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Tom Said:
As for setting up the DR we are inclined to use DataGuard.
perfect, because data guard does disaster recovery (DR) out of the box and the other two are technologies that could be used to BUILD a DR.
to me, tt is sort of like deciding between:
a) Oracle Human Resources, the application
b) Oracle 11g R2, the database
(a) is like data guard, it is an DR (HR) application - it does DR (HR).
(b) is like streams/golden gate, you could use them to BUILD DR (HR).
As for your current replication, I personally would not be inclined to change it. It is working, it is supported, it is supportable, it will be maintained (although it may not be enhanced going forward into the future as much)
As for setting up the DR we are inclined to use DataGuard.
perfect, because data guard does disaster recovery (DR) out of the box and the other two are technologies that could be used to BUILD a DR.
to me, tt is sort of like deciding between:
a) Oracle Human Resources, the application
b) Oracle 11g R2, the database
(a) is like data guard, it is an DR (HR) application - it does DR (HR).
(b) is like streams/golden gate, you could use them to BUILD DR (HR).
As for your current replication, I personally would not be inclined to change it. It is working, it is supported, it is supportable, it will be maintained (although it may not be enhanced going forward into the future as much)
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