Filtering packets while viewing
After capturing packets or loading some network traffic from a file, Wireshark will display the packet data immediately on the screen.
Using display filters, you can choose which packets should (not) be shown on the screen. This is useful to reduce the "noise" usually on the network, showing only the packets you want to. So you can concentrate on the things you are really interested in.
The display filter will not affect the data captured, it will only select which packets of the captured data are displayed on the screen.
Everytime you change the filter string, all packets will be reread from the capture file (or from memory), and processed by the display filter "machine". Packet by packet, this "machine" is asked, if this particular packet should be shown or not.
Wireshark offers a very powerful display filter language for this. It can be used for a wide range of purposes, from simply: "show only packets from a specific IP address", or on the other hand, to very complex filters like: "find all packets where a special application specific flag is set".
Note: This display filter language is different from the one used for the Wireshark capture filters!
Some common examples
Example Ethernet: display all traffic to and from the Ethernet address
Example IP: display all traffic to and from the IP address
Example TCP: display all traffic to and from the TCP port 80 (http) of all machines
Examples combined: display all traffic to and from except http
ip.addr== && tcp.port!=80
Beware: The filter string builds a logical expression, which must be true to show the packet. The && is a "logical and", "A && B" means: A must be true AND B must be true to show the packet (it doesn't mean: A will be shown AND B will be shown).
Filtering can lead to side effects, which are sometimes not obvious at first sight. Example: If you capture TCP/IP traffic with the primitive "ip", you will not see the ARP traffic belonging to it, as this is a lower protocol layer than IP!
wireshark-filter - The Wireshark Network Analyzer 2.4.1 1
2. **显示过滤器(Display Filters)**:这些是在数据包捕获完成后,用于筛选显示在Wireshark界面中的数据包。对于进程过滤,可能需要一个可以根据进程ID或进程名称识别数据包的自定义过滤器。 3. **进程解析**:在...
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在 Wireshark 的 Filter 栏中输入 "udp.port eq 6072",然后按回车键,这样我们就可以过滤出给定端口下的数据。 Step 4: 分析 RTP 流 选择 Telephony 菜单下的 RTP 选项,然后点击 Stream Analysis 按钮。等待一段...
在这个“”压缩包中,包含了一份关于WinPCap过滤器和Wireshark过滤表达式的教程,旨在帮助用户深入理解如何高效地使用这两款工具。 `winPcap.chm`是WinPCap的帮助文档,它...
As you progress through the chapters, you will discover different ways to create, use, capture, and display filters. By halfway through the book, you will have mastered Wireshark features, analyzed ...
1. **Display Filter(显示过滤器)**:用户可以输入特定的过滤表达式,筛选出需要关注的数据包。这有助于在大量捕获记录中快速定位目标信息。 2. **Packet List Pane(封包列表)**:列出所有捕获的数据包,包括源...
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Wireshark 的主界面分为几个部分,包括 Display Filter、Packet List Pane 和 Packet Details Pane。Packet List Pane 显示捕获到的分组,有序号列、时间列、源地址列和目标地址列、协议列、分组长度列及相关信息列...
Step 3:过滤给定端口下的数据,在 Wireshark 的 filter 中输入 udp.port eq 端口号,然后按回车键就会过滤出我们想要的数据。 Step 4:选择 telephony 菜单下的 RTP 选项下的 Stream analysis,然后等待一段时间,...
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Wireshark拥有许多强大的特性:包含有强显示过滤器语言(rich display filter language)和查看TCP会话重构流的能力;它更支持上百种协议和媒体类型; 拥有一个类似tcpdump(一个Linux下的网络协议分析工具)的名为...
4. 读取配置文件:包括读取capture filter和display filter文件,分别保存在capture_filter和display_filter全局变量中。 5. 读取disabled protocols文件:保存全局变量global_disabled_protos和disabled_protos中。...
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3. **过滤语言( display filters)**:Wireshark支持一种强大的过滤语言,允许用户根据需要快速筛选数据包。源代码中会包含这些过滤规则的解析和执行机制。 4. **协议开发套件(PDK)**:Wireshark提供了PDK,让...