package org.iteye.bbjava.exception;
public class TryCatchFinally {
public String returnValue;
public String getStringValue() {
try {
if (true)
return "the value from try ";
throw new Exception("Exception!");
} catch (Exception e) {
return "the value from catch ";
} finally {
return "the value from finally ";
public static void main(String[] args) {
String str = new TryCatchFinally().getStringValue();
the value from finally
javap -v TryCatchFinally
Compiled from ""
public class TryCatchFinally extends java.lang.Object
SourceFile: ""
minor version: 0
major version: 50
Constant pool:
const #1 = Method #11.#27; // java/lang/Object."<init>":()V
const #2 = String #28; // the value from try
const #3 = String #29; // the value from finally
const #4 = class #30; // java/lang/Exception
const #5 = String #31; // the value from catch
const #6 = class #32; // TryCatchFinally
const #7 = Method #6.#27; // TryCatchFinally."<init>":()V
const #8 = Method #6.#33; // TryCatchFinally.getStringValue:()Ljava/lang/String;
const #9 = Field #34.#35; // java/lang/System.out:Ljava/io/PrintStream;
const #10 = Method #36.#37; // java/io/PrintStream.println:(Ljava/lang/String;)V
const #11 = class #38; // java/lang/Object
const #12 = Asciz returnValue;
const #13 = Asciz Ljava/lang/String;;
const #14 = Asciz <init>;
const #15 = Asciz ()V;
const #16 = Asciz Code;
const #17 = Asciz LineNumberTable;
const #18 = Asciz getStringValue;
const #19 = Asciz ()Ljava/lang/String;;
const #20 = Asciz StackMapTable;
const #21 = class #30; // java/lang/Exception
const #22 = class #39; // java/lang/Throwable
const #23 = Asciz main;
const #24 = Asciz ([Ljava/lang/String;)V;
const #25 = Asciz SourceFile;
const #26 = Asciz;
const #27 = NameAndType #14:#15;// "<init>":()V
const #28 = Asciz the value from try ;
const #29 = Asciz the value from finally ;
const #30 = Asciz java/lang/Exception;
const #31 = Asciz the value from catch ;
const #32 = Asciz TryCatchFinally;
const #33 = NameAndType #18:#19;// getStringValue:()Ljava/lang/String;
const #34 = class #40; // java/lang/System
const #35 = NameAndType #41:#42;// out:Ljava/io/PrintStream;
const #36 = class #43; // java/io/PrintStream
const #37 = NameAndType #44:#45;// println:(Ljava/lang/String;)V
const #38 = Asciz java/lang/Object;
const #39 = Asciz java/lang/Throwable;
const #40 = Asciz java/lang/System;
const #41 = Asciz out;
const #42 = Asciz Ljava/io/PrintStream;;
const #43 = Asciz java/io/PrintStream;
const #44 = Asciz println;
const #45 = Asciz (Ljava/lang/String;)V;
public java.lang.String returnValue;
public TryCatchFinally();
Stack=1, Locals=1, Args_size=1
0: aload_0
1: invokespecial #1; //Method java/lang/Object."<init>":()V
4: return
line 1: 0
public java.lang.String getStringValue();
Stack=1, Locals=4, Args_size=1
0: ldc #2; //String the value from try
2: astore_1
3: ldc #3; //String the value from finally
5: areturn
6: astore_1
7: ldc #5; //String the value from catch
9: astore_2
10: ldc #3; //String the value from finally
12: areturn
13: astore_3
14: ldc #3; //String the value from finally
16: areturn
Exception table:
from to target type
0 3 6 Class java/lang/Exception
0 3 13 any
6 10 13 any
13 14 13 any
line 8: 0
line 14: 3
line 11: 6
line 12: 7
line 14: 10
StackMapTable: number_of_entries = 2
frame_type = 70 /* same_locals_1_stack_item */
stack = [ class java/lang/Exception ]
frame_type = 70 /* same_locals_1_stack_item */
stack = [ class java/lang/Throwable ]
public static void main(java.lang.String[]);
Stack=2, Locals=2, Args_size=1
0: new #6; //class TryCatchFinally
3: dup
4: invokespecial #7; //Method "<init>":()V
7: invokevirtual #8; //Method getStringValue:()Ljava/lang/String;
10: astore_1
11: getstatic #9; //Field java/lang/System.out:Ljava/io/PrintStream;
14: aload_1
15: invokevirtual #10; //Method java/io/PrintStream.println:(Ljava/lang/String;)V
18: return
line 19: 0
line 20: 11
line 21: 18
附上:try -catch-finally,try-finally 的组合是不一样的,比如:
static int f() {// 这里报编译错误:must return a resutl of type int!
int id = 0;
try {
return id;
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
static int f2() {// 但是这里怎么不报 错误呢?
int id = 0;
try {
return id;
} finally {
VB.NET简单全面的TryCatchFinally使用示例 原文地址:
public class TryCatchFinally{ static void Proc(int sel){ try{ if (sel == 0) { System.out.println("no Exception"); return; } else if (sel == 1) { int i = 0; int j = 4 / i; // 这里会抛出...
在许多语言中,如Java、C#和JavaScript,`try...catch` 结构用于捕获并处理可能出现的异常。然而,原生的Golang并没有直接提供`try...catch`这样的异常处理机制,但我们可以借鉴其他语言的思想,通过自定义的方式来...
C#例子代码 A0050_TryCatchFinallyC#例子代码 A0050_TryCatchFinallyC#例子代码 A0050_TryCatchFinallyC#例子代码 A0050_TryCatchFinallyC#例子代码 A0050_TryCatchFinallyC#例子代码 A0050_TryCatchFinallyC#例子...
TagLib,即标记库,是JSP(Java Server Pages)中的一个重要概念。它允许开发者创建自定义的HTML或XML标签,这些标签可以封装复杂的Java代码逻辑,并在JSP页面中像普通HTML标签一样被使用。TagLib的核心思想在于将...
当标签执行过程中发生异常时,可以通过` javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.TryCatchFinally`接口的`doFinally()`方法确保必要的清理操作,避免影响其他标签的执行。 总结来说,自定义标签是Java Web开发中提升效率的关键...
安全的json 无需 try catch 即可解析和字符串化 JSON 的简洁库。 只需使用提供参数和回调的标准 Node.js 模式,该回调将错误作为第一个参数并将结果作为第二个参数。 这个库非常适合使用 async 链接操作,如下所示...
1. **避免过于宽泛的catch块**:尽可能具体地捕获异常,以便了解问题所在并采取适当的措施。 2. **记录异常信息**:在catch块中记录异常信息,有助于调试。 3. **使用finally释放资源**:确保finally块用于释放非...
- JSP 1.2引入了`IterationTag`和`TryCatchFinally`等新接口,为迭代处理和异常管理提供了更好的支持。 - `BodyTagSupport`接口也得到了增强,更好地支持了主体内容的处理。 #### 六、总结与展望 通过对JSP不同...
线程还可以设置优先级,但应谨慎使用,因为过度依赖优先级可能导致调度问题。`Thread.Priority`属性可以用来设置线程优先级。 6. **线程同步事件**:`AutoResetEvent`和`ManualResetEvent`是两种常用的线程同步事件...
2.6.3 用trycatchfinally处理所有的异常 2.7 面向对象程序设计 2.7.1 成员 2.7.2 类的可访问性 2.7.3 构造函数和析构函数 2.7.4 封装 2.7.5 继承 2.7.6 多态 2.8 C#样语言高级特性 2.8.1 接口 2.8.2 ...