In this posting, I want to explain how I have made use of AJAX in a Struts application
On my current project, I’m building a Struts-based web application with many input forms. Many of these forms contain two or more dependable html select boxes. This means, when you have two dependable boxes, that the available options in the second selectbox depends on the value selected in the first selectbox. To do this there are three possible solutions:
- Use javascript arrays, where each set of options links to an option in the first select-box
- Use an onchange on the first select box to automatically submit the form to go back to the server, collect the new options for the second box and regenerate the whole page
- Use Ajax to asynchronously retrieve the new options for the second box
The first option is not what we wanted: it means that we have to implement a lot of logic in the html-page, which is visible to the outside world and in common javascript isn’t the easiest language to debug
. The second option is better, but has the big disadvantage that you have to do a complete round trip to the server to collect the new options and after that the whole page is regenerated again where actually only the second box is updated..a lot of overhead..
So we decided to use AJAX to solve our problem of dependend select-boxes.
Because Struts does not have AJAX support yet (wait for Shale..) we have to add it ourselves. Because AJAX is not a framework but just a technique to make webpages more dynamic using Javascript and DHTML, it is quite easy to use it in combination with struts.
First we make a small html form:
Now we have to implement our javascript part:
Finally, we have to implement the Struts Action:
会出现responseText 不能刷新,可在java代码中加入
response.setDateHeader("Expires", 0);
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