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A simple scrolling UILabel for iPhone devs

  • iOS


    A simple, seamless scrolling for Vue.js vue无缝滚动component.zip

    Vue.js 是一个流行的前端JavaScript框架,它以组件化开发、易用性和高性能著称。"vue无缝滚动component"是一个专为Vue.js设计的组件,旨在为网页内容提供平滑、流畅的滚动体验,使得用户在浏览长列表或网格时感觉不...

    Scrolling credits for any VB project !

    标题 "Scrolling credits for any VB project !" 描述的是一个Visual Basic (VB)项目中的滚动字幕功能。在软件开发中,特别是在游戏或电影制作软件中,滚动字幕常常用于显示制作人员名单或者其他相关信息,给用户一...

    iphone 应用开发实例之scrolling

    【标题】:“iPhone应用开发实例之Scrolling” 在这个实例中,我们主要关注的是在iOS平台上使用Swift或Objective-C进行应用程序开发时,如何实现滚动视图(ScrollView)的功能。滚动视图是iPhone应用开发中非常常见...

    ios uilabel 跑马灯效果


    vue-seamless-scroll:A simple, seamless scrolling for Vue.js vue无缝滚动component

    vue-seamless-scroll Vue.js的简单无缝​​滚动 特征 初始配置支持 兼容多种平台 多技术堆栈版本支持 文献资料 要查看和文档,请访问 。 关怀 如果您希望js无缝滚动(无依赖关系),则可以切换到此处。...

    (0099)-iOS/iPhone/iPAD/iPod源代码-标签(Label)-Scrolling Marquee Label

    在本教程中,我们将探讨如何利用UILabel实现一个滚动字幕(Scrolling Marquee Label)的效果,这在制作通知、广告或者信息提示时非常有用。这个效果通常用于显示内容较长,但显示区域有限的场景,使得信息可以连续...

    CScrollHelper CScrollWnd

    Implementing standard scrolling behavior for a custom CWnd or CDialog-derived class using MFC is fairly non-trivial. There are at least 3 or 4 message handlers to write as well as a number of ...

    yet another smooth scrolling

    标题“yet another smooth scrolling”指的是一个Firefox浏览器的扩展插件,其主要功能是提供更平滑、更流畅的页面滚动体验。在描述中提到,这个插件的目标是为Firefox用户带来类似于Opera浏览器的平滑滚动效果,...

    6种基于js Scrolling的滚动面板

    "6种基于js Scrolling的滚动面板"是一个主题,它涵盖了使用JavaScript实现的多种滚动效果,这些效果可以增强用户体验,使网页更加生动和吸引人。下面我们将深入探讨这六个滚动面板的知识点。 1. **纯JavaScript滚动...

    Lyricify-App:A fantastic app to provide auto-scrolling lyrics for Spotify, iTunes, Music Center, QQ Music, and Netease Cloud Music. 一款为Spotify、iTunes、Music Center、QQ音乐、网易云音乐提供滚动歌词的软件

    A fantastic app to provide auto-scrolling lyrics for Spotify, iTunes, Music Center, QQ Music, and Netease Cloud Music. 一款为Spotify、iTunes、Music Center、QQ音乐、网易云音乐提供滚动歌词的软件。 ...


    Cocos2D-iPhone是 一个开源框架,利用它可以非常容易的在iPhone上开发2D游戏。它提供了物理,精灵(sprites),时差卷轴(parallax scrolling),支持iPhone touch和accelerator等很多功能。


    以下代码可解决这种卡顿的问题:-webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;,是因为这行代码启用了硬件加速特性,所以滑动很流畅。这个方法的确可以解决ios5.0、android4.0以后系统的滑动卡顿问题。 -webkit-overflow-...


    为了解决这一问题,一个名为“Automatic-Scrolling-Tabs113.zip”的谷歌插件应运而生。它不仅优化了用户阅读体验,还让长时间浏览网页变得更加轻松。 该插件的名称“Automatic-Scrolling-Tabs113”直观地描述了其...

    ComponentOne Studio for Silverlight 2013 v1

    Inspired by Microsoft Excel for creating bound and unbound grids and scrolling speed 10x faster than the competition, FlexGrid for Silverlight provides built-in printing, cell merging, column ...

    ComponentOne Studio for Silverlight 2013 v1 3/3

    Inspired by Microsoft Excel for creating bound and unbound grids and scrolling speed 10x faster than the competition, FlexGrid for Silverlight provides built-in printing, cell merging, column ...

    ComponentOne Studio for Silverlight 2013 v1 2/3

    Inspired by Microsoft Excel for creating bound and unbound grids and scrolling speed 10x faster than the competition, FlexGrid for Silverlight provides built-in printing, cell merging, column ...


    自动滚动Label.zip,Provides marquee like UILabel scrolling, think Music.app track title scrolling. For Obj-C & Swift.

    ComponentOne Studio for WPF2012 v3 1/3

    Inspired by Microsoft Excel for creating bound and unbound grids and scrolling speed 10x faster than the competition, FlexGrid for WPF provides built-in printing, cell merging, column aggregation, ...

    ComponentOne Studio for Silverlight 2012 v3 1/3

    Inspired by Microsoft Excel for creating bound and unbound grids and scrolling speed 10x faster than the competition, FlexGrid for Silverlight provides built-in printing, cell merging, column ...

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