
一个鼠标类( Using C# and Win32API)

作者:网际浪子        出处:网络

namespace ClassLibrary.Hardware
// 原创 Using C# and Win32API ( 最近我把所有的Win32API看了1遍 很是过瘾 )

public class Mouse
 internal const byte SM_MOUSEPRESENT = 19;
 internal const byte SM_CMOUSEBUTTONS = 43;
 internal const byte SM_MOUSEWHEELPRESENT = 75;

 internal struct POINTAPI
  internal int x;
  internal int y;

 internal struct RECT
  internal int left ;
  internal int top ;
  internal int right ;
  internal int bottom ;

 [System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport("user32.dll" , EntryPoint="SwapMouseButton")]
 internal extern static int SwapMouseButton ( int bSwap );

 [System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport("user32" , EntryPoint="ClipCursor")]
 internal extern static int ClipCursor(ref RECT lpRect);

 [System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport( "user32.dll" , EntryPoint="GetCursorPos" )]
 internal extern static int GetCursorPos( ref POINTAPI lpPoint );

 [System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport("user32.dll", EntryPoint="ShowCursor")]
 internal extern static bool ShowCursor ( bool bShow ) ;

 [System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport( "user32.dll" , EntryPoint = "EnableWindow" )]
 internal extern static int EnableWindow( int hwnd , int fEnable );

 [System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport("user32.dll" , EntryPoint="GetWindowRect")] 
 internal extern static int GetWindowRect( int hwnd , ref RECT lpRect ) ;

 [System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport("user32.dll" , EntryPoint="SetCursorPos")] 
 internal extern static int SetCursorPos ( int x , int y ) ;

 [System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport("user32.dll" , EntryPoint="GetSystemMetrics")]
 internal extern static int GetSystemMetrics( int nIndex );

 [System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport("user32.dll" , EntryPoint="SetDoubleClickTime")]
 internal extern static int SetDoubleClickTime ( int wCount );

 [System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport("user32.dll" , EntryPoint="GetDoubleClickTime")]
 internal extern static int GetDoubleClickTime() ;

 [System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport("kernel32.DLL", EntryPoint="Sleep")]
 internal extern static void Sleep ( int dwMilliseconds ) ;


 public static int FullScreenPosition_X

  GetCursorPos ( ref _POINTAPI );
  return _POINTAPI.x;
 public static int FullScreenPosition_Y

  GetCursorPos ( ref _POINTAPI );
  return _POINTAPI.y;

 // 隐藏 显示 鼠标

 public static void Hide()
  ShowCursor( false ) ;
 public static void Show()
  ShowCursor( true ) ;

 // 将鼠标锁定在你的Form里 不过你得将你的Form先锁了,Form Resize 就失效了

 public static void Lock( System.Windows.Forms.Form ObjectForm )
  RECT _FormRect = new RECT ();
  GetWindowRect( ObjectForm.Handle.ToInt32() , ref _FormRect );
  ClipCursor( ref _FormRect );
 public static void UnLock()
  RECT _ScreenRect = new RECT ();
  _ScreenRect.top = 0;
  _ScreenRect.left = 0;
  _ScreenRect.bottom = System.Windows.Forms.Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea.Bottom;
  _ScreenRect.right = System.Windows.Forms.Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea.Right;
  ClipCursor( ref _ScreenRect );

 // 鼠标失效,不过失效的好像不只是鼠标,小心哦

 public static void Disable( System.Windows.Forms.Form ObjectForm )
  EnableWindow( ObjectForm.Handle.ToInt32() , 0 ) ;

 public static void Enable( System.Windows.Forms.Form ObjectForm )
  EnableWindow( ObjectForm.Handle.ToInt32() , 1 ) ;

 // 鼠标自己移动 很想动画哦 参数是2个控件的handle
 // 看这个方法前,先用凉水擦把脸。。。 反正我写的时候 头晕

 public static void Move ( int From_Handle_ToInt32 , int To_Handle_ToInt32 )
  RECT rectFrom = new RECT () ;
  RECT rectTo = new RECT () ;
  int i ;
  GetWindowRect( From_Handle_ToInt32 , ref rectFrom ) ;
  GetWindowRect( To_Handle_ToInt32 , ref rectTo ) ;

  if ( ( rectFrom.left + rectFrom.right ) / 2 - ( rectTo.left + rectTo.right ) / 2 > 0 )
  for ( i = ( rectFrom.left + rectFrom.right ) / 2 ; i >= ( rectTo.left + rectTo.right ) / 2 ; i-- )
   SetCursorPos ( i , ( rectFrom.top + rectFrom.bottom ) / 2) ;
   Sleep ( 1 ) ;
  for ( i = ( rectFrom.left + rectFrom.right ) / 2 ; i <= ( rectTo.left + rectTo.right ) / 2 ; i++ )
   SetCursorPos ( i , ( rectFrom.top + rectFrom.bottom ) / 2) ;
   Sleep ( 1 ) ;

  if ( ( rectFrom.top + rectFrom.bottom ) / 2 - ( rectTo.top + rectTo.bottom ) / 2 > 0 )
  for ( i = ( rectFrom.top + rectFrom.bottom ) / 2 ; i >= ( rectTo.top + rectTo.bottom ) / 2 ; i-- )
   SetCursorPos ( ( rectTo.left + rectTo.right ) / 2 , i ) ;
   Sleep ( 1 ) ;
  for ( i = ( rectFrom.top + rectFrom.bottom ) / 2 ; i <= ( rectTo.top + rectTo.bottom ) / 2 ; i++ )
   SetCursorPos ( ( rectTo.left + rectTo.right ) / 2 , i ) ;
   Sleep ( 1 ) ;
 // 得到你的鼠标类型

 public static string Type
  if ( GetSystemMetrics( SM_MOUSEPRESENT ) == 0 )
   return "本计算机尚未安装鼠标" ;
   if ( GetSystemMetrics( SM_MOUSEWHEELPRESENT ) != 0 )
   return GetSystemMetrics( SM_CMOUSEBUTTONS ) + "键滚轮鼠标" ;
   return GetSystemMetrics( SM_CMOUSEBUTTONS ) + "键鼠标" ;

 // 设置鼠标双击时间
 public static void DoubleClickTime_Set( int MouseDoubleClickTime )
  SetDoubleClickTime( MouseDoubleClickTime );
 public static string DoubleClickTime_Get()
  return GetDoubleClickTime().ToString() ;

 // 设置鼠标默认主键 我是没有见过谁左手用鼠标

 public static void DefaultRightButton()
  SwapMouseButton ( 1 ) ;
 public static void DefaultLeftButton()
  SwapMouseButton ( 0 ) ;



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