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// forked from keim_at_Si's ABC ground
// The gradation colors are refered from psyrak's BumpyPlanet and nemu90kWw's 水平線.
// arrows or [wasd] to move, [shift/x/m] to accel.
package {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.events.*;
[SWF(width='465', height='465', backgroundColor='#103860', frameRate='30')]
public class main extends Sprite {
function main() {
// keyboard mapper
_key = new KeyMapper(stage);
// rendering engine
_shape3d.visible = false;
// background
_base.x = 232.5;
_base.y = 232.5;
_landscape.rotationX = -85;
_landscape.scaleX = 10;
_landscape.scaleY = 8;
_landscape.x = -1024-_base.x;
_landscape.y = 280-_base.y;
_landscape.z = 1800;
_sky.scaleX = 5;
_sky.scaleY = 5;
_sky.x = -1520-_base.x;
_sky.y = -1400-_base.y;
_sky.z = 1800;
// rendering layer
addChild(new Bitmap(_screen));
// initialize
_flyer = new Flyer(0, 0, 100);
_pitch = 0;
_roll = 0;
// event listener
addEventListener("enterFrame", _onEnterFrame);
private function _onEnterFrame(e:Event) : void {
// move
var inkey:int = _key.flag;
_roll += ((inkey & 1) - ((inkey & 4)>>2))*5 - _roll*0.1;
_pitch += (((inkey & 2)>>1) - ((inkey &>>3))*2 - _pitch*0.1;
_globalVel.z += 0.5 - _globalVel.z * ((inkey & 32) ? 0.03 : 0.06);
_globalVel.x = (_roll) * 0.1 - 0.5;
_base.rotationX = _pitch;
_base.rotationZ = _roll;
// update
// rendering
_screen.fillRect(_screen.rect, 0);
import flash.display.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import flash.events.*;
import flash.filters.*;
import mx.utils.Base64Decoder;
// internal variables
var _key:KeyMapper;
var _models:ModelManager = new ModelManager();
var _flyer:Flyer;
var _landscape:Landscape = new Landscape(256, 256);
var _sky:Sky = new Sky();
var _base:Sprite = new Sprite();
var _light:Light = new Light(-1,-1,-1);
var _shape3d:Shape3D = new Shape3D();
var _screen:BitmapData = new BitmapData(465, 465, true, 0);
var _mat2d:Matrix = new Matrix(1,0,0,1,232,232);
var _pitch:Number, _roll:Number, _globalVel:Vector3D = new Vector3D();
var _homingAbility:Number = 0.1;
// Key mapper
class KeyMapper {
public var flag:int = 0;
private var _mask:Vector.<int> = new Vector.<int>(256, true);
function KeyMapper(stage:Stage) : void {
stage.addEventListener("keyDown", function(e:KeyboardEvent):void { flag |= _mask[e.keyCode]; });
stage.addEventListener("keyUp", function(e:KeyboardEvent):void { flag &= ~(_mask[e.keyCode]); });
public function map(bit:int, ...args) : KeyMapper {
for (var i:int=0; i<args.length; i++) { _mask[args[i]] = 1<<bit; }
return this;
// Resource
class ModelManager {
public var mdlFlyer:Model;
public var mdlFire:Model;
public var texFire:Vector.<BitmapData> = new Vector.<BitmapData>(8, true);
private var _dec:Base64Decoder = new Base64Decoder();
private const SCALE:Number = 0.1;
function ModelManager() {
var i:int, vdata:String="", idata:String="", shp:Shape=new Shape(), mtx:Matrix=new Matrix();
// Flyer model
vdata += "iN94Art14Ar5234tF43zutz4Au503zwR4HwxNz4Awt030zN34Ar524ItF44Mu504MwR4IQwt04LiN94Aft73Yft93AtF43znt53Q";
vdata += "mt93AwR4HwvR6nmtN6nQvSB3mmuD4AmuF3gmuB3AiOD4AfuF3gfuB3AzN34A0SEIA0uAHm1N73w1N54A4eDYA4uAHz4t+324t94A";
vdata += "7OB4AhN734at73Aat53Iat53Yat534at74AVt73AVt53IVt53YVt73gWR73rVt/3AVuB3IVuB3YVt/3gWR/3rat/3AauB3IauB3Y";
vdata += "at/3gat/4AfuD3oiN94AUt6nQUt7XZUt7XGUt93cUt93DUuAHGUuAHZUuA3QWt93QWt93QiN94Aft74oft95AtF44Mnt54wmt95A";
vdata += "wR4IQvR6oZtN6owvSB4ZmuD4AmuF4gmuB5AiOD4AfuF4gfuB5AzN34A0SEIA0uAIZ1N74Q1N54A4eDYA4uAIM4t+4J4t94A7OB4A";
vdata += "hN74Iat75Aat544at54oat54Iat74AVt75AVt544Vt54oVt74gWR74UVt/5AVuB44VuB4oVt/4gWR/4Uat/5AauB44auB4oat/4g";
vdata += "fuD4YiN94AUt6owUt7YmUt7Y5Ut94jUt948UuAI5UuAImUuA4wWt94wWt94wbN/3AbN/2QZt/0gdV93AdV92AgB93AgB92AcN/0I";
vdata += "mt93AgB/3AgB/2AdV/3AdV/2Amt93AbN/5AbN/5wZt/7gdV95AdV96AgB95AgB96AcN/74mt95AgB/5AgB/6AdV/5AdV/6Amt95A";
vdata += "UN/1wat93AWV92YX193ASt/2AUt92gVN93ATt/24VN93AWB/3AX193Aat93AUN/6Qat95AWV95oX195ASt/6AUt95gVN95ATt/5I";
vdata += "VN95AWB/5AX195Aat95AWtj3IUtj3IVt53IVt53Qat53Iat53QWtj44Utj44Vt544Vt54wat544at54w"
idata += "AZEt5AWFl1AWHV2AVlVTAVlNSAU1RbAU1tcAbHt6AbHprAbX17AbXtsAcoB9Acn1tAcYGAAcYByAcH+BAcIFxAb35/Ab39wAanx+";
idata += "Aan5vAa3p8Aa3xqCfYCCCfYJ7CgoF/Cf36CCfnyCCfHqCCgnp7AbmkzAPXM4AFhMXAFBMXAT05SAUU5SAiIaFAhYaQAi4qRAiomR";
idata += "Ai5GOAjI2OAk5SWAnpSTAn5iZAn5eYAnJ+ZAnJuaAp6WkAo6qhAqKmmAo6GiAqKepApKmnAqaSgAoKKrAq6mgAsLGzArbavAsrW0";
idata += "ALSkQALC0QALg8pALS4pALzArAKi8rAMDEsAKzAsAMy4tAMjMtANzgzAMjczAOTo1ANDk1AOjs2ANTo2AOzw3ANjs3APD04ANzw4";
idata += "AYGFdAXGBdAXWFiAXl1iAXFtfAYFxfATEtmAZUxmAS2RoAZ0toAZEppAaGRpAZWZrAamVrAZmdsAa2ZsAaGluAbWhuAbW5zAcm1z";
idata += "Ab3B1AdG91AcHF2AdXB2AcXJ3AdnF3AcnM9Ad3I9Adnd4AWHZ4APVd4Adz14AWUxlAdFllAdGVqAb3RqCg4KACgYOAAOHNuAMzhu";
idata += "Ah4iFAhIeFAiYqIAh4mIAi4aIAiouIAj5COAjY+OAkIaLAjpCLAhIWQAj4SQAkpOWAlZKWAlZaYAl5WYAlpSZAmJaZAm5yeAnZue";
idata += "AnJmUAnpyUAnZ6TAkp2TApaKgApKWgApaajAoqWjAp6imApaemArK6xAsKyxArq+yAsa6yAsbK0As7G0Aubu9AuLm9Aurm4AvLq4";
idata += "AvsPBAv77BAwr6/AwMK/"
mdlFlyer = _unpackModel(vdata, idata, [new Material(0xc0c0c0), new Material(0x203040), new Material(0xffc040)]);
// Fire billboard
for (i=0; i<8; i++) {
texFire[i] = new BitmapData(32, 32, true, 0);
shp.graphics.beginGradientFill(GradientType.RADIAL, [0x80c0f0, 0x80c0f0], [0,0.5-i*0.05], [0,255], mtx);
mdlFire = new Model(Vector.<Number>([-1,-1,0,-1,1,0,1,-1,0,1,1,0]), Vector.<Number>([0,0,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,1,1,0]));
private function _unpackModel(vdata:String, idata:String, materials:Array) : Model {
var i:int, ui:uint, model:Model = new Model(null, null, Vector.<Material>(materials));
for (i=0; i<vdata.length; i+=5) {
_dec.decode(vdata.substr(i, 5) + "A==");
ui = (_dec.toByteArray().readUnsignedInt())>>2;
model.vertices.push(((ui&1023)-512)*SCALE, (((ui>>10)&1023)-512)*SCALE, (((ui>>20)&1023)-512)*SCALE);
for (i=0; i<idata.length; i+=5) {
_dec.decode(idata.substr(i, 5) + "A==");
ui = (_dec.toByteArray().readUnsignedInt())>>2;
model.face(ui&255, (ui>>8)&255, (ui>>16)&255, (ui>>24)&63);
return model;
// Background
class Sky extends Shape {
// This color gradation is refered from nemu90kWw's 水平線
// http://wonderfl.kayac.com/code/2b527a2efe155b7f69330822a3c7f7733ab6ea7e
public var gradation:* = {
color:[0x103860, 0x4070B8, 0x60B0E0, 0xD0F0F0, 0x0033c0, 0x0033c0],
alpha:[100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 0], ratio:[0, 128, 192, 216, 224, 255]
function Sky() {
var mat:Matrix = new Matrix();
mat.createGradientBox(700, 380, Math.PI/2);
graphics.beginGradientFill("linear", gradation.color, gradation.alpha, gradation.ratio, mat);
graphics.drawRect(0, 0, 700, 380);
class Landscape extends Bitmap {
// This color gradation is refered from psyrak's BumpyPlanet
// http://wonderfl.kayac.com/code/d79cd85845773958620f42cb3e6cb363c2020c73
public var gradation:* = {
color:[0x000080, 0x0066ff, 0xcc9933, 0x00cc00, 0x996600, 0xffffff],
alpha:[100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100], ratio:[0, 96, 96, 128, 168, 192]
public var pixels:BitmapData, texture:BitmapData, rect:Rectangle;
function Landscape(w:int, h:int) {
texture = new BitmapData(w*2, h*2, false, 0);
pixels = new BitmapData(w, h, false, 0);
rect = new Rectangle(0, 0, w, h);
// height map
var hmap:BitmapData = new BitmapData(w, h, false, 0);
hmap.perlinNoise(w*0.5, h*0.5, 10, Math.random()*0xffffffff, true, false, 0, true);
hmap.colorTransform(hmap.rect, new ColorTransform(1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1, -64, -64, -64, 0));
// texture
var mapR:Array=new Array(256), mapG:Array=new Array(256), mapB:Array=new Array(256);
var gmap:BitmapData = new BitmapData(256,1,false,0), render:Shape = new Shape(), mat:Matrix = new Matrix();
render.graphics.beginGradientFill("linear", gradation.color, gradation.alpha, gradation.ratio, mat);
for (var i:int=0; i<256; i++) {
var col:uint = gmap.getPixel(i, 0);
mapR[i] = col & 0xff0000;
mapG[i] = col & 0x00ff00;
mapB[i] = col & 0x0000ff;
texture.paletteMap(hmap, hmap.rect, hmap.rect.topLeft, mapR, mapG, mapB);
// shading
var smap:BitmapData = new BitmapData(w, h, false, 0);
smap.applyFilter(hmap, hmap.rect, hmap.rect.topLeft, new ConvolutionFilter(3,3,[-1,-1,0,-1,0,1,0,1,1],1,0,true,true));
texture.draw(smap, null, new ColorTransform(4, 4, 4, 1, 160, 160, 160, 0), "multiply");
// copy 2x2
pt.x = w; pt.y = h; texture.copyPixels(texture, hmap.rect, pt);
pt.x = 0; pt.y = h; texture.copyPixels(texture, hmap.rect, pt);
pt.x = w; pt.y = 0; texture.copyPixels(texture, hmap.rect, pt);
pt.x = 0; pt.y = 0;
private var pt:Point = new Point();
public function update() : void {
rect.x = (int(rect.x-_globalVel.x)) & (pixels.width-1);
rect.y = (int(rect.y-_globalVel.z)) & (pixels.height-1);
pixels.copyPixels(texture, rect, pt);
// Flyer
class Flyer {
public var p:Vector3D, v:Vector3D, a:Vector3D, mdlFlyer:Model, mdlFire:Model;
private var _afterBurner:Boolean = false;
function Flyer(x:Number, y:Number, z:Number) : void {
p = new Vector3D(x, y, z);
v = new Vector3D();
a = new Vector3D();
mdlFlyer = _models.mdlFlyer;
mdlFire = _models.mdlFire;
public function update() : void {
var inkey:int = _key.flag;
a.x = ((inkey & 1) - ((inkey & 4)>>2))*1.2;
a.y = (((inkey & 2)>>1) - ((inkey &>>3))*0.8;
v.x = v.x * 0.8 - p.x*0.05;
v.y = v.y * 0.8 - p.y*0.05;
_afterBurner = Boolean(inkey & 32);
p.x += v.x + a.x * 0.5;
p.y += v.y + a.y * 0.5;
v.x += a.x;
v.y += a.y;
public function render() : void {
.translate(p.x, p.y+10, p.z).rotateZ(v.x*6-_roll*0.5).rotateY(v.x*3).rotateX(v.y*-4)
_screen.draw(_shape3d, _mat2d);
var scale:Number = (_afterBurner) ? 1.7 : 1.5,
length:Number = (_afterBurner) ? 1.5 : 1.0,
for (var i:int=0; i<8; i++) {
rand = scale*(0.9+Math.random()*0.1);
.translate(-4.8, -0.9, -18.1-i*length).scale(rand, rand, 1)
_screen.draw(_shape3d, _mat2d, null, "add");
.translate(4.8, -0.9, -18.1-i*length).scale(rand, rand, 1)
_screen.draw(_shape3d, _mat2d, null, "add");
// 3D Engine
/** 3D Shape */
class Shape3D extends Shape {
/** model view matrix */
public var matrix:Matrix3D;
private var _modelProjected:Model = null;
private var _facesProjected:Vector.<Face> = new Vector.<Face>();
private var _vertexOnWorld:Vector.<Number> = new Vector.<Number>();
private var _vout:Vector.<Number> = new Vector.<Number>();
private var _projectionMatrix:Matrix3D;
private var _matrixStac:Vector.<Matrix3D> = new Vector.<Matrix3D>();
private var _cmdTriangle:Vector.<int> = Vector.<int>([1,2,2]);
private var _cmdQuadrangle:Vector.<int> = Vector.<int>([1,2,2,2]);
private var _data:Vector.<Number> = new Vector.<Number>(8, true);
/** constructor */
function Shape3D(focus:Number=300) {
var projector:PerspectiveProjection = new PerspectiveProjection()
projector.focalLength = focus;
_projectionMatrix = projector.toMatrix3D();
matrix = new Matrix3D();
_matrixStac.length = 1;
_matrixStac[0] = matrix;
/** push matrix */
public function pushMatrix() : Shape3D { _matrixStac.push(matrix.clone()); return this; }
/** pop matrix */
public function popMatrix() : Shape3D { matrix = (_matrixStac.length == 1) ? matrix : _matrixStac.pop(); return this; }
/** translate */
public function translate(x:Number, y:Number, z:Number) : Shape3D { matrix.prependTranslation(x, y, z); return this; }
/** scale */
public function scale(x:Number, y:Number, z:Number) : Shape3D { matrix.prependScale(x, y, z); return this; }
/** rotate */
public function rotate(angle:Number, axis:Vector3D) : Shape3D { matrix.prependRotation(angle, axis); return this; }
public function rotateX(angle:Number) : Shape3D { matrix.prependRotation(angle, Vector3D.X_AXIS); return this; }
public function rotateY(angle:Number) : Shape3D { matrix.prependRotation(angle, Vector3D.Y_AXIS); return this; }
public function rotateZ(angle:Number) : Shape3D { matrix.prependRotation(angle, Vector3D.Z_AXIS); return this; }
/** project */
public function project(model:Model) : Shape3D {
var i0x3:int, i1x3:int, i2x3:int, x01:Number, x02:Number, y01:Number, y02:Number, z01:Number, z02:Number,
viewx:Number, viewy:Number, viewz:Number;
matrix.transformVectors(model.vertices, _vertexOnWorld);
_facesProjected.length = 0;
var vertices:Vector.<Number> = _vertexOnWorld;
for each (var face:Face in model.faces) {
i0x3 = (face.i0<<1) + face.i0;
i1x3 = (face.i1<<1) + face.i1;
i2x3 = (face.i2<<1) + face.i2;
face.x = (vertices[i0x3] + vertices[i1x3] + vertices[i2x3]) * 0.333333333333;
x01 = vertices[i1x3] - vertices[i0x3];
x02 = vertices[i2x3] - vertices[i0x3];
i0x3++; i1x3++; i2x3++;
face.y = (vertices[i0x3] + vertices[i1x3] + vertices[i2x3]) * 0.333333333333;
y01 = vertices[i1x3] - vertices[i0x3];
y02 = vertices[i2x3] - vertices[i0x3];
i0x3++; i1x3++; i2x3++;
face.z = (vertices[i0x3] + vertices[i1x3] + vertices[i2x3]) * 0.333333333333;
z01 = vertices[i1x3] - vertices[i0x3];
z02 = vertices[i2x3] - vertices[i0x3];
face.normal.z = x02*y01 - x01*y02;
face.normal.x = y02*z01 - y01*z02;
face.normal.y = z02*x01 - z01*x02;
if (face.x * face.normal.x + face.y * face.normal.y + face.z * face.normal.z <= 0) {
_facesProjected.sort(function(f1:Face, f2:Face) : Number { return f2.z - f1.z; });
_modelProjected = model;
return this;
/** render solid */
public function renderSolid(light:Light) : Shape3D {
var idx:int, mat:Material, materials:Vector.<Material> = _modelProjected.materials;
Utils3D.projectVectors(_projectionMatrix, _vertexOnWorld, _vout, _modelProjected.texCoord);
for each (var face:Face in _facesProjected) {
mat = materials[face.mat];
graphics.beginFill(mat.getColor(light, face.normal), mat.alpha);
idx = face.i0<<1;
_data[0] = _vout[idx]; idx++;
_data[1] = _vout[idx];
idx = face.i1<<1;
_data[2] = _vout[idx]; idx++;
_data[3] = _vout[idx];
idx = face.i2<<1;
_data[4] = _vout[idx]; idx++;
_data[5] = _vout[idx];
graphics.drawPath(_cmdTriangle, _data);
return this;
/** render with texture */
public function renderTexture(texture:BitmapData) : Shape3D {
var idx:int, mat:Material;
Utils3D.projectVectors(_projectionMatrix, _vertexOnWorld, _vout, _modelProjected.texCoord);
graphics.beginBitmapFill(texture, null, false, true);
graphics.drawTriangles(_vout, _modelProjected.indices, _modelProjected.texCoord);
return this;
/** Face */
class Face {
public var i0:int, i1:int, i2:int, i3:int, mat:int, x:Number, y:Number, z:Number, normal:Vector3D = new Vector3D();
static private var _freeList:Vector.<Face> = new Vector.<Face>();
static public function alloc() : Face { return _freeList.pop() || new Face(); }
static public function free(face:Face) : void { _freeList.push(face); }
/** Model */
class Model {
public var materials:Vector.<Material>; // material list
public var vertices:Vector.<Number>; // vertex
public var texCoord:Vector.<Number>; // texture coordinate
public var faces:Vector.<Face> = new Vector.<Face>(); // face list
private var _indices:Vector.<int> = new Vector.<int>(); // temporary index list
/** indices as Vector.<int> */
public function get indices() : Vector.<int> {
_indices.length = 0;
for each (var face:Face in faces) { _indices.push(face.i0, face.i1, face.i2); }
return _indices;
/** constructor */
function Model(vertices:Vector.<Number>=null, texCoord:Vector.<Number>=null, materials:Vector.<Material>=null) {
this.vertices = vertices || new Vector.<Number>();
this.texCoord = texCoord || new Vector.<Number>();
this.materials = materials || Vector.<Material>([new Material()]);
/** clear */
public function clear() : Model {
for each (var face:Face in faces) Face.free(face);
faces.length = 0;
return this;
/** register face */
public function face(i0:int, i1:int, i2:int, mat:int=0) : Model {
var face:Face = Face.alloc();
face.i0 = i0;
face.i1 = i1;
face.i2 = i2;
face.mat = mat;
return this;
/** Light */
class Light {
private var _direction:Vector3D = new Vector3D();
private var _halfVector:Vector3D = new Vector3D();
public function get direction() : Vector3D { return _direction; }
public function get halfVector() : Vector3D { return _halfVector; }
/** constructor (set position) */
function Light(x:Number=1, y:Number=1, z:Number=1) { setPosition(x, y, z); }
/** set position */
public function setPosition(x:Number, y:Number, z:Number) : void {
_direction.x = x;
_direction.y = y;
_direction.z = z;
_halfVector.x = _direction.x;
_halfVector.y = _direction.y;
_halfVector.z = _direction.z + 1;
/** Material */
class Material {
public var colorTable:BitmapData = new BitmapData(256,256,false);
public var alpha:Number = 1;
private var _nega_filter:int = 0;
/** constructor */
function Material(color:uint=0xc0c0c0, alpha:Number=1.0) { setColor(color, alpha); }
/** set color. */
public function setColor(color:uint, alpha:Number= 1.0,
amb:int=64, dif:int=192, spc:int=0, pow:Number=8,
emi:int=0, doubleSided:Boolean=false) : Material
var i:int, r:int, c:int, rc:Rectangle;
var lightTable:BitmapData = new BitmapData(256, 256, false);
// color/alpha
colorTable.fillRect(colorTable.rect, color);
this.alpha = alpha;
// ambient/diffusion/emittance
var ea:Number = (256-emi)*0.00390625, eb:Number = emi*0.5;
r = dif - amb;
rc = new Rectangle(0, 0, 1, 256);
for (i=0; i<256; ++i) {
rc.x = i;
lightTable.fillRect(rc, (((i*r)>>8)+amb)*0x10101);
colorTable.draw(lightTable, null, new ColorTransform(ea,ea,ea,1,eb,eb,eb,0), BlendMode.HARDLIGHT);
// specular/power
if (spc > 0) {
rc = new Rectangle(0, 0, 256, 1);
for (i=0; i<256; ++i) {
rc.y = i;
c = int(Math.pow(i*0.0039215686, pow)*spc);
lightTable.fillRect(rc, ((c<255)?c:255)*0x10101);
colorTable.draw(lightTable, null, null, BlendMode.ADD);
// double side
_nega_filter = (doubleSided) ? -1 : 0;
return this;
/** calculate color by light and normal vector. */
public function getColor(light:Light, normal:Vector3D) : uint {
var dir:Vector3D = light.direction, hv:Vector3D = light.halfVector;
var ln:int = int((dir.x * normal.x + dir.y * normal.y + dir.z * normal.z)*255),
hn:int = int((hv.x * normal.x + hv.y * normal.y + hv.z * normal.z)*255);
if (ln<0) ln = (-ln) & _nega_filter;
if (hn<0) hn = (-hn) & _nega_filter;
return colorTable.getPixel(ln, hn);
// forked from keim_at_Si's ABC ground
// The gradation colors are refered from psyrak's BumpyPlanet and nemu90kWw's 水平線.
// arrows or [wasd] to move, [shift/x/m] to accel.
package {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.events.*;
[SWF(width='465', height='465', backgroundColor='#103860', frameRate='30')]
public class main extends Sprite {
function main() {
// keyboard mapper
_key = new KeyMapper(stage);
// rendering engine
_shape3d.visible = false;
// background
_base.x = 232.5;
_base.y = 232.5;
_landscape.rotationX = -85;
_landscape.scaleX = 10;
_landscape.scaleY = 8;
_landscape.x = -1024-_base.x;
_landscape.y = 280-_base.y;
_landscape.z = 1800;
_sky.scaleX = 5;
_sky.scaleY = 5;
_sky.x = -1520-_base.x;
_sky.y = -1400-_base.y;
_sky.z = 1800;
// rendering layer
addChild(new Bitmap(_screen));
// initialize
_flyer = new Flyer(0, 0, 100);
_pitch = 0;
_roll = 0;
// event listener
addEventListener("enterFrame", _onEnterFrame);
private function _onEnterFrame(e:Event) : void {
// move
var inkey:int = _key.flag;
_roll += ((inkey & 1) - ((inkey & 4)>>2))*5 - _roll*0.1;
_pitch += (((inkey & 2)>>1) - ((inkey &>>3))*2 - _pitch*0.1;
_globalVel.z += 0.5 - _globalVel.z * ((inkey & 32) ? 0.03 : 0.06);
_globalVel.x = (_roll) * 0.1 - 0.5;
_base.rotationX = _pitch;
_base.rotationZ = _roll;
// update
// rendering
_screen.fillRect(_screen.rect, 0);
import flash.display.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import flash.events.*;
import flash.filters.*;
import mx.utils.Base64Decoder;
// internal variables
var _key:KeyMapper;
var _models:ModelManager = new ModelManager();
var _flyer:Flyer;
var _landscape:Landscape = new Landscape(256, 256);
var _sky:Sky = new Sky();
var _base:Sprite = new Sprite();
var _light:Light = new Light(-1,-1,-1);
var _shape3d:Shape3D = new Shape3D();
var _screen:BitmapData = new BitmapData(465, 465, true, 0);
var _mat2d:Matrix = new Matrix(1,0,0,1,232,232);
var _pitch:Number, _roll:Number, _globalVel:Vector3D = new Vector3D();
var _homingAbility:Number = 0.1;
// Key mapper
class KeyMapper {
public var flag:int = 0;
private var _mask:Vector.<int> = new Vector.<int>(256, true);
function KeyMapper(stage:Stage) : void {
stage.addEventListener("keyDown", function(e:KeyboardEvent):void { flag |= _mask[e.keyCode]; });
stage.addEventListener("keyUp", function(e:KeyboardEvent):void { flag &= ~(_mask[e.keyCode]); });
public function map(bit:int, ...args) : KeyMapper {
for (var i:int=0; i<args.length; i++) { _mask[args[i]] = 1<<bit; }
return this;
// Resource
class ModelManager {
public var mdlFlyer:Model;
public var mdlFire:Model;
public var texFire:Vector.<BitmapData> = new Vector.<BitmapData>(8, true);
private var _dec:Base64Decoder = new Base64Decoder();
private const SCALE:Number = 0.1;
function ModelManager() {
var i:int, vdata:String="", idata:String="", shp:Shape=new Shape(), mtx:Matrix=new Matrix();
// Flyer model
vdata += "iN94Art14Ar5234tF43zutz4Au503zwR4HwxNz4Awt030zN34Ar524ItF44Mu504MwR4IQwt04LiN94Aft73Yft93AtF43znt53Q";
vdata += "mt93AwR4HwvR6nmtN6nQvSB3mmuD4AmuF3gmuB3AiOD4AfuF3gfuB3AzN34A0SEIA0uAHm1N73w1N54A4eDYA4uAHz4t+324t94A";
vdata += "7OB4AhN734at73Aat53Iat53Yat534at74AVt73AVt53IVt53YVt73gWR73rVt/3AVuB3IVuB3YVt/3gWR/3rat/3AauB3IauB3Y";
vdata += "at/3gat/4AfuD3oiN94AUt6nQUt7XZUt7XGUt93cUt93DUuAHGUuAHZUuA3QWt93QWt93QiN94Aft74oft95AtF44Mnt54wmt95A";
vdata += "wR4IQvR6oZtN6owvSB4ZmuD4AmuF4gmuB5AiOD4AfuF4gfuB5AzN34A0SEIA0uAIZ1N74Q1N54A4eDYA4uAIM4t+4J4t94A7OB4A";
vdata += "hN74Iat75Aat544at54oat54Iat74AVt75AVt544Vt54oVt74gWR74UVt/5AVuB44VuB4oVt/4gWR/4Uat/5AauB44auB4oat/4g";
vdata += "fuD4YiN94AUt6owUt7YmUt7Y5Ut94jUt948UuAI5UuAImUuA4wWt94wWt94wbN/3AbN/2QZt/0gdV93AdV92AgB93AgB92AcN/0I";
vdata += "mt93AgB/3AgB/2AdV/3AdV/2Amt93AbN/5AbN/5wZt/7gdV95AdV96AgB95AgB96AcN/74mt95AgB/5AgB/6AdV/5AdV/6Amt95A";
vdata += "UN/1wat93AWV92YX193ASt/2AUt92gVN93ATt/24VN93AWB/3AX193Aat93AUN/6Qat95AWV95oX195ASt/6AUt95gVN95ATt/5I";
vdata += "VN95AWB/5AX195Aat95AWtj3IUtj3IVt53IVt53Qat53Iat53QWtj44Utj44Vt544Vt54wat544at54w"
idata += "AZEt5AWFl1AWHV2AVlVTAVlNSAU1RbAU1tcAbHt6AbHprAbX17AbXtsAcoB9Acn1tAcYGAAcYByAcH+BAcIFxAb35/Ab39wAanx+";
idata += "Aan5vAa3p8Aa3xqCfYCCCfYJ7CgoF/Cf36CCfnyCCfHqCCgnp7AbmkzAPXM4AFhMXAFBMXAT05SAUU5SAiIaFAhYaQAi4qRAiomR";
idata += "Ai5GOAjI2OAk5SWAnpSTAn5iZAn5eYAnJ+ZAnJuaAp6WkAo6qhAqKmmAo6GiAqKepApKmnAqaSgAoKKrAq6mgAsLGzArbavAsrW0";
idata += "ALSkQALC0QALg8pALS4pALzArAKi8rAMDEsAKzAsAMy4tAMjMtANzgzAMjczAOTo1ANDk1AOjs2ANTo2AOzw3ANjs3APD04ANzw4";
idata += "AYGFdAXGBdAXWFiAXl1iAXFtfAYFxfATEtmAZUxmAS2RoAZ0toAZEppAaGRpAZWZrAamVrAZmdsAa2ZsAaGluAbWhuAbW5zAcm1z";
idata += "Ab3B1AdG91AcHF2AdXB2AcXJ3AdnF3AcnM9Ad3I9Adnd4AWHZ4APVd4Adz14AWUxlAdFllAdGVqAb3RqCg4KACgYOAAOHNuAMzhu";
idata += "Ah4iFAhIeFAiYqIAh4mIAi4aIAiouIAj5COAjY+OAkIaLAjpCLAhIWQAj4SQAkpOWAlZKWAlZaYAl5WYAlpSZAmJaZAm5yeAnZue";
idata += "AnJmUAnpyUAnZ6TAkp2TApaKgApKWgApaajAoqWjAp6imApaemArK6xAsKyxArq+yAsa6yAsbK0As7G0Aubu9AuLm9Aurm4AvLq4";
idata += "AvsPBAv77BAwr6/AwMK/"
mdlFlyer = _unpackModel(vdata, idata, [new Material(0xc0c0c0), new Material(0x203040), new Material(0xffc040)]);
// Fire billboard
for (i=0; i<8; i++) {
texFire[i] = new BitmapData(32, 32, true, 0);
shp.graphics.beginGradientFill(GradientType.RADIAL, [0x80c0f0, 0x80c0f0], [0,0.5-i*0.05], [0,255], mtx);
mdlFire = new Model(Vector.<Number>([-1,-1,0,-1,1,0,1,-1,0,1,1,0]), Vector.<Number>([0,0,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,1,1,0]));
private function _unpackModel(vdata:String, idata:String, materials:Array) : Model {
var i:int, ui:uint, model:Model = new Model(null, null, Vector.<Material>(materials));
for (i=0; i<vdata.length; i+=5) {
_dec.decode(vdata.substr(i, 5) + "A==");
ui = (_dec.toByteArray().readUnsignedInt())>>2;
model.vertices.push(((ui&1023)-512)*SCALE, (((ui>>10)&1023)-512)*SCALE, (((ui>>20)&1023)-512)*SCALE);
for (i=0; i<idata.length; i+=5) {
_dec.decode(idata.substr(i, 5) + "A==");
ui = (_dec.toByteArray().readUnsignedInt())>>2;
model.face(ui&255, (ui>>8)&255, (ui>>16)&255, (ui>>24)&63);
return model;
// Background
class Sky extends Shape {
// This color gradation is refered from nemu90kWw's 水平線
// http://wonderfl.kayac.com/code/2b527a2efe155b7f69330822a3c7f7733ab6ea7e
public var gradation:* = {
color:[0x103860, 0x4070B8, 0x60B0E0, 0xD0F0F0, 0x0033c0, 0x0033c0],
alpha:[100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 0], ratio:[0, 128, 192, 216, 224, 255]
function Sky() {
var mat:Matrix = new Matrix();
mat.createGradientBox(700, 380, Math.PI/2);
graphics.beginGradientFill("linear", gradation.color, gradation.alpha, gradation.ratio, mat);
graphics.drawRect(0, 0, 700, 380);
class Landscape extends Bitmap {
// This color gradation is refered from psyrak's BumpyPlanet
// http://wonderfl.kayac.com/code/d79cd85845773958620f42cb3e6cb363c2020c73
public var gradation:* = {
color:[0x000080, 0x0066ff, 0xcc9933, 0x00cc00, 0x996600, 0xffffff],
alpha:[100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100], ratio:[0, 96, 96, 128, 168, 192]
public var pixels:BitmapData, texture:BitmapData, rect:Rectangle;
function Landscape(w:int, h:int) {
texture = new BitmapData(w*2, h*2, false, 0);
pixels = new BitmapData(w, h, false, 0);
rect = new Rectangle(0, 0, w, h);
// height map
var hmap:BitmapData = new BitmapData(w, h, false, 0);
hmap.perlinNoise(w*0.5, h*0.5, 10, Math.random()*0xffffffff, true, false, 0, true);
hmap.colorTransform(hmap.rect, new ColorTransform(1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1, -64, -64, -64, 0));
// texture
var mapR:Array=new Array(256), mapG:Array=new Array(256), mapB:Array=new Array(256);
var gmap:BitmapData = new BitmapData(256,1,false,0), render:Shape = new Shape(), mat:Matrix = new Matrix();
render.graphics.beginGradientFill("linear", gradation.color, gradation.alpha, gradation.ratio, mat);
for (var i:int=0; i<256; i++) {
var col:uint = gmap.getPixel(i, 0);
mapR[i] = col & 0xff0000;
mapG[i] = col & 0x00ff00;
mapB[i] = col & 0x0000ff;
texture.paletteMap(hmap, hmap.rect, hmap.rect.topLeft, mapR, mapG, mapB);
// shading
var smap:BitmapData = new BitmapData(w, h, false, 0);
smap.applyFilter(hmap, hmap.rect, hmap.rect.topLeft, new ConvolutionFilter(3,3,[-1,-1,0,-1,0,1,0,1,1],1,0,true,true));
texture.draw(smap, null, new ColorTransform(4, 4, 4, 1, 160, 160, 160, 0), "multiply");
// copy 2x2
pt.x = w; pt.y = h; texture.copyPixels(texture, hmap.rect, pt);
pt.x = 0; pt.y = h; texture.copyPixels(texture, hmap.rect, pt);
pt.x = w; pt.y = 0; texture.copyPixels(texture, hmap.rect, pt);
pt.x = 0; pt.y = 0;
private var pt:Point = new Point();
public function update() : void {
rect.x = (int(rect.x-_globalVel.x)) & (pixels.width-1);
rect.y = (int(rect.y-_globalVel.z)) & (pixels.height-1);
pixels.copyPixels(texture, rect, pt);
// Flyer
class Flyer {
public var p:Vector3D, v:Vector3D, a:Vector3D, mdlFlyer:Model, mdlFire:Model;
private var _afterBurner:Boolean = false;
function Flyer(x:Number, y:Number, z:Number) : void {
p = new Vector3D(x, y, z);
v = new Vector3D();
a = new Vector3D();
mdlFlyer = _models.mdlFlyer;
mdlFire = _models.mdlFire;
public function update() : void {
var inkey:int = _key.flag;
a.x = ((inkey & 1) - ((inkey & 4)>>2))*1.2;
a.y = (((inkey & 2)>>1) - ((inkey &>>3))*0.8;
v.x = v.x * 0.8 - p.x*0.05;
v.y = v.y * 0.8 - p.y*0.05;
_afterBurner = Boolean(inkey & 32);
p.x += v.x + a.x * 0.5;
p.y += v.y + a.y * 0.5;
v.x += a.x;
v.y += a.y;
public function render() : void {
.translate(p.x, p.y+10, p.z).rotateZ(v.x*6-_roll*0.5).rotateY(v.x*3).rotateX(v.y*-4)
_screen.draw(_shape3d, _mat2d);
var scale:Number = (_afterBurner) ? 1.7 : 1.5,
length:Number = (_afterBurner) ? 1.5 : 1.0,
for (var i:int=0; i<8; i++) {
rand = scale*(0.9+Math.random()*0.1);
.translate(-4.8, -0.9, -18.1-i*length).scale(rand, rand, 1)
_screen.draw(_shape3d, _mat2d, null, "add");
.translate(4.8, -0.9, -18.1-i*length).scale(rand, rand, 1)
_screen.draw(_shape3d, _mat2d, null, "add");
// 3D Engine
/** 3D Shape */
class Shape3D extends Shape {
/** model view matrix */
public var matrix:Matrix3D;
private var _modelProjected:Model = null;
private var _facesProjected:Vector.<Face> = new Vector.<Face>();
private var _vertexOnWorld:Vector.<Number> = new Vector.<Number>();
private var _vout:Vector.<Number> = new Vector.<Number>();
private var _projectionMatrix:Matrix3D;
private var _matrixStac:Vector.<Matrix3D> = new Vector.<Matrix3D>();
private var _cmdTriangle:Vector.<int> = Vector.<int>([1,2,2]);
private var _cmdQuadrangle:Vector.<int> = Vector.<int>([1,2,2,2]);
private var _data:Vector.<Number> = new Vector.<Number>(8, true);
/** constructor */
function Shape3D(focus:Number=300) {
var projector:PerspectiveProjection = new PerspectiveProjection()
projector.focalLength = focus;
_projectionMatrix = projector.toMatrix3D();
matrix = new Matrix3D();
_matrixStac.length = 1;
_matrixStac[0] = matrix;
/** push matrix */
public function pushMatrix() : Shape3D { _matrixStac.push(matrix.clone()); return this; }
/** pop matrix */
public function popMatrix() : Shape3D { matrix = (_matrixStac.length == 1) ? matrix : _matrixStac.pop(); return this; }
/** translate */
public function translate(x:Number, y:Number, z:Number) : Shape3D { matrix.prependTranslation(x, y, z); return this; }
/** scale */
public function scale(x:Number, y:Number, z:Number) : Shape3D { matrix.prependScale(x, y, z); return this; }
/** rotate */
public function rotate(angle:Number, axis:Vector3D) : Shape3D { matrix.prependRotation(angle, axis); return this; }
public function rotateX(angle:Number) : Shape3D { matrix.prependRotation(angle, Vector3D.X_AXIS); return this; }
public function rotateY(angle:Number) : Shape3D { matrix.prependRotation(angle, Vector3D.Y_AXIS); return this; }
public function rotateZ(angle:Number) : Shape3D { matrix.prependRotation(angle, Vector3D.Z_AXIS); return this; }
/** project */
public function project(model:Model) : Shape3D {
var i0x3:int, i1x3:int, i2x3:int, x01:Number, x02:Number, y01:Number, y02:Number, z01:Number, z02:Number,
viewx:Number, viewy:Number, viewz:Number;
matrix.transformVectors(model.vertices, _vertexOnWorld);
_facesProjected.length = 0;
var vertices:Vector.<Number> = _vertexOnWorld;
for each (var face:Face in model.faces) {
i0x3 = (face.i0<<1) + face.i0;
i1x3 = (face.i1<<1) + face.i1;
i2x3 = (face.i2<<1) + face.i2;
face.x = (vertices[i0x3] + vertices[i1x3] + vertices[i2x3]) * 0.333333333333;
x01 = vertices[i1x3] - vertices[i0x3];
x02 = vertices[i2x3] - vertices[i0x3];
i0x3++; i1x3++; i2x3++;
face.y = (vertices[i0x3] + vertices[i1x3] + vertices[i2x3]) * 0.333333333333;
y01 = vertices[i1x3] - vertices[i0x3];
y02 = vertices[i2x3] - vertices[i0x3];
i0x3++; i1x3++; i2x3++;
face.z = (vertices[i0x3] + vertices[i1x3] + vertices[i2x3]) * 0.333333333333;
z01 = vertices[i1x3] - vertices[i0x3];
z02 = vertices[i2x3] - vertices[i0x3];
face.normal.z = x02*y01 - x01*y02;
face.normal.x = y02*z01 - y01*z02;
face.normal.y = z02*x01 - z01*x02;
if (face.x * face.normal.x + face.y * face.normal.y + face.z * face.normal.z <= 0) {
_facesProjected.sort(function(f1:Face, f2:Face) : Number { return f2.z - f1.z; });
_modelProjected = model;
return this;
/** render solid */
public function renderSolid(light:Light) : Shape3D {
var idx:int, mat:Material, materials:Vector.<Material> = _modelProjected.materials;
Utils3D.projectVectors(_projectionMatrix, _vertexOnWorld, _vout, _modelProjected.texCoord);
for each (var face:Face in _facesProjected) {
mat = materials[face.mat];
graphics.beginFill(mat.getColor(light, face.normal), mat.alpha);
idx = face.i0<<1;
_data[0] = _vout[idx]; idx++;
_data[1] = _vout[idx];
idx = face.i1<<1;
_data[2] = _vout[idx]; idx++;
_data[3] = _vout[idx];
idx = face.i2<<1;
_data[4] = _vout[idx]; idx++;
_data[5] = _vout[idx];
graphics.drawPath(_cmdTriangle, _data);
return this;
/** render with texture */
public function renderTexture(texture:BitmapData) : Shape3D {
var idx:int, mat:Material;
Utils3D.projectVectors(_projectionMatrix, _vertexOnWorld, _vout, _modelProjected.texCoord);
graphics.beginBitmapFill(texture, null, false, true);
graphics.drawTriangles(_vout, _modelProjected.indices, _modelProjected.texCoord);
return this;
/** Face */
class Face {
public var i0:int, i1:int, i2:int, i3:int, mat:int, x:Number, y:Number, z:Number, normal:Vector3D = new Vector3D();
static private var _freeList:Vector.<Face> = new Vector.<Face>();
static public function alloc() : Face { return _freeList.pop() || new Face(); }
static public function free(face:Face) : void { _freeList.push(face); }
/** Model */
class Model {
public var materials:Vector.<Material>; // material list
public var vertices:Vector.<Number>; // vertex
public var texCoord:Vector.<Number>; // texture coordinate
public var faces:Vector.<Face> = new Vector.<Face>(); // face list
private var _indices:Vector.<int> = new Vector.<int>(); // temporary index list
/** indices as Vector.<int> */
public function get indices() : Vector.<int> {
_indices.length = 0;
for each (var face:Face in faces) { _indices.push(face.i0, face.i1, face.i2); }
return _indices;
/** constructor */
function Model(vertices:Vector.<Number>=null, texCoord:Vector.<Number>=null, materials:Vector.<Material>=null) {
this.vertices = vertices || new Vector.<Number>();
this.texCoord = texCoord || new Vector.<Number>();
this.materials = materials || Vector.<Material>([new Material()]);
/** clear */
public function clear() : Model {
for each (var face:Face in faces) Face.free(face);
faces.length = 0;
return this;
/** register face */
public function face(i0:int, i1:int, i2:int, mat:int=0) : Model {
var face:Face = Face.alloc();
face.i0 = i0;
face.i1 = i1;
face.i2 = i2;
face.mat = mat;
return this;
/** Light */
class Light {
private var _direction:Vector3D = new Vector3D();
private var _halfVector:Vector3D = new Vector3D();
public function get direction() : Vector3D { return _direction; }
public function get halfVector() : Vector3D { return _halfVector; }
/** constructor (set position) */
function Light(x:Number=1, y:Number=1, z:Number=1) { setPosition(x, y, z); }
/** set position */
public function setPosition(x:Number, y:Number, z:Number) : void {
_direction.x = x;
_direction.y = y;
_direction.z = z;
_halfVector.x = _direction.x;
_halfVector.y = _direction.y;
_halfVector.z = _direction.z + 1;
/** Material */
class Material {
public var colorTable:BitmapData = new BitmapData(256,256,false);
public var alpha:Number = 1;
private var _nega_filter:int = 0;
/** constructor */
function Material(color:uint=0xc0c0c0, alpha:Number=1.0) { setColor(color, alpha); }
/** set color. */
public function setColor(color:uint, alpha:Number= 1.0,
amb:int=64, dif:int=192, spc:int=0, pow:Number=8,
emi:int=0, doubleSided:Boolean=false) : Material
var i:int, r:int, c:int, rc:Rectangle;
var lightTable:BitmapData = new BitmapData(256, 256, false);
// color/alpha
colorTable.fillRect(colorTable.rect, color);
this.alpha = alpha;
// ambient/diffusion/emittance
var ea:Number = (256-emi)*0.00390625, eb:Number = emi*0.5;
r = dif - amb;
rc = new Rectangle(0, 0, 1, 256);
for (i=0; i<256; ++i) {
rc.x = i;
lightTable.fillRect(rc, (((i*r)>>8)+amb)*0x10101);
colorTable.draw(lightTable, null, new ColorTransform(ea,ea,ea,1,eb,eb,eb,0), BlendMode.HARDLIGHT);
// specular/power
if (spc > 0) {
rc = new Rectangle(0, 0, 256, 1);
for (i=0; i<256; ++i) {
rc.y = i;
c = int(Math.pow(i*0.0039215686, pow)*spc);
lightTable.fillRect(rc, ((c<255)?c:255)*0x10101);
colorTable.draw(lightTable, null, null, BlendMode.ADD);
// double side
_nega_filter = (doubleSided) ? -1 : 0;
return this;
/** calculate color by light and normal vector. */
public function getColor(light:Light, normal:Vector3D) : uint {
var dir:Vector3D = light.direction, hv:Vector3D = light.halfVector;
var ln:int = int((dir.x * normal.x + dir.y * normal.y + dir.z * normal.z)*255),
hn:int = int((hv.x * normal.x + hv.y * normal.y + hv.z * normal.z)*255);
if (ln<0) ln = (-ln) & _nega_filter;
if (hn<0) hn = (-hn) & _nega_filter;
return colorTable.getPixel(ln, hn);
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2012-02-10 13:15 2323//禁止输入文本粘贴动作 private static ... -
2012-02-08 23:55 0package com.app.role.montions ... -
ColorMatrixFilter - 获得相应颜色的色调 函数
2012-02-08 23:03 0/**获得相应颜色的色调的滤镜**/ public sta ... -
[教程] 路点导航(Waypoint Navigation)
2011-12-31 00:51 0前言:这个不难,所以知道的童鞋不要喷,不知道的童鞋也不要怕,要 ... -
2011-12-31 00:48 00.整体结构 下载 (32.92 KB ... -
2011-12-27 17:55 0Flash_Rich_Text_Editor(完美的富文 ... -
2011-12-08 04:21 0弹弹堂测试弹弹堂测试 -
2011-11-28 17:42 0一些DEMO一些DEMO -
2011-11-10 01:09 1932http://bbs.9ria.com/viewt ... -
[心得] 完美解决as3在ie中初始化时stageWidth和stageHeight为0的问题
2011-11-03 00:46 2944先看下面的一段脚本,这是比较经典的初始化脚本: pa ... -
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2011-10-31 00:29 0服务器端ActionScript语言参考 -
Flash Player和Adobe AIR内部的垃圾回收机制
2011-10-29 22:37 0资讯类型: 翻译 来源页面: http://www.ad ...
总结,这个压缩包提供的“精品VR飞行游戏unity3D源码”是一个宝贵的学习资源,对于想要掌握Unity3D VR游戏开发的程序员来说,它是深入理解VR技术和游戏设计原理的实践案例。通过研究源码,开发者能够了解到如何将...
抖音很火的JavaScript旋转3D相册源码,修改了尺寸版。 抖音很火的JavaScript旋转3D相册源码,修改了尺寸版。 抖音很火的JavaScript旋转3D相册源码,修改了尺寸版。 抖音很火的JavaScript...
此资源为SweetHome3D 3.0版本的源码,基于Java 3D技术构建,这是一个用于构建3D图形应用程序的Java API。 Java 3D是Oracle公司提供的一个开源库,它构建在Java Foundation Classes (JFC) 和Java Advanced Imaging ...
Vue2.0+ThreeJs写的一个3D粮仓管理系统源码,该项目基于ThreeJs+Vue2.0+Vue-Element+Admin实现了3D粮仓管理系统。 Vue2.0+ThreeJs写的一个3D粮仓管理系统源码,该项目基于ThreeJs+Vue2.0+Vue-Element+Admin实现了...
本资源"unity 超酷3D飞机控制游戏完整源码.zip"提供了一个完整的3D飞机控制游戏项目,旨在帮助开发者学习和理解如何在Unity中创建具有高度交互性和真实感的游戏。 首先,我们要关注的是Unity3D引擎。Unity支持C#...
1. **3D坐标系统与视口管理**:程序需要建立一个3D坐标系来表示飞行环境,同时设置合适的视口,使用户能够看到飞行器和周围环境的3D视图。 2. **物理模拟**:模拟飞行的动态行为需要精确的物理计算,包括重力、空气...
VC++ 3D飞行测试源码,基于Opengl技术,编译程序后运行EXE,注意要将DEBUG目录中的EXE文件拷贝至根目录下,运行后即可看到在3D的地图上有一架战机在空中飞行,这在编写3D飞行射击游戏时候非常有用,可将此作为一个...
综上所述,“UnityFS - Flight Simulation Engine 1.04 飞机引擎.zip”是一个包含复杂飞行模拟逻辑和环境渲染的Unity3D源码项目,为游戏开发者和航空爱好者提供了深入学习和创新的平台。通过理解和利用这些源码,...
易语言源码易语言3D旋转源码.rar 易语言源码易语言3D旋转源码.rar 易语言源码易语言3D旋转源码.rar 易语言源码易语言3D旋转源码.rar 易语言源码易语言3D旋转源码.rar 易语言源码易语言3D旋转源码.rar易语言源码...
Open3D 0.9.0 源码包,包含完整第三方库,可直接编译
8. **学习资源**:“最新Asp.Net源码下载.url”是一个链接,可能是提供其他Asp.Net相关资源的网址,有助于扩展学习和研究。 通过分析这个源码,开发者可以深入理解Silverlight的图形渲染、网络通信、事件处理等机制...
标题 "6个顶级时尚的Web前端3D效果源码(六)" 提示我们这是一个关于Web前端开发的资源,特别是涉及到3D效果的实现。3D效果在现代网页设计中非常流行,它们能够为用户提供更加生动、立体的交互体验。在这一系列的...