List<Func<int>> actions = new List<Func<int>>();
int variable = 0;
while (variable < 5)
actions.Add(() => variable * 2);
++ variable;
foreach (var act in actions)
actions.Add(() => variable * 2);
就在匿名方法内引用了外部局部变量: variable.
但同时也引起了一个奇怪的问题,上面的C#代码,我们期望的结果应该是输出"0, 2, 4, 6, 8"才对,结果却是10个零。
原因就是C# compiler 在所闭的包内圈入了对variable的引用,然后当运行
这种特性多少有点令人意外,可能java正是为了避免这种情形,于是强制规定闭包内引用的外部局部变量必须为final,想象一下如果上例中variable 为final的话,自然就不会写出上面的代码,造成类似的意外了。
另外,上例中如果你希望达到输出"0, 2, 4, 6, 8"的效果,可以:
while (variable < 5)
int copy = variable;
actions.Add(() => copy * 2);
++ variable;
The mapping of extensions defined in this document to a specific NVMe Transport are defined in an NVMe Transport binding specification. This document contains an NVMe Transport binding specification ...
### Refer a Friend 2014-Spring Special Scheme 概览 #### 方案背景与目标 - **方案名称**:“Refer a Friend 2014-Spring Special Scheme” - **方案时间**:2014年2月至2014年4月30日 - **活动覆盖范围**:适用...
If you want to run such hosted EXEs in a Windows Standard Mode DOS window, you should run DPMIRES.EXE before loading Windows. To do this, enter the following commands at DOS: set DPMIMEM=MAXMEM ...
If you want to run such hosted EXEs in a Windows Standard Mode DOS window, you should run DPMIRES.EXE before loading Windows. To do this, enter the following commands at DOS: set DPMIMEM=MAXMEM ...
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引用到RGBD 这是CVPR 2021中论文“在RGBD中... 我们通过与从ScanRefer数据集和我们新收集的SUN-Refer数据集提取的RGB-D图像上的最新技术进行比较,来评估所提出的方法。 实验表明,在两个数据集上,我们的方法都比以前
referred to in each query has a matching entity node in the reference Knowledge Base (KB) (LDC2014T16). If there is a matching node for a query, annotators create a link between the two. If there is ...
The commercial license allows you to include the compiled code in a product or to use the code on a regular basis. You are however NOT allowed to sell the source code. Distribution of the ...
An embedded system is a system that performs a specific task and has a computer embedded inside. A system is comprised of components and interfaces connected together for a common purpose. This book ...
Method overriding allows a subclass to provide a different implementation for a method defined in its superclass, while method overloading involves having multiple methods with the same name but ...
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This specification was developed in response to a perceived need for a standardized programming inter-face to digitizing tablets, three dimensional position sensors, and other pointing devices by a ...
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The NVM ExpressTM (NVMeTM) interface allows host software to communicate with a non-volatile memory subsystem. This interface is optimized for Enterprise and Client solid state drives, typically ...
static variable or a variable that is local to a static function. o Because of the limited memory available in the Tiny model, it no longer supports graphics functions. o The Version 1.5 ...
I deferred from testing the get test over 100 million record as it would require a huge array in memory to store the Guid keys for finding later, that is why there is a NT (not tested) in the table. ...
A reference to an invalid page (a page that is not in your working set) is referred to as a page fault. Assuming the page reference does not result in an access violation, a page fault can be either ...