Client can NOT call EJB direct, but through mediator
JMS in case of MDB(Message Driven Bean)
Container provides class implementing bean's interface: component interface & home interface
Instance of class implementing component interface is called EJBObject
client call EJB through two player: EJBObject & container
Things to remember - Inside a Bean
Do not directly read/write File Descriptor
Never try to obstain security policy of source code
Never use object substitute or subclass feature of java serializable protocol
Never pass this as parametor or return
Do not implement Bean as Server-like activity e.g. listener, multicasting on a socket
Never create/set/access classloader
Never set/create security manager
Never try to stop JVM
Never try to change input/output , error stream
Never try to set factory that is used by Server socket, and stream handle factory that is used by URL
start, stop, resume a thread
change priority of a thread
change name of a thread
Same Bean can not define two env entries with same name
Different Bean can defined same env entries with same name, as when they access from bean it get its own variable
EJB communicate with container through SessionContext & SessionBean Interface
Home interface has create() and remove() method, create() needs to be defined, but remove() is inherited from parent
Create method in EJB
StateFul |
StateLess |
declare |
mandatory, no argument method |
at least one create() is mandatory, e.g.
Bean instance creation |
create a new bean |
get bean from pooling |
Common property |
argument must be serializable, primitive |
argument must be serializable,primitive |
Remove method in EJB
Entity |
StateFul |
StateLess |
1. Remove(PrimaryKey)
2. Remove(Handle)
1 |
2. will remove instance |
2. no effect, will go back to pool
Common |
Contaner event, client can not call |
Contaner event, client can not call |
There is exactly one Object for each Session Bean Type, Multi EJBObject
e.g. 100 clients have 1 HomeInterface, but 100 EJbObject
method starting with ejbMethodA...() is container callback method
method can not throw RunTimeException(...)
isdential() method of EJBObject
stateful bean never been true
stateless bean return true, if referenced the client's handled by the same homeInterface
EjbObject are compared by isIdentical(), NOT equals()
EJBObject's remove() doesnt have argument, remove itself
HomeInterface's remove(...) has argument, as it needs argument to determine which one to remove
HomeLocalInterface does NOT have method for Handler & metaDate( in save JVM, information of method can be abtained from reflection)
Local HomeInterface doesn't have remove(handler), remove can be done directly call the LocalEJBOBject to remove itself
Remove sessionbean client can remove via RemoteHomeInterface & remote EJBObject
LocalHomeInterface can NOT be passed to remove call
In Bean method, dont declare throw RemoteException
setEntityContext and setSessionContext are used to setup sessionBean to interact with container
For stateful bean, when user call create(), createABC() in home Interface, EJB container will call ejbCreate() or ejbCreateABC() defined in session Bean respectively
EntityContext & SessionContext
One difference is that the entityContext has getPrimaryKey()
setSessionContext() can call two method of container: get Home Interface, and JNDI access
following method ejbCreate().
remove method call for statelss bean is ignored
Container will not passivate if session is in Transaction
remove is not call under:
time out in passivate state
bean throw exception
server crashes
Entity Bean
If can not find single entity, throw ObjectNotFoundException
If can not find group entity, return empty collection
For CMP, don't need write find method
For BMP, each findXXX method in Home Interface, must have a match ejbFindXXX in Bean Class
Home Interface can implement business logic which is not entity related
for each method, you are required to write ejbHomeXXX method in Bean
Each Bean Type has its own pool
Entity bean can only use ONLY CMT demartation, can NEVER use getUserTransaction method
Only difference between EntityContext & SessionContext is getPrimaryKey() defined in EntityContext
EJB Remote interface is closely related to RMI-IIOP protocol
Parameter passed into EJB method must be RMI-IIOP conpatible
EJB Object - Container generated Remote Interface Implementation
Local Object - Container generated local interface implementation
Home Object - Container generated home interface implementation
Loca home Object - Container generated local home interface implementation
System exception - Container will process it
Application excepton - should throw back to client/ the only exception for remote EJB thrown back is REMOTE or its subClass
EJB bean is called via EJB Object, thus if your bean calls another bean, you must pass reference to your bean's EJB Object rather than reference of your bean; Just like another client, everything must go through EJB Object
When bean is passivated, it might hold reference to container-implemented object, the following object will be passivated as well
EJB Object reference
Home Object reference
EJB context reference
JNDI naming context
Stateless can define a few overloaded ejbCreate(...)
Stateful can only define one empty ejbCreate()
The biggest difference between the stateful session bean and the other bean types is that stateful session beans don't use
instance pooling.
根据提供的文档内容,我们可以归纳出一系列关于SCBCD(Sun Certified Business Component Developer)考试准备的知识点。这份文档由作者周家帆撰写,并经过多次修订,最终版本为V1.0,发布日期为2009年8月10日。下面...
SCBCD,全称为Sun Certified Business Component Developer,是Oracle(原Sun Microsystems)公司推出的一门认证考试,旨在验证开发者在Java EE(Enterprise Edition)平台上构建企业级应用组件的能力。这门考试主要...
SCBCD是Sun Certified Business Component Developer的缩写,这是一个针对Java EE企业级应用开发的认证。这个"SCBCD-091资料"很可能是针对SCBCD认证考试的学习资源,可能包括讲义、练习题、模拟测试等,旨在帮助考生...
SCBCD Exam Study Kit Java Business Component Developer Certification for EJB.Jun.2005 sun认证材料
SCBCD simulator, includes about 300 questions and explanation
### SCBCD Summary知识点 #### 1. 实体管理器(EntityManager)与EJB版本兼容性 - **容器管理的实体管理器**:容器管理的`EntityManager`必须是JTA类型的实体管理器。这意味着在使用容器管理的实体管理器时,它会遵循...
### SCBCD 5.0 Study Guide:SUN EJB3.0认证考试知识点解析 #### 一、EJB3.0概述 **知识点1:EJB3.0技术的用途、优势及特性** - **用途与优势**:EJB(Enterprise JavaBeans)3.0是Java EE平台的核心组件之一,...
【310-091 SCBCD5 Sun Java】是Oracle公司早期针对Sun Microsystems的Java平台进行的一项专业认证考试,全称为"Sun Certified Business Component Developer for the Java EE 5 Platform"。这个认证主要测试开发者在...
包含了SCJP5.0\SCWCD1.4\SCBCD1.3\SCBCD5.0\SCDJWS1.4\SCDJWS5.0\SCEA5.0\IBM Test 255\IBM Test 257\IBM Test 287\IBM Test 733等众多英文版参考资料,考试必备,内含源码,本人特别贡献出来给大家,绝对物超所值!
SCBCD Exam Study Kit Java Business Component Developer Certification for EJB
确实,你也想通过Su n认证业务组件开发人员(SCBCD)考试,但不仅如此,你还需要真正把EJB用到实处。你要构建应用,要对付最后期限,如果通过考试之后第二天早上就把你学过的EJB知识忘得一干二净,你肯定会受不了。 ...
通过 SUN Java(SCJP、SCWCD、SCBCD)以及 Oracle OCA 等的认证。 > 斗鱼直播 > > B 站录播 沟通交流 Apache Dubbo开源讨论群”群的钉钉群号: 21973601 Spring Cloud Alibaba 开源讨论群”群的钉钉群号: ...
这本书由Oracle Corporation认证,为希望获得OCP(Oracle Certified Professional)和SCBCD(Sun Certified Business Component Developer)资格的开发者提供了详尽的教程和实战指导。 EJB是Java企业级应用开发的...
4. **SCBCD(Sun Certified Business Component Developer for Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition)** SCBCD专注于Java EE中的企业级组件,如EJB(Enterprise JavaBeans)。书籍可能讲解了EJB架构、实体Bean、...
3. **SCBCD**:Sun Certified Business Component Developer for the Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition,即Java商业组件开发员认证——企业级平台。 #### 二、JAVA职业发展路径 Java认证不仅是对个人技术能力...
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