCollectionRDD[0] at parallelize at SparkGroupbyTest.scala:26 [Memory Deserialized 1x Replicated]






1. groupByKey的含义是对(K,V)进行合并。


节点1: (1,2),(1,3),(2,6)

节点2: (1,7),(3,8),(2,9)


(1,(2,7)),(1,(3,7)),(2,(6,9)), (3,(_,8))? 不对,最后的结果,应该是Key是唯一的


2. 上面的例子中,reducer的个数是36,那么要做group操作,所以,来自各个worker节点的相同的Key必须由同一个reducer上来处理,这是怎么做到的?即reducer拉取数据时,是按照Key做Hash么?hash(key)%36. 即m个mapper结果,由r个reducer消费,如何消费?每个mapper都有reducer的数据,reducer如何拉取应该由它处理的这些数据?从不同的mapper中拉取数据,这就是Shuffle Write的工作!是分布式计算框架的核心之一

3. 如下图所示:ShuffledRDD存放的时比较合并的结果,只是从FlatMappRDD将原始数据拉取过来?拉取数据时,Mapp端没有做预combine操作??

4. groupByKey操作是一个根据Key把所有的Value聚合到一起的操作,这跟SQL的groupBy操作不一样,SQL的groupBy操作的结果是,一组的结果是每个占据一行。

5. groupByKey不要是用map端的combine


   * Group the values for each key in the RDD into a single sequence. Allows controlling the
   * partitioning of the resulting key-value pair RDD by passing a Partitioner.
   * The ordering of elements within each group is not guaranteed, and may even differ
   * each time the resulting RDD is evaluated.
   * Note: This operation may be very expensive. If you are grouping in order to perform an
   * aggregation (such as a sum or average) over each key, using [[PairRDDFunctions.aggregateByKey]]
   * or [[PairRDDFunctions.reduceByKey]] will provide much better performance.
  def groupByKey(partitioner: Partitioner): RDD[(K, Iterable[V])] = {
    // groupByKey shouldn't use map side combine because map side combine does not
    // reduce the amount of data shuffled and requires all map side data be inserted
    // into a hash table, leading to more objects in the old gen.
    val createCombiner = (v: V) => CompactBuffer(v)
    val mergeValue = (buf: CompactBuffer[V], v: V) => buf += v
    val mergeCombiners = (c1: CompactBuffer[V], c2: CompactBuffer[V]) => c1 ++= c2
    val bufs = combineByKey[CompactBuffer[V]](
      createCombiner, mergeValue, mergeCombiners, partitioner, mapSideCombine=false)
    bufs.asInstanceOf[RDD[(K, Iterable[V])]]








3. join


package spark.examples

import org.apache.spark.{SparkContext, SparkConf}
import org.apache.spark.SparkContext._

object SparkRDDJoin {

  def main(args : Array[String]) {
    val conf = new SparkConf().setAppName("Join").setMaster("local");
    val sc = new SparkContext(conf);

    val rdd1 = sc.parallelize(List((1,2),(2,3), (3,4),(4,5),(5,6)), 3)
    val rdd2 = sc.parallelize(List((3,6),(2,8)), 2);

    val pairs = rdd1.join(rdd2);


   (3) FlatMappedValuesRDD[4] at join at SparkRDDJoin.scala:17 []
 |  MappedValuesRDD[3] at join at SparkRDDJoin.scala:17 []
 |  CoGroupedRDD[2] at join at SparkRDDJoin.scala:17 []
 +-(3) ParallelCollectionRDD[0] at parallelize at SparkRDDJoin.scala:13 []
 +-(2) ParallelCollectionRDD[1] at parallelize at SparkRDDJoin.scala:14 []



4. Union



package spark.examples

import org.apache.spark.{SparkContext, SparkConf}
import org.apache.spark.SparkContext._

object SparkRDDUnion {

  def main(args : Array[String]) {
    val conf = new SparkConf().setAppName("Join").setMaster("local");
    val sc = new SparkContext(conf);

    val rdd1 = sc.parallelize(List((1,2),(2,3), (3,4),(4,5),(5,6)), 3)
    val rdd2 = sc.parallelize(List((3,6),(2,8)), 2);

    val pairs = rdd1.union(rdd2);
    pairs.saveAsTextFile("file:///D:/union" + System.currentTimeMillis());




1. RDD依赖图

 UnionRDD[2] at union at SparkRDDUnion.scala:16 []
 |  ParallelCollectionRDD[0] at parallelize at SparkRDDUnion.scala:13 []
 |  ParallelCollectionRDD[1] at parallelize at SparkRDDUnion.scala:14 []

2. 没有Shuffle过程,因为执行过程中没有执行ShuffleMapTask,而是仅仅执行了ResultTask(一共有五个任务)

3. 结果有5个结果文件,part-00000到part-00004,内容分布为


part-00001:(2,3) (3,4)

part-00002:(4,5) (5,6)

part-00003: (3,6)



4. RDD的依赖图



5. reduceByKey



object SparkWordCount {
  def main(args: Array[String]) {
    System.setProperty("hadoop.home.dir", "E:\\devsoftware\\hadoop-2.5.2\\hadoop-2.5.2");
    val conf = new SparkConf()
    conf.set("spark.shuffle.manager", "sort");
    val sc = new SparkContext(conf)
    val rdd1 = sc.textFile("file:///D:/word.in.3");
    val rdd2 = rdd1.flatMap(_.split(" "))
    val rdd3 = rdd2.map((_, 1))
    val rdd4 = rdd3.reduceByKey(_ + _); ///关键看预reduce是在第一个stage的哪个RDD中执行的
    println("rdd3:" + rdd3.toDebugString)
    rdd3.saveAsTextFile("file:///D:/wordout" + System.currentTimeMillis());


3.RDD的reduceByKey会在mapper端做mini reduce,即进行数据的预reduce,在map端对重复Key进行func操作

4. reduceByKey使用了mapper端的combine,那么,它是在调用RDD的reduceByKey的时候,由于隐式类型转换,而调用



假设一组具有相同 K 的 <K, V> records 正在一个个流向 combineByKey(),createCombiner 将第一个 record 的 value 初始化为 c (比如,c = value),然后从第二个 record 开始,来一个 record 就使用 mergeValue(c, record.value) 来更新 c,比如想要对这些 records 的所有 values 做 sum,那么使用 c = c + record.value。等到 records 全部被 mergeValue(),得到结果 c。假设还有一组 records(key 与前面那组的 key 均相同)一个个到来,combineByKey() 使用前面的方法不断计算得到 c'。现在如果要求这两组 records 总的 combineByKey() 后的结果,那么可以使用 final c = mergeCombiners(c, c') 来计算。




   * Generic function to combine the elements for each key using a custom set of aggregation
   * functions. Turns an RDD[(K, V)] into a result of type RDD[(K, C)], for a "combined type" C
   * Note that V and C can be different -- for example, one might group an RDD of type
   * (Int, Int) into an RDD of type (Int, Seq[Int]). Users provide three functions:
   * - `createCombiner`, which turns a V into a C (e.g., creates a one-element list)
   * - `mergeValue`, to merge a V into a C (e.g., adds it to the end of a list)
   * - `mergeCombiners`, to combine two C's into a single one.
   * In addition, users can control the partitioning of the output RDD, and whether to perform
   * map-side aggregation (if a mapper can produce multiple items with the same key).
  def combineByKey[C](createCombiner: V => C,
      mergeValue: (C, V) => C,
      mergeCombiners: (C, C) => C,
      partitioner: Partitioner,
      mapSideCombine: Boolean = true,
      serializer: Serializer = null): RDD[(K, C)] = {
    require(mergeCombiners != null, "mergeCombiners must be defined") // required as of Spark 0.9.0
    if (keyClass.isArray) {
      if (mapSideCombine) {
        throw new SparkException("Cannot use map-side combining with array keys.")
      if (partitioner.isInstanceOf[HashPartitioner]) {
        throw new SparkException("Default partitioner cannot partition array keys.")
    val aggregator = new Aggregator[K, V, C](createCombiner, mergeValue, mergeCombiners) ///Aggragator的构造是三个函数
    if (self.partitioner == Some(partitioner)) { ////这是什么意思?无需生成ShuffledRDD,但还是做了combineValuesByKey操作
      self.mapPartitions(iter => {
        val context = TaskContext.get()
        new InterruptibleIterator(context, aggregator.combineValuesByKey(iter, context))
      }, preservesPartitioning = true)
    } else { ///得到ShuffleRDD,携带aggregator以及mapSieCombine
      new ShuffledRDD[K, V, C](self, partitioner)










分析了这么多 RDD 的逻辑执行图,它们之间有没有共同之处?如果有,是怎么被设计和实现的?

仔细分析 RDD 的逻辑执行图会发现,ShuffleDependency 左边的 RDD 中的 record 要求是 <key, value> 型的,经过 ShuffleDependency 后,包含相同 key 的 records 会被 aggregate 到一起,然后在 aggregated 的 records 上执行不同的计算逻辑。实际执行时很多 transformation() 如 groupByKey(),reduceByKey() 是边 aggregate 数据边执行计算逻辑的,因此共同之处就是 aggregate 同时 compute()。Spark 使用 combineByKey() 来实现这个 aggregate + compute() 的基础操作。

combineByKey() 的定义如下:


   * Generic function to combine the elements for each key using a custom set of aggregation
   * functions. Turns an RDD[(K, V)] into a result of type RDD[(K, C)], for a "combined type" C
   * Note that V and C can be different -- for example, one might group an RDD of type
   * (Int, Int) into an RDD of type (Int, Seq[Int]). Users provide three functions:
   * - `createCombiner`, which turns a V into a C (e.g., creates a one-element list)
   * - `mergeValue`, to merge a V into a C (e.g., adds it to the end of a list)
   * - `mergeCombiners`, to combine two C's into a single one.
   * In addition, users can control the partitioning of the output RDD, and whether to perform
   * map-side aggregation (if a mapper can produce multiple items with the same key).
  def combineByKey[C](createCombiner: V => C,
      mergeValue: (C, V) => C,
      mergeCombiners: (C, C) => C,
      partitioner: Partitioner,
      mapSideCombine: Boolean = true,
      serializer: Serializer = null): RDD[(K, C)] = {
    require(mergeCombiners != null, "mergeCombiners must be defined") // required as of Spark 0.9.0
    if (keyClass.isArray) {///如果Key是数组,那么既不能做map端的combine,也不能使用Hash分区器
      if (mapSideCombine) { 
        throw new SparkException("Cannot use map-side combining with array keys.")
      if (partitioner.isInstanceOf[HashPartitioner]) {
        throw new SparkException("Default partitioner cannot partition array keys.")
    ////通过createCombiner, mergeValue, mergeCombiners三元组构造Aggregator
    val aggregator = new Aggregator[K, V, C](createCombiner, mergeValue, mergeCombiners)
    if (self.partitioner == Some(partitioner)) { ///
      self.mapPartitions(iter => { ///转换为MapPartitionsRDD,这是窄依赖
        val context = TaskContext.get()
        new InterruptibleIterator(context, aggregator.combineValuesByKey(iter, context))
      }, preservesPartitioning = true)
    } else {///构造ShuffleRDD时,需要带入Aggregator 
      new ShuffledRDD[K, V, C](self, partitioner)




其中主要有三个参数 createCombiner,mergeValue 和 mergeCombiners。简单解释下这三个函数及 combineByKey() 的意义,注意它们的类型:

假设一组具有相同 K 的 <K, V> records 正在一个个流向 combineByKey(),createCombiner 将第一个 record 的 value 初始化为 c (比如,c = value),然后从第二个 record 开始,来一个 record 就使用 mergeValue(c, record.value) 来更新 c,比如想要对这些 records 的所有 values 做 sum,那么使用 c = c + record.value。等到 records 全部被 mergeValue(),得到结果 c。假设还有一组 records(key 与前面那组的 key 均相同)一个个到来,combineByKey() 使用前面的方法不断计算得到 c'。现在如果要求这两组 records 总的 combineByKey() 后的结果,那么可以使用 final c = mergeCombiners(c, c') 来计算。




    if (self.partitioner == Some(partitioner)) {
      self.mapPartitions(iter => {
        val context = TaskContext.get()
        new InterruptibleIterator(context, aggregator.combineValuesByKey(iter, context))
      }, preservesPartitioning = true)




   * Merge the values for each key using an associative reduce function. This will also perform
   * the merging locally on each mapper before sending results to a reducer, similarly to a
   * "combiner" in MapReduce. Output will be hash-partitioned with numPartitions partitions.
  def reduceByKey(func: (V, V) => V, numPartitions: Int): RDD[(K, V)] = {
    reduceByKey(new HashPartitioner(numPartitions), func) ////使用HashPartitioner

   * Merge the values for each key using an associative reduce function. This will also perform
   * the merging locally on each mapper before sending results to a reducer, similarly to a
   * "combiner" in MapReduce. Output will be hash-partitioned with the existing partitioner/
   * parallelism level.
  def reduceByKey(func: (V, V) => V): RDD[(K, V)] = {
    reduceByKey(defaultPartitioner(self), func) ////也是使用HashPartitioner



   * Choose a partitioner to use for a cogroup-like operation between a number of RDDs.
   * If any of the RDDs already has a partitioner, choose that one.
   * Otherwise, we use a default HashPartitioner. For the number of partitions, if
   * spark.default.parallelism is set, then we'll use the value from SparkContext
   * defaultParallelism, otherwise we'll use the max number of upstream partitions.
   * Unless spark.default.parallelism is set, the number of partitions will be the
   * same as the number of partitions in the largest upstream RDD, as this should
   * be least likely to cause out-of-memory errors.
   * We use two method parameters (rdd, others) to enforce callers passing at least 1 RDD.
  def defaultPartitioner(rdd: RDD[_], others: RDD[_]*): Partitioner = {
    val bySize = (Seq(rdd) ++ others).sortBy(_.partitions.size).reverse
    for (r <- bySize if r.partitioner.isDefined) {
      return r.partitioner.get
    if (rdd.context.conf.contains("spark.default.parallelism")) {
      new HashPartitioner(rdd.context.defaultParallelism)
    } else {
      new HashPartitioner(bySize.head.partitions.size)




  • 大小: 184.9 KB
  • 大小: 33.7 KB
  • 大小: 74 KB


    Spark1.4.1 RDD算子详解



    Transformation 算子用于对 RDD 进行变换操作,例如 map、filter 等,这些操作是延迟计算的,只有在触发 Action 算子时才真正执行。Action 算子会触发 SparkContext 提交作业并返回结果给驱动程序或写入外部存储系统...


    根据给定文件的信息,本文将详细介绍25个经典Spark算子的Java实现,并结合详细的注释及JUnit测试结果,帮助读者更好地理解Spark算子的工作原理及其应用方式。 ### Spark算子简介 在Apache Spark框架中,算子是用于...


    - **示例**:若`rdd1 = sc.parallelize([1, 2, 3])`,`rdd2 = sc.parallelize([3, 4, 5])`,执行`rdd1.union(rdd2)`后,得到的新RDD为`[1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5]`。 8. **`intersection(otherDataset)`** - **功能**:...


    `first`算子返回RDD中的第一个元素。这在需要快速获取数据集的代表值时非常方便。 5. `take`算子: `take`算子返回RDD中的前n个元素组成的数组。这对于获取数据样本或者有限的输出很有帮助。 6. `takeOrdered`...


    SparkCore篇02主要介绍了RDD的一些基础转换算子,这些算子是Spark处理数据的核心工具。以下是关于这些算子的详细说明: 1. **map()**:map算子用于对RDD(Resilient Distributed Dataset)中的每个元素进行操作。它...


    Spark对于大数据行业的实时处理数据来说,有着举足轻重的位置,特此学习整理了RDD 算子的各个含义,希望各位读者能够喜欢。谢谢


    spark rdd函数大全。spark rdd操作为core操作,虽然后续版本主要以dataset来操作,但是rdd操作也是不可忽略的一部分。


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    1. **map()**: 这个算子用于将每个输入元素应用一个函数,然后返回一个新的RDD(弹性分布式数据集)。这是最基本的转换操作,可以用于对数据进行简单的处理,如数据清洗、计算等。 2. **filter()**: 通过传入一个...


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