UE4 multiplayer is based around the client-server model. This means that there will be a single server that will be authoritative over game state, while connected clients will maintain a close approximation.
The server is an important part of UE4 multiplayer. It makes all of the important decisions, contains all of the authoritative state, handles client connections, travelling to new maps and handles the overall gameplay flow of starting a match, ending it, etc.
Starting a Server
Basic command lines (these commands use the editor and therefore don't require cooked data):
Listen Server |
Dedicated Server |
Client |
Dedicated servers are headless by default. If you don't use -log, you won't see any window to represent the dedicated server.
Server Gameplay Flow
The server is in charge of driving the flow of gameplay. It is the server's job to notify clients that it is time to travel to a new map, when gameplay starts and ends, along with actor replication updates, etc.
The major framework portions are mostly out of the scope of this document, but we can talk about some of the additional multiplayer nuances introduced when dealing working with certain classes.
Gameplay state and flow are generally driven through the GameMode actor. Only the server contains a valid copy of this actor (the client doesn't contain a copy at all). To communicate this state to the client, there is a GameState actor, that will shadow important state of the GameMode actor. This GameState actor is marked to be replicated to each client. Clients will contain an approximate copy of this GameState
actor, and can use this actor as a reference to know the general state of the game.
For a more details explanation of GameMode, please see the GameMode documentation.
Connection Process
For a server to have anything interesting to do from a networking perspective, it needs to have clients connected!
When a new client connects for the first time, a few things happen. First, the client will send a request to the server to connect. The server will process this request, and if the server doesn't deny the connection, will send a response back to the client, with proper information to proceed.
The major steps are:
Client sends a connect request.
If the server accepts, it will send the current map.
The server will wait for the client to load this map.
Once loaded, the server will then locally call AGameModeBase::PreLogin.
This will give the GameMode a chance to reject the connection
If accepted, the server will then call AGameModeBase::Login
The role of this function is to create a PlayerController, which will then be replicated to the newly connected client. Once received, this PlayerController will replace the clients temporary PlayerController that was used as a placeholder during the connection process.
Note that APlayerController::BeginPlay will be called here. It should be noted that it is NOT yet safe to call RPC functions on this actor. You should wait until AGameModeBase::PostLogin is called.
Assuming everything went well, AGameModeBase::PostLogin is called.
At this point, it is safe for the server to start calling RPC functions on this PlayerController.
Unreal Engine 4 uses a standard Server-Client architecture. This means, that the Server is authoritative and all data must be send from Client to Server first. Then the Server validates the data and reacts depending on your code.
When you move your Character, as a Client, in a Multiplayer Match, you don't actually move your Character by yourself, but tell the Server that you want to move it. The Server then updates the location of the Character for everyone else, including you.
Note: To prevent a feeling of “lag” for the local Client, Coders often, in addition, let this Player directly control their Character locally, although the Server still might override the Character's Location when the Client starts cheating! This means, that the Client will (almost) never 'talk' to other Clients directly
When sending a Chat-Message to another Client, you are actually sending it to the Server, which then passes it to the Client you want to reach. This could also be a Team, Guild, Group, etc.
Never trust the Client! Trusting the Client means, you don't test the Clients actions before executing them. This allows cheating!
A simple example would be Shooting:
Make sure to test, on the Server, if the Client actually has Ammo and is allowed to shoot again instead of directly processing the shot!
Framework & Network
With the previous information about UE4's Server-Client architecture, we can
split the framework into 4 sections:
• Server Only – These Objects only exist on the Server
• Server & Clients – These Objects exist on the Server and on all Clients
• Server & Owning Client – These Objects only exist on the Server and the owning Client
• Owning Client Only – These Objects only exist on the Client
“Owning Client” is the Player/Client, who owns the Actor.
You can see this the same way as you own your computer.
Ownership becomes important for “RPCs” later.
The following table, on the next page, shows you some of the common classes
and in which section they exist.
Server Only | Server & Clients | Server & Owning Client | Owning Client Only |
AGameMode | AGameState | ||
APlayerState | APlayerController | AHUD | |
APawn | UMG Widgets |
This is how some of the most important classes are laid out in the network framework.
Common Classes
The following pages will explain some of the most Common Classes.
They will also provide small examples of how these Classes would be used.
This list will be extended through out the whole document and is only meant to
get you started, so I can freely talk about the Classes without explaining them!
The listed examples will all require knowledge about Replication.
So if you can't follow them, just ignore them for now until you read the Chapters about Replication etc.
Note: Some game genres might use these Classes differently.
The following examples and explanations aren't the only way to go.
Game Mode
NOTE: With 4.14, the GameMode Class got split into GameModeBase and GameMode.
GameModeBase has less features, because some games just might not need the full feature list
of the old GameMode Class.
The class AGameMode is used to define the RULES of your game. This includes
the used classes, like APawn, APlayerController, APlayerState and more.
It is only available on the Server. Clients don't have an object of the GameMode
and will only get a nullptr when trying to retrieve it.
GameModes might be known through common modes
as Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch or Capture the Flag.
This means, that a GameMode can define things like:
• Do we have Teams or does everyone play for their own score?
• What are the winning conditions? How many kills does someone/a team need?
• How are the points achieved? Killing someone? Stealing a flag?
• What Characters will be used? What weapons are allowed? Only pistols?
Examples and Usage
In Multiplayer, the GameMode also has some interesting functions that
help us managing Players and/or the general Match flow.
The first stop we gonna take is the “Override Function” section of the Blueprint Version:
You can implement your own logic for these functions to fit specific Rules to
your Game. This includes changing the way the GameMode spawns the
DefaultPawn or on what you want to decide if the Game is Ready to Start:
For example checking if all Players have joined yet and are ready:
But there are also Events that you can use to react to certain things,
which happen through out the Match.
A good example for this, which I often use, is the 'Event OnPostLogin'.
This is called every time a new Player joins the Game.
Later you will learn more about the Connecting Process, but for now we will go along with it.
The Event passes you a valid PlayerController, that is owned by the connecting
Player's Connection (later more about that too).
This can be used to already interact with this Player, spawn a new Pawn for him
or just save his PlayerController in an Array for later.
As already mentioned, you can use the GameMode to manage the general Match Flow
of your Game. This is also linked to the functions, which you can override (like 'Ready to start Match').
These Functions and Events can be used to control your current Match State. Most of them
will be called automatically when the 'Ready to..' functions return TRUE, but you can also use them manually.
'New State' is a simple 'FName' Type. You could now ask, “why is this not handled in the GameState Class?”
Well it is. These GameMode functions are actually working hand in hand with the GameState. This is just to give
you a point to manage the State far away from the Client, since the GameMode only exists on the Server!
Of course the GameMode also has important variables you can and want to use.
This is the list of already inherited Variables.
Some of them can be set via the
ClassDefaults of the GameMode Blueprint:
Most of them are pretty self-explaining, like 'Default Player Name', which gives you the ability to
give every connecting Player a default PlayerName that can be accessed via the PlayerState Class.
Or 'bDelayedStart', which will keep the Game from starting,
even if the 'Ready to start Match' meets all other criteria.
One of the more important Variable is the so called 'Options String'. These are options, separated by a '?',
which you can pass via the 'OpenLevel' function or when you call 'ServerTravel' as a ConsoleCommand.
You can use 'Parse Option' to extract passed Options, such as 'MaxNumPlayers':
All of the Blueprint stuff, on the previous page, can also be done in C++.
Without writing up the same information again, I will provide
some code examples on how to recreate the previous Blueprint Images.
Since 'ReadyToStartMatch' is a 'BlueprintNativeEvent', the actual C++ Implementation of the
function is called 'ReadyToStartMatch_Implementation'. This is the one we want to override:
/* Header file of our GameMode Child Class inside of the Class declaration */ // Maximum Number of Players needed/allowed during this Match int32 MaxNumPlayers; // Override Implementation of ReadyToStartMatch virtual bool ReadyToStartMatch_Implementation() override; /* CPP file of our GameMode Child Class */ bool ATestGameMode::ReadyToStartMatch_Implementation() { Super::ReadyToStartMatch(); return MaxNumPlayers == NumPlayers; }
The 'OnPostLogin' function is virtual and simply called 'PostLogin' in C++.
/* Header file of our GameMode Child Class inside of the Class declaration */ // List of PlayerControllers TArray<class APlayerController*> PlayerControllerList; // Overriding the PostLogin function virtual void PostLogin(APlayerController* NewPlayer) override; /* CPP file of our GameMode Child Class */ void ATestGameMode::PostLogin(APlayerController* NewPlayer) { Super::PostLogin(NewPlayer); PlayerControllerList.Add(NewPlayer); }
Of course, all the Match-handling functions can be overridden and changed too,
so I won't list them here. You can check out the API that I linked in the GameMode Title.
The last C++ example for the GameMode will be the 'Options String':
/* Header file of our GameMode Child Class inside of the Class declaration */ // Maximum Number of Players needed/allowed during this Match int32 MaxNumPlayers; // Override BeginPlay, since we need that to recreate the BP version virtual void BeginPlay() override; /* CPP file of our GameMode Child Class */ void ATestGameMode::BeginPlay() { Super::BeginPlay(); // 'FCString::Atoi' converts 'FString' to 'int32' and we use the static 'ParseOption' function of the // 'UGameplayStatics' Class to get the correct Key from the 'OptionsString' MaxNumPlayers = FCString::Atoi( *(UGameplayStatics::ParseOption(OptionsString, “MaxNumPlayers”)) ); }
Game State
NOTE: With 4.14, the GameState Class got split into GameStateBase and GameState.
GameStateBase has less features, because some games just might not need the full feature list
of the old GameState Class.
The class AGameState is probably the most important class for shared information
between Server and Clients. The GameState is used to keep track of the current State of the Game.
This includes, for Multiplayer important, a List of connected Players (APlayerState).
The GameState is replicated to all Clients. So everyone can access it. This makes
the GameState to one of the most centered classes for Multiplayer Games.
While the GameMode would tell how much kills are needed to win, the GameState would
keep track of the current amount of kills of each Player and/or Team!
What information you store here is completely up to you.
It could be an array of scores or an array of a custom struct
that you use to keep track of groups and guilds.
Examples and Usage
In Multiplayer, the GameState Class is used to keep track of the current State of the Game,
which also includes the Players and their PlayerStates. The GameMode makes sure, that
the Match State functions of the GameState are called and the GameState itself gives
you the opportunity to use them on Clients too.
Compared to the GameMode, the GameState doesn't give us much to work with. But this still
allows us to create our own logic, which should mostly try to spread information to Clients.
We get a few Variables from the base GameState Class that we can use.
PlayerArray*, as well as the MatchState and the ElapsedTime are replicated,
so Clients can also access them.
This does not count for the AuthorityGameMode. Only the Server can access it
since the GameMode only exists on the Server.
*The PlayerArray is not directly replicated, but every PlayerState is and they add themselves to the PlayerArray
on Construction. Also the GameState collects them once, when it is created.
An additional page for the PlayerArray, which describes in C++, where it gets “replicated”.
Inside of the PlayerState Class itself:
void APlayerState::PostInitializeComponents() { […] UWorld* World = GetWorld(); // Register this PlayerState with the Game's ReplicationInfo if(World->GameState != NULL) { World->GameState->AddPlayerState(this); } […] }
And in the GameState itself:
void AGameState::PostInitializeComponents() { […] for(TActorIterator<APlayerState> It(World); It; ++It) { AddPlayerState(*It); } } void AGameState::AddPlayerState(APlayerState* PlayerState) { if(!PlayerState->bIsInactive) { PlayerArray.AddUnique(PlayerState); } }
All of this happens on the Server and on the Client instances of Player- and GameState!
A small example, which I could provide you with, would be keeping track of the Score
of two Teams 'A' and 'B'. Let's say we have a Custom Event, which is called when a Team scores.
It passes a boolean, so we know which Team scored. Later in the “Replication” Part you will
read about the Rule that only the Server can replicate Variables, so we make sure only
he can call this Event. It is called from another Class (for example a Weapon that killed someone)
and this should happen on the Server (always!), so we don't need an RPC here.
Since these variables and the GameState are replicated, you can use these two Variables
and get them in any other Class you want to, for example, to display them in a Scoreboard Widget.
To recreate this small example, we need a bit more Code, but despite the function itself,
the Code needed to setup the Replication is only needed once per Class.
/* Header file of our GameState Class inside of the Class declaration */ // You need this include to get the Replication working. Good place for it would be your Projects Header! #include “UnrealNetwork.h” // Replicated Specifier used to mark this variable to replicate UPROPERTY(Replicated) int32 TeamAScore; UPROPERTY(Replicated) int32 TeamBScore; // Function to increase the Score of a Team void AddScore(bool TeamAScored); /* CPP file of our GameState Class */ // This function is required through the Replicated specifier in the UPROPERTY Macro and is declared by it void ATestGameState::GetLifetimeReplicatedProps(TArray<FLifetimeProperty>& OutLifetimeProps) const { Super::GetLifetimeReplicatedProps(OutLifetimeProps); DOREPLIFETIME(ATestGameState, TeamAScore); DOREPLIFETIME(ATestGameState, TeamBScore); } /* CPP file of our GameState Class */ void ATestGameState::AddScore(bool TeamAScored) { if(TeamAScored) TeamAScore++; else TeamBScore++; }
Player State
The class APlayerState is the most important class for a specific Player.
It is meant to hold current information about the Player. Each Player has their own
PlayerState. The PlayerState is also replicated to everyone and can be used
to retrieve and display data on other Clients. An easy way to access
all PlayerStates, that are currently in the Game, is the PlayerArray inside
of the GameState Class.
Example information that you might want to store here:
• PlayerName – Current Name of the connected Player
• Score – Current Score of the connected Player
• Ping – Current Ping of the connected Player
• GuildID – A Guild's ID, in which the Player might be
• Or other replicated information that other Players might need to know about
Examples and Usage
In Multiplayer, the PlayerState is meant to hold information about the State of the connected Player.
This includes Name, Score, Ping and your custom variables.
Since this PlayerState Class is replicated, it can easily used to retrieve data of a Client on other Clients.
Sadly the main important functions aren't exposed to Blueprint at the time I'm writing this.
So I will only cover them in the C++ part of the PlayerState examples. But we can have a look
at some of the Variables:
These variables are all replicated, so they are kept in sync on all Clients.
Sadly they are not easily settable in Blueprints, but nothing keeps you from creating
your own versions of them.
An example on how the PlayerName variable can be set by calling “ChangeName”, a GameMode function, and passing it the PlayerController of the Player
The PlayerState is also used to make sure that data stays persistent during
Level Changes or unexpected connection issues.
The PlayerState has two functions dedicated to deal with reconnecting Players
and also Players that traveled with the Server to a new Map.
With 4.13 released and my Pull Request accepted,
these functions are now available in Blueprint Children of the PlayerState.
The PlayerState takes care of copying over the information, which it already holds, into a new PlayerState.
This either gets created through the Level Change or because a Player is reconnecting.
The same also exists in C++, of course. Here is the
/* Header file of our PlayerState Child Class inside of the Class declaration */ // Used to copy properties from the current PlayerState to the passed one virtual void CopyProperties(class APlayerState* PlayerState); // Used to override the current PlayerState with the properties of the passed one virtual void OverrideWith(class APlayerState* PlayerState);
These functions can be implemented into your own C++ PlayerState Child-Class to manage
data that you added to your custom PlayerState. Make sure to add the “override” specifier
at the end and calling “Super::” so that the original implementation stays active (if you want it to).
The implementation could look similar to this:
/* CPP file of our PlayerState Child Class */ void ATestPlayerState::CopyProperties(class APlayerState* PlayerState) { Super::CopyProperties(PlayerState); if(PlayerState) { ATestPlayerState* TestPlayerState = Cast<ATestPlayerState>(PlayerState); if(TestPlayerState) TestPlayerState->SomeVariable = SomeVariable; } } void ATestPlayerState::OverrideWith(class APlayerState* PlayerState) { Super::OverrideWith(PlayerState); if(PlayerState) { ATestPlayerState* TestPlayerState = Cast<ATestPlayerState>(PlayerState); if(TestPlayerState) SomeVariable = TestPlayerState->SomeVariable; } }
The class APawn is the 'Actor' that the Player actually controls. Most of the
time it's a human character, but it could also be a cat, plane, ship, block, etc.
The Player can only possess one Pawn at a time, but can easily switch
between Pawns by un-possessing and re-possessing them.
The Pawn is mostly replicated to all Clients.
The Pawn's child class ACharacter is often used, because it comes with an already
networked MovementComponent, which handles replicating the Position, Rotation, etc.
of a Players Character.
Note: Not the Client is moving the Character. The Server is getting the Move-inputs
from the Client and is then moving and replicating the Character!
Examples and Usage
In Multiplayer, we mostly use the Replication Part of the Pawn to display the Character and
share some information with others. A simple example is the 'Health' of a Character.
But we don't only replicate 'Health' to make it visible for others, we also replicate it,
so that the Server has authority over it and the Client can't cheat.
Despite the 'standard' overridable functions, the Pawn also has two that
react to possessing and un-possessing. They could be used to hide a Pawn,
when he gets un-possessed:
Note: Since possessing happens on the Server, these Events are only called on the Server
Version if the Pawn and need a MulticastRPCFunction to change visibility, like in the Screenshot above!
The second example will take the 'Health' example into account. The following picture
will show how you would use the 'EventAnyDamage' and a replicated 'Health' variable to
lower the Players health. This happens on the Server and not on the Client!
Since the Pawn should be replicated, the 'DestroyActor' Node will also destroy the Client versions
of the Actor, if called by the Server. On the Client site, we can use the replicated 'Health' Variable
for our HUD or for a HealthBar on top of everyone's head.
You can easily do this by creating a Widget with a Progressbar and a Reference of a Pawn.
Since this is a Network Compendium, I expect you to know about Widgets, or at least to read about
them somewhere else, otherwise this would be too much for this Document.
Let's assume we have a 'Health' and 'MaxHealth' Variable on our 'TestPawn' Class, all set to replicate.
Now after creating the 'TestPawn' reference Variable inside of the Widget, as well as the
ProgressBar, we can bind the percentage of that bar to the following function:
Now, after setting up the WidgetComponent (this Class is experimental!), we can set the 'Widget Class to use',
to your HealthBar Widget and on BeginPlay, do the following:
'BeginPlay' is called on all Instances of the Pawn, means on the Server and all Client Versions.
So every Instance now sets itself to the Pawn Reference of the Widget it has.
And since the Pawn and the Health Variable is replicated, we have the correct
percentage above every Pawn's head.
If the Replication process is not clear at this point, it's all cool, just keep reading and at the end
of this Document, you will understand why this works so easily!
For the C++ examples, I won't recreate the Widget Blueprint Example. It's just too much
background stuff that needs to be done to get Widgets working in C++ and I don't
want to cover this here. So we will focus on the Possess Events and the Damage Event.
In C++, the two Possess Events are called:
virtual void PossessedBy(AController* NewController); virtual void UnPossessed();
The 'UnPossessed' Event does not pass the old PlayerController though.
/* Header file of our Pawn Child Class, inside of the Class declaration */ // SkeletalMesh Component, so we have something to hide class USkeletalMeshComponent* SkeletalMesh; // Overriding the UnPossessed Event virtual void UnPossessed() override;
We also need a MulticastRPCFunction. You will read about it later in the RPC Chapter:
/* Header file of our Pawn Child Class, inside of the Class declaration */ UFUNCTION(NetMulticast, unreliable) void Multicast_HideMesh(); /* CPP file of our Pawn Child Class */ void ATestPawn::UnPossessed() { Super::UnPossessed(); Multicast_HideMesh(); } // You will read later about RPC's and why that '_Implementation' is a thing void ATestPawn::Multicast_HideMesh_Implementation() { SkeletalMesh->SetVisibility(false); }
And we also want to recreate the Health example in C++. As always, if you don't understand the
steps of Replication at this moment, don't worry, the upcoming Chapters will explain it to you.
Just skip the examples for now if they seem to complicated in terms of Replication.
The 'TakeDamage' Function is the equivalent of the 'EventAnyDamage' Node. To cause Damage,
you normally call 'TakeDamage' on the Actor you want to deal damage to and if that Actor
implements the function, it will react to it, similar to how this example does it.
/* Header file of our Pawn Child Class, inside of the Class declaration */ // Replicated Health Variable UPROPERTY(Replicated) int32 Health; // Overriding the Damage Event virtual float TakeDamage(float Damage, struct FDamageEvent const& DamageEvent, AController* EventInstigator, AActor* DamageCauser) override; /* CPP file of our Pawn Child Class */ // This function is required through the Replicated specifier in the UPROPERTY Macro and is declared by it void ATestPawn::GetLifetimeReplicatedProps(TArray<FLifetimeProperty>& OutLifetimeProps) const { Super::GetLifetimeReplicatedProps(OutLifetimeProps); // This actually takes care of replicating the Variable DOREPLIFETIME(ATestPawn, Health); } float ATestPawn::TakeDamage(float Damage, struct FDamageEvent const& DamageEvent, AController* EventInstigator, AActor* DamageCauser) { float ActualDamage = Super::TakeDamage(Damage, DamageEvent, EventInstigator, DamageCauser); Health -= ActualDamage; // Lower the Health of the Player if(Health <= 0.0) // And destroy it if the Health is less or equal 0 Destroy(); return ActualDamage; }
Player Controller
The class APlayerController might be the most interesting and complicated
Class that we come across. It's also the center for a lot of Client stuff, since this
is the first Class that the Client actually 'owns'.
The PlayerController can be seen as the 'Input' of the Player. It is the link of the
Player with the Server. This means, every Client has one PlayerController.
A Client's PlayerController only exists on himself AND the Server, but other
Clients don't know about other PlayerController.
Every Client only knows about his own!
The result of that is, that the Server has a reference of all Client PlayerControllers!
The term 'Input' does not directly mean, that all actual Input (Button Presses, Mouse
Movement, Controller Axis, etc.) needs to be placed in the PlayerController.
It is a good practice to place Character specific Input (Cars work differently than Humans)
into your Character/Pawn Classes and to put Input that should work with all Characters,
or even when the Character Object is not valid, into your PlayerController!
An important note here is:
Input is always first passed through the PlayerController. If the PlayerController
does NOT use it, it will be processed in the other Classes that might use the same
Input. Consuming Input can, of course, be deactivated when needed.
Furthermore, an important thing to know is:
How do I get the correct PlayerController?
The famous node 'GetPlayerController(0)' or code line
'UGameplayStatics::GetPlayerController(GetWorld(), 0);' works differently
on Server and Clients, but it's not really difficult.
• Calling it on the Listen-Server will return the Listen-Server's PlayerController
• Calling it on a Client will return the Client's PlayerController
• Calling it on a Dedicated Server will return the first Client's PlayerController
Other numbers than '0' will not return other Clients for a Client. This index is
meant to be used for local Players (Splitscreen), which we won't cover.
Examples and Usage
Although that the PlayerController is one of the most important Classes for Networking,
there isn't much to it by default. So we will create a small example, just to make
clear why it's needed. In the Chapter about Ownership, you will read about why
the PlayerController is important for RPCs. The following example will show you
how to utilize the PlayerController to increase a replicated variable
in the GameState by pressing a Widget Button.
Why do we need the PlayerController for this?
Well, I don't want to write down the RPC and Ownership Chapter here again, so just a short explanation:
Widgets only exist on the Client/Listen-Server and even if they are owned by the Client,
a Server RPC has no instance on the Server to run on.
It's simply not replicated!
This means we need a way to get the Button Press over to the Server, so he can then increase the variable.
Why not calling the RPC on the GameState directly? Because it's owned by the Server.
A Server RPC needs the Client as the owner!
So first of all, we need a simple Widget with a Button that we can press. This is a Network Compendium,
so please learn the Widget Stuff on your own. I know you can do that!
I will post the Images in the opposite order, so you can see where it ends and what Events
actually call the Events of the previous Images. So starting with our goal, the GameState.
It gets a normal Event that increments a replicated Integer variable:
This Event will get called on the Server Side, inside of our ServerRPC in our PlayerController:
And at last, we have our Button, which gets pressed and calls the ServerRPC:
So when we Click on the Button (Client Side), we use the ServerRPC in our PlayerController
to get to the Server Side (possible, because the PlayerController is owned by the Client!)
and then call the 'IncreaseVariable' Event of the GameState to increment the replicated Integer.
This Integer, since it is replicated and set by the Server, will now update on all instances of the
GameState and Clients can also see the update!
For the C++ version of this example, I will replace the Widget with the BeginPlay of the
PlayerController. This doesn't make much sense, but implementing Widgets in C++ needs
some more code which I don't want to post here, since it would be a bit too much!
/* Header file of our PlayerController Child Class, inside of the Class declaration */ // Server RPC. You will read more about this in the RPC Chapter UFUNCTION(Server, unreliable, WithValidation) void Server_IncreaseVariable(); // Also overriding the BeginPlay function for this example virtual void BeginPlay() override; /* Header file of our GameState Child Class, inside of the Class declaration */ // Replicated Integer Variable UPROPERTY(Replicated) int32 OurVariable; public: // Function to Increment the Variable void IncreaseVariable(); /* CPP file of our PlayerController Child Class */ // Otherwise we can't access the GameState functions #include “TestGameState.h” // You will read later about RPC's and why that '_Validate' is a thing bool ATestPlayerController::Server_IncreaseVariable_Validate() { return true; } // You will read later about RPC's and why that '_Implementation' is a thing void ATestPlayerController::Server_IncreaseVariable_Implementation() { ATestGameState* GameState = Cast<ATestGameState>(UGameplayStatics::GetGameState(GetWorld())); GameState->IncreaseVariable(); } void ATestPlayerController::BeginPlay() { Super::BeginPlay(); // Make sure only the Client Version of this PlayerController calls the ServerRPC if(Role < ROLE_Authority) Server_IncreaseVariable(); } /* CPP file of our PlayerController Child Class */ // Otherwise we can't access the GameState functions #include “TestGameState.h” // You will read later about RPC's and why that '_Validate' is a thing bool ATestPlayerController::Server_IncreaseVariable_Validate() { return true; } // You will read later about RPC's and why that '_Implementation' is a thing void ATestPlayerController::Server_IncreaseVariable_Implementation() { ATestGameState* GameState = Cast<ATestGameState>(UGameplayStatics::GetGameState(GetWorld())); GameState->IncreaseVariable(); } void ATestPlayerController::BeginPlay() { Super::BeginPlay(); // Make sure only the Client Version of this PlayerController calls the ServerRPC if(Role < ROLE_Authority) Server_IncreaseVariable(); }
That's quite some code. If you don't understand the use of some of the functions and their
naming yet, don't worry. The upcoming Chapters will help you understand why it's done like this.
The class AHUD is a Class that is only available on each Client and
can be accessed through the PlayerController. It will be automatically spawned.
Before UMG (Unreal Motion Graphics) has been released, the HUD Class has been used
to draw text, textures and more in the viewport of the Client.
By now, Widgets replaced the HUD Class most of the time.
You can still use the HUD Class to debug or maybe have an isolated area to
manage spawning, showing, hiding and destroying Widgets.
Since the HUD isn't directly linked to Networking, examples would only show Singleplayer stuff.
That's why I will skip them.
Widgets (UMG)
Widgets are used in Epic Games' new UI System, called Unreal Motion Graphics.
They inherit from Slate, which is a language used to create UI within C++ and also
used for the Unreal Engine 4 Editor itself.
Widgets are only available locally on Client (Listen-Server).
They are NOT replicated and you always need a separated, replicated Class
to perform replicated actions through, for example, Button-Presses.
To learn more about UMG and Widgets, please use the provided API Link above.
We already had a small example for the Widgets usage inside of the APawn examples.
So I will skip them here.
Dedicated vs Listen Server
Dedicated Server
A Dedicated Server is a standalone Server that does NOT require a Client.
It runs separated from the Game Client and is mostly used to
have a Server running that Players can always join/leave.
Dedicated Servers can be compiled for Windows and Linux and can be run
on Virtual Servers that Players can connect to via a fixed IP-Address.
Dedicated Servers have no visual part, so they don't need a UI, nor do they have
a PlayerController. They also have no Character or similar representing them in the Game.
A Listen-Server is a Server that is also a Client.
This means, that the Server always has a at least ONE Client connected.
This Client is called the Listen-Server and if he disconnects, the Server will shutdown.
Due to being also a Client, the Listen-Server needs UI and has a PlayerController,
which represents the Client part. Getting 'PlayerController(0)' on a Listen-Server,
will return the PlayerController of that very Client.
Since the Listen-Server runs on the Client itself, the IP that others need to connect
to is the one of the Client. Compared to the Dedicated Server, this often comes
with the problem of Internet Users NOT having a static IP.
But using an OnlineSubsystem (explained later), the changing IP problem can be solved.
What is 'Replication'?
Replication is the act of the Server passing information/data to the Clients.
This can be limited to specific entities and groups. Blueprints mostly
perform Replication according to the Settings of the affected AActor.
The first Class, which is capable of replicating properties, is the Actor.
All of the before mentioned Classes inherit from Actor at some point,
giving them the ability to replicate properties if needed.
Though not all of them do this the same way.
The GameMode, for example, doesn't replicate at all and only exists on the Server.
How to use 'Replication'
Replication can be activated in the Class Defaults/Constructor of an Actor child:
ATestCharacter::ATestCharacter() { // Network game, so let's setup Replication bReplicates = true; bReplicateMovement = true; }
An Actor with 'bReplicates' set to TRUE will be spawned and replicated
on all Clients when spawned by the Server. And ONLY when spawned by the Server.
IF a Client spawns this Actor, the Actor will ONLY exist on this very Client.
So, when Replication is enabled, we can replicate variables. There are
multiple ways to do this. We will start with the most basic one:
Setting the “Replication” Drop-Down menu to “Replicated” will make sure this
variable gets replicated to all replicated Instances of this Actor. Of course this
only works for Actors that are set to replicate.
With 4.14, variables can now be replicated under certain condition, even in
Blueprints. To read more about the conditions, scroll further.
Replicated Variables are marked with 2 white circles.
Replicating a variable in C++ is slightly more work at the beginning.
But it also allows us to specify who we want to replicate this variable to.
/* Header file inside of the Classes declaration */ // Create replicated health variable UPROPERTY(Replicated) float Health;
The .cpp file will get this 'GetLifetimeReplicatedProps' function. The header
declaration, of that function, is already provided through some UE4 macro, so we don't need to care
about that one. Here you actually define the rules of replicating your variables.
void ATestPlayerCharacter::GetLifetimeReplicatedProps(TArray<FLifetimeProperty>& OutLifetimeProps) const { Super::GetLifetimeReplicatedProps(OutLifetimeProps); // Here we list the variables we want to replicate + a condition if wanted DOREPLIFETIME(ATestPlayerCharacter, Health); }
You can also do a conditional replication here:
// Replicates the Variable only to the Owner of this Object/Class DOREPLIFETIME_CONDITION(ATestPlayerCharacter, Health, COND_OwnerOnly);
Condition | Description |
COND_InitialOnly | This property will only attempt to send on the initial bunch |
COND_OwnerOnly | This property will only send to the Actor's owner |
COND_SkipOwner | This property send to every connection EXCEPT the owner |
COND_SimulatedOnly | This property will only send to simulated Actors |
COND_AutonomousOnly | This property will only send to autonomous Actors |
COND_SimulatedOrPhysics | This property will send to simulated OR bRepPhysics Actors |
COND_InitialOrOwner | This property will send on the initial packet, or to the Actor's owner |
COND_Custom |
This property has no particular condition, but wants the ability to toggle on/off via SetCustomIsActiveOverride |
It's important that you understand that the whole replication process only works
from Server to Client and NOT the other way round.
We will learn later how to get the Server to replicate something, that the Client
wants to share with others (for example: PlayerName)
A different version of Replication is the so called “RepNotify” version.
It makes use of a function that will be called on all instances when receiving the updated value.
With this, you can call logic that needs to be called AFTER the Value has been replicated.
In Blueprints, this function will be created automatically once
you select “RepNotify” in the Replication Drop-Down menu:
The C++ Version needs a bit more, but works the same:
/* Header file inside of the Classes declaration */ // Create RepNotify Health variable UPROPERTY(ReplicatedUsing=OnRep_Health) float Health; // Create OnRep Function | UFUNCTION() Macro is important! | Doesn't need to be virtual though UFUNCTION() virtual void OnRep_Health(); /* CPP file of the Class */ void ATestCharacter::OnRep_Health() { if(Health < 0.0f) PlayDeathAnimation(); }With 'ReplicatedUsing=FUNCTIONAME', we specify the function that
should get called when the Variable is successfully replicated.
This functions needs to have the 'UNFUNCTION()' macro, even if it's empty!
Remote Procedure Calls
Other ways for Replication are so called “RPC”s.
Short form for “Remote Procedure Call”.
They are used to call something on another instance. Your TV Remote does the same with your Television.
UE4 uses it to call functions from Client to Server, Server to Client or Server to a specific group.
These RPCs can't have a return value! To return something, you need to use a second RPC.
But this only works under certain rules.
They are listed in this table, which can be found in the official Documentation:
• Run on Server – Is meant to be executed on the Server Instance of the Actor
• Run on owning Client – Is meant to be executed on the Owner of this Actor
• NetMulticast – Is meant to be executed on all Instances of this Actor
Requirements and Caveats
There are a few requirements that need to be met for RPCs to be completely functional:
1. They must be called from Actors
2. The Actor must be replicated
3. If the RPC is being called from Server to be executed on a Client,
only the Client who actually owns that Actor will execute the function
4. If the RPC is being called from Client to be executed on the Server,
the Client must own the Actor that the RPC is being called on
5. Multicast RPCs are an exception:
◦ If they are called from the Server, the Server will execute them locally,
as well as execute them on all currently connected Clients
◦ If they are called from Clients, they will only execute locally,
and will not execute on the Server
◦ For now, we have a simple throttling mechanism for Multicast events:
▪ A Multicast function will not replicate more than twice in a given
Actor's network update period. Long term, we expect to improve on this.
RPC invoked from the Server
RPC invoked from a Client
RPCs in Blueprints
RPCs in Blueprints are created by creating CustomEvents and setting them to Replicate.
RPCs can't have a return value! So functions can't be used to create them.
The 'Reliable' check box can be used to mark
the RPC as 'important',
making sure it will 99.99% executed and not dropped
due to connection issues or so.
Note: Don't mark every RPC as Reliable!
To use the whole Network stuff in C++, you need to include “UnrealNetwork.h” in your project Header!
RPCs in C++ are relatively easy to create, we only need to add the specifier to the UFUNCTION() Macro.
// This is a Server RPC, marked as unreliable and WithValidation (is needed!) UFUNCTION(Server, unreliable, WithValidation) void Server_PlaceBomb();
The CPP file will implement a different function. This one needs '_Implementation' as a suffix.
// This is the actual implementation (Not Server_PlaceBomb). But when calling it, we use "Server_PlaceBomb" void ATestPlayerCharacter::Server_PlaceBomb_Implementation() { // BOOM! }
The CPP file also needs a version with '_Validate' as a suffix. Later more about that.
bool ATestPlayerCharacter::Server_PlaceBomb_Validate() { return true; }
The other two types of RPCs are created like this:
Client RPC, which needs to be marked as 'reliable' or 'unreliable'!
UFUNCTION(Client, unreliable) void ClientRPCFunction();
and Multicast RPC, which also needs to be marked as 'reliable' or 'unreliable'!
UFUNCTION(NetMulticast, unreliable) void MulticastRPCFunction();
Of course, we can also add the 'reliable' keyword to an RPC to make it reliable.
UFUNCTION(Client, reliable) void ReliableClientRPCFunction();
The idea of Validation is, that if the Validation function for an RPC detects
that any of the parameters are bad, it can notify the system to disconnect
the Client/Server who initiated the RPC call.
Validation is required by now for every ServerRPCFunction. The 'WithValidation' keyword
in the UFUNCTION Macro is used for that.
UFUNCTION(Server, unreliable, WithValidation) void SomeRPCFunction(int32 AddHealth);
Here is an example of how the '_Validate' Function can be used:
bool ATestPlayerCharacter::SomeRPCFunction_Validate(int32 AddHealth) { if(AddHealth > MAX_ADD_HEALTH) { return false; // This will disconnect the caller! } return true; // This will allow the RPC to be called! }
Note: Client to Server RPCs require the '_Validate' function to
encourage secure Server RPC functions and to make it as easy as possible
for someone to add code to check each and every parameter to be valid
against all the known input constraints!
So, Ownership is something important to understand.
You already saw the table, which contained stuff like “Client-owned Actor”.
Server or Clients can 'own' an Actor
An example is the PlayerController, which is owned by the Client (or Listen-Server). Another example would be a spawned/placed Door in the Scene. This will mostly be owned by the Server.
But why is this a problem?
If you check out the table again, you will notice that, for example, a Server RPC will be dropped if a Client calls it on an Actor that he does NOT own.
So the Client can't call “Server_OpenDoor” on the Server owned door. But how do we work around that?...
We use a Class/Actor, that the Client actually owns. And this is where the PlayerController starts to shine.
So instead of trying to enable Input on the
Door and calling a Server RPC there, we create
the Server RPC in the PlayerController and let
the Servercall an Interface function on the Door
(for example: Interact()).
If the Door implements the correct Interface,
it will then call the defined logic and hopefully
replicate the open/closed status correctly.
Note: Interfaces are nothing Multiplayer specific and I highly recommend to look
them up if you don't understand what they are!
Actors and their Owning Connections
As already mentioned in the Class overview, the PlayerController is the first Class that the
Player actually 'owns', but what does that mean?
Each Connection has a PlayerController, created specifically for that Connection. A PlayerController,
that is created for that reason, is owned by that Connection. So when we determine if
an Actor is owned by someone, we actually query up to the most outer Owner and if this
is a PlayerController, then the Connection that owns the PlayerController also owns that Actor.
Kinda simple, or? So what would be an example for that?
The Pawn/Character. They are possessed by the PlayerController and at this time,
the PlayerController is the Owner of the possessed Pawn.
This means, the Connection that owns this PlayerController also owns the Pawn.
This is only the case WHILE the PlayerController is possessing the Pawn.
Un-possessing it will result in the Client no longer owning the Pawn.
So why is this important and for what do I need this?
• RPCs need to determine which Client will execute a Run-On-Client RPC
• Actor Replication and connection Relevancy
• Actor property Replication conditions when the Owner is involved
You already read that RPCs react differently when getting called by Client/Server
depending on the Connection they are owned by.
You also read about conditional Replication, where (in C++) variables are only
replicated under a certain condition.
The following topic describes the Relevancy Part of the list.
Actor Relevancy and Priority
So, what is 'Relevancy' and why do we need that?
Imagine having a Game with Levels/Maps big enough that Players
could actually be 'un-important' towards others.
Why would Player A need to see the mesh of Player B if they are miles apart from each other?
To improve bandwidth, Unreal's Network Code makes it possible that the Server only
tells Clients about Actors that are in that Client's relevant set.
Unreal applies the following rules (in order) to determine the relevant set of Actors for a Player.
These tests are implemented in the virtual function 'AActor::IsNetRelevantFor()'.
1. If the Actor is 'bAlwaysRelevant', is owned by the Pawn or PlayerController, is the Pawn, or
the Pawn is the Instigator of some action like noise or damage, it is relevant
2. If the Actor is 'bNetUserOwnerRelevancy' and has an Owner, use the Owner's relevancy
3. If the Actor is 'bOnlyRelevantToOwner', and does not pass the first check, it is not relevant
4. If the Actor is attached to the Skeleton of another Actor, then its relevancy is determined
by the relevancy of its base
5. if the Actor is hidden ('bHidden == true') and the root component does not collide then the
Actor is not relevant
◦ If there is no root component, 'AActor::IsNetRelevantFor()' will log a warning and ask if
the Actor should be set to 'bAlwaysRelevant = true'
6. If 'AGameNetworkManager' is set to use distance based relevancy, the Actor is relevant if
it is closer than the net cull distance
Note: Pawn and PlayerController override 'AActor::IsNetRelevantFor()'
and have different conditions for relevancy as a result.
Unreal uses a load-balancing technique that prioritizes all Actors,
and gives each one a fair share of the bandwidth based on how important it is to Gameplay.
Actors have a float variable called “NetPriority”. The higher this number, the more bandwidth
that Actor receives relative to others. An Actors with a “NetPriority” of 2.0 will update exactly
twice as frequently as an Actor with a “NetPriority” of 1.0.
The only thing that matters with priorities is their Ratio.
So obviously you cannot improve Unreal's Network Performance
by increasing all of the priorities.
The current priority of an Actor is calculated using the virtual function 'AActor::GetNetPriority()'.
To avoid starvation 'AActor::GetNetPriority()' multiplies 'NetPriority' with the time
since the Actor was last replicated.
The 'GetNetPriority' functions also consider the relative location of
and distance between the Actor and the Viewer.
Most of these Settings can be found in the Class Defaults of the Blueprint
and, of course, be setup inside the C++ Class of each Actor Child.
bOnlyRelevantToOwner = false; bAlwaysRelevant = false; bReplicateMovement = true; bNetLoadOnClient = true; bNetUseOwnerRelevancy = false; bReplicates = true; NetUpdateFrequency = 100.0f; NetCullDistanceSquared = 225000000.0f; NetPriority = 1.0f;
Actor Role and RemoteRole
We have two more important properties for Actor Replication.
These two properties tell you:
• Who has Authority over the Actor
• Whether the Actor is replicated or not
• The Mode of the Replication
First thing we want to determine, is who has Authority over a specific Actor.
To determine if the current running instance of the Engine has Authority, check that
the Role property is ROLE_Authority. If it is, then this instance of the Engine
is in charge of this Actor (whether it's replicated or not).
Note: This is not the same as Ownership!
Role/RemoteRole Reversal
Role and RemoteRole could be reversed depending on who is inspecting these values.
For example, if on the Server you have this configuration:
• Role == Role_Authority
• RemoteRole = ROLE_SimulatedProxy
Then the Client would see it as this:
• Role == ROLE_SimulatedProxy
• RemoteRole == ROLE_Authority
This makes sense, since the Server is in charge of the Actor and replicating it to Clients.
The Clients are just supposed to receive updates, and simulate the Actor between updates.
Mode of Replication
The Server doesn't update Actors every update. This would take way too much bandwidth
and CPU resources. Instead, the Server will replicated Actors at a frequency specified on
the 'AActor::NetUpdateFrequency' property.
This means, that some time will pass on the Client between Actor updates. This could result in
Actors looking sporadic or choppy in their movement.
To compensate for this, the Client will simulate the Actor between updates.
There are currently two types of simulation that occur:
This is the standard simulation path, and is generally based
on extrapolating movement based on the last known velocity.
When the Server sends an update for a particular Actor,
the Client will adjust its position towards the new location, and then in between updates,
the Client will continue to move the Actor based on the most recent velocity sent from the Server.
Simulating using last known velocity is just one example of how general simulation works.
There is nothing stopping you from writing custom code to use
some other information to extrapolate between Server updates.
This is generally only used on Actors that are possessed by PlayerControllers.
This just means that this Actor is receiving inputs from a human controller, so when we extrapolate,
we have a bit more information, and can use actual human inputs
to fill in the missing info (rather than extrapolating based on the last known velocity).
Traveling in Multiplayer
Non-/Seamless travel
The difference between 'Seamless' and 'Non-seamless' travel is simple.
'Seamless' travel is a non-blocking operation,
while 'Non-seamless' will be a blocking call.
A 'Non-seamless' travel for a Client means, that he disconnects from the Server and
then re-connects to the same Server, which will have the new Map ready to load.
Epic recommends to use 'Seamless' travel as often as possible, since this will result
in a smoother experience, and will avoid any issues that can occur during the re-connection process.
There are three ways in which a 'Non-seamless' travel must occur:
• When loading a Map for the first time
• When connecting to a Server for the first time as a Client
• When you want to end a Multiplayer Game, and start a new one
Main Traveling Functions
There are three main functions that drive traveling:
• Is like a hard reset when loading a new Map
• Will always result in a 'Non-seamless' travel
• Will result in the Server disconnecting current Clients before traveling to the destination Map
• Clients will disconnect from current Server
• Dedicated Server cannot travel to other Servers, so the Map must be local (cannot be URL)
• For the Server only
• Will jump the Server to a new World/Level
• All connected Clients will follow
• This is the way Multiplayer Games travel from Map to Map,
and the Server is the one in charge to call this function
• The Server will call 'APlayerController::ClientTravel' for all Client Players that are connected
• If called from a Client, will travel to a new Server
• If called from a Server, will instruct the particular Client to travel to the new Map (But stay connected to the current Server)
Enabling Seamless Travel
'Seamless' travel comes with a Transition Map. This is configured through the
'UGameMapsSettings::TransitionMap' property. By default this property is empty.
If your Game leaves this property empty, an empty Map will be created for it.
The reason the Transition Map exists, is that there must always be a World
loaded (which holds the Map), so we can't free the old Map before loading
the new one. Since Maps can be very large, it would be a bad idea to have
the old and new Map in memory at the same time, so this is where the Transition Map comes in.
Once you have the transition map setup, you set 'AGameMode::bUseSeamlessTravel' to true,
and from there 'Seamless' travel should work!
This can, of course, also be Setup via a GameMode Blueprint and via the Project Settings in the “Maps and Nodes” Tab.
Persisting Actors / Seamless Travel
When using 'Seamless' travel, it's possible to carry over (persist) Actors from the current Level
to the new one. This is useful for certain Actors, like Inventory Items, Players, etc.
By default, these Actors will persist automatically:
• The GameMode Actor (Server only)
◦ Any Actors further added via 'AGameMode::GetSeamlessTravelActorList'
• All Controllers that have a valid PlayerState (Server only)
• All PlayerControllers (Server only)
• All local PlayerControllers (Server and Client)
◦ Any Actors further added via 'APlayerController::GetSeamlessTravelActorList'
called on local PlayerControllers
Here is the general flow when executing 'Seamless' travel:
1. Mark Actors that will persist to the Transition Level (read above)
2. Travel to the Transition Level
3. Mark Actors that will persist to the Final Level (read above)
4. Travel to the Final Level
Online Subsystem Overview
The Online Subsystem and its Interfaces exist to provide a clear abstraction to
common online functionality across the available set of platforms in a given environment.
Platforms in this context would refer to Steam, Xbox Live, Facebook, etc.
Portability is one of the main goals.
For what do I need a Subsystem?
By default you will use the 'SubsystemNULL'. This allows you to host LAN Sessions (so you can
find Sessions via a Server List and join them in your LAN network) or join directly via IP.
What it doesn't allow you, is to host such a Session on the Internet.
Because you have no Master Server that provides the Client with a list of Servers/Sessions.
Subsystems, like for example Steam, will allow you to also host Servers/Session that are visible
over the Internet. This is important to understand!
You can also create your own Subsystem/Master Server, but that requires a lot of coding outside of UE4.
Online Subsystem Module Basic Design
The base module Online Subsystem is responsible for regulating how platform specific modules
are defined and registered with the Engine. All access to a platform service will go through
this module. When loaded, this module will in turn try to load the default platform server module
specified in the 'Engine.ini' – file:
[OnlineSubsystem] DefaultPlatformService = <Default Platform Identifier>
If successful, this default online interface will be available via
the static accessor when no parameter is specified.
static IOnlineSubsystem* Get(const FName& SubsystemName = NAME_None);
Additional services are loaded on demand when called from this function with a proper identifier.
Use of Delegates
Much like Unreal Engine 3 (UE3), the Online Subsystem will make heavy use of Delegates when
calling functions with Asynchronous side effects. It is important to respect the Delegates and wait
for the proper Delegate to be called before calling functions further down the chain.
Failure to wait for an Asynchronous task can cause crashes and unexpected, undefined behavior.
Waiting for Delegates is especially important during connectivity failures such as a cable pull
or other disconnect events. The amount of time a task may take to finish may seem
instantaneous in the ideal case, but can be upwards to almost a minute in the timeout case.
The Delegate interface is fairly straightforward, with each Delegate clearly defined at the
top of each interface header. Every Delegate has an Add, Clear, and Trigger function.
(Although Triggering delegates manually is discouraged).
Common practice is to Add() the Delegate right before calling the appropriate function,
and then Clear() the Delegate from within itself.
Not all platforms will implement all Interfaces and Game Code should plan accordingly.
Interface definition for the online services Profile services.
Profile services are defined as anything related to a given User Profile
and its associated metadata (Online Presence, Access Permissions, etc).
Interface definition for the online services Friends services.
Friends services are anything related to the Maintenance of Friends and Friends Lists.
Interface definition for the online services Session services.
Session services are defined as anything related managing a Session and its state.
Shared Cloud
Provides the Interface for sharing files already on the cloud (see User Cloud with other users).
User Cloud
Provides the Interface for per User Cloud file storage
Provides the Interface for accessing online Leaderboards.
Provides the Interface for Voice Communication over network while in the game.
Provides the Interface for Reading/Writing/Unlocking Achievements.
External UI
Provides the Interface for accessing a given platform's external Interfaces if available.
Sessions and Matchmaking
Matchmaking is the process of matching Players with Sessions. A Session is basically
an Instance of the Game running on the Server with a given set of properties, which is either
advertised, so that it can be found and joined by Players wanting to play the Game, or
private, so only Players who are invited or notified of it in some way can join.
Picture an Online Game Lobby that lists all of the Games currently being played.
Each Game in the list is a Session, or individual online match. Players are matched with Sessions
either by searching or some other means and then join the Session to play the Match.
Basic Life-Time of a Session • Create a new Session with desired Settings
• Wait for Players to request to join the Match
• Register Players who want to join
• Start the Session
• Play the Match
• End the Session
• Un-register the Players
• Either:
◦ Update the Session if you want to change the Type of Match
and go back to waiting for Players to join
◦ Destroy the Session
Session Interface The Session Interface, IOnlineSession, provides platform-specific functionality
for setting up the pieces behind the scenes that are necessary in order to perform
Matchmaking as well as other methods of allowing Players to find and join online games.
This includes Session Management, finding Sessions though search or other means,
as well as joining and leaving those Sessions. The Session Interface is created
and owned by the Online Subsystem. This means it only exists on the Server.
Only one Session Interface will ever exist at a time - the Session Interface for t
he platform the engine is currently running on. While the Session Interface performs all of
the Session handling, the Game doesn't generally interact directly with it.
Instead, the GameSession, AGameSession, acts as a game-specific wrapper around
the Session Interface and the game code makes calls to it when it needs to interact with the Session.
The GameSession is created and owned by the GameMode,
and also only exists on the Server when running an online game.
Each game can potentially have multiple GameSession types, but only one will ever be used at a time.
The most common case for a game having more than one type of GameSession is
to add a type of GameSession for when the game is using a Dedicated Server.
Session Settings The SessionSettings, defined by the 'FOnlineSessionSettingsclass', are a set of properties
that determine the characteristics of the session.
In the base implementation, these are things like:
• Number of Players allowed
• Is the Session advertised or private
• Is the Session a LAN match
• Is the Server dedicated or Player-hosted
• Are invites allowed
• Etc.
Using the Online Game Lobby Example, each of those games is a Session and
has its own SessionSettings. For example, some Sessions may be Player versus Player (PvP)
while others are Cooperative Multiplayer (Co-Op).
Different Sessions could be playing different maps or playlists, require different numbers of players, etc.
Session Management All Session Nodes are Asynchronous tasks (Clock Symbol) and will call “OnSuccess”
or “OnFailure” once they're finished. In the meanwhile, you can use the top most exec output.
Creating Sessions In order for Players to find a Session and potentially join it, you need to create a Session and set up
its properties, as well as decide which of those properties will be visible. Registering a Dedicated Server
Session via Blueprint might not be supported at the current Engine Version. In C++ you should do the
normal C++ Session creation inside the AGameSession by overriding the 'RegisterServer' function!
Create a Session via Blueprint For creating a Session in Blueprints, you can use the 'CreateSession' Node
that Epic already exposed. It doesn't offer many options, but this can be
extended via Plugins from the Forum.
Create a Session via C++ My Wiki-Post about Using Sessions via C++!
Updating Sessions Updating is done when you want to change the Settings of an existing Session and is performed
using the 'IOnlineSession::UpdateSession()' function.
For example, the Session may be set up currently to only allow 8 Players, while it needs to
allow 12 Players for the next match. To update the Session, 'UpdateSession()' would be be called
passing it new Session Settings that specify a 12 Player maximum.
When the request to update a Session has completed, the 'OnUpdateSessionComplete'
delegate is fired. This provides the opportunity to perform any configuration or
initialization necessary to handle the Session Settings changing.
Updating a Session is generally performed between Matches on the Server, but it is also
performed on the Client in order to keep the Session information in sync.
There is no Blueprint Version of this function yet, but it can be extended via Plugins from the Forum.
Destroying Sessions When a Session ends and is no longer needed, the Session is destroyed using the
'IOnlineSession::DestroySession()' function. When the destruction operation has completed,
the 'OnDestroySessionComplete' Delegate is fired, enabling you to perform cleanup operations.
Destroy Session via Blueprint For Blueprints, you can use the 'DestroySession' Node, which Epic already exposed.
Destroy Session via C++ My Wiki-Post about Using Sessions via C++!
Searching Sessions The simplest way to find Sessions is to search for Sessions that match some desired subset of Settings.
This could be in response to the Player choosing a collecting of filters in a User Interface,
or it could be done automatically behind the scenes, based on the Player's skill and other factors,
or it could be a combination of both methods.
The most basic form of Searching for Sessions is the classic Server Browser that shows all available
games and allows the Player to filter those based on the type of Game they want to play.
Searching Session via Blueprint For Blueprints you can use the 'FindSessions' Node that Epic already
exposed for you. You can specify the Number of results and if you
want to search for LAN or Online Games.
More can be specified using Plugins from the Forum.
Searching Session via C++
My Wiki-Post about Using Sessions via C++!
Joining Sessions Once you have determined a Session for the Player to join, the process of joining is initiated by calling
'IOnlineSession::JoinSession()' and passing it the Number of the Player and the Name and SearchResult
of the Session to join. When the joining process completes, the 'OnJoinSessionComplete' Delegate
is fired. This is where the logic to get the Player into the Match is performed.
More information about this logic can be read below and on my Session C++ Blog-Post.
Joining Session via Blueprint For joining a Session via Blueprint, you can use the 'JoinSession'
Node, that Epic already exposed. It needs a SessionResult,
which you can get from the 'FindSession' Node.
It returns on Array of SessionResults.
The 'JoinSession' Node will directly join the Map 'OnSuccess'.
You don't have to deal with that.
Join Session via C++ My Wiki-Post about Using Sessions via C++!
Cloud-Based Matchmaking Cloud-Based Matchmaking refers to built-in Matchmaking Services that are available,
and generally platform specific. An example of this type of service is the TrueSkill System
available through the Microsoft Xbox Live Service.
To initiate Matchmaking on Platforms that support it, you call 'IOnlineSession::Startmatchmaking()'
and pass it the Controller Number of the Player to matchmake for, the SessionName, SessionSettings
to use if creating a new Session, and Settings to Search against. The 'OnMatchmakingComplete' Delegate
is fired when Matchmaking is complete. This provides a bool specifying whether the process was
successful and the Name of the Session to join in that case.
A Matchmaking action in process can be canceled by calling 'IOnlineSession::CancelMatchmaking()'
and passing it the Controller Number of the Player and the SessionName that
was passed to the call to start Matchmaking in the first place.
The 'OnCancelMatchmakingCompletedelegate' is fired when the cancel operation is completed.
Following and Inviting Friends On platforms that support the concept of Friends, Players can follow Friends into a Session
or invite Friends to join them in a Session.
Following a Friend into a Session is done by calling 'IOnlineSession:FindFriendSession()' and
passing it the Number of the local Player that wants to join the Session
and the ID of the Friend already in the Session. The 'OnFindFriendSessionComplete' Delegate is fired
when the Session is found and it contains a SearchResult that can be used to join the Session.
A Player can also invite one or more Friends to join them in their current Session
using 'IOnlineSession::SendSessionInviteToFriend()' or 'IOnlineSession::SendSessionInviteToFriends()'
and passing in the Local Player Number, SessionName, and ID(s) of the Player(s) to be invited.
When a Friend accepts an invitation, the 'OnSessionInviteAccepted' Delegate
containing the SearchResult of the Session to join is fired.
How to Start a Multiplayer Game The easiest and straight forward way to start a Multiplayer Game
is to set the Number of Players, in the Play Drop-Down Menu,
to something higher than 1.
This will automatically create a network connection between Server
and Clients. So even if you start the Game in your Main-Menu Level
with Number of Players set to 2+, the Games will be connected!
This is always a network connection. It's NOT a local couch-coop
Multiplayer connection. This needs to be handled differently and
will NOT be covered at this point.
Advanced Settings Advanced Settings allow you to specify some more
options for the Play-Mode.
One of the categories lets you set Multiplayer Options:
The following table will explain the Multiplayer Options one by one.
Option | Description |
Number of Players | This option defines the number of players to spawn in the game when launched. The editor and listen server count as players, a dedicated server will not. Clients make up the remainder of players. |
Server Game Options | Here you can specify additional options that will be passed to the server as URL parameters. |
Run Dedicated Server | If checked, a separate dedicated server will be launched. Otherwise the first player will act as a listen server that all other players can connect to. |
Auto Connect To Server |
Controls, if the Game should directly connect the Clients to the Server. Means, when you just want to test Gameplay, you can check it and not care about setting up a Menu for connecting. Other way round, if you have the Menu, you might want to deactivate the boolean. |
Route 1st Gamepad to 2nd Client |
When running multiple player windows in a single process, this option determines how the game pad input get routed. If unchecked (default) the 1st game pad is attached to the 1st window, 2nd to the 2nd window, and so on. If it is checked, the 1st game pad goes to the 2nd window. The 1st window can then be controlled by keyboard/mouse, which is convenient if two people are testing on the same computer. |
Use Single Process | This spawns multiple player windows in a single instance of Unreal Engine 4. This will load much faster, but has potential to have more issues. When this is unchecked, additional options become available. |
Create Audio Device for Every Player |
Enabling this will allow rendering accurate audio from every player's perspective but will use more CPU. |
Play in Editor Description |
This is a description of what will occur when playing based on the currently applied Multiplayer settings. |
Use Single Process When Use Single Process is checked, multiple windows
are spawned in a single instance of Unreal Engine 4.
When this option is unchecked, multiple instances
of UE4 will be launched for each player that is
assigned and additional options become available.
Option | Description |
Editor Multiplayer Mode |
This is the NetMode to use for Play In Editor (Play Offline, Play As Listen Server or Play As Client). |
Command Line Arguments |
Here you can assign additional command line options that will be passed to standalone game instances. |
Multiplayer Window Size (in pixels) |
Define the width/height to use when spawning additional standalone game instances. |
Run as Dedicated Server
Without checking “Run Dedicated Server” the first
Client will be a Listen-Server.
On the other hand, when marking it as TRUE,
all Players will be Clients.
Start and Connect to a Server
The Subsystem and Session Chapter already explained how to setup a Session/Server
via the Session System, but what about normal starting and connecting via IP? Pretty easy!
Start a Server
To start the Server, without the Session System, you simply use the 'OpenLevel' Node
and pass it the 'Level Name' and the 'listen' Option. You can also pass more Options,
separated by a '?', which can be retrieved in the GameMode Class as explained.
A Dedicated Server, without Session System, already starts on the correct map,
which you can specify in the 'Maps&Nodes' Tab of your Project Settings.
Connect to a Server
To connect to a Server, you simply use the 'Execute Console
Command' Node with the Command 'open IPADDRESS', where
'IPADDRESS' is replaced by the actual IPADRESS of the Server.
This can be filled in through a Widget Text-Box, for example.
Similar to Blueprints, you can use these two functions, that have the same result as the Blueprint Nodes.
Start a Server
UGameplayStatics::OpenLevel(GetWorld(), “LevelName”, true, “listen”);
Connect to a Server
// Assuming you are not already in the PlayerController (if you are, just call ClientTravel directly) APlayerController* PlayerController = UGameplayStatics::GetPlayerController(GetWorld(), 0); PlayerController->ClientTravel(“IPADDRESS”, ETravelType::TRAVEL_Absolute);
Starting via Command Line
Basic command lines (these commands use the editor and therefore
don't require cooked data):
Type | Command |
Listen Server | UE4Editor.exe ProjectName MapName?Listen -game |
Dedicated Server | UE4Editor.exe ProjectName MapName -server -game -log |
Client | UE4Editor.exe ProjectName ServerIP -game |
Note: Dedicated Servers are headless by default.
If you don't use “-log”, you won't see any window to present the Dedicated Server!
Connection Process
When a new Client connects for the first time, a few things happen:
First, the Client will send a request to the Server to connect.
The Server will process this request, and if the Server doesn't deny the connection,
will send a response back to the Client, with proper information to proceed.
The following page will show the major steps of the connection
process. This is a direct extract from the official Documentation.
The major steps are
1. Client sends a connect request.
2. If the Server accepts, it will send the current map
3. The Server will wait for the Client to load this map
4. Once loaded, the Server will then locally call “AGameMode::PreLogin”
• This will give the GameMode a chance to reject the connection
5. If accepted, the Server will then call “AGameMode::Login”
• The role of this function is to create a PlayerController, which will then be replicated
to the newly connected Client. Once received, this PlayerController will replace the
clients temporary PlayerController that was used as a
placeholder during the connection process
• Note that “APlayerController::BeginPlay” will be called here.
It should be noted that it is NOT yet safe to call RPC functions on this actor.
You should wait until “AGameMode::PostLogin” is called.
6. Assuming everything went well, “AGameMode::PostLogin” is called.
• At this point, it is safe for the Server to start calling RPC functions on this PlayerController.
That's it so far.
This might extend in the near future, but right now I feel like I covered a lot of
the basic and not so basic things for Multiplayer.
Hopefully this helped you to get started
with Multiplayer and Networking in Unreal Engine 4 and we will see some cool new
Multiplayer Games in the future!
*1: Despite my own knowledge, I used the official Documentation, as stated at the
beginning of the Compendium.
*2: The main network framework, as well as the two (recreated by myself) images
of the distribution of common classes is documented by 'Nuno Afonso'
and can be seen here: www.nafonso.com Thanks for this amazing page!
*3: Nearly all examples, Blueprint Pictures and C++ Code, are created by myself.
标题《Unreal Engine 4 Game Development in 24 Hours》以及描述中提供了有关该电子书的基础信息,也揭示了该书所涉及的核心知识点。这本书由Sams Teach Yourself出版,旨在在24小时内教会读者如何使用Unreal Engine...
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