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OOM Killer


OOM Killer

The functions, code excerpts and comments discussed below here are from mm/oom_kill.c unless otherwise noted.

It is the job of the linux 'oom killer' to sacrifice one or more processes in order to free up memory for the system when all else fails. It will also kill any process sharing the same mm_struct as the selected process, for obvious reasons. Any particular process leader may be immunized against the oom killer if the value of its /proc/<pid>/oomadj is set to the constant OOM_DISABLE (currently defined as -17).

The function which does the actual scoring of a process in the effort to find the best candidate for elimination is called badness(), which results from the following call chain:

_alloc_pages -> out_of_memory() -> select_bad_process() -> badness()

The comments to badness() pretty well speak for themselves:

badness() works by accumulating 'points' for each process it examines and returning them to select_bad_process(). The process with the highest number of points, loses and is ultimately eliminated, unless it is already in the midst of freeing up memory on its own.

The scoring of a process starts with the size of its resident memory:

The independent memory size of any child (except a kernel thread) is added to the score:

'Niced' processes have their scores increased, and long running processes have their scores decreased:

Processes with CAP_SYS_ADMIN and CAP_SYS_RAWIO, respectively, each have their scores reduced:

Finally the accumulated score is bitshifted by the user-settable value of /proc/<pid>/oomadj:

So the ideal candidate for liquidation is a recently started, non privileged process which together with its children uses lots of memory, has been nice'd, and does no raw I/O. Something like a nohup'd parallel kernel build (which is not a bad choice since all results are saved to disk and very little work is lost when a 'make' is terminated).



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