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2010-05-05 星期三 雨


1. 自己结束自己(void pthread_exit(void *rval_ptr);)
2. 被同进程的其他线程取消掉(通过int pthread_cancel(pthread_t tid); 但是被通知线程可以选择如何处理这个通知。However, a thread can elect to ignore or otherwise control how it is canceled.)
A single thread can exit in three ways, thereby stopping its flow of control, without terminating the entire process. 
1.  The thread can simply return from the start routine. The return value is the thread's exit code.
2.  The thread can be canceled by another thread in the same process.
3.  The thread can call pthread_exit.


使用int pthread_join(pthread_t thread, void **rval_ptr);
The calling thread will block until the specified thread calls pthread_exit, returns from its start routine, or is canceled.
If we're not interested in a thread's return value, we can set rval_ptr to NULL. In this case, calling pthread_join allows us to wait for the specified thread, but does not retrieve the thread's termination status. 


A thread can arrange for functions to be called when it exits, similar to the way that the atexit function (Section 7.3) can be used by a process to arrange that functions can be called when the process exits. The functions are known as thread cleanup handlers. More than one cleanup handler can be established for a thread. The handlers are recorded in a stack, which means that they are executed in the reverse order from that with which they were registered. 
void pthread_cleanup_push(void (*rtn)(void *),  void *arg);
void pthread_cleanup_pop(int execute);


By now, you should begin to see similarities between the thread functions and the process functions. Figure 11.6 summarizes the similar functions.

Process primitive Thread primitive Description
fork pthread_create create a new flow of control
exit pthread_exit exit from an existing flow of control
waitpid pthread_join get exit status from flow of control
atexit pthread_cancel_push register function to be called at exit from flow of control
getpid pthread_self get ID for flow of control
abort pthread_cancel request abnormal termination of flow of control



If the modification is atomic, then there isn't a race. In the previous example, if the increment takes only one memory cycle, then no race exists. If our data always appears to be sequentially consistent, then we need no additional synchronization. Our operations are sequentially consistent when multiple threads can't observe inconsistencies in our data. In modern computer systems, memory accesses take multiple bus cycles, and multiprocessors generally interleave bus cycles among multiple processors, so we aren't guaranteed that our data is sequentially consistent. 

Besides the computer architecture, races can arise from the ways in which our programs use variables, creating places where it is possible to view inconsistencies. For example, we might increment a variable and then make a decision based on its value. The combination of the increment step and the decision-making step aren't atomic, so this opens a window where inconsistencies can arise. 


1. Mutexes(互斥锁)
We can protect our data and ensure access by only one thread at a time by using the pthreads mutual-exclusion interfaces. A mutex is basically a lock that we set (lock) before accessing a shared resource and release (unlock) when we're done. While it is set, any other thread that tries to set it will block until we release it. If more than one thread is blocked when we unlock the mutex, then all threads blocked on the lock will be made runnable, and the first one to run will be able to set the lock. The others will see that the mutex is still locked and go back to waiting for it to become available again. In this way, only one thread will proceed at a time. 
Using a mutex to protect a data structure
struct foo {
    int             f_count;
    pthread_mutex_t f_lock;
    /* ... more stuff here ... */
struct foo * foo_alloc(void) /* allocate the object */
    struct foo *fp;
    if ((fp = malloc(sizeof(struct foo))) != NULL) {
        fp->f_count = 1;
        if (pthread_mutex_init(&fp->f_lock, NULL) != 0) {
        /* ... continue initialization ... */

void foo_hold(struct foo *fp) /* add a reference to the object */

void foo_rele(struct foo *fp) /* release a reference to the object */
    if (--fp->f_count == 0) { /* last reference */
    } else {

1. 自己锁住自己:A thread will deadlock itself if it tries to lock the same mutex twice. 
2. 等待一个等待自己释放锁的线程释放锁:when we use more than one mutex in our programs, a deadlock can occur if we allow one thread to hold a mutex and block while trying to lock a second mutex at the same time that another thread holding the second mutex tries to lock the first mutex. Neither thread can proceed, because each needs a resource that is held by the other, so we have a deadlock. 

Deadlocks can be avoided by carefully controlling the order in which mutexes are locked. 

Sometimes, an application's architecture makes it difficult to apply a lock ordering. If enough locks and data structures are involved that the functions you have available can't be molded to fit a simple hierarchy, then you'll have to try some other approach. In this case, you might be able to release your locks and try again at a later time. You can use the pthread_mutex_trylock interface to avoid deadlocking in this case. If you are already holding locks and pthread_mutex_trylock is successful, then you can proceed. If it can't acquire the lock, however, you can release the locks you already hold, clean up, and try again later. 

ReaderWriter Locks(读写锁,三态锁
Readerwriter locks are similar to mutexes, except that they allow for higher degrees of parallelism. With a mutex, the state is either locked or unlocked, and only one thread can lock it at a time. Three states are possible with a readerwriter lock: locked in read mode, locked in write mode, and unlocked. Only one thread at a time can hold a readerwriter lock in write mode, but multiple threads can hold a readerwriter lock in read mode at the same time. 

When a readerwriter lock is write-locked, all threads attempting to lock it block until it is unlocked. When a readerwriter lock is read-locked, all threads attempting to lock it in read mode are given access, but any threads attempting to lock it in write mode block until all the threads have relinquished their read locks. Although implementations vary, readerwriter locks usually block additional readers if a lock is already held in read mode and a thread is blocked trying to acquire the lock in write mode. This prevents a constant stream of readers from starving waiting writers. 

读写锁特别适合于读多于写的应用场景。Readerwriter locks are well suited for situations in which data structures are read more often than they are modified. When a readerwriter lock is held in write mode, the data structure it protects can be modified safely, since only one thread at a time can hold the lock in write mode. When the readerwriter lock is held in read mode, the data structure it protects can be read by multiple threads, as long as the threads first acquire the lock in read mode. 

Readerwriter locks are also called sharedexclusive locks. When a readerwriter lock is read-locked, it is said to be locked in shared mode. When it is write-locked, it is said to be locked in exclusive mode. 

Tip: 目前,用于协调并发程序的主要技术仍然是锁和条件变量。在一门面向对象的语言中,每个对象上都带有一个隐式的锁(intrinsic lock),而加锁则由Synchronized来完成,Java 提供了synchronized关键字来支持intrinsic lock。Synchronized 关键字可以放在方法的前面、对象的前面、类的前面。但原理与经典的加锁解锁是一样的。
<<Beautiful Code>>示例5-11:已验证的命名空间URI的缓存
private final static class URICache{
    private final static int LOAD = 6;
    private String[] cache = new String[LOAD];
    private int position = 0;

    Synchronized boolean contains(String s){
         for(int i = 0; i < LOAD; i++){
             // 这里我假使这个命名空间URI是內部的。这种情况和常见,但却并非总是如此。
             // 如果命名空间以前不是內部的也不会超成破坏。当命名空间URI以前不是內部的,
             // 那么使用equals()比==更快。当如果是的话,将会更慢。
             if(s == cache[i]){
                 return true;
         return false;

    Synchronized void put(String s){
        cache[position] = s;
        if(position == LOAD) 
            position = 0;

Condition Variables(条件变量,线程间的信号)

A mutex is fine to prevent simultaneous access to a shared variable, but we need something else to let us go to sleep waiting for some condition to occur. pthread_join()只有当被等待线程结束时才会通知等待线程,但我们需要在其他情况也得到通知。如果没有条件变量,唯一的可能就是使用轮询(polling)。但是轮询代码是业务无关,并且是一种CPU时间的浪费。

We want a method for the main loop to go to sleep until one of its threads notifies it that something is ready. A condition variable, in conjunction with a mutex, provides this facility. The mutex provides mutual exclusion and the condition variable provides a signaling mechanism. 

Condition variables are another synchronization mechanism available to threads. Condition variables provide a place for threads to rendezvous. When used with mutexes, condition variables allow threads to wait in a race-free way for arbitrary conditions to occur. 

The condition itself is protected by a mutex. A thread must first lock the mutex to change the condition state. Other threads will not notice the change until they acquire the mutex, because the mutex must be locked to be able to evaluate the condition. 

Thread-Specific Data(线程私有数据)

Thread-specific data, also known as thread-private data, is a mechanism for storing and finding data associated with a particular thread. The reason we call the data thread-specific, or thread-private, is that we'd like each thread to access its own separate copy of the data, without worrying about synchronizing access with other threads. 

例子:errno就是一个thread-specific data.

所谓的线程私有数据,其实是人为造出来的私有空间。Recall that all threads in a process have access to the entire address space of the process. Other than using registers, there is no way for one thread to prevent another from accessing its data. This is true even for thread-specific data. Even though the underlying implementation doesn't prevent access, the functions provided to manage thread-specific data promote data separation among threads. 

Before allocating thread-specific data, we need to create a key to associate with the data. The key will be used to gain access to the thread-specific data. We use pthread_key_create to create a key. 
#include <pthread.h>
int pthread_key_create(pthread_key_t *keyp,   void (*destructor)(void *));

Threads usually use malloc to allocate memory for their thread-specific data. The destructor function usually frees the memory that was allocated. If the thread exited without freeing the memory, then the memory would be lost: leaked by the process. 

A thread can allocate multiple keys for thread-specific data. Each key can have a destructor associated with it. There can be a different destructor function for each key, or they can all use the same function. Each operating system implementation can place a limit on the number of keys a process can allocate (recall PTHREAD_KEYS_MAX from Figure 12.1). 

We can break the association of a key with the thread-specific data values for all threads by calling pthread_key_delete. 
#include <pthread.h>
int pthread_key_delete(pthread_key_t *key);

Once a key is created, we can associate thread-specific data with the key by calling pthread_setspecific. We can obtain the address of the thread-specific data with pthread_getspecific. 

实现:通过线程独有的key关联到一个通过malloc分配的堆空间,从而实现各个线程无关。其实就是多了一个间接层(通过key访问)。不使用pthread_id,是因为pthread_id往往太大了。Since there is no guarantee that thread IDs are small, sequential integers, we can't simply allocate an array of per thread data and use the thread ID as the index. Even if we could depend on small, sequential thread IDs, we'd like a little extra protection so that one thread can't mess with another's data. 

In Figure 12.11, we showed a hypothetical implementation of getenv. We came up with a new interface to provide the same functionality, but in a thread-safe way (Figure 12.12). But what would happen if we couldn't modify our application programs to use the new interface? In that case, we could use thread-specific data to maintain a per thread copy of the data buffer used to hold the return string. This is shown in Figure 12.13. 

We use pthread_once to ensure that only one key is created for the thread-specific data we will use. If pthread_getspecific returns a null pointer, we need to allocate the memory buffer and associate it with the key. Otherwise, we use the memory buffer returned by pthread_getspecific. For the destructor function, we use free to free the memory previously allocated by malloc. The destructor function will be called with the value of the thread-specific data only if the value is non-null. 

Note that although this version of getenv is thread-safe, it is not async-signal safe. Even if we made the mutex recursive, we could not make it reentrant with respect to signal handlers, because it calls malloc, which itself is not async-signal safe. 
Figure 12.13. A thread-safe, compatible version of getenv

#include <limits.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
static pthread_key_t key;
static pthread_once_t init_done = PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT;
pthread_mutex_t env_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
extern char **environ;
static void
    pthread_key_create(&key, free);
char *
getenv(const char *name)
    int     i, len;
    char    *envbuf;
    pthread_once(&init_done, thread_init);
    envbuf = (char *)pthread_getspecific(key);
    if (envbuf == NULL) {
        envbuf = malloc(ARG_MAX);
        if (envbuf == NULL) {
        pthread_setspecific(key, envbuf);
    len = strlen(name);
    for (i = 0; environ[i] != NULL; i++) {
        if ((strncmp(name, environ[i], len) == 0) &&
          (environ[i][len] == '=')) {
            strcpy(envbuf, &environ[i][len+1]);




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