溺水的鱼(273654900) 9:57:37
溺水的鱼(273654900) 9:58:02
如果再慢, 就利用hadoop
溺水的鱼(273654900) 9:58:11
mongodb for hadoop
溺水的鱼(273654900) 9:58:36
sharing mongodb 可以提高效率
(り、夏执(1306628713) 9:59:35
mongodb for hadoop???这么牛??
py-大军-成都<junwang31@gmail.com> 10:00:37
py-大军-成都<junwang31@gmail.com> 10:00:51
(り、夏执(1306628713) 10:00:59
mongodb for hadoop,,能很大程度的提高性能吗??
py-大军-成都<junwang31@gmail.com> 10:01:15
py-大军-成都<junwang31@gmail.com> 10:01:23
该方案通过MongoDB Cluster、MongoDB-Connector for Hadoop和MapReduce Cluster的整合,实现了对非结构化数据的高效处理。 首先,MongoDB Cluster承担对非结构化数据的分片存储工作,而MapReduce Cluster负责并行...
《MongoDB for Java Developers》这本书正是针对这一主题,帮助开发者深入理解和使用MongoDB与Java的结合。 该书的随书阅读代码包含了书中多个章节的实例,这些代码分布在名为"micai-mongodb-chapter6"、"micai-...
The MongoDB Connector for Hadoop is a library which allows MongoDB (or backup files in its data format, BSON) to be used as an input source, or output destination, for Hadoop MapReduce tasks....
1. **MongoDB Connector for Hadoop** - 描述:将MongoDB与Hadoop生态集成的工具。 - 功能特性:支持Hadoop MapReduce任务读取MongoDB数据、支持Hadoop数据导入MongoDB等。 2. **Administrative Tools** - ...
4. 数据加载:掌握如何将处理后的数据写回MongoDB,或者导出到其他数据存储,如关系数据库或Hadoop集群。 5. 分析与报告:理解如何利用Pentaho的报表工具生成基于MongoDB数据的仪表板和报告,实现数据的可视化呈现。...
As NoSQL databases are commonly used with the Hadoop ecosystem the book also discusses using MongoDB with Apache Hive. Migration from other NoSQL databases (Apache Cassandra and Couchbase) and from ...
### NextGen Infrastructure for Big Data: Key Insights and Technologies #### 概述 随着互联网的发展,数据量呈现出爆炸式的增长,形成了所谓的“大数据”。这些数据集规模庞大,传统的关系型数据库管理系统...
In this fast-paced book on the Docker open standards platform for developing, packaging and running portable ...Who This Book Is ForApache Hadoop Developers. Database developers. NoSQL Developers.
A NoSQL Platform for the Enterprise discusses programming for Couchbase using Java and scripting languages, querying and searching, handling migration, and integrating Couchbase with Hadoop, HDFS, ...
11. Spring for Apache Hadoop 12. Analyzing Data with Hadoop . 13. Creating Big Data Pipelines with Spring Batch and Spring Integration Part VI. Data Grids 14. GemFire: A Distributed Data Grid ...
Appendix D: Installation of MongoDB Appendix E: Installation of Cassandra Appendix F: Installation of Hadoop Appendix G: Installation of the Hive Environment Appendix H: Installation of HBase
其他相关的书籍,比如“Scaling MongoDB”和“Data Analysis with Open Source Tools”,则关注如何扩展MongoDB数据库以及使用开源工具进行数据分析。这些资源对于数据专业人士来说是宝贵的参考,因为它们提供了理论...
You will then find out how to connect with data stores such as MySQL, MongoDB, Cassandra, and Hadoop. You'll expand your skills throughout, getting familiarized with the various data sources (Github...